The Guardian Chef

Vol. 3 – Chapter 31

Hi guys! Emperor93 here!
First of all, I thank you all for following this story and I ask you for a few seconds of your attention.
Given the success, I decided to embellish this story in the classic way of a novel... in other words by adding illustrations or character sheets as you may have noticed. However being unemployed at the moment, I have to be careful about how to spend the money so I humbly ask for your help in financing the various illustrations. I'll be clear that NO ONE forces you to donate and you can donate AS MUCH AS YOU WANT WITHOUT ANY MINIMUM OR MAXIMUM and the money collected will be spent ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY for financing the illustrations and character cards.
If you want to participate, click on "Paypal" at the bottom of the page, or the "Tip" button on my Scribble Hub profile page, and please write your nickname so that I can insert you in the credits.

Thanks for your attention and enjoy the chapter!

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***(Graeval's POV)***

It has been a long time since I brought everyone to this flowery field. Now, this time jump is necessary to avoid too much trouble... which ones? Well, the introductions of Laila Macrance and Acrisio, then the explanations I gave to Jack, Sarity, and the others during that famous breakfast: that I'm from another world, what is a psyker, etc.

Everyone present was surprised to hear all this. Of course, I didn't mention the fact that my wife is the ex-Demon Queen, also because I don't trust them although, if my wife got in the way, she would be able to deal with whatever kind of boredom they might send against her. Though, I wouldn't give them time to afford the luxury of worrying about their own lives if they just try.


As we were talking, I suddenly heard this very familiar moan. When I turned around, I saw that the little Acrisio was holding his stomach and at the same time pulling the hem of his mother's dress. Chuckling, I turned to the King

"By talking we have well-passed lunchtime."

"Apparently..." the King said smiling as he looked at his nephew

"Since it would be a shame not to take advantage of this place, how about if I offer you the lunch?"

“Oooh~! A dish cooked by Graeval!"

"It's been a while since the last time!"

"What good will you prepare to eat?!"

As soon as I made the offer, Ridel, Ishgat, Cordelia, and Sarity began to attack me. Well... they're my regulars so to speak so it's not strange that they react this way.

"Seeing their reactions, it must be something special." stated the queen

"To eat something prepared by the hands of the mighty Aphy's future husband... what an honor for an old man like me!"

"Too bad I have no intention of marrying her." I replied looking at Archbishop Tarquin with a blank expression "Lilith, could you go and get everything you need to set the table?" I asked, opening a portal that led to the Moonlight

“Okay... though, what are you going to prepare? We have no ingredients on hand."

“Don't worry… in my kitchen nothing has ever been lacking.” before crossing the threshold of the portal, I turned to the royal family and the others present “While we prepare ourselves, you can do whatever you want. We will call you as soon as it's ready."

Keeping the portal open, I helped Lilith carry a large round table and a small rectangular one to the other side while at the same time, I was gathering snacks, ingredients, and pots on a trolley so that once everything was ready, I could carry everything to the other side.

Huh? Look, I have an emergency reserve in a very high place... and on top of that, very cold. It won't be the same as having fresh ingredients, but since it's my whim...

Once we got everything together, both Lilith and I rolled up our sleeves and began to do what we do best: serve a customer.

***(Bassilla's POV)***

While we waited for them to call us, we split into three groups: I was sitting under a tree with my sister, Laila, and the other wives of the Hero, Acrisio was exploring the field with my brother, my mother and lady Ishgat, while lady Aphy, lord Jack, my father, and the Archbishop were discussing something... maybe that's my impression, but Lady Aphy doesn't seem very happy.

"It seems that your hometown does nothing but churn out one surprise after another, lady Sarity."

"I was as surprised as you are, Lady Macrance... perhaps much more than you."

"Not that it surprises me~ after all, it's not an everyday thing to find that the childhood friend who dumped you with style, is the most powerful man in the world."


"... And let's not forget who he is married to and who wishes to marry him."

"You too Emilyn?!!"

"True. But what do you mean by that Lady Emilyn? I can understand Lady Aphy but what does Lady Lilith have to do with it now?"

"Ah... ahaha... ah nothing..." Lady Emilyn said, scratching the back of her head "I mean, you have seen how beautiful Lady Lilith is. She can easily rival lady Sarity."

"Now why are you putting me in the middle of a competition?!"

It's a simple chat between women. We were talking about surprises and love in the end. One of my favorite topics, but when both Graeval and lady Lilith were mentioned, the topic caught my interest and bothered me at the same time. Somehow, I have to divert the conversation... That's it!

"I've always wanted to ask you, something ladies Lingxin." I began by attracting the attention of the Hero's wives "How did you fall in love with your husband?"


