The Guardian

Chapter 88: And for So Little

Chapter 88: And for So Little

Thursday 23 [4:15 p.m.].

Clémentine got out of the truck with an exhausted look on her face and looked around.

The outpost of the city Wau.

Soldiers were moving around maintaining order while priests and officials were taking care of the refugees.

The priests answered the refugees’ questions about their families or acquaintances who had been sent through the portal while the officials prepared to organize them and answered their questions about how they would live.

After a great journey that began on a Monday and ended on a Thursday, the refugees were about to face another journey, which was to settle in an unfamiliar place.

They did not know what was to come or how they would be treated... Zerzura’s civil servants took it upon themselves to answer those questions.

More than a thousand refugees being attended to by dozens of officials and priests.

Seeing this vision and realizing that the soldiers were securing everything, Clémentine sighed.

A sigh that threw her daily stress and caution out the window.

When the stress and tension left her mind, her body immediately became exhausted as if she had no energy for anything and her mind became sluggish as if she wished to go to sleep... To rest well for the first time.

It doesn’t matter if the soldiers protected them in the final stage of the journey; the problem was that they were in the magic forest and just as beasts could ambush them, there could also be another one of those complicated situations.

Adding that she had trouble sleeping during the trip because she was not used to it and that before she had only been making an effort to get the necessary rest, arriving here was to free herself from a great weight.

Clémentine wanted to believe such ideas and not assume that, in reality, the trip and mission were stressful enough that her rest didn’t count for anything.

“Have the officials take care of the refugees. Ask Colonel Makeba to run a check on the trucks for their return and have Captain Sadiya talk to Chayambaso about the rules for weapons registration and the authorization for their maintenance,” Aurora ordered as she walked with Liam and Andrés at her side, giving them orders.

When she noticed her group standing still as if a breeze might blow them over, she signaled for them to approach as Liam retreated.

“Come with me,” Aurora ordered, and the group nodded, following her.

Clementine looked at her tired companions, and she hadn’t even noticed, then looked at Andrés.

Even though he hadn’t fought, his drones always kept watch and it must have been quite a burden to keep the command center reporting on changing battle situations.

Her group, without enough strength to speak, walked on Aurora’s back as she returned the greetings of the people around.

When she met some refugees, they approached and thanked her.

Not just Aurora, but the students.

Mothers pressed their children to say thank you, fathers hugged their families with smiles as they thanked her in sets.

Grandparents and elders commented on how young and kind they were.

Although Clémentine received the thanks, she did not feel gratified.

The mission went well and although there were some exhausting mishaps or confrontations, all went well, thanks to the supporters.

Still, Clémentine knew this group was only a small part of those still left in Nakuru... And of those that were likely to be found in different conflict zones in Kenya.

She knew she should consider this one a victory no matter how small, but she still kept thinking about other places.

The others seemed the same, maybe it was because they were tired or maybe it was because they felt the same way she did, they were not fulfilled or satisfied.

Unfortunately, Clémentine knew that with her ability, she could do nothing to stop the war between the two warlords.

Even if she tried to do something with her family’s wealth, she didn’t know where to start and she didn’t know if her father would approve.

It was true that she realized a week ago that this kind of situation happened. Still, as someone who had lived through it and done her bit to help, she would rather everything was settled quickly.

Crossing the entrance to the fort, they made their way to the area where the winged lions, who had also accompanied them, were located.

“Lutar, thank you so much for your help and your warning. Without it, we would have been in a tough situation,” Aurora stated immediately as she approached the lion with the more luxurious helmet.

The Winged Lion looked seriously at Aurora and replied. “Today you guys and tomorrow us...”

Clementine had heard that same sentence before and couldn’t help but glance at the lions watching her group.

It was a simple sentence, but one could feel the weight behind it.

They met the lions when they were just beginning their journey and helped them; it was a rather simple and perhaps unnecessary help, as the lions were strong.

However, here they returned the favor by helping.

A help that was no doubt not only timely but also vital.

