The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns: An OP Xianxia Returnee LitRPG

Chapter 144: Anubis 2.0



Suddenly, and in front of everyone, Hekita did something completely out of our minds. After she touched the slowly regenerating Anubis, she activated her Spirit Creation Ability and that… somehow helped her not only repair Anubis but change it somehow.

It felt strange, as if Anubis had been injected with new magical and spiritual powers. Hekita’s ability supposedly helped her create Spirits, but these Spirits aren’t permanent; they disappear after a while.

However, as she cultivated her Ki and combined it with her Mana, this ability evolved, and the Spirits she made are much larger now and can take on many more forms.

But that wasn’t all, as they lasted longer and could even "materialize,” no longer becoming ethereal but physical.

“W-What happened?!” Urbosa gasped. “Hekita! Did you do this?”

“Yeah!” Hekita nodded. “I used my ability to heal him! He looked in pain! He’s so cool!”

“Fri… ends,” Anubis was trying to speak more; although his metallic voice was rough, it was learning how to replicate words very quickly. “Coo… ool…”

“I-I can’t believe it; the girl can repair those weird golems too? Amazing!” said Merkite, clapping and congratulating her niece.

“Ooh, it can talk?” Mursha asked.

“Merneith, what do you think?” I asked the princess. “Is Anubis good or something?”


“T-This is…”

Merneith and her brother were both left speechless as they glanced at Anubis kneeling before Hekita, a girl that wasn’t even from their world, or any Earth for that matter.

This cute little wolf girl ended up not only repairing their mechanical god like nothing but also making him talk, and overall, he felt stronger than before too!

“I don’t know what happened, honestly,” said Merneith.

“Anubis! It looks like it’s revived fully but…” Akhenaten screamed. “He doesn’t… He’s not looking at me at all… Anubis? Hey! Anubis!”


Anubis, however, didn’t even listen to his previous pilot words, only glancing at Hekita, who was caressing his cold and metallic jackal-like head.

“Friends… cool? Friends me?”

"Yeah, you’re my friend! Let’s be friends forever!”

“Friends… forever… understood. I shall... become friends forever.”

Anubis seemed to not only gain the ability to speak, but it also became much smarter. It was as if Hekita had given him...

Wait, that’s it!

“I think I know what happened,” I said. “Hekita didn’t just repair it... She completely transformed Anubis into... I think it might be a living being now.”

“A what?!” Merneith gasped.

“T-That’s… But isn’t it a Mechanical God? Technically you could say it's alive, but-” Akhenaten was trying to rationalize this.

“No, Hekita granted him a Spiritual Soul,” I explained. “Anubis is a being of his own now.”


The two siblings gasped, unable to believe what I just said.

However, it made total sense now that I thought about it.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “Hekita has the power of Spirit Creation, she can create Spirits of all sorts of shapes and forms. She had been rapidly strengthening this Ability through her Cultivation and Leveling. I never thought she could go this far, but I think she replicated nanobots using this ability and merged them into Anubis, repairing them instantly. However, usually her Spirits disappear… But maybe because she imbued them with Anubis, a physical, real being, they remained there, perhaps completely fusing with the Mech. As a result, because Spirits are technically Souls, this process not only gave Anubis a new look and form, but it also gave it a soul.”

“T-That’s… Is that even possible? Powers that can just create Nanobots like that?” wondered Akhenaten. “But even our own technology can’t just spawn them out of nowhere!”

“I just did it then!” giggled Hekita. “I just wished for Anubis to get well, so I made the spirits into whatever made him, and it worked! Anubis also doesn’t like you! He says you’re a meanie who uses him to kill people! And he doesn’t like killing people!”

“E-Eh?! He’s saying that?!” asked Akhenaten. “There’s no way… Mechanical Gods are made to kill… A-Anubis is the God of Death and…!”

“He says he doesn’t like it!” Hekita angrily said. “And he doesn’t like you! You’re a bully, and I won’t let you get closer to him! Hmph!”

Hekita ran in front of Anubis, who was only glaring at Akhenaten with a worried expression on his neon red eyes; he seemed afraid of him.

Wow, what a terrible owner! How could he make his puppy hate him so much?

“A-Anubis! How can this be? Are you replacing me for someone without even a Golden Bloodline?” wondered Akhenaten. “Someone who isn’t even from the royal family? I was planning for you to at least be piloted by Merneith, but this is…”

“Akhenaten… bully… not like! Not… friend…” Anubis muttered; he didn’t want to even look at him.

“See?! Don’t talk to him!” Hekita said angrily, showing her little, sharp teeth. “If you try to touch my friend, I’ll get serious! Grrr!”

Aww, isn’t she the cutest?

So small and adorable, yet so brave.

Anubis doesn’t need any protection; he’s a giant hunk of metal.

But he must have a delicate and innocent heart, as he was technically just born.

So he’s like a child that’s still learning; Hekita knows this, so she protects him.

“Ahh… It’s fine,” Akhenaten sighed. “I have already lost the privilege of piloting him. I… don’t know if you’ll be able to pilot him though; you don’t possess the Golden Bloodline after all. I mean, she could maybe, but she would then take backlash as she uses Anubis’ powers.”

“Hmm, maybe that won’t be the case anymore; Anubis has been attuned to Hekita as he has now merged with the Spirits she created,” I explained. “I really doubt she’ll suffer any backlash… Hekita, why don’t you ride Anubis? He wants that as well.”

This could be an excellent way to finally let Hekita join battles—what she really wanted for a while—while also being protected inside a powerful mech.

Anubis is also one of the toughest, right? That Dark Matter veil that nullifies almost any damage or attack is really good.

So she would certainly be well protected inside this machine.

