The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns: An OP Xianxia Returnee LitRPG

Chapter 139: Fiery Hair’s Love


As we ate breakfast, I still decided to apologize to Urbosa and Merkite out of respect for them. I still felt a bit guilty for what I did last time, right after we did something together and I left them sleeping over the bed.

“Even then, I’m sorry. I did say I would tell you beforehand when I would choose another concubine, but...” I sighed. “I failed… It was the passion of the moment, and perhaps because I didn’t want to disappoint Mursha by rejecting her feelings.”

“Oh? No, please, it’s fine.” Urbosa smiled, wagging her tail. “Mursha is such an amazing warrior; we respect her a lot.”

“Please don’t worry! It’s fine!” Merkite winked at me. “I know you had your needs; you have quite a lot of stamina after all, so a third girl was needed to satisfy you, right, my wife?”

“I-I… well, perhaps?” I giggled a bit embarrassedly as I held Mursha’s hand.

Well, we’ve been eating, but she hasn’t let go of my hand, holding it tightly with a very happy smile.

However, her happy smile slowly turned into a bit of an embarrassed expression.

“I’m so sorry... I should have apologized first,” she sighed. “As a warrior, I was very unexperienced in such things! A-And following my mother’s teachings, I just went for it… when I saw the opportunity.”

“It’s fine,” Urbosa said. “No need for apologies, Mursha. You’re welcome into our family, right, Bing Xue, sister?”

“Yes, of course,” said Merkite. “We already talked about this, Mursha, so relax! Take it easy.”

“Yeah! Don’t worry.” I nodded, kissing her lips again. “Welcome to the family, Mursha. I’ll love you as much as I love Urbosa and Merkite. It’s quick, yes. But I can tell your love is genuine. Let’s learn about one another and grow even closer, alright?”

“T-Thank you…” Mursha started crying, bowing her head. “Thank you so much for everything!”

She was indeed still the crybaby I remember…

She looks rough and cold on the on the outside, but she’s such a soft-hearted girl deep down.

To be honest, that contrast makes her even cuter as a woman.

“It’s alright, my love; no need to cry anymore, okay?” I gently patted her big, muscular thighs. “I’ve lived over eleven thousand years... So it’s nice that there are people who are so direct about relationships out there. It might seem a bit extreme or quick to other people, especially from my world, but I accept your culture and I’ll embrace it. We’ve already created a bond as warriors, right?”

“Yes, you’re right,” Mursha nodded. “Since our first battle, I have seen within you an incredible warrior and, above all, a very beautiful woman too. I... well, ever since I became orphaned, I’ve stopped liking men. Perhaps it has to do with the trauma that involves so many of them. I couldn’t see them as attractive, or even romantic, anymore. I closed my heart and became cold, set on my own mission to slay them all one day, all those bastards that did this to my family… But now that such a thing was finally done, and I felt relieved, I felt slightly empty inside. I yearned for something… love, perhaps.”

“I see…” I nodded. “I’m glad you chose me as your partner, Mursha… It’s an honor; you also captivated me when we fought. Sometimes, just a battle between two warriors can say more than thousands of words, huh?”

“Indeed! I love how you understand me so well, Bing Xue!” Mursha hugged me again. “Come here!”

“E-Eh?! Mursha…!” I tried to reprimand her, but I really couldn’t; she had her way with me, kissing me passionately once more.

“Hmm~ Ahh, enough, okay? You can’t just kiss me all the time, Mursha.” As our lips separated, Mursha panicked.

“Huh? But Bing Xue is so beautiful… I want to kiss my wife all I want!” Mursha proclaimed.

“Hah, please, Mursha, you’re making me embarrassed now…”

To think an ancient venerable such as myself would be blushing like I am a teenager now!

“Heheh! You’re even cuter like that,” she smiled, hugging me tightly. “I want to snuggle with you for a whole year like this!”

“I-I would love to as well, but there are many things I have to do,” I said. “I suppose Urbosa and Merkite have already informed you, right?”

“A-About your world? Oh yes! If you want to go back there, then I will follow!” she said. “I’ll also join that cult or whatever it is, the Heavenly... Petgoda or something?”

“Pagoda!” I giggled. “It’s the Golden Heavenly Pagoda, and that’s a building. The Sect is called Heavenly Court. And it was made to protect my world, Earth. Eventually, I plan to expand their protection to other worlds as well.”

“Oooh! To think my wife is already from such a prestigious family!” she said happily. “Well, to be expected. Your skills and even your fancy clothes! You are indeed an Empress of high royalty!”

