The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns: An OP Xianxia Returnee LitRPG

Chapter 62: The Grandfather Of Time’s Ambitions


An old titan rested his enormous and muscular body on top of an almighty throne carved out of pure white stone. Above the throne, there could be seen a large emblem resembling a sand clock, surrounded by several runes that were constantly glowing a bright blue color.

The old man emanated an Aura of tremendous Divine Power, flowing like an endless stream of white, silver, and blue-colored energies. His throne was above the clouds, inside his Ancient Divine Palace. There were no servants around him; there were no decorations—only him and his throne.

Countless streams of Time flowed everywhere, releasing them out of his palace into the worlds below him and even those above him. His single eye glowed with bright white and silver light as he observed a globe in front of him, a projection made using his powers and abilities.

The projection on this globe was Earth.

He squinted his single eye, the other covered by an eyepatch. His face showed both anger and happiness. A happy yet furious smile.

He was overjoyed to see that his plan was working. The Streams of Time he controlled were digging through the planet’s own Timelines.

“It is truly impressive how this little planet had so many diverging Timelines… While others usually have between one and three, this one... Had tens, if not hundreds,” he thought. “Each Timeline led to a parallel Earth, one where things had happened differently…”

A smile surged on his lips.

“And each one was much stronger than the original; how strange…” He laughed. “I have found quite a goldmine! If I told this to the Tower Owner, wouldn’t he give me a good reward? We could even connect those worlds to the Tower, and quickly drain their resources and souls, which are so rich and strong!”

As he seemed to have struck a gold mine, he decided to not be controlled by his own greed.

“No, no, I can’t just tell them yet… This is my personal vendetta, my own revenge.” He said. “Joseph was a fantastic Avatar, someone that would have eventually led me to the top of the Tower, and beyond... That woman took away my ticket to become even stronger, killing him in cold blood. And not only that, but my eye!”

He gently touched his eye patch, feeling a stinging pain where his eye once was.

It had happened out of nowhere just a couple of days ago; a strange force had somehow taken away his eye.

Someone took the eye of HIM, the Grandfather of Time, a God of the First Order that controlled Floor 97 of the Tower!

He was not only a God but also an Administrator of Time within the Tower.

Therefore, his power could even compare to the Gods of Floor 98 and above.

However, he was still restricted and lacked enough Faith to ascend further, his power was not enough to wage yet another war against the Floor 98 Gods.

After all, although he had a couple of Minor Gods that served him, most of them his own descendants, they weren't yet ready for another all-out war between Gods and their Forces.

Although things seemed much more peaceful on Floors below 50, from 51 and above, Wars between Worlds were commonplace.

The Gods constantly attempted to plunder other worlds out of their resources so they could further ascend their Floor, and gain more benefits.

Despite the Order of Gods being made, even within Orders, many Factions were created, and only a few were allies with one another, most of them enemies.

Although the Grandfather of Time knew that Bing Xue was “going to be taken care of” by the Fourth Order Gods, he couldn’t ignore her like the rest of the Gods of the Third, Second, and First Order.

He would have ignored her if it wasn’t because she ended up killing the Avatar of his descendant, and then when his own avatar went to avenge him, she killed HIS avatar!

“Not only is one of my eyes inexplicably gone and now within the possession of one of those Earthlings, but it was also an Earthling that killed two of my Avatars!” He roared furiously. “Joseph took me so long to find! A genius amongst geniuses within all worlds... Yet she killed him with so much ease! I must put all my resources into destroying her entire world; nothing shall be left behind.”

He then looked at the many Parallel Timeline Worlds he had opened Gates to, connecting them to Prime Earth through bridges of Time and Space.

“I wouldn’t have been able to get this far without their help, though.” He smiled as he further strengthened the bridges. He looked at a different section of his Divine Realm—another temple floating above the skies.

Inside, there were over twenty different Gods, all of them of Space Attribute. Their bodies were chained together, enslaved, and stuck to several Divine Pillars, creating a formation. The Grandfather of Time used their Space Attribute Divinity Trees, creating a powerful Relic he named {Heavenly Palace of Spacetime}.

He couldn’t see their faces, but he could hear their anguished screams of pain, as their powers were being constantly drained, only to be fed with raw Faith injected into their souls—a painful and agonizing experience.

“Soon enough, they will lose their senses of self and only live to serve me.” He thought. “I should simply enjoy their screams for now… It does soothe my anger a bit.”

The God looked at one of the Parallel Timeline Worlds again, one that resembled a glowing golden globe, it was yet another Parallel Earth, overflowing with an energy he had never seen before.

“This “Primal Power” they wield in this world… It sure is something unique.” He smiled. “A world where archaic and prehistoric beings never went extinct and where a Primal Power empowers anybody into tremendously strong beings. They are both dumb and strong, perfect for slaves. I might be able to destroy that whole city with these little bastards… Haha.”

The God smiled wickedly.

“Now, let’s see what you can do now, Bing Xue…” He laughed. “You can kill all the minor Gods you want, sure… But you simply can’t mess with me and come out unharmed. I will take everything away from you. EVERYTHING.”




It was another day within the Vast Emerald Jungles, an expanse that covered half a continent with Jungles and Mountains everywhere. Giant Scaled lords roamed everywhere, and only the strongest of Tribes of Man dared to ever live and hunt here.

