The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns: An OP Xianxia Returnee LitRPG

Chapter 68: The True Ruler Of North America


In the now reconstructed and reinforced City of Washington, where the White House was once located, a much larger building was built after the Apocalypse destroyed everything. This building was completely different than the White House, resembling a pitch-black castle with crimson and golden linings. The American flag was not present either, as a different flag of crimson red color with a golden, roaring lion in the middle replaced it and was decorating the entire castle.

The security was all clad in black and red armor and resembled medieval knights instead of normal bodyguards. A small, nervous old man could be seen slowly making his way inside the castle as the knights made their way once he revealed his identity card.

“I'm the Prime Minister; the King has summoned me to the throne room.”


The knights only gave him a deadly, cold glare before they stepped back and the gates of the castle opened. The Prime Minister looked at the huge building nervously, sweating constantly. He walked through the long, expansive corridors, glancing at the fancy decorations. It felt like he was in a royal castle in Britain rather than America! Finally making his way to the end, he entered the throne room after two guards, whose levels he barely noticed were over three thousand, allowed him to enter.

At the end of the throne room, there was a golden throne finely decorated with angelic wings and the heads of various beasts, and above such a seat, there was a gigantic figure—the silhouette that could only be described as “a beast of a man"—sat over there, overseeing it all.

The darkness that shrouded the dark throne room covered most of his face, but the Prime Minister could clearly see his shiny, golden armor and how it finely wrapped around his superhuman, bulky, and muscular body.

“Your Majesty…” The Prime Minister bowed his head to the King. “I’ve come as you’ve called me.”

Yes, the King of this country.

The reason there was a Prime Minister and not a President was this man right in front of him!

The King of the United States of North America.

“Prime Minister.” The King’s eyes finally opened amidst the darkness; they shone like two red jewels, and his aura was activated, enshrouding the entire surroundings with a crimson sea of pure energy. “You must already know why I’ve called you here, right?”

“Y-Yes… Is it because of Bing Xue, your majesty?” The Prime Minister asked with a trembling voice.

As an unweakened man, he could barely withstand the king’s presence alone. It was not something that he had ever experienced before—overwhelming, overpowering, even higher than the world-class players themselves.

And… otherworldly.

“My father has been pestering me for a while.” He said. “He says that I do not bring enough tribute, that my kingdom is not flourishing, and that I am letting some random woman do as she pleases... Someone who has already slain two gods at that.”

“W-What? She did… that?” The Prime Minister gasped. “Excuse me, your majesty, but your father... Isn’t he…?”

“For you peasants, I suppose you would call him the God of Floor 74.” The King spoke. “Yes, that is my father. The Golden Lion Crimson Emperor. And he, himself, has stated his dislike for that woman, Bing Xue. What do you think I should do now, my advisor?”

The King was impatient, his fingers tapping the throne every second, awaiting a response from the Prime Minister.

“I-I… Bing Xue is an earthling; she means no harm to your kingdom, my lord. If anything, she is a guardian, someone who wants to protect your people.” Said the Prime Minister.

“…Is that so?” The king said, squinting his eyes. “I must see that myself first… I shall keep watching.”

The Prime Minister sighed in relief.

“For now.”

The King’s voice echoed, even stronger than before; his Aura alone made the Prime Minister fall to the floor head-first.

"Report to me anything you see, anything suspicious. Bring me information about those she cares about: her abilities, skills, stats, techniques, magic, everything.” The King spoke. “You live to serve me, you servant. Remember the promise you gave me? Remember WHO saved your pitiful country from being swallowed by the Gates?”

“Y-Yes, of course- Ugh…!” The Prime Minister groaned. “We, the people of America, have never forgotten your kindness and generosity, oh great King! W-Without you, our entire country would have been destroyed eleven years ago.”

As the Prime Minister licked the King’s boots, the menacing man’s Aura slowly dissipated, letting his “servant” breathe.

He was ruthless because he was taught to be this way.

Always keep a tight leash on your subjects, or they’ll betray you whenever they see a weakness to exploit!

These were the teachings of his father, and the King kept them inside his heart at all times.

“Good. Now leave.”

The king waved his hand, uninterested in seeing this pitiful dog anymore.


The Prime Minister nodded, walking away rather quickly.

As the King was left alone, the slender figure of a woman with long blonde hair, emerald-colored eyes, and pointy elven ears, wearing a glistening silver dress, stepped out from the back of his throne.

“My King… Aren’t you being too harsh on the little earthlings?" She asked, gently caressing his flawless and manly chin. The man allowed her in, seemingly slightly infatuated with her charm and her gentle smile.

