The Heaven-Slaying Sword

Chapter 65: Chapter: Martial Alliance, Group Establishment (8)

It seemed he was trying to ease the tense atmosphere.

Sa Baekwoon, with a gentle smile that didn’t match his imposing physique, addressed Namgung Jincheon.

“Is Sword King well? It’s been quite a while since I’ve had the chance to visit.”


Namgung Jincheon replied curtly and picked up his wine cup. Just as he was about to bring it to his lips, signaling he had no intention of saying more, the whites of Tang Hwa-seo’s eyes turned red.

Say more.

At her meaningful glare, Namgung Jincheon’s shoulders twitched.

Immediately after, he put down his cup with a grumpy face and continued.

“…I heard before coming here that he was planning to go sightseeing through the martial world.”

“Oh! As expected of the Sword King! It reminds me of old times. He was always one to enjoy sparring even in the midst of chaos.”

Tang Hwa-seo let out a sigh of relief at Sa Baekwoon’s smile.

They had overcome one crisis. If they could maintain this cordial atmosphere, things should go smoothly.

“Ah, by the way, how is Abbot Won-myung doing?”

The next to speak was Il-woon. He continued the conversation with a smile identical to Sa Baekwoon’s.

After Il-woon’s turn, and then Hyeun and Zhuge San’s, it was finally Tang Hwa-seo’s turn.

“As for Poison Phoenix...”

Sa Baekwoon’s attitude became cautious. Even as the Alliance Leader, who knew Tang Hwa-seo’s circumstances well, he understood the implications of asking about her family.

Tang Hwa-seo responded with a bitter smile.

“I consider it an honor to be able to lend my strength to the Alliance like this.”

“I see. Though my schedule is busy and I may not be able to visit often, know that I’ll always be supporting you.”

Sa Baekwoon finished speaking. However, his demeanor was quite solemn for mere pleasantries.

It was an attitude that gave Tang Hwa-seo a slight sense of being moved.

Next, Sa Baekwoon’s gaze turned to where Mok Riwon was sitting. His demeanor changed instantly. His face showed even more goodwill than when speaking with the others.

“It's my first time meeting you. You must be the Ink Dragon who turned Anhui upside down? I’m glad to meet you.”

Mok Riwon's fingertips trembled. He felt guilty about deceiving someone showing such goodwill towards him.

But he couldn't reveal the truth, so Mok Riwon responded with the brightest smile he could muster.

“You flatter me. It’s an honor for me to meet you, Alliance Leader.”

It was an uncharacteristically serious attitude for Mok Riwon. This was surprising for the other members. After all, it was strange to see this usually exuberant person maintain such a calm demeanor even in front of the Martial Alliance Head.

Meanwhile, the conversation between the two continued. It was mostly Sa Baekwoon asking questions out of curiosity about Mok Riwon.

“I hear your martial talent is extraordinary. Your sect... Ah, I apologize. There must be a reason you haven’t revealed it yet. Please understand. When someone like you appears in the orthodox faction, I find it hard to contain my joy.”

Sa Baekwoon’s attitude was understandable.

In a world where most Dragons and Phoenixes, or winners of the Dragon Phoenix Tournament, naturally came from prestigious sects, Mok Riwon was like a needle sticking out, an expert from an unknown sect.

For someone who had to consider the overall improvement of the orthodox faction, Mok Riwon was truly a welcome treasure.

As such, Sa Baekwoon’s questions continued at length. In contrast, Mok Riwon’s attitude grew increasingly cautious.

In the midst of this strange atmosphere, the old woman who had been silent until now spoke up.

“Alliance Leader, isn’t it about time you introduced this old one?”

“Ah, look at me. I’m sorry.”

As Sa Baekwoon smiled sheepishly, saying “Oh my,” the members' attention turned to the old woman.

“I brought this lady here to introduce her, but I completely forgot. I’m sorry. It must be my age catching up with me.”

All the members sensed it. For Sa Baekwoon to refer to her as this lady she must be no ordinary individual.

“This is Great Expert Kang So-so. She is a master of the previous generation who stood at the forefront of battle on that day of bloodshed.”


Tang Hwa-seo let out an exclamation as if she had just realized something.

“Could this be the person who was coming as an advisor to our squad?”

“Please take care of me.”

Killing Star Yeom So-so, using the alias Kang So-so, smiled.

Tang Hwa-seo belatedly explained to the members. She told them about how, as a newly formed squad, they would receive education from external advisors, and that this old woman, Kang So-so, was one of them.