“I suppose so,” Aurora replied with a smile and nodding, she added. “I’ll take it upon myself to see if there are any new artifacts for beasts of your kind. And I’ll request that the Apicius Enterprise send it as a small gift.”

The lions’ ears perked up at hearing that and Lutar, who seemed to want to refuse at last, desisted and muttered. “I understand... Thank you.”

After a small and simple farewell, the winged lions departed on their flight into the magical forest.

“They are quite simple to please...” Aurora commented with a small laugh and after using her holographic watch to place the order, she glanced at the group and commented. “That’s all the mission for today. You can go back to the city and relax.”

“Don’t you need some help?” Nicole asked curiously.

She was the one who helped the most with minor jobs and always supported the medical ward either by bringing food for the wounded or just being an assistant.

The others also looked, as they could help in other areas where others needed it.

“No, the Zerzura officials can handle everything else and what’s left now is administrative work,” Aurora replied with a simple tone, and looking at the group, she added with a smile. “I know you are tired. You deserve a break, as you have done an excellent job.”

The slightly proud smile made her look very different from her young appearance.

Clémentine had to admit that she felt slightly embarrassed and, from the expressions of her companions, they were a little embarrassed as well.

There was only two years’ difference between them, but it felt like a profound difference.

With a farewell, the group returned to the camp and, after saying goodbye to those they met these days; they used the private portal to return to the building.

Passing through the portal, they reached the basement they had left a few days ago and at that moment, they felt completely exhausted.

Wish for a long rest.


Thursday 23 [9:30 p.m.].

Aurora looked at the time and sighed.

As the person in charge of the ‘Ark’ mission, she had quite a lot of work.

It was true that in some matters Zerzura officials were in charge of the situation, however, there were always tasks for her to perform.

From being in charge of making reports regarding the whole situation for the top brass of the army to reporting on budgets and expenditures.

Then, as a side job, she was in charge of the distribution of the benefits of the magical beasts with a rather simple rule.

Those beasts that the caravan members personally killed during the journey belonged entirely to them, as for those creatures that they encountered during the horde and ambush, they would be sold to distribute a profit for all.

It was fine to do so with the horde of creatures, but all members kept their same attitude about the ambush.

Since the healers and support, people did not kill any creatures, but they saved quite a few people, and the militiamen before leaving were to maintain the barrier supporting Cardinal Brousseau.

She then supervised the registration of the refugees and checked the protocol with which they acted.

Officials already registered the refugees and had opened the portals for them to go to their temporary residences in Zerzura, where they would undergo a full medical check-up and further registration and then, depending on their choices and tastes, they would be sent to different parts of Zerzura.

While the refugees could decide what to do, the point was that Zerzura had different areas available where people were needed.

Expand some farming villages, take care of some livestock areas, or work in a certain area.

It was no joke that Zerzura needed manpower and always supported immigration from other areas.

The militiamen could end up entering the army or, in some guild, like the ‘Orisha Oko’ who hired adventurers and supported them to mature with their same ideals.

Since the villages had schools, clinics, and all kinds of infrastructure to meet the needs of an average family, the refugees had plenty of possibilities.

Zerzura’s protection system had a vast area of influence around Zerzura, and not the entire area was occupied.

There were areas with significant resources that could be populated and, after great expense, the city could make huge profits.

From mining areas, natural dungeons, forests with magical ingredients, or simply where some magical creatures were found.

That was the reason there were so many options to choose from when it came to settling around Zerzura.

The next day would start with the medical checkup to combat malnutrition and treat other minor or major health-related problems.

In addition, tomorrow would be the day they would be given their options by the Zerzura government.

Finishing the part of her work, Aurora stood up while stretching her body and left the temporary office.

She was still at the outpost fort in Wau City.

Even though the refugees were gone, the soldiers were still working.

As for the other forces that came with her, they had long since come to say goodbye.

While they had organized small gatherings for fun, they were for other days, as everyone was exhausted today.

