The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns: An OP Xianxia Returnee LitRPG

Chapter 133: The Power of the Mechanical Gods

Listen While Reading:  Destruction of Obelisk 


Akhenaton glared at the people who had shown up out of nowhere. His face was growing furious as he piloted his Mechanical God.

“I’m sorry for taking a while, but we had to take care of the trash.”

A tall, brown-skinned man with short black hair and a muscular frame, wearing a white blouse and black pants, and with a big, claw mark-shaped scar in the middle of his face.

The chairman of the association of hunters in the city of El Cairo, Mohamed Khaled.

“As long as I’m here, the endless sand of the desert will be our guardians.”

A slender, beautiful black woman with short black hair and seductive, bright blue eyes, wearing a colorful dress, and many pieces of jewelry, especially rings—magic rings.

Heba Marwa, often known as “Queen of the Dunes”, an S Rank Hunter.

“I wonder how nice it would feel to cut through that scrap head of yours~”

An annoyed-looking man with long white hair and a slender figure, wearing a black blouse and jeans, looked to be in his late teens. His sharp red eyes emanated a slightly menacing bloodlust.

Ahmed Mostafa, known as “The Blood Beast Berserk”, an S Rank Hunter.

“Please let go of Merneith!”

And lastly, the youngest of the four, a girl no older than fourteen, wore a white cloak and black cloths that covered her hair. Her clear brown skin and adorable silver-colored eyes caught the attention of many, especially due to the bright aura she emanated.

She was the newest S Rank Hunter of the city of El Cairo, Sara Asmaa, “The Sacred Child”.

“Your humans…” laughed Akhenaten. “This is ridiculous; do you think you can actually fight against a Mechanical God and my army of Divine Machines, you ignorant mongrels?!”

“Divine? HAHAHAH!”

Ahmed laughed out loud, and the prince’s eyes widened as the berserk pointed at a pile composed of destroyed metal covering the ground.

“It just took me ten cuts each, and they went down... Did you think we were as weak as those Americans? Unlike that country full of idiots, we’ve been fighting since everything began, nonstop. El Cairo has not been maintained by some otherworldly King; it has been maintained by its people alone.”

“He destroyed some Divine Machines?!” Akhenaten gasped. “How is this possible?! No, wait!”

His eyes glanced down below, quickly realizing there were at least a dozen more mechs that were destroyed through different methods. Some of them were just punched into pieces with the chairman’s signature.

Others were crushed by immense quantities of sand, Heba’s power, and some were encapsulated into blinding light cages until they were burned and exploded, Sara’s power. And of course, those Ahmed destroyed were cut down by his huge sword, made out of the bones of a dragon.

Although the otherworldly prince seemed slightly surprised, he still maintained his pride. There was still almost eighty Divine Mechs everywhere; they were constantly fighting the other hunters down below. Civilians were mostly evacuated, but a few had already died due to the commotion.

“It looks like I might have underestimated the trash in this world. I wonder though, can you really go beyond that?” laughed Akhenaten. “Because I sure can~!”


With an explosion of dark matter coming from Anubis’ legs, the giant Mechanical God reached the closest hunter, Ahmed, its giant claws moving down.


Using his large sword, Ahmed barely managed to block the powerful attack, but the force it generated was enough to send him flying.

“Ungh?! Attacking me head-on, you fuck?! I like that!”

The crazed young Egyptian man laughed, his giant sword overflowing with his mana, the roar of a dragon echoing from his bone sword.


The illusion of a mighty red dragon emerged from the sword, fusing with Ahmed’s aura; his eyes turned draconic; and red scales emerged around his body.

“A Dragon?!”

The prince gasped before Ahmed smiled, showing him his sharp teeth.

“{Berserk Dragon Blade Awakening}”


The intensity of the dragon’s presence generated a powerful pressure, pushing Akhenaten away with tremendous force, before a giant draconic claw, an illusion made reality, struck down Anubis.


The Mechanical God was sent flying down, but it quickly recovered and rushed back towards the young berserk, who quickly imbued his sword with flames.