As soon as I asked that question all of them, my sister included, suddenly blushed and looked away. Why are they embarrassed? As I asked myself this question, I noticed that Leila was giving an embarrassed chuckle.

"B-Bassilla. I know you've never had any experience but..." my sister began, raising her face to look into my eyes "this question is slightly embarrassing."

"Why?" I asked confused "When I asked mom and dad they were more than happy to tell me."

""""""*Sigh*"""""" all of them sighed

That sigh seemed to sweep away their embarrassment and they all looked at me as if they were dealing with a curious little girl. But despite this, they began to tell me.

My sister Cordelia was the first to speak, so I opened my ears but I was slightly disappointed when she told me that it was simple love at first sight. But it wasn't… normal so to speak. It is true that at the first meeting she felt something, but she believed it was just a passing thing. But then she had to change her mind: she told me how Jack noticed her concerns and how he supported her, how he could easily make her feel better and the troubles they got into when they sneak out of the palace, like many other situations that led her to truly love him.

For Lady Ridel it had been a little different: at first, she and the Hero had a simple student-teacher relationship as Jack possessed the skills necessary to use magic. At that time, she was still one of the most talented court sorceresses in my father's service and when she was ordered to tutor the Hero, initially she saw it as a nuisance. A few months passed and she had to change her mind: Jack was a huge source of satisfaction, curiosity, and knowledge of another world and it didn't take long for their simple student-teacher relationship to change into something deeper and then culminate during the times of campaign against the Demon Kingdom.

Lady Emilyn instead met him at the camp on the eve of his first battle. Since her family is a family of knights, she has trod the battlefields since she was 16, the age at which she obtained the investiture. She had often faced battles against demons and when she saw Jack for the first time, he gave her the impression of being one who after the start of hostilities would die immediately... she had to change her mind too when he saved her life on the battlefield. Since then, she has learned to not judge someone by appearance and begin to respect the Hero. From there, the step was short.

My sister is love at first sight, Lady Ridel has resulted in continuing to spend time together and for Lady Emilyn it was born out of simple respect. And Lady Sarity instead...

Noticing my look, Lady Sarity gave an embarrassed smile

"It seems it's my turn." she began exhaling. “Before meeting Jack, as you well know I was in love with Graeval. We've known each other since childhood and we've always been together, but the way I saw him changed after we turned 6... which is the age he remembered his previous life. But despite this, we continued to be together. His mature side continued to fascinate me and he was also a guide for me.
When I turned 12 they came to get me because I had been chosen by Aphy as Saint and then, believing I loved him, I imposed on him a promise that is silly now that I think about it."

When she mentioned that she wanted to marry him after she had done her duty, my heart sank, and somehow... it annoyed me.

“Despite this, we still kept in touch by exchanging letters from time to time... which were more outbursts than actual letters. But his answers were always reassuring and enlightening at the same time... those messages were the only thing that didn't make me feel alone.
Unfortunately, 2 years later my training was concluded as the blessing of the mighty Aphy allowed me to learn magic rather quickly and I was sent to the rear with the task of treating wounded soldiers and on some occasions, I was even sent to the front to provide support to the troops. At that juncture, it became more and more difficult to maintain contact with my childhood friend and the horrible reality of the war did not allow me to remain a girl and the support of Graeval's letters were no longer sufficient..." she looked up at the Hero with a sweet expression “When he got to the front, Jack and I were like cat and dog and often those heated arguments also acted as an outlet for the stress I was accumulating. However, the longer I stayed with him the more my affection grew until, on the eve of our last battle, we understand how we felt for each other and ended up... consuming our first night before the wedding." she said blushing and scratching her cheek

"All true~" Lady Ridel interjected "Fufufu... those two frequently were at each other throat."

"Hmph!...... I was very stressed at the time."

So, His Holiness and the Hero didn't get along at all at first, but if they fell in love afterward. Then why...

"Why did you still mention that promise made to Graeval when you reunited the first time?"

Embarrassed, with her eyes she seemed to ask me "Do I have to tell you?", but I was curious to know. After all, it was a promise made when they were still children and no one would be surprised if they forgot about it after all the time that had passed.

"...... Because I didn't want to lose him."

"Lose him?"

“*Sigh* Graeval has always been a close friend, but I also regard him as the big brother I've always wanted. Consequently, when I was still 12, I thought I loved him as a man, and maybe when I saw him again after all that time, I thought the same for a moment." she said after sighing "Being used to receiving the attention of many men, I thought that he too would propose sooner or later and so I told him about that promise."

"So that's why you did it..." Emilyn said thoughtfully

"Yeah. However, I never expected that answer... which for a moment made me think that I lost him." after a short break "When Cordelia and I went back to Fago because I missed my hometown, Graeval treated me as if nothing had happened and apologized for that unhappy reunion as if he had caused it."