“Hahaha! Come on, it’s not exactly like that,” I giggled. “But well, I suppose... Because you’re my woman now, you’ll also be of the same high authority, my dear. So you must behave, alright? Especially with my disciples. We can love, hug, and kiss as much as you want, but in private, if possible, is that alright? I respected your cultures in your world, and I hope you could do the same in my world, as Urbosa and Merkite had done so too.”

“O-Of course! I’ll do my best to not disappoint you, my love,” she bowed her head, showing me great respect.

“No need to bow, dear; it’s alright.” I kissed her little nose. “Now! Shall we eat this delicious feast you’ve prepared? There are so many meals I’ve never seen before! Are these from your family, Mursha, dear?”

“Oh yes!” she nodded. “I felt inspired after last night... I was so happy that I wanted to cook you many delicious meals! Urbosa and Merkite helped me out. Please eat away; these are all recipes from my tribe, the Bloodfang Warriors. I’m sure that our child will be happy to learn these things once they’re born too.”

“Ooohh! There’s indeed a lot of... Our child? Wait, it’s already…?” I wondered.

“Indeed, I could feel a little life force grow within my womb,” Mursha patted her belly. “It’s nothing big, but it’s growing very quickly! My wife, your seed is indeed very strong! Please, let’s have more children after this one, okay? We need at least ten kids! Yes, ten, or maybe twenty? As many as we can, so we can repopulate the tribe! Then the children will find other mates, and then we can continue the lineage really well.”

“Ppfff…!” I was drinking tea, and I ended up spilling it. “T-That many?! Mursha… C-Calm down, ok? Only one for one, alright?”

“A-Ah, of course! Don’t worry, we can take it easy,” she smiled, patting my shoulders. “Please eat! The food is very yummy, my love!”

That got me a bit scared, twenty children?! She’s really going for the big family, huh?

“Alright…” I sighed. “Um, Mursha, let’s talk about this right now if possible. I think one… two, maybe three, ok? Three is the max.”

“T-Three? Well…” she muttered. “Right! It’s alright with three! Sorry, did I scare you with such numbers? Now that I think about it, my parents only had me and my big brother, so I guess it wasn’t that common for so many kids…”

“Not even us would have asked so much, hahaha!” Urbosa laughed it off. “Mursha, you’re a bit too greedy, hm? Did you like what Bing Xue did with you last night that much?”

“She’s amazing in bed, right?” Merkite smiled, licking her lips. “How many times did she... do it inside?”

“Do it inside? What do you mean by that? ...Oh! Hmm! I believe that at least… five times? Hahaha! I lost count,” said Mursha, laughing very loudly. “I hope we can do it again tonight as well!”

Ahh, they are indeed VERY direct! That they can talk about the sex we have so openly like this… I’m glad the rest of my family or Hekita aren’t here.

“Um, girls, keep this talk between you, okay? Once we meet with everyone, please don’t say such things. Our private lives must remain private,” I told them. “It’s also part of the manners of my world; I hope you understand.”

“Yes, don’t worry, we know,” Urbosa nodded.

“But this talk between sisters is ok, right?” Merkite smiled.

“That’s right, we are all your wives after all, my love,” said Mursha. “But I apologize if it was a bit awkward…”

“Hmm, nah, it’s fine if it’s between the four of us,” I giggled. “And it’s not like I dislike talking about it either. You were very good as well, Mursha. I also felt in heaven with such a big and strong lady embracing me like you did. Despite your rough exterior, you’re very soft inside, hm?”

“A-Ahh… well, that seems to be the case, haha…” Mursha giggled adorably. “Doing it for the first time with you was a blessing, my dear. Thank you.”

“I am also grateful for your love.” I caressed her big hands. “Now let’s eat!”

We enjoyed the delicious meals served. Mursha’s tribe's food was mostly meat and bread-based. From fried bread with meat bits to baked bread with minced meat inside, there was also roasted meat that was incredibly soft, deliciously seasoned, and slightly spicy.

Also, she made a sweet called "Aspurglas,” made from mashed sweet potatoes combined with jelly made from strawberries and then fried. It was very unique, fluffy, and delicious.

“I-Is it good?” Mursha wondered, fidgeting with her hair as she nervously asked. “This is one of the first trials a wife must go through… To see if their husband… or wife likes their meal.”

“I see! Don’t worry, it’s all very delicious.” I winked at her. “You’re a perfect wife already, Mursha. Don’t worry. I’m sure your mother would be happy.”

