The Guardian Chef

Vol. 3 – Chapter 34

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***(Cordelia's POV)***

“Oh~! What a privilege! To be able to admire the most beautiful women in the kingdom... please grant me an audience."

The person who made that request performed an elegant bow. Please... not this idiot. That's the first thing I thought as soon as I saw his black hair and well-proportioned face. It was Robert Partever... a womanizer. Nature made up for his beauty with a tiny brain. For as long as I can remember, I have never heard anything good about him and he attempted over and over to ask for Bassilla's hand during the time she was suffering from the curse. It is said that he has a harem of many commoner girls and that because of his appearance he also enjoys much popularity among noble daughters unaware of his true ego: he may seem polite and elegant but in reality, he is just a narcissist and an idiot. From what I remember, the reason he asked for my sister's hand is that she is the only one beautiful enough to compete with him. Although, of course, his father said a completely different thing.

"Your Majesty." he bowed to Queen Shael. “Forgive me if I didn't recognize you right away. Let me introduce myself. I'm Robert Partever."

“Partever...? Oh... the famous patron of the west." Lady Shael remembered. “Your father is also very famous in my kingdom. I suppose you are not outdone."

“What an honor for my family! I assure you that I intend to surpass my father in his efforts to develop the art of the two kingdoms."

Unlike his son who spends his money mainly on beauty treatments and women, Count Preston Partever uses the fortune built by his family to commission works of art, plays, and architectural works of all kinds, to the point of having founded various institutes in the order to allow the study of the arts and it is thanks to his initiative that the famous Silver Creek art gallery was built in Cuding, where many works of art are collected and acts as an intermediary between artists, architects, and their possible customers. His keen patronage has reached many nations and even many elven artists have been taken under his protective wing. For this, my father founded a new ministry, appointing him minister of the arts. Thanks to this move, the artistic culture of our kingdom had an unprecedented momentum, also thanks to the fact that the proposed initiatives were also directed towards the middle and lower classes. One wonders how Robert can be his son.

Queen Shael and Robert were talking about this and that, but above all about art and architecture since Robert had still inherited his father's passion even if he wasted it on something else.

"Your Majesty..." called Lord Torkien, the elven diplomat, who had just approached "forgive my interruption, but his Majesty Belmont wishes to confer with you."

"Ara, then I can't make him wait." she turned back to Robert "Thanks for the wonderful chat, I wish you a good evening."

"Just the fact that I was able to talk to her Majesty is already a huge honor for me." he stated bowing "I hope to be able to confer with you again in the future."

"Fufufu, we'll see~."

Having said that, Queen Shael followed lord Torkien and together with her, the last barrier that allowed us not to speak with this idiot also disappeared.

With an elegant movement, Robert bowed in front of us and smiled so ostentatiously that I heard the girls next to us sigh.

"It is a pleasure to see that the three most beautiful flowers in the kingdom are gathered and healthy here." he began addressing us “Especially you Lady Bassilla. You don't know how much I suffered when I learned about your illness..."

From there, he began a monologue about how deep he had gone through all his resources to find a way to cure my beloved little sister of her illness, even going to consult ancient legends just to be able to help her. While he said those words, he also exhibited theatrical movements and sometimes exaggerated but which, together with his words rich in heroism and passion, made many women sigh. At that moment it was having the same effect as honey for flies.

"When is this guy leaving?" Atia asked me in an exhausted tone

"You took the words right out of my mouth." I answered the same way

Bassilla on the other hand was simply smiling, but even under that smile you could see that she was losing her temper, but she was holding on as one would expect from a member of the royal family. After all, many empty flatteries are given to us and so we have been instructed to understand which ones are true from which ones are empty.

“...I even put my beautiful life on the line for you. For us destined to remain united until the end of days."

Where did that come from, you fucking asshole?! Even if I wanted to scream it in his face, I certainly could not do it since we have many eyes on us and above all, it could have consequences on our name. But... His arrogance is unbearable!

"Until the end of days... you say?" Bassilla asked confusedly

"Obviously!" began moving a tuft of hair to the side "As soon as I saw you, I realized that you were born to be by my side, as I was born to be by yours."

"Haaah... I understand." she said in a sarcastic tone

"I knew it! I knew that only we can understand each other." This one here is just an idiot "Please, grant me your hand."

With an elegant gesture, he knelt and held out his hand to my sister Bassilla. It almost looked like a marriage proposal... or was it? The fact is that on Bassilla’s forehead a vein had swelled, as well as on Atia’s forehead and most likely also on mine.

"Fufufu." Bassilla laughed covering her lips "forgive me but I have to decline lord Partever."

"Oh? And if you allow me... for what reason? Don't you feel the affinity that exists between us?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." she resumed looking at the moon out the window "Even if he’s not here, it’s another person I have a certain affinity for."

