The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns: An OP Xianxia Returnee LitRPG

Chapter 119: Balance Disruption Arts

Listen While Reading: RETURN OF THE DRAGON

“By the harmony of Yin and Yang, I unify you two to create perfect balance... And then I shatter you to generate endless chaos.”

Suddenly, as the swords reached Bing Xue, she conjured a strange magic the gods had never seen before. Two spheres of pure condensed Primordial Venerable Yin and Yang Ki combined together as they rotated against one another.

The skies above turned white, and the ground below turned black. The two membranes of darkness and light touched before shaking and shattering.

The spheres came together as if they were mere droplets of water, only to combine and swirl, beginning to rapidly distort space and time.

“This is a new technique I’ve made; want to give it a taste?”

Bing Xue winked at the green-skinned demon, who realized too late that his attacks were doing absolutely no damage to her.

“{Balance Disruption Art}: {Hollow Chaos}”


Darkness and light engulfed the god completely; his entire being was immediately consumed by a massive amount of destructive energy.

He could not fight back and only saw as he disappeared, body and soul.


The skies trembled and were split open completely. Several Divine Domains the Gods had conjured beforehand all came undone, shattering and causing backlashes into their bodies.

Space itself tore apart, fracturing and falling down like pieces of glass once attached to the empty air that was the structure of space.

By combining Yin and Yang together and then disrupting them, Bing Xue suddenly found a whole new realm of possibilities.

And she called this...

Balance Disruption Arts.

The power to wield the destructive force generated from disrupting balance between two harmonious concentrations of Yin and Yang.

“T-This is…! Just how strong is she?!”

“T-The Emerald Fire God… he’s gone?!”

“Not even a single ash is left!”

“T-This is…”

The gods started to hesitate, yet they knew that if they hesitated, Bing Xue would come after them and kill them too. They knew very well they would be killed; they were all greedy monsters that had been extorting the mortals of their world. They didn’t feel guilty, but they knew that someone as righteous as her would despise them.

There were no negotiations that could be made against a figure of pure righteousness like Bing Xue! Any other god would have happily negotiated things, but...

Bing Xue was different; she would simply aim for their lives after knowing they had killed just a few hundred mortals to get more power.

In their minds, she was a completely unreasonable and chaotic being they couldn’t comprehend!

After all, who would get upset about the deaths of those they didn’t know or cared about before knowing about them recently?

Only a lunatic!

Or so they believed.

“Attack her together!”

The Barbarian God roared, his Aura of Power encompassing all the Gods as fiery wrath rushed from their bodies and souls. The gods rushed down at the same time as he did, and this time he finally chose to join the battle.

“All at once, huh?”

Bing Xue quickly gathered Time Essence into her hands, activating one of her newest Skills as dozens of deadly divine techniques rained upon her from all angles, and even the giant weapons of the Barbarian God came down towards her.


As all blows reached her, suddenly, time itself and its flow shook drastically, as Bing Xue punched time itself and made it twist around, making her skip through it entirely.


“Where is she?!”

“She disappeared?”

“No, wait!”

The Gods were shocked to find that Bing Xue had somehow completely disappeared, only to find out she appeared again within the same space as before, but after all their attacks, they reached that area and exploded.

“{Aeternitas Martial Arts}: {Primordial Divine Sentinel of the Bright Future}”

An immense amount of Time Essence and Yang Essence overflowed from her body as she conjured one of the abilities of her second EX-Ranked Skill.

The power to skip a second into the future, allowing her to completely mitigate all damage dealt to her within that time frame, and skipping into a second after.

But it wasn’t just that either!

Crack, crack…!


A gigantic explosion, a shockwave within time and space, was unleashed at the same time as she skipped through time. The absence of her existence within that time frame caused an immense void between time and space, generating a huge explosion of accumulated void energy.

The explosion was immense, sending most of the gods flying away. Only the Barbarian God managed to resist the gigantic explosion, gritting his teeth as he resisted it with his powerful body.

“Just what was that?! What did she do?!” he muttered, gritting his teeth furiously.

“Dammit! {Divine Beast Spirit Weapon Manifestation}!”


Suddenly, the multiple roars of Divine Beast Spirits he had turned into his weapons echoed as the giant Barbarian God was suddenly covered by a huge armor composed of their souls and spiritual powers, further strengthened by his own divinity.

“You’re finally going to fight, you pathetic bastard?”

Bing Xue asked as the Barbarian god moved at lightning speed, almost as if he had skipped space itself, appearing above her and swinging his weapons at once.