“How about this, you fucking piece of shit?!” With a berserk-like attitude, Ahmed roared.


A storm of slashing attacks was unleashed, and flames and cutting waves engulfed the Mechanical God as Ahmed laughed manically.

“Hahahaha! That’s what you get for attacking me first, you shithead!”

Ahmed laughed; the draconic powers of his sword seemed to have the upper hand over Anubis Mechanical God's body.




A shockwave of black matter was unleashed, destroying the storm of slicing flames. Anubis re-emerged, completely unscathed.

“{Dark Matter Veil}, Akhenaten laughed. “Anubis’ Ability. It makes it so most physical and even ethereal attacks are simply… absorbed! I am invincible.”

Mechanical Gods were beings made to be above all else; their strength was unparalleled in their world, but among them, Anubis might lack in terms of power but made it back in terms of Defense.

Ranking even above Ra in terms of Durability, Anubis could be said to be invincible, as long as it didn’t fight another Mechanical God that countered their defensive power like Ra!

“With Ra confined in the Cage of Death, I don’t have anything to worry about!” Akhenaten laughed. “Come! As many as you want! Your feeble bodies shall be crushed by the might of a God!”

With a blink of darkness, Anubis disappeared and reappeared above Ahmed. The young berserk quickly unleashed a fiery dragon breath, yet Anubis swung its claws, easily blocking the beam and redirecting it into the skies.




Ahmed gritted his teeth as he felt Dark Matter quickly wrap around his body, resembling countless chains.

“{Netherworld Chains}!”

And then, at the prince’s command, the chains began to infuse destructive dark matter inside of Ahmed’s body, attempting to destroy him from the inside out.



Heba immediately responded. Giant hands made of sand started grabbing Anubis while another spear made of sand continued trying to pierce through his defenses. Numerous blows emerged from every angle.



Anubis was perhaps the lightest of the Mechanical Gods; therefore, it was susceptible to blows that could send it flying away. Heba used this to her advantage, pushing him away and trying to break the chains made of darkness it was holding.

However, the chains simply extended like elastic no matter how far Anubis was sent. Akhenaten continued torturing Ahmed, who began bleeding from every orifice of his body.




Heba called the chairman, who was fighting the Divine machines coming to defeat them, and quickly rushed towards the chains.

The muscular man gathered his energies into his body, Mana overflowing and coursing through his body as his fists, his only weapons, glowed with golden flames.

“{Golden Giant Fist}”

He pushed down his two fists, pointing at the black chains and impacting them with all his force. Sparks of electricity surged, and the illusion of two enormous fists made of gold pushing down emerged.


The chains began giving up, quickly shattering after Mohamed thought his fists were going to be torn to shreds.

“Hahh… Hahh…”

He was the strongest hunter in the city, yet his hands were burned and bleeding, perhaps for the first time since he awakened as an S Rank Hunter.

“That isn’t darkness magic, Heba!” he said, receiving the healing light of Sara. “It’s something different. Like a different matter altogether.”

“What?! They don’t work with magic?!” Heba wondered.

Suddenly, a realization came to everyone in that moment. All the attacks, all the powers, everything these people used.

It wasn’t fueled by magic.

It was actually highly advanced technology that somehow managed to control the primary, most dangerous, and most powerful elements of the universe before Mana ever reached Earth.

Dark Matter, a speculated element that encompasses all of the universe. It is thought to be the origin of the "black color" that the universe has.

The ever-burning plasma of stars, capable of melting the surface of planets themselves...

And perhaps what else could the other Mechanical Gods even wield!

It wasn’t something that magic alone could counter, even less elemental affinities. Perhaps this was the reason why Sara’s light has yet to even affect the Dark Matter protecting Anubis.


Ahmed fell from the skies, on the verge of death, but was quickly caught by Heba’s sands, Sara quickly flew there, using her angelic wings to heal the dying hunter.