When she said that, her gaze was sweet as was her smile. It was the expression of a girl in love, waiting for the return of her beloved, ready to wait for him even until the end of time if necessary. The most beautiful of us three sisters became even more so, attracting the attention of all the people nearby, making both men and women blush.

That sweet expression, however, also concealed sadness and determination... the sadness is probably generated by the fact that Graeval has eyes only for his wife... and the determination, perhaps born from the fact that she is aware of her now confirmed feelings, won’t give him up so easily. I can understand... after all, polygamy is allowed and he is her first love. While I know that Lilith is a gorgeous woman who can easily rival if not surpass Sarity, my sister is certainly no less. For what it's worth... I'm cheering for you Bassilla.

"Uh? Lady Bassi-"

"Leave aunt Bassilla alone!"

Acrisio ran towards us and stood between us and Robert as if he were a gallant knight ready to risk his life for his lady. Feeling it, we sisters turned to our nephew slightly surprised and the face of Robert, who at first was surprised by the words and expression of Bassilla became inexpressive, but recognizing him made a simple smile

“Your Highness, there is no need for you to be alarmed up to this point. I have no intention of harming your beautiful aunt."

"Acrisio..." Bassilla called him with a smile on her face "I'm happy that you are worried about me, but lord Partever was just talking to us."

"But aunt... you look so sad." he stated turning to her “This man is making you sad. I can't allow him to be by your side a minute longer." he finished extending his hand to her

“Ahaha! You have at your disposal a splendid knight your highness” Robert laughed heartily, turning to Bassilla

"Fufufu. I agree with that." she said standing up and taking Acrisio's hand "I’m sorry to interrupt our conversation like this"

"Don’t worry, I can’t condemn him for following his heart after all."

“Ara ara. Then, with your permission."

Bassilla made a small bow and then was 'dragged' away by Acrisio. Now it’s up to me to hear him?!


When I had that thought, I heard Jack call me and he immediately came towards me. Stopping in front of me, he held out his hand and asked with a smile

"May I dare to ask you to dance with me, my love?"

"...How can I refuse an invitation from my husband as well as the Hero." I said getting up "Forgive me if I leave you like this too."

“I would never dare interrupt a moment of intimacy between husband and wife. Please don't mind me."

He's an idiot but at least at official events, he knows what to do. But... I hope to never see him again after this evening. I thought as I turned and saw Atia looking at me pleadingly. Well... in the end, I left her alone dealing with that guy.

***(?????'s POV)***

"Did you bring what I asked for?"

“Sure~. When you drink it, I assure you that they will not be able to refuse any of your requests."

***(Bassilla's POV)***

By now we were at the end of the evening and our whole family was gathered on the pedestal where the throne was and the servants brought us goblets containing the precious Vofonche, wine usually used for these festive occasions. When everyone present had their glass in their hands, my father clapped his hands and the attention was completely turned towards us.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you again for coming to this banquet to celebrate my daughter's complete recovery." he began "This toast goes not only to my daughter's speedy recovery but also to the one who made it possible."

As soon as he said this, the room began to get noisy. Everyone seems to be curious to know who he is. My father raised his hand and everyone fell silent

“Unfortunately, this evening he is not here with us but we raise our glasses anyway, we thank and rejoice for the end of my daughter's illness. Cheers!"


All raised their glasses in unison with me included and I brought the glass to my lips sipping the wine that along with a sweet and sparkling flavor, came down my throat.

Everyone went back to chatting with each other or they were going to get on the dance floor to dance the last pieces before the party ended. At that moment, Robert Partever came forward

"Your Majesty..." he began bowing "thank you again for the invitation."

"The pleasure is all my young Partever"

"Please forgive my presumption, but may I ask you something?"

"Tell me."

"You may grant me permission to dance with your daughter, Princess Bassilla."

With me?! No no no. I categorically refuse.

“I don't see why I should refuse. It's not a problem, is it Bassila?"

"...... not, father." I said trying to hide my annoyance

When my father gave his consent, I had no reason to refuse. I had previously managed to escape from him because Acrisio had come to my rescue, but now I have no way of rejecting this request. After all, it was as if my father the King had given me a veiled order.

Robert held out his hand to me and as soon as I touched it to accept his invitation


Robert took the heart and fell to his knees. His eyes were wide open with surprise and terror and suddenly from his mouth began to come out what looked like white foam. After some spasms, he fell to the ground motionless. Everything stopped and a few seconds after, the chilling scream of some noblewoman broke that moment.

On alert, the royal guards pulled me away from him and the court physician walked over to examine him.

"...!" his expression was surprised

"What happened?"

"I don't know how your Majesty..." he began, moving in front of us "but it's-!"