“{Divine Spirit Beast Rampage}!”




Bing Xue was immediately attacked by a dozen blows rushing down at her at once, imbued not only with the power of these divine spirit beasts turned into weapons but also with the entire weight of the world of Elios, further enhancing the strength of the Barbarian God.


Each of his blows came accompanied by the phantasmal illusion of one of these beasts he killed and transformed into weapons emerging and attacking Bing Xue with their claws, elemental breath, magic, or mighty jaws.

It was overwhelming! There were no openings, and Bing Xue seemed to be completely blocked from fighting back, forced to take on all the damage and, at most, pointlessly defend.

“Hahaha! Fool! I caught you off-guard!” laughed the Barbarian God. “Now, attack her while I have her locked here!”

Space itself seemed to grow heavier as Bing Xue was taking on his attacks; her clothes were slowly shaking, slightly torn apart, and her eyes squinted. The Barbarian God was perhaps the strongest being she had faced since coming back from Murim, and she could easily gauge this by the amount of power he held!

“I was able to slice his arms before; was that because he had lowered his guard?” she wondered. “He’s a young god; he’s very naïve.”

“You’re within our grasp now! {Divine Cursed Forest Domain}: {All-Consuming Rotten Wood Prison}!”

An old goblin-like man wearing black clothes and a magician hat with a long beard conjured and unleashed a giant domain filled with black, cursed wood that could absorb all life they touched.

“Take this, you unfunny bitch! {Divine Carnival Domain}: {Colorful Firework Catastrophe}!”

A clown-shaped puppet of metal and wood laughed. Wearing a clown-like mask and a red wig, the bizarre god conjured a domain that created the illusion of a beautiful circus, where thousands of fireworks descended to annihilate his foe.

“DON’T LOOK DOWN ON US GODS EVER AGAIN. {Divine Mechanical Domain}: {Star Eater}!”

A huge black and purple-colored robot, much larger, more modern-looking, and also imbued with dark and abyssal energies, unleashed a domain where everything turned into deep space and where a huge mechanical star gathered dark photon energies, firing a massive cannon.

Yet Bing Xue, against all of these attacks...



Suddenly, space and time began to distort rapidly again. The Barbarian God noticed this due to an artifact he held around his neck, a gift from a Higher God, yet it was too late.

The fact that he noticed this technique at all did not matter!


Time itself reverted back to two seconds; it was as if a movie was going in reverse. His eyes widened as he saw Bing Xue moving within the reversing time.

“T-This is…!”

“{Aeternitas Martial Arts}: {Primordial Divine Sentinel of the Dark Past}”

Once the two seconds went back, all the domains, attacks, and everything had yet to begin, and Bing Xue’s fists had already pierced the clown’s chest, making him explode through Divine Photon Injection.

“W-What’s happening- AAAGGGHHH!”


The other gods that couldn’t notice what happened gasped, suddenly seeing as if Bing Xue had disappeared and reappeared; this wasn’t even her super-fast movements or any teleportation; they would have been able to somewhat stop her from doing so through their domains that were anchored into space after all.

But this was different!

“The dark past unravels itself; yet another of your allies is dead; the future you envisioned is gone,” she said. “Now tell me, corrupt gods. Have you ever felt fear before?”

Her hands waved, Yin and Yang energies combining together.

Everyone knew what she was doing.

The Cursed Forest and the Black Machine God quickly attempted to stop her.

Yet, it was simply too late.

It was always too late with her!

“{Balance Disruption Art}: {Hollow Chaos}”

A tiny sphere of purple and black light was released, and the divine domains immediately shattered into pieces before its very presence.

And then, the sphere was divided into ten more.

“{Balance Disruption Arts Echo}: {Fragmented Chaos}”

An Echo! The ability to modify an already-conjured spell or technique and change it midway through its attacking pattern.

It was like a rain of purple and black light.

Yet when it touched one of the gods, the Cursed Forest God.




He was completely consumed, vaporizing completely, and leaving no body or soul behind at all. The machine god attempted to escape the rain of fragmented chaos.

But it couldn’t; one sphere was right in front of him as he moved away.




Vaporized again—metal, circuits, everything inside—nothing of that mattered at all; it was completely erased from existence.

“R-Run…! RUUUN!”

The other Gods suddenly started escaping, leaving the Barbarian God alone as he screamed at them, however, he saw the fragmented chaos catch half of the ones escaping.

“Come on, are you not even giving me the fight I wanted?”

And Bing Xue appeared above him as the Barbarian God saw several more Gods perishing, one after another; chaos consumed them entirely.