“Really?” The big orc lady was full of happiness once more. “Thank you so much!”

Then she hugged me once more.

She’s a hugger, for sure.

“Anyways, thanks for the food,” I said with a typical Murim bow, placing both palms together. “I believe we should get going; a few things have happened on Earth that need my attention. Also, I want to see Hekita and everyone else. It has only been two days, but it felt like an eternity.”

“Me too! I miss my little girl,” nodded Urbosa. “Let’s go then! I’m happy you’ve missed her too; it means she’s like your daughter already, heheh!”

“Of course!” I nodded. “Hekita is my little treasure too. I love her as my daughter. So, I kind of miss her already… I’m sure she’ll be very happy once she sees the world she originated from.”

“For sure! That little brat will get really happy!” Merkite agreed, quickly standing up. “Then let’s clean up and get going! Mursha, you’re coming, right?”

“Yes! This is my first time going to another world, though…” said Mursha nervously. “But as long as I am with my wife and my sisters, I’ll have the courage,” she bravely said.

“Well said.” I hugged her this time. “I’m sure you’ll love the place. It’s also a much safer place to raise our child.”

I patted her belly as she blushed.

“Is that so? Then, with even more reasons, let’s go.” She kissed me once more. “I love you…”

“I love you too.” I hugged her back, feeling her big, warm body.

She was such a lovely woman; I’ll protect her and love her for as long as I can, to make up for all the suffering she had gone through.

She has gone through so much; I just want to see her happy and fulfilled.

And I’ll work toward making her happy.

She deserves it.

“Bing Bing! Mursha! Good morning!”

Fiery Hair greeted us, rushing towards us while the rest of the cavemen were still having breakfast and enjoying the sunny day. They really looked happy in Elios.

“Good morning, Fiery Hair; it looks like your tribe is happy here.” I looked around. “We are moving back to Earth for a couple of days. There are some urgent matters we need to attend to. If you want to, you can stay here with your people.”

“Huh?! But Fiery Hair wants to go too!” She said angrily. “Bing Bing will leave me?” Then she glanced at me with a very sad expression.

“O-Of course not, Fiery Hair; if you want to come, then come with us.” I smiled, extending my hand towards her. “You can stick with us as much as you want. I said I would take care of you and your people; it’s a promise I will keep. However, the rest of your people seem happy here.”

“Hmm,” she sighed, holding my hand. “People of the Children of Fire and the Hawkeyes... Very happy, Fiery Hair conflicted! What to do? Leave them here? Force them to come?”

“I think you shouldn’t force them, Fiery Hair,” said Mursha. “They’re happy here, so leave them be. It’s not like we won’t return, right?”

“Right! Mursha so smart!” Fiery Hair smiled happily. “Friend!”

She hugged Mursha, as the orc warrioress felt a bit startled, but hugged her back.

“Hahaha, of course! We’re sisters in arms,” the orc girl giggled.

“Sniff, sniff… Hmm?!” Fiery Hair’s eyes widened as she sniffed some scent in Mursha’s body. “Mursha!”

“Huh? What?” Mursha wondered.

“You and Bing Bing… Did you mate?!” Fiery Hair was shocked.

“Y-Yeah…” Mursha muttered. “Um, how did you tell so easily?!”

“Bing Bing smell all over Mursha!” Fiery Hair seemed a bit angry. “Mursha, bad friend! Why first before Fiery Hair?! Fiery Hair wanted… to mate too!”

“E-Eh?! Really? I-I’m sorry, Fiery Hair! I didn’t want to do it before you, but it just happened…” Mursha sighed. “I just recently learned that there’s a lot of other women that love Bing Xue, so... Um, I’m very sorry!”

Mursha apologized to Fiery Hair, lowering her head.

Fiery Hair groaned angrily.


Then she glanced at me, looking a bit sad.

“Does Bing Bing not want to mate with Fiery Hair? Is Fiery Hair not a desirable woman?”

She looked very heartbroken.

Damn, I didn’t expect this.

Uh, I have to solve this.

I don’t want to see her sad!

After all, I also like her. I just thought that I had to take things easy; after all, she’s leading a tribe and everything.

Maybe I should take some of Mursha’s advice this time.

“No, Fiery Hair, I’m really sorry,” I said, walking to her side. “Can you sit down?”

“Hm? Hmph…”


She sat down very angrily, making the ground tremble, cross-legged, and pouting.