“I must. Or else, they’ll betray me,” he said. “I have to always remind him that it was my army that saved them from destruction. I am one of the pioneers of Father’s expansion plans. I cannot lose the territory I’ve already taken.”

“Hmm~ That Bing Xue… Is she really that big of a deal, though?” The woman giggled, as she summoned a crystal sphere, showcasing videos about Bing Xue.

“We’ll see…” The King said, his sharp, crimson eyes attentively looking. “Guardian or not, if she becomes a threat to my kingdom or my father’s expansion plans, then I will have to take care of her.”

“I suppose there’s no helping it~” the elf woman giggled. “Our daughter is about to be fifteen years old now; will we have a birthday party, honey?”

“Hmm… maybe,” the king said. “If she behaves and constantly practices her swordsmanship and her aura techniques, then she will receive a proper reward.”

“You’re trying so hard to make it as if you don’t care,” his wife giggled.

“Hah…” The king sighed.

“Father, father!”

Suddenly, the voice of a teenage girl echoed through the corridors. A half-elf child with long black hair, pointy ears, and sharp crimson eyes ran towards the King.

“Cecil, I told you that you must not disturb your father while he’s on his duties.” Her mother reprimanded the girl.

“But I wanted to show him!” The young girl said.

“Show me what?” The king asked with a cold tone of voice.

“Look!” The girl unsheathed her small golden sword, concentrating her mana into a golden and crimson aura.

The king widened his eyes as the girl swung her blade.

“Sword Aura!”


A powerful slash was unleashed from the girl in the opposite direction of the King, reaching the gate in front of her and slicing it open.


Countless cracks spread across the castle as it trembled.

“I mastered it! Sword Aura!” The girl celebrated. “Am I qualified now, father?”

“Hmmm… Perhaps, once you reach adulthood, I could give you a territory to manage.” The king seemed much happier now. “I suppose we can make her a birthday party then.”

“Hehe!” The young teen smiled, very cheerful despite her overly serious, cold father.

But much like her father, she also hid a secret.

As she walked away with her mom, her face quickly changed.

The childish innocence she had dissipated into thin air.

Her face became incredibly serious and mature, and her eyes were full of determination.

It was as if the only thing that she had as a child was her body.

But her mind was that of an adult.


A small dot of darkness floated above her head.

It resembled a star.

Her smile widened.

The King looked at his daughter as she walked away, a slight smile surging on his lips, as his domineering crimson eyes shone brightly.

“I’m still amassing forces, but soon enough... This world shall become my kingdom’s entire territory,” he thought.

[The Tower God {Golden Lion Crimson Emperor} has high expectations of you, his eighth son.]

[Do not disappoint him!]

“Father, your son shall honor your Legacy.”




(Bing Xue’s POV)

After we reached New York, I opened my Inner Realm to let my family out safely. Not only my mother and my sister came, but also the twins, Urbosa and Merkite, and my adoptive daughter, Hekita. Aside from them, Ruby’s boyfriend, too, had recently returned from his training.

My date with Peperina ended nicely, although a bit abruptly because I was in a hurry. We promised to meet again in a couple of days. She was busy with work, so even though I invited her to Earth, she rejected me.

However, she said she would gladly have another date with me and accepted the necklace I made as a gift. She reciprocated by giving me a kiss on my cheek. With Yanisse, I got two kisses from cute girls today.

“Woah, so this is Earth!” Urbosa muttered, looking around her surroundings.

“Such HUGE buildings!” Merkite said. “Look, Hekita, they reach the skies as the tower does!”

“I see them! So big! A-And look at that too—are they carriages? They’re moving without horses!” Hekita said.

“Those are skyscrapers—buildings we humans built to house many people at once,” I explained. “And those are cars, metallic carriages that work using fuel instead of an animal pulling it.”

“And what’s that?!” Hekita pointed at an ice cream shop. “Everyone coming out is eating that creamy thing on cones!”

“That’s an ice cream shop,” Ruby sighed. "Hekita, I am pretty sure you got this back home too.”

“Haven’t eaten it yet!” Hekita said.

The little wolf girl was making a bit of a mess around, surprising the people walking around as she ran around the streets, sniffing and pointing at stuff. She was constantly being surprised by everyone and everything.

The twins were also rather surprised but weren’t making that much of a fuss. Ultimately, Urbosa reprimanded her daughter and calmed her down as she walked back to us.

On the way to the Hunter Association, we decided to make a few stops, letting Yanisse and the guild masters go ahead for the time being.