Among them, the Brutes were the strongest, biggest, most muscular, and most mighty. Capable of even taming the greatest of Scaled Lords with their overwhelming prowess, there was nothing they couldn’t do, and they dominated the Vast Emerald Jungles with tyranny and power.

However, it wasn’t as if the other Tribes didn’t fight back. The Children of Fire, the Hawk Eyes, and the Spider Matriarchy Tribes all possessed their own territories, although they were slowly being eaten away by The Brutes.

It was only through cooperation between all three very different tribes that they were able to barely hold them back. But the King of Brutes had already aimed his forces towards total conquest and desired all the land so they could get more food and other resources to feed his growing population.

The Children of Fire, the Hawk Eyes, and the Spider Matriarchy were being slowly pushed back again; their unique abilities, even when combined together through cooperation, were unable to fight back against the sheer prowess that the Brutes had been gifted since birth.

In the middle of perhaps their last war, where many of both tribes had already died and only the strongest soldiers remained, battling endlessly, something happened.

To their primitive eyes, it felt as if the sky had screamed. A wound appeared in the clouds, and the wound bled gold and silver colors, like the golden sap of trees and the silver metal they found in the depths of mountains.

The war suddenly stopped, and the wound only grew larger. The Brutes panicked, running away as their King called for them, while the allied tribes retreated as well, only to find their own settlements taken over by the Wounds.

The wounds expanded everywhere, opening holes through space and time. The tribes were swallowed, unable to escape in time before they were all sent through strange tunnels.

A voice whispered inside their heads.

“Move forward and kill; take over everything; eat if you want.”

The Brutes were easily influenced, led by their greedy King. He completely ignored what he had been working on this entire time, aiming his forces toward this new World, full of weaklings he could crush and eat.

Not only did they bring their Scaled Lords, but even something else. The Scaled God the other tribes feared the most, which the King of Brutes had tamed with his sheer physical strength alone!


The roar of the Calamity, the Scaled God, reverberated across the connection between worlds. Fiery Hair found herself resting over the dry wastelands surrounding New York, awakened by the roar of the aberration.

“Scaled God… Calamity!” She screamed. “No…!”

As she panicked and didn’t know what to do, she heard the screams and roars of her people. She ran through the wasteland, entering a large forest full of small and weak monsters she crushed with her bare fists and foot, finding groups of Children of Fire, Hawk Eyes, and even Spider Matriarchy members.

“This is an opportunity. The Brutes. Going away. If only. We could return home…” One of the Spider Matriarchy members sighed; they had long black hair, sharp red eyes, and long, lanky complexions.

“But the people…” Fiery Hair sighed. She was incredibly tall—almost as tall as three meters. The strongest of her tribe, packed full of muscles, with black as charcoal skin and sharp orange eyes, alongside long, fiery red hair, gave her birth name. “We made a pact. Alliance. To save one another. We can’t… leave people on their own! Help, we must! Our Ancestors are watching! Do not dishonor ancestors!”

She was known as a righteous, heroic, and gentle-hearted warrior who led the crusade that helped their tribes unify against the menace of the Brutes. The other tribe members respected her a lot, although they never considered helping the tribes of this new world. After hearing her words, they also feared dishonoring their ancestors.

“Ancestors do not care! Go die if you want!” The Spider Matriarchy Leader roared back as she walked away with her tribe members.

“No, don’t leave! Please, help!” Fiery Hair asked for their help, but they left. “Hahh…”

“Fiery Hair, we hear you!”

“Fiery Hair in our hearts!”

“We help Fiery Hair, our leader!”

“Ooh…” Fiery Hair looked at the rest of the people that stayed—over a hundred mighty primitive humans. All the Children of Fire and the Hawk Eyes remained here with her! “Everyone… Grateful I am! I will not disappoint!” She was on the verge of tears. “New friends here. We help, and they help us return back! Right? Let’s!”

Not only was she good-hearted, but she was actually smart. Nobody knew how to return, but she could already tell that the people of this strange world not only possessed incredible technology but had been able to survive in this desertic wasteland all on their own! She could guess that they might know of a way to help them return home.

She moved forward with her tribe, jumping into battle almost right away. They found a large group of humans in this world struggling against both Dinosaurs and the Brutes. They were about to be slaughtered.


Fiery Hair descended from the skies after jumping him, her enormous body slamming over the Brute and pushing him down. Her arms flared with red runes; fire was created from her arms.




An explosion of flames was unleashed as both of her arms slammed into the Brute’s skull, cracking it open and burning the rest of his body. The other Brutes noticed that their eyes widened once they saw the members of their enemy tribes arriving! They were not as easy to kill as the little insects of this world.




They fought against them like savages do, with punches, kicks, and bites. The Brutes were quickly overwhelmed by their superior numbers and fighting styles, quickly dying one after another.

The tribe members looked at the humans with eyes full of curiosity, but none approached them. As they trembled in fear, Fiery Hair approached them.

She gently extended a hand towards them.

“You, human. Like us? We friends!”

And she smiled really adorably.

“E-Eh? Ah, t-thanks…”

As this first exchange of words between the primitive tribes and the modern humans occurred, Bing Xue’s bright eyes could see it all.

“Interesting…” She nodded. “It seems that not all of them are just savages…”


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