The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns: An OP Xianxia Returnee LitRPG

Chapter 81: The Heavenly Court Sect


Inside my Inner Realm, above the skies, several of my Doppelgangers moved around, controlling hundreds of materials together. There were several Formations right below them, which helped them refine and enhance all the materials into usable parts, and right in the middle of everything, the Giant Floating Pagoda Divine Relic was being constructed.

Its form was that of a beautiful pagoda building, with five different floors and a nice terrace with a garden on top. There was also a surrounding area that would have training grounds and other facilities for my disciples to train and get stronger. Portals were also being made, and I had already finished creating the accessories to grant them access to the Pagoda. By using them, they would instantly teleport through the portals inside of it.

It was coming along nicely, and I was using a lot of expensive materials for its creation. White and Yellow Heaven Alloy, Yang Tree Wood and Sap Cursed Dokaebi Souls, Phoenix Feathers and Bones, and more. It would probably become the greatest treasure on all of Earth, and many might desire it once it appears.

So that’s why I am increasing its defensive powers as much as possible, so even if a god just steps in, they’ll have a very hard time even trying to touch it.

Meanwhile, back home, Yanisse had finally woken up, looking still sleepy after taking a bath. She was eating pancakes and coffee.

“Hmm, thank you for your hospitality... I am still quite tired,” she yawned again. “Ah, these pancakes are really good, though. Who did them?”

“Me,” Urbosa smiled. “You can eat them all if you want, Yanisse. You look quite exhausted. If you’ll become my mate’s wife in the future, you must have a strong body capable of giving birth, so better eat a lot.”

“Ppfff… What?!” Yanisse got embarrassed, growing as red as a tomato.

“Urbosa! You shouldn’t have said that out of nowhere.” I sighed. “Please be more careful with your words.

“M-My bad, I thought she was going to be another mate?” Urbosa wondered. “She isn’t?”

“W-Well, it’s complicated…” Yanisse was getting even more embarrassed. “P-Please don’t say s-such things…”

"Understood, a story about that... I come from another world, so I might be quite out of touch with human customs,” Urbosa apologized. “I assume the courting process is much slower with human women, then, honey?”

“Y-Yea, I mean… Let’s not talk about that, poor girl is dying of embarrassment,” I sighed.

“Haha, okay, I get it,” giggled Urbosa.

I think she was also doing it to tease Yanisse a bit.

“Anyways, Yanisse, are you interested in entering the pagoda once it is done? I’ll start the assembly soon; it will be right outside the city,” I said.

“Sure, I would love to! I don’t really have anything much to do now until we can get a proper response from the King,” Yanisse sighed. “Usually I would... Either I would be doing missions requested by the government or I would be climbing and leveling in the tower. I need a break, definitely.”

“Alright,” I nodded. “Once we’re done with the Pagoda, I guess we can take the rest of the day off, waiting for a response. I think we might spend the rest of the week here, mostly spending days teaching you and the other disciples various things. After that, I plan to go back to the Tower and climb to the second Floor. I really hope that this time there won’t be any more interruptions.”

“I hope so too,” said my mother. “Right, the King… Are you really going against that man, my daughter?”

“I don’t really plan on doing anything to him; I just wanted to make... A deal, perhaps,” I said. “But I am beginning to think he’s either scared or planning something nefarious; he’s taking too long, and that is only creating more suspicion than anything.”

“I have only met him once.” Yanisse said. “But he was a very intimidating man, someone much stronger than me back then. I don’t know if he’s still stronger than me, but he was certainly on another level completely.”

“It makes sense, seeing how he comes from another world,” I said. “But then again, the fact that he has protected Earth remains, so I can’t really be hateful against him, even if he’s an outsider from our planet.”

“Can we accompany you to see how it’s being done? Juan’s coming here, so we’ll meet him on the outskirts of the city,” Ruby said.

“Sure, everyone can come if you want,” I nodded. “Let’s get there then!”

Once we were done having breakfast, and once Yanisse and Merkite took a bath, respectively, as they wanted to wake up fully, we moved out.

“{Divine Light Platforms}”

Using my Divine Photon Essence, I created several floating platforms of solid light, which I used to help everyone move around the skies. Floating by my side, we moved across the skies, breaching through the invisible barrier protecting New York and reaching the wild lands outside.

Just a day ago, there was a huge battle here between cavemen, hunters, and giant dinosaurs. The results of such a battle remained everywhere; it was quite a harsh battle, and everyone needed several days to completely rest from all of that.

“Woah, we’re so high, Auntie!” Hekita was hugging Ruby’s leg while looking down. “I’m a bit scared...”

“Calm down; the platform has walls, but yeah, it’s a tad bit scary.” Ruby nodded. “Ah! Is that Juan?! He’s over there!”

Ruby’s sharp eyes, after reaching Rank 3, allowed her to accurately detect someone walking through the wild lands below; it was Juan, who was looking around in complete shock at the huge craters and blood spread everywhere.