We decided to purchase some clothes for my mates and little Hekita, as we wanted them to not draw too much attention by wearing their tribal clothes.

They were very beautiful clothes, but they also expressed their intent on wearing new stuff and “adapting” to my world.

“As your mates, we should make the effort to try to adapt as much as you’ve done with our tribe, right?” Urbosa smiled.

“Hmm~ What dress is good for me?” Merkite wondered, showing me several beautiful dresses.

“I think these shorts would look good on you, honey~” I smiled, bringing a pair of sexy shorts. “And this black blouse… Maybe this jacket.”

“Oooh, you humans really have an interesting fashion sense!” Merkite said. “Okay, let me try them then~!”

As she went to do that, Urbosa kept asking me what dress fit her better.

“Hmm, any dress would look beautiful on you, love.” I smiled. “But maybe try the white one? It’s a nice contrast with your black fur.”

“Aww, not wrong.” She nodded. “Okay.” She kissed me and then quickly went to try it out.

At the same time, Hekita was trying out countless clothes that my mother and my sister had suggested. Once half an hour went by, we were able to finally walk out of the clothing shop. I ended up spending over $5,000 on clothes for my mates and my daughter.

They’re my everything, so it’s fine to spend money on them~

Though, aren’t I becoming kind of a sugar mommy?

…Better not overthink it.

Anyway, Urbosa decided to wear that white dress with a beautiful sunflower painted into it as if it were a canvas, a white summer hat, and a golden necklace and bracelet I bought for her.

I want my girls to look fancy and cute, so buying them some accessories made of pure gold was not out of the question; they asked away, and I bought them!

As for Merkite, she decided to wear the jean shorts I showed her; she looked really sexy and beautiful; the shorts really accentuated her thick thighs; and her black blouse, which left her belly covered, looked nice and cozy, alongside a black jacket. She was truly slaying.

Slaying my heart—that’s it!

They were already so beautiful, but after getting some of these clothes, they just suddenly became even more beautiful!

Is this love? To relish seeing my cute girlfriends wearing cute and sexy clothes? It is a nice feeling, definitely.

Oh, and about Hekita, she bought a clear red dress with pink Hawaiian flowers and black sandals. The twins decided to walk barefoot, but Hekita’s feet were much smaller and more delicate than the adults, so she wore sandals most of the time until she reached adulthood.

“What’s wrong? You’re looking at us a lot…” Urbosa smiled. “Do we look that good? Fufu.”

“Yeah, you sure love my new clothes…” Merkite teased me. “Like this?” She grasped her thick thighs.

“I would be lying if I said I didn’t like it…” I giggled. “But yes, you two look gorgeous. Shall we eat something first before going to the hunter association? Mom? Sis?”

“Sure, let’s go eat something.” My mom nodded. “Been a while since we came back, I want to eat something from Earth for once~”

“Me too!” Ruby said.

“Alright, let’s go then~!” I nodded, and while my two cute mates held my arms gently at my right and left, we moved across NY’s streets and found a nice restaurant to have a meal together.

It was definitely nice to take a break like this once in a while.

The Hunter Association can wait a bit, right? I bet they’re busy anyway.




“So when is she coming?! We’ve been waiting here for almost an hour, Nicholas!”

Inside New York’s Hunter Association, the many Guild Masters of New York gathered, surrounding a huge table with Nicholas at the head.

“I… Well, she came with her lovers and her family, so I believe she is taking her time with them.” Nicholas muttered. “After all, her lovers are not from Earth, so she must be showing them around and stuff! Let’s have patience, everyone… Haha.”

“I didn’t know she had two lovers already…” Aiyana sighed. “I’m jealous… Can I become her lover too, maybe?”

“You’re being too shameless again, Aiyana…” Yanisse spoke with a cold tone of voice.

Aiyana could tell she was pissed off about her remark in particular.

“What?” Aiyana raised an eyebrow. “Hey, it’s not like you own her or something, don’t you? Bing Xue has two lovers, so she’s probably open to more relationships. I’m just saying~”

“I know…” Yanisse sighed. “…” She blushed a bit after that.

The men in the room noticed the awkward atmosphere, they could already guess Bing Xue was into girls, and they could also guess that she was really good at conquering other girls’ hearts very quickly.

“It’s so obvious they like her…” Jackes sighed to himself.

“These two are not a good match…” John thought.

“I want to learn more magic with Bing Xue!” Francisco only thought about that.

“Bing Xue, please don’t take too long…” Nicholas sighed, sipping on his coffee as he looked through the window, watching the bustling city of New York.


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