“Ride him? I don’t know…” Hekita said. “You don’t mind, Anubis?”

“I… don’t,” Anubis said.

“Woah…” Merneith was just watching in silence. “T-This is really quite something; I just don’t know what to say. It’s amazing, I think.”

“Go for it, Hekita!” said Sara, cheering for her friend.

“O-Okay! But I don’t know how to pilot you…” Hekita sighed.

“It doesn’t matter… You will learn… easily,” said Anubis.

“Really? Ok!”

Hekita climbed over Anubis and entered its chest area. She finds herself sitting in a comfortable seat, surrounded by screens, buttons, and controls.

“S-So many things… I’m confused, Anubis!”

“Don’t… worry. Use your power… to pilot me… no need to use those things.”

“Oh really?!”

Suddenly, the door closed. We were a bit worried, Urbosa too, but she let her do whatever she wanted for now. Seeing how she was the one that repaired Anubis, Hekita deserved that much at least.


As the door closed, the giant mech suddenly gained a black aura of Dark Matter, covering its body with a lugubrious shadow veil. This was followed by a yellow, green, and white-colored, sparkly aura.

Through Anubis, with my eyes, I was able to see Hekita. She looked a bit nervous, but once she closed her eyes and concentrated, suddenly, threads made of spirit energy emerged from her hands.

They connected to Anubis entire control board, and suddenly, everything started moving on its own without her having to press anything.

One step at a time, Anubis moved around the interior of the pyramid, amazing both the Egyptians of this Parallel World and the people of this world.

Who would have known Hekita had such potential? It’s incredible!

“I-I think I can move… a bit!” She said her voice became louder as it was reproduced by the machine itself. “Anubis, can you fly?”


Anubis suddenly began floating in midair, generating some sort of gravity bubble around its body that was mostly invisible to people.

“Ooh! T-This is crazy! Move the arms!”

Hekita commanded using her mind instead of pressing buttons or something, and Anubis then moved his arms, fingers, and everything else as she wanted.

“So cool! Make a spear like mama!”


Dark Matter merged with her Spiritual Aura, materializing into a black crystal spear overflowing with power.

“So cool! But it’s better not to use it in here…”


Anubis then made the spear disappear… Apparently, his power to make new shapes and forms using Dark Matter was strengthened thanks to Hekita’s Spirit Creation Ability.

However, was she suffering any backlash? That was the real question here.

“Hekita, do you feel weird… or in pain?”

“Hmm! Nope! I’m fine!”

She seemed to have responded quite quickly, making Urbosa sigh in relief.

“Really?! You’re not suffering any kind of backlash?!” asked Akhenaten.

"Really, Hekita?” asked Merneith. “Not even some exhaustion or something?”

“Nope!” Hekita seemed happy. “It’s a bit warm here, but that’s fine- Oh! It cooled down?”

“Air conditioner mode is activated.” Anubis said. “Is it better now, master?”

“Yeah!” Hekita nodded. “But don’t call me master; we’re friends! I’ll call you Anubis, and you will call me Hekita! Alright?”

“…Understood,” Anubis nodded. “Heki… ta… I didn’t take into consideration… that you had… lots of fur… but now it should be… cooler inside.”

"Yes, it’s nice and refreshing. Hehe, sorry for being so hairy…” Hekita giggled. “I guess you were made to be piloted by people without hair?”

“Indeed, humans are different than your kind… Hekita,” Anubis was learning to speak faster and better by the second; it was amazing. “I will try to adapt to your necessities. Forgive me.”

“It’s fine! There is no need to ask for forgiveness or something!” said Hekita. “Hey, we have to beat some really bad people; would you help?”

“I… dislike… taking lives. It feels… painful,” he sighed. “But I can help… if Hekita… wants me to.”

“Don’t worry, we won’t kill anybody; I don’t like that either!” Hekita said.

“Well, what do you think, Urbosa?” I asked my wife.


Urbosa was still a bit nervous about everything, but she seemed slightly relieved. Hekita was happy and got herself a new friend too, one that could protect her very well.

“I mean… It’s amazing, yeah,” she nodded. “I guess I have to let her join us… If she has the power of that golem, she could really be of help, and she could also be well protected.”

“I agree,” I nodded. “I want everyone to grow stronger; there are many threats everywhere constantly coming here, and I won’t be able to be here all the time either. Therefore, stronger people are needed. Hekita could become even stronger with Anubis, I’m sure.”

“Okay… I want to trust those words,” she nodded as she approached her face to mine, giving me a little kiss. “Thank you for loving her like your daughter; it really means a lot to me.”

She held my hands and then kissed me again.

“Ah, but of course, there’s nothing to thank me for.” I smiled, kissing her back.

“I’ll let her go with you; is that okay?” she wondered. “I would prefer if she joined your party, even more if she has Anubis anyway.”

“Sure!” I nodded. “That is fine with me.”

"Okay, then…” she nodded, kissing me a third time. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I giggled, hugging her.

It was a nice moment; she trusted me, and that meant a lot to me. I’ll prove to her that Hekita can be relied on now, and I’ll also protect our baby daughter. Although I could probably handle everything on my own, that wouldn’t let anybody grow, develop, or become strong.

I am a Sect Master because I must raise disciples, guardians of this world. I’m climbing the tower after all, and in the future, I might have to go even beyond the stars to seek out who made this tower and from where they came from.

Because of this, I must prepare for the future and make sure that Earth and the other Worlds I visit are well protected. Everyone must grow stronger as well.

Therefore, these opportunities cannot be wasted!

"Alright, everyone, it’s time!” I said with a smile. “We’ll begin in a couple hours, so let’s prepare until then.”


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72 Advanced Chapters of The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest

47 Advanced Chapters of The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path

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