The happy little days of the Ye family

Chapter 64 The Daily Life of Ye Merchant 2

"Boy from the Ye family, I also have some ready-made wooden basins and barrels here. Do you want them? If so, I'll give you a penny less for each."

"Mr. Tang, can I take a look first?" Father Ye was still more cautious. He didn't dare to accept it casually without seeing the real thing.

"Okay, I'll take you to have a look." Mr. Tang led Father Ye into the tool room.

There are some half-finished wooden barrels and tubs piled in the tool room, as well as some other wooden tools in the corner.

There were several prepared wooden basins and barrels placed in the corner near the door. Father Ye took a wooden basin and examined it carefully.

The wood is not bad, the craftsmanship is good, it feels smooth and there are no wood thorns.

"Mr. Tang, how much do you actually sell these wooden basins and barrels for?"

"A wooden basin costs 6 cents, and a wooden barrel costs 10 cents. If you want it, a wooden basin costs 5 cents, and a wooden barrel costs 9 cents." A wooden basin and a wooden barrel can be used for many years. These wooden basins and barrels It's been there for a long time.

Father Ye: "Okay, I want these wooden basins and barrels."

"Three wooden basins and four wooden barrels, a total of 3 coins, I charge you 4 coins."

The wooden basins and barrels that had been accumulated for a long time were finally sold, and Mr. Tang was very happy.

Father Ye gave the copper plate to Mr. Tang, and the two of them moved the wooden basin and barrel to the donkey cart.

Father Ye drove the donkey cart to Fujia Village again.

Father Ye came to Fujia Village to find Blacksmith Fang. Blacksmith Fang from Fujia Village was the best blacksmith nearby, with fair prices and good craftsmanship.

Blacksmith Fang's blacksmith shop is at the head of Fujia Village. People from several nearby villages and towns like to come to Blacksmith Fang to buy iron supplies.

As soon as Father Ye entered the yard, he saw a tall, middle-aged man, topless, forging iron by the stove.

Blacksmith Fang should be making a sickle. The curved iron piece was taken out of the red charcoal fire, and the big hammer was constantly beating on it.

Seeing someone coming to the door, Blacksmith Fang put down the hammer in his hand and asked, "Hello, what do you want to hit?"

"Hello, I am a salesman from Taohua Village, Ye Fengshou. I came here this time to order a batch of iron supplies for delivery."

Father Ye wiped the sweat on his head with his sleeves. The weather was already hot, and the red-hot brazier made it even hotter.

"Okay, tell me what you want to order." Blacksmith Fang took out a book. The imperial government strictly controlled iron products. All purchased iron tools must be registered and submitted to the Yamen on a regular basis.

"I need two large iron pots and 4 pairs of scissors, as well as 6 sickles and 6 hoes."

"Okay, we can do all these things." Blacksmith Fang nodded and registered these things in the book.

"I want a lot of things, can you give me a little profit on the price?" Father Ye is a salesman. These things are to be resold, so they certainly cannot be bought at the original price.

Blacksmith Fang: "I'll give you a [-]% profit on everything."

Father Ye was not very satisfied and said: "My younger brother is also a small businessman. The price of iron products is high and the risk is high. Can we give a little more concessions in terms of price?"

Blacksmith Fang said with a cold face: "I'll give you [-]% profit. If it works, I'll do it for you. If it doesn't, forget it."

Seeing Blacksmith Fang's cold face, Father Ye was a little impatient. He knew that the price couldn't go any lower, so he agreed, "Okay, I'll give you a [-]% profit as you said."

"A big iron pot costs 100 cents, a pair of scissors costs 15 cents, a sickle costs 15 cents, and a hoe costs 25 cents. A total of 500 cents, and a profit of 1 percent is 425 cents. I'll give you a [-] percent deposit today."

Father Ye: "Okay, no problem."

Father Ye gave the deposit to Blacksmith Fang and asked, "How long will it take to make these things?"

"I have a small part of it in stock here for about four days. I'll pick it up here in four days."

