The happy little days of the Ye family

Chapter 79 Crescent Town

From four acres of soybeans in Xiaohoushan, a total of 1000 kilograms of soybeans were harvested.

Mr. Ye originally planned to sell it to a grain store. The grain store would collect beans at three and a half cents per catty, and 1000 catties of soybeans could be sold for thirty taels and five cents.

Father Ye wanted to make soybeans into soybean oil and sell them.

"Dad, let's make all these soybeans into soybean oil. People in the town and county like to use clear oil for cooking, such as soybean oil and rapeseed oil. Soybean oil costs 26 Wen per pound in the grocery store in town. .”

100 kilograms of soybeans can produce about 20 kilograms of soybean oil. 1000 kilograms of soybeans is equivalent to 200 kilograms of soybean oil. The soybean oil in the grocery store is 26 yuan per kilogram, so it is five taels of silver here. It is more cost-effective than selling the soybeans directly. .

“But there’s no oil mill nearby, so how can we make soybean oil?”

Father Ye has been working as a clerk in a grocery store for several years and has seen a lot. Now he has been in and out of the county doing business, so he has extensive knowledge. Mr. Ye attaches great importance to Father Ye's opinions.

"I heard that there is an oil shop in Crescent Town next door. I will go there in the afternoon to inquire about it and see what specialties are available nearby."

The weather is too hot now. There is no way to make bacon in Dashan Village. There are also fewer dried bamboo shoots and mushrooms. The honeysuckle has been robbed again. Father Ye wants to find some specialties that are available in large quantities.

"Okay, go and have a look!" Mr. Ye looked at the tall and confident son in front of him and felt very comforted.

Father Ye brought 200 kilograms of soybeans and drove a donkey cart to the neighboring Crescent Town.

Father Ye asked for a pot of water at a roadside tea stall, asked the boss about the location of the oil mill, and drove the donkey cart to the oil mill on the outskirts of town.

There is a plaque at the door of the oil mill that says Li Family Oil Mill. Father Ye drove the donkey cart into the yard. The yard of the oil mill was quite large, and there were several donkey carts parked there.

As soon as Ye's father parked the donkey cart, a middle-aged man came forward to greet him warmly.

"Does this boss want to buy oil or squeeze oil?" This middle-aged man is Li Feng, the owner of Lijia Oil Shop.

"I want to squeeze some soybean oil."

You can buy oil at the oil shop, or you can bring your own rapeseed or soybeans to squeeze the oil.

If you want to buy oil, soybean oil costs 26 cents per catty, and rapeseed oil costs 25 cents per catty. If you want to squeeze the oil yourself, you will have to pay a labor fee, and 100 catties of beans will cost 20 cents.

100 kilograms of beans can produce about 20 kilograms of soybean oil. The oil-pressed bean dregs can be taken back to feed livestock or sold to an oil mill for 1 penny and 20 kilograms.

The oil-pressed bean dregs can be fed to livestock and used as fertilizer to fertilize fields. Nearby farmers and breeders often come to the oil shop to buy the oil dregs.

"I brought 200 kilograms of beans this time. How soon can I get the soybean oil?" Father Ye picked up three sacks of soybeans from the donkey cart.

"You can come and get it tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, I'll come over tomorrow afternoon to get the soybean oil. By the way, can I buy the oil residue from the oil mill? I raise a few pigs at home, so I can buy some to feed the pigs."

"Yes, the oil residue from my oil shop is also sold to people who raise pigs nearby. The pigs grow faster and better after eating the oil residue."

"Soybeans are food. Pigs that grow up eating bean dregs are much bigger than pigs that eat pig grass. I heard from farmers who buy bean dregs that they weigh 200 kilograms when they are slaughtered."

"How do you sell this bean dregs?"

Father Ye had heard before that pigs that ate bean dregs grew faster and had more fat, but there was no oil mill in Luohe Town, so he never had the chance to try it.

"This bean dregs is cheap, ten pounds per penny."

Boss Li is very enthusiastic. Although this oil residue is cheap, it cannot support the large quantity. If we can cooperate for a long time, we can make a lot of money.

The oil shop collects bean dregs for 20 kilograms per penny and sells them for 10 kilograms per penny. For 100 kilograms of bean dregs, you can earn 5 pence.

"Let's try it with 100 kilograms first. If you eat well, you can come back and buy bean dregs in the future." This bean dregs is cheaper than sweet potatoes and corn.

Moreover, the soybeans themselves are sun-dried, and the dregs are durable. It’s good to buy some and store them back. You don’t have to worry about running out of things to feed the pigs when it rains or you don’t have time to weed pigs.

Father Ye heard from merchants at the pier that there was a lot of fat in the bean dregs and the pigs would grow meat faster after eating it.

Father Ye gave the money for the bean dregs to Boss Li, and then asked Boss Li what specialties there were in Crescent Town.

"It's a specialty, let me think about it."

Boss Li suddenly thought of the Li family ceramics in the next village.

"There is a family in Lijia Village next door who specializes in making ceramics. They have two kilns, and each of their two sons is responsible for one."

"The eldest son is responsible for making practical things such as tableware, plates, pots and water jars."

The younger son did not do his job all day long, making hairpins, vases, ceramic dolls and other strange things. "

Father Ye's eyes lit up when he heard this. Chopsticks, bowls and chopsticks are so common and can be bought anywhere. You can take a look at these ceramic hairpins and ceramic dolls.

"Are there any other specialties? I'm a salesman. I came all the way here. I want to collect some things and sell them back to make some money."

"I wonder if Mr. Ye will accept the rice wine? My father-in-law can brew rice wine. The water for brewing is spring water brought back from the mountains. The rice wine brewed is much better than the bulk wine sold in the town."

"If it's really that good, of course I'll take it. Where is Boss Li's father-in-law's house? If it's not far, you can go and have a look first."

"It's not far, it's Lijia Village next door. I'll let my youngest son take you there." After saying that, he asked his son Li Wei to lead Father Ye.

A young boy named Li Wei took Father Ye to a small courtyard. As soon as Father Ye entered the door, he smelled a hint of the fragrance of rice wine. Just smelling this smell, the wine was good.

Boss Li's father-in-law is an old man in his 60s. He smells strongly of alcohol and must be an old drunkard.

Father Ye revealed that he was a salesman and wanted to collect some rice wine to sell.

Mr. Li brews all the wine at home, and he is reluctant to sell it.

Before the old man could refuse, he was pushed aside by the old lady beside him.

"It's for sale. The wine this old man brews is pretty good. When guests come to their home, they will come to buy some wine to entertain the guests." The old lady was very enthusiastic, for fear that Father Ye would not accept the rice wine.

"Old lady, can I try the rice wine at home first?"

It seemed that the old man's family status was average. Father Ye ignored the old man's pull and happily discussed it with the old lady.

"Okay, okay, just wait a moment and I'll pour some for you."

The old lady directly took the wine bottle from the table, picked up a cup on the table, and poured a small cup for Father Ye.

Father Ye took the wine glass, smelled it first, and then took a sip.

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