“Ahmed! Hang in there-”


Yet in that very moment, the skies above the little Sacred Child darkened. Mohamed, Heba, and even Ahmed’s eyes widened.

Anubis had appeared above her, out of nowhere.

There was only one word that emerged in their minds.


“So you’re the one that makes them all so resilient, a being that can heal... interesting,” said the man. “Killing you would be a waste. You’re going to become my personal slave, little girl.”

With a creepy smirk, which Sara couldn’t see but that she could sense within the prince’s malice, the giant claws of Anubis rushed towards her.


Mohamed and Heba cried, rushing towards Anubis, as hundreds of giant hands made of sand and Mohamed’s flying golden fist attacks reached the giant mechanical god.


Yet, below the smoke, the unscathed body of Anubis emerged. The giant mechanical god glared at the hunters with its mechanical, golden eyes, groaning at them like a furious jackal.


And it laughed!

In his hands, Sara was wrapped tightly around Dark Matter, encapsulating her in a near-indestructible bubble of pure darkness.

“She’s mine now~” the prince laughed. “Thank you for the prize! I’ll make sure to use her well! With her powers, I’ll become an immortal king! Then I’ll make her give birth to my children, inheriting her powers and my golden bloodline! I can already imagine it! She’s too good to be left in here; you trash wouldn’t know how to use her well!”


Heba screamed, her Mana erupting endlessly as it rushed around the entire sand of the desert, at the same time as Mohamed reached the titanic mecha, swinging his fists with everything he had.

“{Golden Giant Aura}: {Eight Palms of Heaven}!”

Out of nowhere, his Aura transformed, revealing eight enormous arms made of gold, pushing their enormous palms against Anubis, trying to even deal a single point of damage.



“Hah! Weak!”

Yet, Anubis remained unscathed, quickly punching the chairman down with tremendous force; his arms were broken, and his hands were shredded into pieces.


With a furious roar, Heba, the last remaining of the four hunters, attacked Anubis with everything she had. The entire Sahara heard her call, shaping into titanic fists that rushed towards Anubis from every angle.

“Honestly, your powers… slightly resemble my sister.”


As Anubis was being attacked from every angle, an endless amount of sand continued trying to crush the mech with pure and sheer weight.

“Nnngghh…! Die…! Just die, you monster!”

Heba cried as she poured every ounce of Mana left within her body, beginning to vomit blood due to the backlash of overusing mana and then pushing her magic beyond her limits.

The sound of metal creaking reverberated everywhere, yet Heba’s Mana was already about to empty completely.

“Come on…! Just die…! Just…!”

Using all her force, the sand hardened to the point of becoming stone, and above the city, a gigantic mountain floated.


With all her force, she launched the giant stone away into the deepest parts of the Sahara Desert, collapsing on the ground and shaking the entire land like a meteor.


The intensity of the impact made the ground below boil, and the sands of the desert crystallized into glass and broke into countless pieces.

“Hahh… Hahhh… Hahh…”

Heba glanced into the distance, hoping for that giant thing to remain in the ground and for it to simply die already!

“Did that... do it?”

Her blue eyes, however, widened as she noticed something approaching at tremendous speed.

And then, by encompassing itself into dark matter, it skipped through space.


Anubis appeared in front of her, spreading out its arms, its shadows covering her body. The woman’s face quickly filled with a slight despair.

“It was incredible, but that’s how far your kind can go against the almighty Anubis... I commend you for your efforts, woman,” the prince laughed. “But this is the end!”

Yet she smiled defiantly.

“Dammit… At least I bought time.”



Akhenaten’s eyes widened as he suddenly noticed the skies above split apart, a golden portal emerging, resembling the entrance to an ancient, flying pagoda.

A woman made of light appeared, smiling.

“You’ve called us, and so we are here!” she said. “Heavenly Court’s disciples, show me how strong you’ve grown!”

Leading the group of disciples, a Russian woman fell from the skies with short blonde hair and eyes that glowed with purple light.

“{Void Manifestation}”



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65 Advanced Chapters of The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest

43 Advanced Chapters of The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path

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