Blacksmith Fang hesitated for a moment and then said: "An embroidery shop came to me to order embroidery needles before. There were some defective products that were not finished. I'm afraid they won't be able to make embroidery needles, but sewing and mending are no problem. Do you want it?" have a look?"

Embroidery needles are relatively difficult. It was also the first time for Blacksmith Fang to make embroidery needles. After finishing the work, many of them failed. Blacksmith Fang picked out the good ones and melted the others.

Father Ye: "Let me take a look first."

Blacksmith Fang went into the house and took out a small package. He carefully opened the wrapped cloth, revealing a thin silver needle.

Father Ye took a few and looked at them carefully in the sun. The needles were all in good condition, but the needle holes were a little small and the needles were a little big.

Father Ye looked at these needles and frowned.

"These needles are all embroidery-made, and the needle holes are relatively small. It was my first time to make this kind of embroidery needle, and it was not done well. The body of the needle is too big. See if you can get it. If not, forget it. "These needles are indeed not ready, and Blacksmith Fang is a little embarrassed.

"These needles probably won't be easy to sell. Otherwise, you might as well melt them and make other things again." If you want these needles, they won't be sold.

After leaving Blacksmith Fang's blacksmith shop, Ye's father came to the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village.

There were many people enjoying the shade under the big banyan tree. A few aunts were holding shoe soles or clothes while chatting and working under the banyan tree. Several young men were eating melon seeds and chatting under the tree. There were also a few little kids chasing each other and playing around. .

As soon as Father Ye stopped the donkey cart, several aunts immediately cheered up and started questioning him.

"Young man, you are quite unfamiliar. What is going on in our Fujia Village?"

"Whose relative? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"Who are you looking for?"

"Hello, ladies, I am Ye Fengshou, a salesman from Taohua Village."

Father Ye quickly unloaded several baskets from the donkey cart, and the baskets were filled with various goods.

There are all kinds of commonly used fabrics and needlework, rouge, gouache, facial grease and hair oil for dressing up, as well as various condiments, as well as hairbands and headbands made by Mrs. Ye and Ye Qingqing. It doesn’t look like much, but there are quite a lot of varieties.

Several women saw so many things and gathered around to pick things with great interest.

"This fabric is good. The children are getting older, so it's time to make them good clothes."

"The salt shaker at home is almost empty. Bring me half a pound of coarse salt."

"This rope is quite exquisite and the color is good. Bring me a pair."

"These rags are too small. How much does a bundle cost?"

Father Ye: "A bundle of rags costs one penny, and a bundle of large pieces of cloth costs five cents."

At this time, several young men who were still eating melon seeds and chatting came over to join in the fun.

"Help me cut a 13-foot piece of this goose-yellow fine linen fabric, two of these goose-yellow headbands, and a box of this facial grease." A young man asked for a lot of things in one go. .

"Shitou, if you buy so many things, are you going to your mother-in-law's house again to coax your daughter-in-law?" an aunt joked.

"Shitou, you can't do this. How can you be held down by a woman?"

"Yeah, too cowardly."

"It's too embarrassing for us men." Several young men started to cheer.

"You bachelors, what do you know? Just go and have fun!" The man blushed and walked away quickly with his things.

Father Ye took a few things from the girl's house and said, "Actually, girls like pretty gadgets the most. Girls like these hairbands, headbands or rouge and gouache the most. Do you want to bring some for the girl you like?"

Two young men blushed and hesitantly bought a lot of things for girls from Father Ye's place.

After the young men had left, several aunts were still selecting things at the stall.

Father Ye took out the candy cubes from the basket on his back and greeted a few kids not far away: "Candy cubes, fragrant and sweet candy cubes, you can get one for 1 penny."

"Several children ran over immediately. Those who had money in their pockets immediately bought them. Those who had no money in their pockets shamelessly gave their friends a penny." In less than a while, Father Ye sold several pieces of candy. .

The little ones who had eaten the candy ran back to the village happily and showed off to the children who had no candy.

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