Aurora turned to Colonel Makeba and Captain Sadiya to say goodbye.

As she looked exhausted, Colonel Makeba kept their conversation quite short.

In just five minutes Aurora was back at the portal and after arranging the coordinates, she went inside, arriving home.

As she was about to leave the portal room, the portal activated again and Alice appeared from the other side.

“Tired?” Alice asked as she wiped some dirt on her clothes and, seeing the look on Aurora’s face, she gave a smile and explained. “I don’t like administrative work, but I couldn’t just sit around while my boss worked hard. So I went to do some daily assignments.”

Aurora gave a smile and didn’t know what to reply.

No matter how lazy others thought Alice was, she was a hard worker and very efficient at her job, always tagging along.

“Come. Let’s get something to eat together.” Aurora invited with a soft smile.

Alice immediately nodded, very animated, and after creating a portal, they arrived at the top floor where her room was located.

Checking the local system notes, she noticed that Shao Ya left food for her in the kitchen.

Aurora took care of reheating it while they both remained silent.

A harmonious silence that Aurora had learned to live with and was quite pleasant.

One reheated the food, and the other watched her from a seat after passing her a bottle of juice.

“You look better,” Alice murmured and when Aurora turned around, she commented. “Mother will surely be happy that you’re better.”

“I’m still working as before and still doing the same missions as before, but yes. I feel better.” Aurora replied with a half-smile.

She had been trapped at work, seeking to push away all her thoughts and all her past as if she wished it didn’t exist.

Even though it had been quite some time, there were always situations where she would have to take up her sword to face the complications, enduring her past with pain.

Now it was different.

Since entering the academy, she returned to training with her sword alongside her master and while it was to learn how to fight; it was certainly great progress.

She still used her sword as before, but now she realized her big mistakes and they seemed pathetic when compared to her previous prowess.

“I’m glad. I’m not good at comforting people, but I’ll be by your side whenever you need me.” Alice murmured softly and Aurora, hearing that murmur, hugged her sister.

Leading to Alice also returning the hug with some unique calmness, and then Aurora smiled wickedly.

“If you say these things to get out of the invitation to the high command anniversary party, I’m not such a pushover,” Aurora whispered in her sister’s ear and after realizing that Alice was trembling, as if trapped, she broke off and added. “Let’s eat.”

She ignored Alice’s depressed look, who couldn’t escape her obligations, and Aurora laughed in amusement.

She had already gotten the invitations to the Zerzura anniversary party that the higher-ups were holding.

Although the invitation didn’t explicitly say so, they had been asked to attend the party.

Although Aurora was sure that the person they wanted at the party was not her.

Serving a plate of to her sister who looked very depressed, Aurora enjoyed seeing her expression.

It was strange to see Alice looking so depressed, as if she was grumbling, but at the same time pouting.

Aurora’s smile kept growing as she watched her gluttonous sister, whose expression changed the more she ate and savored her plate.

She was someone quite simple to please and make her forget things.

After dinner, Aurora fetched a prepared dessert they had in store and served it to Alice, who quickly began to eat, regaining her spirits.

The change from depression to being upbeat eating her food was something only her sister could do so quickly and for so little.

Aurora left Alice eating and went for a bath, which she finished rather quickly, as she felt like sleeping.

After the bath, she used a device to dry her hair and, wearing pajamas; she went out to the kitchen, seeing that Alice was still eating, only this time her chips.

“Are you going to bed?” Alice asked as she saw her.

“Yes, leave the dishes for the cleaning drones to take care of,” Aurora replied, and seeing that her friend was also getting up to go to bed, she added. “Goodnight.”

Alice gave a soft smile and murmured. “Good night.”

They both headed to their respective rooms and Aurora plopped down on her bed, utterly and completely exhausted.

“Goodnight.” She mumbled to nothing.

The reply was slow in coming, and a moment later...

—Good night.

Her system, that had been gone for a moment, responded with a text in her mind, leaving Aurora to lose herself in dreamland.

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