"Sarity..." my sister looked at her concerned

"I'm an idiot... he always supported me... *sniff* and he always has been here for me just like a big brother would... *sob* while I was just thinking about myself and living in the terror of losing him... *hic* to lose the only one I can define a brother... *sob* I wanted to impose my senseless selfishness on him." tears began to flow down her cheeks "really... *hic* what a childhood friend I am."

Seeing Lady Sarity cry like that made me feel compassion for her and most of all guilt. After all, it was I who made her cry. Instinctively, I started to approach her to hug her

“You're only human Sarity. Being afraid is something we all feel... even me."

“!! *Sniff* Graeval...?!"

Perhaps because all our attention was focused on her, we didn't notice that Graeval was behind us. When I turned to him, he was no longer wearing those dark suits and cloak, but simple, colorful clothes with an apron and a white sash tied on his forehead.

Calmly he walked over to her, taking a handkerchief from his pocket. He stood beside her and began to wipe away her tears... while smiling sweetly at her.

"Graeval... I..."

“I know you've been through a lot since we first separated. And I know what it's like to live on a battlefield... it's a profoundly changing experience."

"But... I... I only caused you problems because of my fear..."

“Fear is a necessary feeling for each of us to survive. However, you have to be careful not to be controlled by it." he began and then began to stroke her head. “The fact that you understood it fills me with pride. So... you have nothing to be forgiven, also because I have a good dose of guilt too. However, I am happy to see how much you have grown."

“*Sniff* *Sob*... Graevaaaal...! Uwaaaah!"

"Relax... everything is fine."

Lady Sarity burst into tears like a child and flung herself into the arms of her childhood friend... no, of her beloved big brother. That was the scene we were all witnessing... and I have probably been a protagonist in the past too. My sister Cordelia was looking at them with a nostalgic expression.

But despite that familiar scene... seeing Graeval hugging lady Sarity... I don't like it.

***(Graeval's POV)***

*Sigh* how troubling is this little sister.

When it was ready and I asked where the girls had gone, the king showed me the place: they were sitting on the ground under a tree.

Now, I do not like to eavesdrop, but when I heard Sarity tell her love story, I felt freezing. No. Not because I was envious of the Hero, but because I neglected her feelings when she returned from the battlefield.

You know by now, but Sarity and I exchanged letters during the time she was away and I could already feel the strong emotions contained within: loneliness, bewilderment, frustration... and fear. I knew exactly what she was going through... after all, she is very much like me: we were both deprived of our best years of life just because someone imposed greatness on us... I have to remember to hit Aphy again later.

But unlike me, she could count on the support of her childhood friend at least... my support.

I'll be clear, I don't regret the choices I made and the words I used with her at our meeting, but if you think I was heartless and didn't suffer... you're wrong. I cried and also felt disgusted with myself. My brain was telling me it was the best thing to do but my heart was blaming me for being too ruthless with my... little sister. I'm just as human as she is.

But when I ignored her true feelings when she and her husband targeted Lilith... no. Even if I had kept my cool, things probably wouldn't have changed that much. So that's why...

“... You have nothing to be forgiven, also because I have a good dose of guilt too. However, I am happy to see how much you have grown."

“*Sniff* *Sob*... Graevaaaal...! Uwaaaah!"

"Relax... everything is fine."

She was crying on my lap again... and I was comforting her again. Consoling her, eh... with what right can I console the girl who sees me as an older brother and whom I nearly killed because I looked away.

"*Sniff* Why you're crying... *hic* too...?" Sarity asked me, looking up

Uh?! I touched my cheeks and realized that tears were running down. Feeling them I gave a wry smile

"Nothing... I was just thinking... we're both idiots."

"...... Yeah... *sob* you can say it loud."

***(Cordelia's POV)***

Maybe we stood there for a couple of minutes before Sarity started to calm down. That scene reminded me of how Bassilla or Atia did the same when they came to me in tears because they had been scolded. But this was different... I began to think When I first met him, he had told Sarity that this was going to be their real reunion... but I think, it just happened and this time.

"Huh? You have red eyes Sarity. Did something happen?" Jack asked, noticing when we reached the round table which had been set by lady Lilith

"Let's say... I've made peace with the past." she answered with a smile that exuded sincerity. A smile that made Jack blush.

It seems that she has matured a little more now. I thought as I sat next to my husband.

“Ladies and gentlemen…” Lilith began with a smile and with plates in her hand “we thank you for waiting. Today's meal will consist of an appetizer and a main course. I hope you will like them.” she finished as she turned to distribute the plates.

Then she went to a rectangular table nearby and brought some soup plates with vegetables... which I know well.