*Krack!* *Splash!*

"Cough!" the physician coughed up blood

A completely bloodied arm emerged from his chest. Behind him, Robert seemed to have risen but his eyes were dead and remnants of white foam were still present around his mouth. Without giving us time to understand what had happened, Robert raised the doctor with his arm and cut him in two, and bathed in his blood.

Gradually, the body began to change and the person who until recently could have been called human, transformed into what looks like a giant flesh golem. The skin fell and the muscles were exposed, at many points in the arms, what appear to be sharp bones appeared covering the forearms and the fingers turned into claws. In many areas of the body, eyes opened with large red veins and black irises. The original eyes exploded and black tentacles sprouted from both the eye sockets and mouth.


That frowning, grief-filled scream was what triggered all the people inside the room.

At that moment all the guests screamed and began to flee towards the exit of the hall while the royal guard surrounded that monstrous creature.

"Bring the royal family to safety!" shouted the commander

Roaring, the creature that was once Robert moved and with a single movement of his arm hurled the royal guard everywhere. They fell to the ground with gashes in the chest or open fractures... many of them lifeless, others alive but in pain or unconscious from their injuries.

I was immobilized... petrified by that scene. I wanted to escape but my legs weren't responding. The many eyes of that monster fell on me and its limb approached. Pulled aside, the hand destroyed the chair behind me. Realizing I had moved, that monster tried to come for me again.


Jack was in front of me holding a heavy shield and opposing that arm chasing me.

“Cordelia, your Majesties, leave now! We will take care of this abomination!"

"Be careful." answered my sister behind me

Carried away by my sister Cordelia, we walked away from the throne room using a passage that would lead us to the back garden. Behind us, the battle between that monster and the Hero with his wives was raging and I could hear the distinct screams and clangors of the clash slowly becoming more distant.

"What happened?" I asked still shocked

"I do not know." Cordelia said while holding my hand "But I know for sure that Jack will defeat that monster and join us."

"I have no doubts about that." my father said "But I'd like to know what happened to Count Partever's son."

I'd like to know too. To see him suddenly have that attack and then that transformation... becoming that abomination. I do not know what to think.

Out of the secret passage, we entered the garden which is nothing but a very large greenhouse where rare and valuable flowers and medicinal plants are grown. Accompanied by the escort, we went to sit at a table that was in the center of the huge greenhouse to catch our breath, while the stones of the magic candelabra began to light up generating a warm light

"Let’s wait here for the moment." said my father activating the magic stone in the center of the garden table

“We are quite distant. I am sure that our son-in-law will be able to fight by giving his all now."

Those words of comfort spoken by my mother brought a sigh of relief to all of us. After all, it’s true that the throne room is a long way from here. We have full confidence in the abilities of Hero Lingxin since he was the proponent of the fall of the Demon Lord, but we have always made philosophy "better prepare for the worst" as our creed. In the event the Hero and his wives do not join us within a certain period, we will get on a carriage that is located at the stables nearby and we will move away from the castle.

I heard a rumble of thunder and looking up, I saw black clouds full of lightning begin to cover the skies that until recently were clear. No rain was expected for this week... but what-!

Suddenly, what looks like green flakes began to fall lazily inside the greenhouse.

"Huh? What is this?" asked Acrisio curiously.

"Snowflakes? No... pollen?" supposed my brother Valerio


Hearing that dull sound, we all turned and saw the guards fall to the ground one after another.

“Hey! What's wrong with you?!"

“I-I don't know, your Majesty! M-my body doesn't answer me."


When she asked that surprised question, Atia seemed to want to get up but when one of those green snowflakes landed on her, she also found herself sitting back in the chair. Surprised, she could barely turn her head

"What in the-"


Hearing that roar I tried hard to turn towards the origin and it was there that I saw it: it was a monster that was similar to a deer, but its body seemed to be composed of brownish plants and with some red leaves above what looked like the head, from which a long pink tongue seemed to emerge; powerful and slender at the same time it gave an intimidating impression.

"I-impossible!" Atia hardly exclaimed, "What’s a Tranceplant doing here?"


"That's a magical beast!" Atia stated “L-looks like a deer and is usually harmless but when threatened it generates very powerfully paralyzing pollen. It is not even a native of our kingdom!"

"Then where does it come from?"

"That beast is original-"

"Of my lovely island~." spoke a male voice unknown to us

We heard footsteps approaching and from behind the creature appeared a person dressed in an elegant dark suit with silver decorations. He was beautiful, with a well-proportioned face and long black hair that fell over his shoulders, but what immediately stood out were his ram-shaped horns and ruby ​​red eyes.

"A demon?!" my brother exclaimed

“Exactly~! Pleased to meet you, related to my collection piece."

