The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns: An OP Xianxia Returnee LitRPG

Chapter 76: System Update


I let my System absorb my own "data,” meaning a lot of memories, information, knowledge, and more of my Energies, normal Ki Essence, Immortal Ki Essence, Primordial Ki Essence, and Venerable Ki Essence; all of them became the foundations for my own System.

Its blue-colored floating holograms slowly started to glitch out and change, slowly becoming green and then yellow. The color then became slightly darker until it gained a golden color, similar to my own Photon Essence.

[“I-I can’t believe this! Y-You actually managed to transform the System?! Its appearance is completely different from what it held originally!”]

Clide was going insane, completely incapable of believing his own eyes at the moment. I suppose this might be the first time the Administrator has ever seen such a thing happen.

I guess that the System in general is subdivided into every single individual status people have, but there’s usually a general system core of sorts, that controls them all to work according to the one managing it.

Who manages the system, though? My guess would be either the entity controlling the Tower itself, being powerful enough to create a Universal Construct that contains a hundred worlds encapsulated inside, or something else.

There’s a possibility that not even this entity, which I’ll call the Tower Master, is in charge of the System, but the System might actually be shared with other similar Towers, as I remember Clide having told me this wasn’t the only one out there.

Yet, thanks to my abilities, I was able to rip out the subdivided part of the System that would become my status and transform it, with an Administrator’s assistance, into my personal system status without actually parasitizing my soul.

With that said, as Clide had stated, it required entering the tower and reaching a certain floor for it to “update” and allow for certain system functions, so naturally, it still had a connection—perhaps a “wireless” connection now, but one, nonetheless.

Because of this, there were certain annoying aspects and restrictions that I didn’t really like. I was forced to move to Floor 10 just to open my level cap, for example.

Therefore, I thought it was about time to “update” the system myself, this time with my own knowledge, information, experiences, and wisdom.

And well, lots of more energy to compensate for not being able to draw it from the tower or the Main System.

And the result was outstanding!


As the system window shone with golden light, the glitching messages quickly disappeared, and it showed a simple, blank page with no information at all.

And then, a small golden dragon showed up, coiling around itself, I think this is the new “loading information” animation.

How cute.


[Processing updated information and data banks, success]

[Restoring energy battery cores, success.]

[Updating and recreating information, success.]

[Class Creation registration, success.]

[Skill Creation registration, success.]

[Adding additional information about “Cultivation” from “Murim”, success.]

[Assimilating Martial Arts Data and Spiritual Techniques Data.]


“Is it working?” I wondered. “It sure is loading many things…”

[“It is working as intended, yes! Please just wait a little; this is the first time I’ve ever seen a system like this before! I-It is quite exciting!”]

The little administrator was quite excited about it, actually.

“Are you doing something to assist it?”

[“A few basic things; yes, I am keeping them together. I fixed the glitches and bugs; there are still some inside, but the system has now begun to eliminate them itself. This is the first time I see a system status doing its own thing. It is as if it has become... alive.”]

“The System… Is it not supposed to act this way?”

[“Well, since my conception, I’ve seen the System as nothing but a tool for everyone, never as an actual being of its own”]

“Do you know more about the Main System that controls all the statuses?”

[“N-No, not at all; I apologize. I was born in this tower and have simply worked there since my creation. I have never seen anything outside of it before”]

“So the Main System is outside the Tower then? I knew it… The System is an entity above the Tower itself…”

[“Yes, most likely... The Tower Master probably borrows its powers, though; the tower gets to decide who gets a status, and naturally, the one controlling the tower is them”]

“This Tower Master, you’ve seen him before?”

[“No, never… Not even God has seen them before. We don’t know their gender, appearance, personality, or anything at all. They’re a complete enigma. An entity of immense power that every god fears, yet nobody has ever seen. We know they exist; they have a lingering presence everywhere. But it never reveals itself, and it never speaks with anybody. At least not any being below Floor 95.”]

“Hmmm, are there different administrators for each floor? Which floors do you manage then, Clide?”

[“I… am a lowly Lesser Administrator, I manage up to Floor 5, and I was also assigned to manage Earth with a few Lesser Administrators. We make sure the System stays clean of bugs and glitches… And also administrate the Gates, sometimes.”]

“I see…”

So he has no idea about anything happening above Floor 5. I guess I can’t ask him anything else. If I ever want to see or know who this Tower Master is, I might have to take a long trip to Floor 95.

Or perhaps, if I make enough mischief, they will get angry enough to show themselves? That would certainly be easier.

But seeing how strong the Grandfather of Time is and considering he’s below the Tower Master, I don’t know if I could ever have a chance against such a being.

I would need to first grow stronger before I dare do something like that. It is convenient that they never show themselves, which means they barely administrate anything and just let things be for the majority of the time.

It also hasn’t responded badly against gods being slain because, from what I’ve learned, the worlds of the tower are in constant war to rise through the tower’s floors, and gods dying and being born is rather natural.

I suppose that means I am free to rampage as much as I want until it is too late for the Tower Master to do anything about it.

Whatever the case, the system seemed finally ready.

[The System has been updated successfully.]