The members’ reactions varied, but none were negative.

Despite being introduced as a master of the previous generation, they couldn’t sense even a trace of qi from her, which made them realize she must be at the Transcendent Realm.

The opportunity to receive education from a martial artist at the Transcendent Realm was not something easily obtained, even for those from prestigious backgrounds.

Meanwhile, Yeom So-so’s gaze turned to Mok Riwon. Seeing him still looking somewhat uncomfortable, she smiled gently and moved her lips slightly.

There was no sound.

Voice Transmission.

It was a minor technique used by martial artists to communicate secretly.

—Come to the back of the Pavilion after this is over.

Mok Riwon’s eyes widened. He looked at Yeom So-so in surprise, but her gaze was already directed elsewhere.

Sa Baekwoon continued with his explanation.

“I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but the missions you’ll be undertaking in the future will likely involve espionage and covert operations. This person has considerable expertise in that area, so I hope you’ll learn a lot from her.”

Many more conversations followed, but Mok Riwon’s gaze never left Yeom So-so.

However, she did not look at him again.

…Who could she be.

Only this question lingered in Mok Riwon’s mind.

Why did she use voice transmission to speak with him?

* * *

“I’ll be back shortly, I have some business to attend to!”

After the banquet ended, Mok Riwon left the group members saying this and headed to the back garden of the pavilion.

There, Yeom So-so was already waiting, sitting in a chair and looking at wildflowers.

“You’ve come?”

Yeom So-so turned her gaze to Mok Riwon. A warm smile bloomed on her face.

Mok Riwon swallowed hard and made a fist-palm salute.

“…It’s an honor to meet you, Senior.”

“Oh, no need for such formalities.”

Yeom So-so chuckled and waved her hand dismissively.

She approached him soon after.

Due to her small stature and pleasant appearance, the top of her head barely reached his stomach, but her unique composure made her seem somehow imposing.

Mok Riwon was growing tense. She was a martial arts master of the previous generation he had never seen in the martial world, one who knew of him.

This led him to imagine that she might be an acquaintance of his master, Mok Seon-oh.

And Mok Riwon’s imagination wasn’t wrong.

“So, how is that Mok fellow doing?”

Mok Riwon drew in a sharp breath.

…She knows.

About Mok Seon-oh, about the relationship between Mok Seon-oh and himself, and about the Heaven-Slaying Star.

Like Sword King Namgung Hyuk, she must already know everything.

With this, Mok Riwon could realize one fact.

“…May I ask your true name?”

If she was someone related to Mok Seon-oh, Ma Il-seok would surely have mentioned her. But the name Kang So-so was completely unfamiliar to Mok Riwon. So there could only be one answer.

The name Kang So-so this old woman was using must be an alias.

“Keke, you’re quite perceptive.”

Yeom So-so laughed, her shoulders shaking.

“So how did that beggar introduce me? As an assassin? Or a seductress? Or perhaps as part of the unorthodox path?”


A glint appeared in Mok Riwon's eyes.

Assassin, seductress, unorthodox path. There was one woman Ma Il-seok had mentioned who fit all these descriptions.

“The Killing Star…!”

“Oh, you’re calling me by the correct name.”

Mok Riwon’s expression brightened. No, more than brightened—it blossomed into a smile.

Killing Star Yeom So-so.

He had heard much about who she was.

—I don’t like it, but... Yes, if it weren’t for that woman, you wouldn’t have made it alive to Jiangxi. She was one of the four who voted in favor of saving you on the spot, that damned unorthodox practitioner.

One of the four who had voted in favor among those deciding his fate. When four votes against, two abstentions, and three in favor came out, she was the woman who held the final deciding vote.

“I’m meeting my savior!”

Killing Star Yeom So-so was Mok Riwon’s savior.

Mok Riwon hurriedly bowed his head. He had so many words of gratitude he had wanted to say if he ever met her, that trying to organize them suddenly made him flustered.

Yeom So-so smiled contentedly at Mok Riwon’s behavior.

"You’ve grown up so beautifully. You’re completely different from how that Mok fellow looked when he was young."

“M-Master you mean?”

“Indeed, didn’t that beggar tell you? When he was young, he was so ugly he even had the nickname Ugly Dragon.”

Mok Riwon blinked blankly. Then he shook his head vigorously and said.

“Th-That must be a lie! Even as an old man, Master has an appearance that exudes vigor! When he was young, surely...”