Until no God was left… except him!

“T-This is ridiculous…! Y-You killed them all?! And their souls… even their souls…! D-Does that mean?!”

“Yes, it means what you think it means.”

Bing Xue's smile became slightly wicked, and as her eyes turned deep red, her entire body began to transform in that moment, becoming a huge, demonic entity.

A Demon Queen.

“They’re dead.”

As she spoke, the heaven above her rumbled, becoming black and red, and her two hands formed giant blades made of Yin and Yang disrupting each other, generating deadly Chaos.

Her Draconification also mixed with her appearance, giving her a draconic and demonic appearance, something Bing Xue would have never attained before.


With a furious roar, the Barbarian God lost all his mind, and the entire world trembled as Bing Xue noticed hundreds of rivers of World Energy rushing into his body, making him larger and larger and larger within a split second!


“He’s draining the energy of the world itself to become stronger!" Bing Xue thought, glaring down as she noticed all nature and plants beginning to die, the beautiful endless grasslands becoming a dead wasteland.

Crack, crack…!



The entire world was shaking; giant cracks began to spread everywhere; and enormous quantities of lava from the blazing core of the planet started erupting everywhere.

The Barbarian God was planning to absorb the planet's energy and use it to destroy her and everything else.


His form became larger, reaching over two kilometers in height, looking like an endless tower of a man, piercing the skies and the heavens themselves.


His entire body, blazing with the lava of the entire planet rushing into it, started to rapidly shapeshift, giving birth to thousands of aberrant, titanic divine monsters.


Bing Xue rushed against the beasts, slashing them apart one after another as explosions of chaos erupted across the skies.

“Seth was right! The moment he was cornered, he would do this suicidal technique and bring down the world with him!” Bing Xue thought, gritting her teeth as she was quickly swarmed by thousands of titanic Divine Bloodshed Monsters. “It seems their help will be needed at the end…”

As Bing Xue clashed against the monstrosity the enraged Barbarian God had become, and Mursha and the rest fought against the God’s Cult, Seth, Umbra, and Estrella rushed across the skies, seeing as the world was beginning to come to an end.

“There it is! Quickly! We have to get inside!”

Seth pointed down at a huge crater in the middle of the wastelands, where there was a huge ancient temple covered by vegetation.


Yet the countless cracks across the planet’s surface threatened to destroy that enormous temple and what he sought inside of it.

“Hurry, we don’t have time!” Seth said. “I have the key to unseal them, but just break the damn ceiling with your divine powers; I think that’s possible!”

These ruins were made by the Barbarian God himself to seal something or someone.

Although a mortal alone could never break it down, it was completely different for a god, or two!

“Got it!”

“Let’s do it then!”

Umbra and Estrella transformed back into their divine forms, quickly unleashing their divine powers at once, resembling a descending black and golden star.

This was a powerful technique they had created recently, as they trained their new abilities and the application of their weakened divinities inside of Bing Xue’s Inner Realm.

“If you are weaker than before, then how about combining your powers as one?”

Although they thought of that proposal as ridiculous back then, they never thought they would be doing it now.


“{Dual Divinity Arts}: {Twin Star of Light and Darkness}!”

Crack, crack, CRACK!


The ceiling shattered and quickly broke open, but it began to rapidly regenerate again! Seth quickly jumped inside while carrying the two gods and the veil made out of Bing Xue’s doppelganger.

“Here we are…”

And they found themselves deep inside a dark hall covered with dust and moss, and decorated with five giant statues resembling huge beasts and roaring creatures, further wrapped around by glowing chains of divinity.

“T-This is…?!” Estrella muttered.

“They’re the original gods of Elios!” Umbra said.

“Yeah…” Seth nodded. “The Five Great Divine Beast Spirits. The Barbarian God could not kill them because the elements of the world are connected to their lives; if they had died, the world would have ended, but he sealed them. And now it’s time to unseal them, once and for all.”

Seth held a rainbow-colored key, which shone brightly.

Where could he have obtained such a precious item?

“It’s time for me to fulfill my promise… Mia,” Seth said, with a slightly sorrowful expression. “I will save the world you loved so much… So you’ll have a home to return to.”

[You have used the [Divine Great Spirit Unsealing Key Perfect Replica (SSS+++ Grade)]!]

[The seal placed over the {Five Great Elemental Spiritual Pillars of Elios} is beginning to rapidly fade away!]

[However, because you’re only using a Replica of the Key, their Power cannot be completely unsealed.]



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59 Advanced Chapters of The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest

38 Advanced Chapters of The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path

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