"Collection piece?" I asked surprised

At that question, other thunders were heard, that demon came up to me and lowered itself until it reached my eyes. There was a delighted smile on his face... a smile so perverse that scared me.

"I'm talking about you my dear~" he stated and then licked my cheek leaving me with an unpleasant feeling "Delicious~!"

"Don't you dare touch her demon!!" my furious father snapped

"Oh... why couldn't I?" asked the demon slowly moving away from me "After all, I've been waiting for this moment for ten years~"

"Ten years?!"

"It was exhausting waiting all this time~" he began taking his cheek "But I admit it was worth it~ I have to thank my customer~"

"Customer?!" Cordelia asked

“You met him before~” he stated turning around “That brat... what's his name... Rocco? Muppet... Rupert?"

"Robert Partever?!" Valerio asked surprised

“Oh yeah~ that's him~” affirmed clapping as more thunders were heard in the background “Aah~! You know, I originally wanted to retrieve her after the curse I put on her made her fall into a state of apparent death~.
Seeing the spirit I signed a contract with come back to me in tears forced me to change the plans~."

“Did you say curse?! Then it's your fault-"

"Din Don! That's right~ it was I who cursed your beloved daughter~"

"Bastard! So Robert is behind this too?"

"Mmh~ not exactly~." he started again coming back to my side "He has only recently contacted me~ he just wanted something that would grant him his every wish when he asked for it."

"Kya!" I screamed, feeling the demon's hand touch my breast

"Hey!!" my father yelled trying to move

"They are pretty big~..." he said delighted and then went back to look at my father "The fact is, that gullible gave me the perfect opportunity to get in here without so much trouble~.
Ah! I also have to thank him for offering himself as a diversion~!" he ended up breaking away from me again and standing next to my father

"Diversion?!" Cordelia exclaimed in confusion

"How you cannot understand? You are the wife of the one who defeated the strongest being of our race. Although your little sister might be worth it, if I face him I will surely die."

"The creature that that asshole turned into then-!"

“Ding ding ding! That's right~” he exclaimed applauding again “Keeping the Hero busy, I can take with me my new collector’s piece completely undisturbed~."

"Cowardly bastard!" Leila exclaimed

"Thanks for the compliment~!" he stated and then turned back to me making me shiver "Now I better take my leave~"

“Don't touch her! Take me in her place!" my sister Cordelia offered panicked "I have much more value than her."

"Hmm~ even if it’s true after I would find myself with the hero on my heels until the end of the world~" began by touching his lip and then snapping his fingers as if he had an idea "But I could do it anyway and take even your younger sister~. While I kill you all so I don’t have witnesses~ Haaa~ I already look forward to the despair on your face."

“Kuh! Fucking demon!" my father exclaimed "Don't you dare do this to my daughters!"

"Yes Yes Yes. Instead, I'll do it~ you don't know how many good times we'll have together~" he said in a delighted tone "Now I'd say it's time to start making preparations to leave~"

Coming back to me, his face became an evil smile and his eyes were full of expectations and joy. I am terrified. No! I don’t want to! I finally get to live again! Why does this have to happen to me?! What did I do to deserve it?! Along with those questions, tears began to fall down my cheeks. "I love that expression~"

The sky above us was completely black, and in addition to the thunder, lightning continued to appear. The light generated by those lightning bolts made the demon even more frightening. His hand was again approaching me threateningly

"I FOUND YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" a furious voice boomed

*Crash!* *Katakrack!*


The glasshouse windows imploded above the spot where the Tranceplant was located, making room for a lightning bolt that struck it mercilessly. Along with that weeping of death, a cold and powerful wind penetrated the greenhouse wiping out the pollen that was inside and carrying the strong smell of burnt flesh.

Taken unawares, the demon tried to turn around in disbelief but did not even have time to retract his hand, that another took his forearm. It was an instant: the demon was hit on the cheek with a fist and immediately taken by the scruff that forced him to bend and suffer a powerful knee on the left side forcing him to exhale; The hand that had just taken his arm hit him on the septum making him move back a few meters so powerful was the blow. It was three simple blows, but it looked like thunder every time it hit.

"Gah! My nose!!" the demon said in pain as he drank what looked like a potion

Another thunderous thunder was heard and I saw the figure that had just intervened.

His thirst for blood was so intense and suffocating that I instinctively shivered and not just me. Everyone present trembled with terror and it seemed to me that even the plants if they had the chance, would have fled without thinking twice.

Graeval was there by my side and to say that his expression was furious is just a mere euphemism because... behind him it seemed to me that a massive skeletal figure had materialized and dressed in a black cloak torn and worn as I had never seen... I did not have never seen it, but for some reason, I was convinced that death itself was summoned by the murderous fury of Graeval.

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