Mok Riwon's voice trailed off. He was at a loss for words.

It was understandable. It was obvious which was more credible—the account of Yeom So-so who had seen the young Mok Seon-oh, or his own assertion based only on seeing an aged face.

Yeom So-so chuckled at Mok Riwon’s inability to continue, then playfully asked.

“So, when are you going to answer my question about how that Mok fellow is doing?”

“Ah, he’s doing well! Before I left, he was busy with a small vegetable garden as a pastime!”

“My, what an unsuitable hobby.”

Mok Riwon was still flustered.

He was unsure how to react to this sudden meeting with his savior and her playful attitude.

After a moment, Mok Riwon finally managed to say.

“…May I first express my gratitude?”

“What gratitude?”

“When the Beggar King spoke of you, I made a promise to myself.”


“I wanted to tell you how incredibly grateful I am that you allowed me to live.”

Mok Riwon was still holding his fist-palm salute.

His head was bowed deeply.

“If it weren’t for you, I would have lost my life on the day the Bloodied History ended. I would have died without knowing what chivalry is, or how vast the world is. How unfair that would have been.”

After saying this, Mok Riwon paused for a moment, then added one more thing.

“Thank you. Thanks to you, I’ve been able to see such a vast world.”

One who does not know gratitude is a beast, one who does not know chivalry is a demonic practitioner.

Having lived with these teachings deeply ingrained in his bones, Mok Riwon finally conveyed the words he had held deep in his heart to one of his saviors.

At this, Yeom So-so’s eyes widened. Then they curved gently.

“Why are you thanking me for such a thing?”

“It’s only natural that I should.”

“I just did what I felt like doing.”

Saying this, Yeom So-so placed her hand on Mok Riwon’s shoulder. Then she gently raised his upper body.

“But you know, for someone so grateful, you’re living in a way that makes me feel it wasn't worth saving you.”


A question formed on his face.

Yeom So-so chuckled and said.

“I’m talking about the recent banquet. Why were you so timid?”

Mok Riwon’s body trembled slightly.


“Were you afraid Baekwoon would hate you?”


“Why do you only think he would hate you?”

A troubled expression formed on his face.

For Mok Riwon, it was like that. He felt ashamed of himself for being so cautious when facing Sa Baekwoon, who had worked his entire life for righteousness.

At his appearance, Yeom So-so felt that it was regrettable.



“Why are you so timid, as if you’ve done something wrong? Are you not the child of that Mok fellow? Are you not someone trying to become a chivalrous hero?”

Seeing Mok Riwon’s cautious attitude, Yeom So-so made a decision again.

I wasn’t planning to reveal my identity originally, but…

It seems just observing won’t be enough.

“Doesn’t that master of yours always say something? Those who have not sinned do not need to run away.”

Mok Riwon hadn’t committed any atrocities yet. Moreover, he was a child trying to accumulate chivalrous deeds, not crimes.

Yet how heartbreaking it was to see such a child worrying first about being hated because of his innate nature.

How frustrating it was.

—What does it matter if you’re an assassin? If that sword is directed towards evil, that too, is chivalry.

Yeom So-so didn’t want to see the disciple of the person who had given her hope to live looking so dejected.

“Did you know?”

“…Know what?”

“On the day your fate was decided, I said I would make my decision after seeing what kind of person you’d grow up to become. I said if you grew up to become a slaughterer, I would cut you down with my own hands.”

And that answer had already come.

“And I have acknowledged you. You’ve grown up well, not as a slaughterer, but as a chivalrous hero. So do not be afraid before evening knowing what will happen.”

Yeom So-so said this and grinned.

“Sa Baekwoon is a coward. But he’s a man who understands chivalry. So stand tall and prove it. That your innate nature doesn’t define you. That you have indeed become a true chivalrous hero.”

At these words, Mok Riwon’s eyes grew wide.

Yeom So-so added one more thing to Mok Riwon.

“I will help you with that.”

Repay kindness with kindness.

It was a saying often heard from the Sichuan Tang Clan, but it also perfectly reflected the principles of the martial world.

Yeom So-so was simply following that principle.

—Debt, you say? There’s no need to repay me. Just someday, if you come across a junior who ponders chivalry like you do, help that junior a little. That should be enough.

It was a decades-old favor, and Yeom So-so finally got the chance to repay it, not to Mok Seon-oh himself, but to his disciple who had just entered the martial world.


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