The happy little days of the Ye family

Chapter 1102 Tea Tree

The trees on the mountain are all naturally grown, and no one has taken care of the chestnut trees. There are not many chestnuts on the trees.

Moreover, food rations were left for the little squirrels, and the two chestnut trees collected a total of two sacks of chestnuts.

The young couple each carried a sack, and the thorns on the surface of the chestnuts were still a bit prickly.

Li Guoer felt a little regretful. If she had known better, she would not have been lazy and just removed the outer shell.

The two of them were going to the small cave last time, and it was not convenient to carry this chestnut.

Ye Xilin found a hidden bush next to the chestnut tree, and then hid two bags of chestnuts and the mushrooms picked on the road.

After hiding it, Li Guoer carefully erased the nearby footprints.

Without the cumbersome two large sacks, the two of them continued walking leisurely like an outing.

Not long after, the two came to the small valley where they drank water last time, and saw the tea trees on the hillside from a distance.

Not many people in the town can afford to drink tea, and tea cannot be sold at a high price.

After the tea leaves picked last time were roasted, Ye Xilin took them to the Liang Family Restaurant in the county.

Unexpectedly, shopkeeper Liang was quite interested in this tea. He said that the tea has a rich fragrance and a long sweet aftertaste, making it the best tea.

This tea is a good thing, but the frying method is really bad. It's just fried indiscriminately, and the good stuff is wasted.

Ye Xilin felt a little guilty after hearing this. No one in the village grew tea, and no one knew how to fry tea leaves. His mother also fumbled around and made random tea leaves.

Shopkeeper Liang sputtered a lot of words that Ye Xilin couldn't understand. Anyway, in the end, shopkeeper Liang took all the tea leaves for 30 cents per tael.

After frying the several kilograms of tea brought back last time, only one kilogram and nine taels were left, and a total of 570 Wen was sold.

Ye Xilin didn't know whether the tea was sold cheaply. Anyway, it was randomly picked from the mountains. If it could be sold, he would make a profit.

Shopkeeper Liang was well-connected and knew a master who knew how to fry tea leaves, and he couldn't bear to let Ye Xilin continue to ruin these good tea leaves.

I specifically told him that I would send fresh tea directly over next time, and he accepted it at 20 cents per tael.

A pound of fresh tea leaves will only be left at most half a pound after frying.

If fresh tea leaves were sold at 20 cents per tael, it would be more expensive than fried tea leaves. Ye Xilin immediately agreed.

When going uphill, Ye Xilin specially took Li Guoer to look at the tea trees.

The tea tree, which was originally lush and leafy, was mercilessly stripped down by two people just 10 days ago. Now the tree looks bare.

Although there are dots of new leaves growing on the branches, they are still small. It is estimated that they will not be picked again until spring next year.

After losing hope on a few small trees, the two of them focused their attention on the century-old tea tree above.

It is said that the tea leaves from old trees are the most fragrant and delicious, and the price may be even higher.

The century-old tea tree has a very thick trunk with criss-crossing rhizomes and very green leaves.

As soon as the two of them got close, they smelled a faint scent of tea, which was obviously stronger and more fragrant than the scent of the smaller trees below.

Ye Xilin pinched a young leaf and put it into his mouth and chewed it. The tea was rich in aroma, bitter at first, then slowly sweetened in his mouth.

Then Ye Xilin walked to the small tea tree below, pinched a leaf and put it into his mouth.

The taste of the two is similar, the same bitterness, but the fragrance of the small tea tree seems to be lighter.

"This old tea tree tastes more intense when eaten. I think it is a good thing and will definitely fetch a good price." Ye Xilin said with a grin.

Li Guoer on the side picked up a branch with forks and quickly hooked the branches off the tea tree.

"Stop talking nonsense and pick the tea leaves quickly."

The tea tree below is still small and can grow back quickly even if it is broken.

However, the ancestor of the tea looked old, so they were both careful when picking it, for fear of torturing the century-old tea tree that was about to become mature.

The two of them picked for a long time before picking all the young leaves from the tea tree.

This tea tree is quite big. The two backpacks should weigh about three kilograms in total.

One liang of 20 Wen, three pounds is 600 Wen.

The two of them looked at these tea leaves, which were very precious. The temporary workers in the village only earned 25 yuan a day, so today's work was not in vain.

After picking the young leaves, Ye Xilin picked some old leaves and planned to ask shopkeeper Liang if he wanted them. If he didn't want to keep them for home drinking, that would be fine.

After going up the hillside, walking forward is the bamboo forest where bamboo shoots were dug last time.

Nowadays, the bamboo shoots are old, and most of them have grown into tall and tall bamboo shoots, but occasionally you can come across fresh and tender new shoots.

Ye Xilin, the reincarnation of the abacus spirit, naturally would not let go of these rare delicacies, and dug up all the bamboo shoots he saw.

When they came to the edge of the steaming hot spring, the two of them had already dug half a sack of young bamboo shoots.

Ye Xilin remembered that the small cave was so narrow that only one person could enter. The tea leaves and bamboo shoots were heavy and took up space, making it difficult to carry them in.

Ye Xilin wandered around for a while, found a hidden bush, hid his things, and then took Li Guoer to the stone wall he discovered last time.

Behind a patch of tangled grass, there is a small cave that can accommodate one person.

These weeds grow so lushly and luxuriantly that if it weren’t for the family dog ​​leading the way, you would really not be able to spot them.

Pushing aside the weeds in front of him, a small hole was revealed, which looked very dark inside.

Li Guoer threw a few stones inside, and soon there was an echo of the stones falling to the ground, and then there was no movement.

Seeing that there was no movement in the cave, Ye Xilin took out two torch points that had been prepared long ago from his backpack.

They didn't know what was going on inside, but the two of them had prepared machetes, bows and arrows for self-defense before coming over.

After the torch was lit, Ye Xilin walked ahead with the sweet potatoes with an excited look on his face, muttering:

"I wonder if there is any treasure hidden inside?"

Li Guoer's voice came from behind:

"Probably not. Who would hide treasure in a remote place like the countryside?"

"That's not necessarily true. I have a hunch that there must be something good in it." Ye Xilin was full of confidence.

The light from the torch gradually illuminated the inside of the cave.

It is obvious that the surrounding caves are naturally formed, and there are no traces of human excavation.

Li Guoer felt that this man was too whimsical, but there was also a trace of hope in his heart, and he was very excited.

Sweet Potato and Snowball didn't care what they were thinking. As soon as they entered the cave, the two big guys ran forward excitedly and soon left their master behind.

The torch flickered on and off as I walked, and the wind blew in from the entrance of the cave, making it seem a bit deep and mysterious.

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