[New System Function has been added: [Class Selection] [Class Rank Up] [Subclass Selection] [Subclass Rank Up]

[By spending Credits, it is possible to use any of these System Functions even without going to the recommended Level of the Tower.]

[New Functions can be unlocked over time as the System Updates more.]

[Note: You have unused Raid Points from the previous Raid. It is recommended to use them to obtain unique items.]

“I see, it looks like it worked well!” I nodded. “I was waiting for something more interesting, but I guess I can’t have it all right away. More updates, though; can I directly update it again?”

[“I wouldn’t recommend it; you would end up exhausting the system, and it might end up overheating and damaging its internal structure permanently. The best is to wait until it cools down. Perhaps a couple of weeks after…”]

[“Also, to update it further, a lot of Credits might be needed… Although your Energy and Data work well, Credits are still a source of energy and power for the System, so it will require them for many functions.”]

“I understand. Alright, I suppose I can wait.” I nodded. “Now, it said something about the Raid Points? I had almost forgotten about that. My bad. It was quite some time ago, though; let me see. How many points did I have?”

[Available Raid Score Points: 30.000.000]

[Open Raid Shop? Items from this Raid Shop are unique and related to the Raid itself.]

[Yes] [No]

“Well, I was about to Rank Up my Class first, so let’s leave this for afterward,” I yawned, as I felt Merkite’s cute nose rubbing on my shoulder and then her arms wrapped around my chest.

“For now, I should just Rank Up already…” I looked at the system notifications and waved them away. “Show me how to Rank Up and open the Level Cap, it’s annoying to have it.”

[You have selected the [Class Rank Up] System Function.]


[Class Rank Up] System Function successfully loaded.]

[Information, Experiences, and Data have been used as the ingredients to update your current Class.]

[However, a Class Change Trial is required to Rank Up your Class properly.]

[The Class Change Trial will be a special Ethereal Space of the System’s own creation using the administrated Otherworldly Energies and will be based on the user’s past.]

[Do you wish to enter the Class Change Trial?]

[Yes] [No]

What? It’s not letting me just open the level cap already? What kind of bullshit is this?

“No, I don’t wish for that. Let me open the damned level cap, or I’m going to literally break you this time.” I said, pointing my fist at the System.

Suddenly, it seemed to be glitching a bit.

Was it a bit afraid?

[Solving issues…]

[Class Rank Up] System Function has been modified.]

[Do you wish to Rank Up your Class?]

[Cost: 200.000.000 Credit Points.]

“That’s a hefty price, but sure…”

I shrugged, I had almost a billion Credits Points at the moment, two hundred million wasn’t that much to me anymore.

Apparently, to Rank Up a Class, every player has to always go through a Class Change Trial Dungeon of sorts; the System was trying to provide one for me.

But there’s no way I’m doing that! Why would I lower myself to the level of a mortal?

If I have money, I’ll just buy the rank-up directly too.



[You have exchanged 200.000.000 Credit Points.]

[Your Class has begun to Rank Up!]

[Administrating information…]

[Imbuing the Class with otherworldly energies…]

[Adding Mana and Skill Power…]

[Modifying Class Structure…]

[Breaking Level Cap…]


I felt something within me slowly shattering and breaking—a small wall that my new powers could not break through—and it broke into countless pieces.


As it broke open, I felt all the accumulated power I had drained quickly beginning to flow through my body again as my strength and mana started to rapidly increase their maximum amounts.

Yes, this was most definitely what I was waiting for; all the levels I should have gained before quickly arrived, and the Experience Points I gained were not lost, but simply saved until I could break through my level cap again.


[Congratulations! Your [Class]: [God Eating Calamity: Ragnarök (Primordial Venerable-Rank)] has Ranked Up to [Heavenly Martial Empress of Light: Bing Xue (Primordial Immemorial Venerable-Rank)]!]

[Your Level Cap has increased from 999 to 10.000!]

[All your Stats have increased by +500.000!]

[You unlocked the new Stat: [Light]!]

[You gained +4 Class Skill Slots.]

[A new Skill Tree has been unlocked!]

[You acquired the [Empress of Heavenly Light: Bing Xue] Title!]

[You acquired the Class Skill: [Primordial Heavenly Empress of Light Arts (SSS): Lv1]!]

So my Class changed into that, huh? Well, it’s not like I’ve lost the previous Class Skills at all, nor the Title connected to them either.

Interesting, the Level Cap now goes all the way to ten thousand. I suppose I won’t need to ever bother about Ranking Up for a while.


[All the Accumulated Experience Points have been administered accordingly.]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]


[Your Level has increased from Level 999 to Level 1.232/10.000!]

[All your Stats have increased. You earned Bonus Stat Points and Skill Points.]

“Phew… It feels better than I imagined."

It felt like I had finally let go of an annoying thing weighing my shoulders down. With it done, I felt more relaxed, much better than I could have imagined.

Above all, my true body, composed of pure rainbow primordial light, became… stronger.

The very fabric of my own existence, the Light that makes me.

It became stronger somehow…

So this is what the [Light] Stat does?

Very interesting…

It seems that even now, my specialization will be the key to my growth.


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