"Giardiniera1for more information click here... right?" I asked looking at her

"That's right, but this time it will serve as a side dish for the appetizer." she stated and then left

"What is this... giardiniera?" My brother asked me curiously

“They are simple vegetables prepared and preserved with a special method. They are very good and crunchy. *Yum*” I said as I brought a piece of carrot to my mouth

Intrigued, everyone tried to taste the dish they had never heard of but had to stop. The sound of a cart being pushed attracted our attention. The cart pushed by Lilith contained wicker baskets with what appear to be golden-colored bundles in them, while next to some cutting boards that had been gathered together, there was something that was oddly shaped... almost like a thigh of an 'animal.

When he placed the baskets in front of us, I sensed an oily scent coming from those little bundles that further tickled my hunger.

“These are called Gnocchi Fritti2for more information click here,” Lilith introduced them

When we caught one intrigued, there was the first surprise: that gnocco fritto had no filling whatsoever. But at that moment I didn't pay much attention to it and I tasted it but I was slightly disappointed: it was crumbly and pleasantly warm but in addition to the slight taste of the oil it lacked salt.

"Fufufu. It seems that they are not what you expected, right?" Lilith began, this time serving thin slices of what looks like dried meat

“! This is...!"

As if she had operated something inside my husband, he took a piece of that meat and put it in his mouth. When he swallowed, his eyes widened

"Prosciutto crudo3For more information click here...?!"

“Ara! As expected from the Hero. That's right and it's a 24 month seasoned."

When I tasted it, I understood immediately why my husband surprise. This cured ham is very tender, slightly salty and the thin white strip of fat melted on my tongue. When I tasted it, it came to me like an inspiration.

I took the gnocco fritto I had just tasted and filled the empty belly with a couple of slices of that prosciutto. When I took it with my hands and bit into it... it was then that I had the epiphany: the fried, crumbly and lightly oiled dumpling was dancing together with the slightly salted ham, while at the same time the heat of the first collided with the cold of the second.

"......Delicious!" I exclaimed surprised

When I looked at the others, I saw that they pounced on the dish after trying to eat it like me. It's delicious... but I don't think it ended there... I remembered the Giardiniera, and I added it to my third gnocco fritto along with the prosciutto crudo. When I bit into it, I also sensed the sweet and sour taste of the vegetable and at that moment the three flavors seemed to play in my mouth.

"I've never eaten anything like it!"

"How can this dried meat be so soft?"

“Ah! It's over!"

*Clap clap*

“Well, gentlemen. With this, the appetizer is concluded..." Lilith interrupted them amused "soon I'll bring you the main dish."

"What is it?" Sarity asked curiously

"It doesn't have a name now that I think about it..." Lilith said thoughtfully "but he told me it will be a dish... explosive."

"Explosive? What do you mean?" Ridel asked curiously

“I know as much as you. Ah, but he said that the children might not like it so for his highness Acrisio- "

"I prepared this."

Graeval showed up behind Lilith with various plates closed by an iron lid floating around him and a bowl of steaming white rice in one hand and a smaller rectangular bowl in the other.

Moving to Acrisio's side, he handed him the bowl

"Now I'll show you a spell." he said smiling at the child who had a questioning expression

When he poured the contents of the other bowl over the steaming rice, I noticed that there were scrambled egg flakes and amber cubes inside, that bounced and shivered on the rice. Suddenly, the cubes began to melt and the rice seemed to have turned into a golden mound. When those cubes were starting to melt, I could smell the delicate smell of chicken meat and my stomach seemed drawn to it...


And I wasn't the only one. Almost in concert, our stomachs complained. With a smile on his face, the levitating plates landed in front of us.

"It's ready." he said when he exposes the dishes "Bon appetit!"

In front of me, there was a golden omelet with a reddish sauce on top. Looking at the others, I saw them in disbelief because they seemed to expect who knows what, and if I have to be honest, I too was a bit disappointed.

"Huh? You seem... disappointed. Something wrong?"

“No, it's just…” Sarity began, “it doesn't look like anything special. After all, we praised you a lot when we got back."

“Hahaha. I understand..." he said approaching her and taking the spoon that was next to the plate "But after the topic we discussed today, I thought you learned not to judge a book by its cover."

The theme we talked about today was-


When Graeval opened the belly of the omelet, I felt an explosion of aromas that instinctively made me drool, and not only I had this reaction.

As if it were the trigger, I also took the spoon and also cut my omelet. That aromatic explosion was released again and I noticed that inside there was a red risotto4For more information click here that seemed to shine as if I had opened a casket of rubies.

Almost as if my hand did not obey me, I filled the spoon with the dish and when I brought it to my mouth, I felt an explosion of taste inside my palate. Every single ingredient was in perfect harmony and tasted so good that I felt like I was going to pass out at any moment

I forgot that Graeval excels at surprising its customers.

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