She was such a huge, muscular woman, even larger than Mursha, yet her heart was indeed that of a lady.

“I sat down! Now what? Hmph!”


I walked to her side, sat over her big thighs, and kissed her lips.


Her red eyes flared with flames as her entire body heat started ramping up.

It was a swift kiss; I separated my lips quickly from hers.

But her lips were softer than I imagined, and they were also rather nice to kiss.

She was very warm as well.

“Fiery Hair is a beautiful woman, and I like you,” I said. “I am sorry for not embracing you earlier! Would you forgive me?”

“Ooohh! Ooohhh!” she started celebrating, raising her arms. “Oooh! Yes! Yes! Bing Bing loves Fiery Hair?! Truly! I love Bing Bing so much! Kiss! Let’s kiss more! I want to mate!”

“W-Wait, Fiery Hair?!”

And then she grabbed me and started kissing me…

I simply couldn’t escape her; she was huge!

Her warm lips constantly tried to eat mine; her tongue danced inside my mouth; and ultimately, I also embraced her, kissing her passionately.

I tried to forget about the world and everything around me and just show her all my love.

Eventually, I was the one on top of her, our lips separating after almost a minute of constantly kissing. I let go of her tongue.

Ahhh~ Hahhh~ Bing Bing… Fiery Hair loves…”

“I love you too, dear; aren’t you cute? Are you happy now?”

“Yes~! Fiery Hair ready to mate! Let’s make many children, yes?”

“A-Ah… Well, not right now; can Fiery Hair wait for later?”

“Fiery Hair can! But a promise is a promise! So don’t break promise!”

“Of course.”

We sat down next to one another, kissing a bit more, before we were finally ready to depart.

“So happy!”

Fiery Hair was so happy that she ran to her tribe and told them the news.


Then all the cavemen started celebrating, dancing, screaming, singing, and laughing.

They sure were a huge family, huh?

“Come to think of it, where’s Peperina? And Seth?” I asked.

“I saw Peperina meeting a lot of rabbit-kin people,” said Urbosa. “And about Seth... no idea.”

“He just disappeared,” said Merkite.

“Hmm… Oh, he went to Floor 3 already?” I wondered.

I checked the entire world through my senses, and he was indeed gone!

I sent him a telepathic message across worlds, and it quickly reached him.

“Seth! Where are you?”

“Sorry, I went to the higher floors.”

“Why not wait for me, geez?”

“I know you have your own things to deal with; I’ll progress on the floors in the meantime. I hope you don’t mind. I need to grow stronger.”

“Hmm, fine, go ahead! There are some matters I need to attend to on Earth. Once I’m done and ready to resume our journey, I’ll call you again. Stay alive! Ok?”

“Don’t worry. I have to gather a couple things here and there, preparing for the future.”

“Sure, sure, do as you please, my reckless disciple. Just remember, you got a master here, all worried!”

“Yes, but the disciple must remind his master that he is not a child.”

“Hah, fine, see you then.”

I guess he’s on his own; I’ll leave him be for now.

Then I moved to see Peperina, only to find her running towards me.

“Bing Xue! Bing Xueee! Good morning! I-I found so many rabbit people! It was wonderful!” She was hopping happily.

“Really? I’m glad for you! I was going to go back to Earth for a couple of days; do you want to stay here?” I wondered.

“O-Ohh! To Earth?! Please let me go as well! I want to see how it is!” She was very excited.

“Hahaha, fine, then let’s go.” I nodded, petting her head.

Like that, once everyone was together and ready, we moved back to Earth.

Through my developed, evolved spatial abilities, it was possible to move at near instant speed.

Passing through the stairs of these two worlds and then back to Earth, we appeared right in the middle of a city far away from America.

“This place... a city in the middle of a desert? Where is this?” wondered Urbosa.

“Look, a huge golden pyramid!” Merkite gasped.

“Oh my gosh! I’ve heard about Earth’s pyramids before! I need to go take selfies by their side!” said Peperina.

Yes, we were here. A doppelganger greeted me, quickly merging with me; more vivid memories of what it went through rushed through my mind. Although I had seen things beforehand, doing thigs gave me a greater insight.

“Yep, we’re in another country, Egypt!” I said. “Welcome to El Cairo, everyone. Let’s go explore, shall we? I’m also kind of a tourist here, after all! Hekita and everyone else are waiting for us in a mall; they’re already eating lunch, so let’s quickly catch up with them!”

Lots to do!


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67 Advanced Chapters of The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest

45 Advanced Chapters of The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path

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