“What in the world happened here?”

I assume he walked all the way here from the tower, which was much farther into the wild lands. He was pretty confident in his own strength to come back alone.


The platform where Ruby was quickly started shaking. As it moved down rapidly, Hekita panicked a bit and grabbed her legs, but the platform quickly stopped, floating right above Juan and slowly reaching the floor.


Juan gasped as he saw his girlfriend descend from the skies, and then he looked upwards to find all of us up there.

“You’re back!”

My sister ran towards Juan, hugging and kissing him. He had even grown a small beard during his training; I guess he did spend a lot of time without shaving.

“Yeah, I’m back. I missed you a lot, but what happened here? And where are you going?” wondered Juan. “Oh, Hekita, hi.”

“Hi, uncle!” Hekita greeted him, sniffing her surroundings as she started exploring the forest.

“Ruby, Juan, come up. Also, don’t let Hekita walk too far away,” I called them.

“Ah, yeah, right!” Ruby nodded.

She quickly dragged Juan with her and grabbed Hekita, who was about to go running somewhere, her wolf instincts kicking in as she probably wanted to explore a new land.

"Wait, auntie, I want to explore!” Hekita complained.

“Later, Hekita! We’re busy right now!”

After that, all three of them returned to the skies, and Juan greeted everyone. I guess this man was already part of the family. Although he was happy to see us, he was a bit surprised once he noticed Yanisse was with me.

“Huh? Is that… the World-Class Hunter?” he asked.

“Oh? Ah, yeah, she’s with us for a little while,” I patted Yanisse’s shoulders. “Right now I’m going to build the Golden Pagoda, so just stay here and watch. Once it's done, you can go inside to take a shower and change clothes if you want, Juan.”

“Golden Pagoda?” He was confused. “Eh, ah, okay. Thanks…”

“Anyways, without further ado...”

I whisked my fingers as several golden portals leading to my Inner Realm opened one after another, and large pieces of a much larger building started coming out of the portals. Each piece was completely gold-colored, shining brightly below the sun.

With just my Divine Photon Essence and my Intent, I started assembling the gigantic building. It only took roughly ten minutes, but everyone was watching the scene in awe as a titanic building was being created in the skies.

I had said it would have five floors, but each floor would usually be rather wide and tall because the interior of the pagoda would also have a large open field, full of nature, and many other areas for recreational purposes.

Therefore, it still had to be large enough. The Pagoda’s shadow eventually loomed over the wildlands, blocking the sun from our position and ending its size at a shocking 953 meters.

“T-That’s immense…” my mother muttered.

“W-What? Is this even possible? And it’s floating!” Ruby muttered.

“I-Incredible… I-I don’t know what else to say; she built this so easily too?” Juan asked.

“Such a large building! It is like a floating island!” said Urbosa.

“Woah… Our mate sure is incredible,” Merkite was wagging her tail.

“Amazing!!!” Hekita was jumping in excitement. “I wanna go inside already!”

Yanisse was only looking, completely speechless.

“Calm down, everyone; we’ll go inside in a bit. Now that I’ve assembled it, I’ll synthesize every fragment together like this and that…” I said this as I noticed a few helicopters already approaching the scene.

People, mostly hunters, were also gathering right below us, filming what was happening with their cellphones, most of them were on livestreams.

I guess it couldn’t be helped.

With a wave of rainbow light, the power of Alchemy was conjured, washing over the entire Pagoda and permanently mixing all the components inside.


The gigantic building released a bright flash of light, and then dozens of rivers of golden and rainbow light started coming out of it, reaching the ground below.

“And ready! There it is! My beautiful Pagoda remade! The Heavenly Court’s Headquarters, the Heavenly Golden Dragon Pagoda!”

As I announced to the world the Pagoda’s creation, the light platforms moved, following me as I entered the large building through its giant, golden gates.

“Heavenly Pagoda, open your gates to your true and only owner.”


The giant gates, over thirty meters in height, slowly opened, revealing the luxurious interior of the first floor, a beautiful tapestry mixing Chinese and Western aesthetics and style almost seamlessly, several counters, large tables, many chairs, and a passage that led to a large open area.

Everyone walked over the wooden floor in surprise, looking around in disbelief. I told them to follow me so they wouldn’t get lost, showing them the interior of the Pagoda. It was so big that it would usually take days to explore, honestly.

“This is amazing... And there are huge open areas too? With, like, dirt and plants? Holy sh*t, that pond is so beautiful!” said Ruby.

“I wonder if we should move inside of here now,” my mother muttered. “Living in that apartment is no longer enough when we’ve seen this place.”

“Well, it depends on you. I would say you should probably still keep living there; this Pagoda might eventually be attacked by an enemy.” I explained.

“Eh? Ah, yeah, perhaps… Well, we could visit it if we’re bored,” Ruby shrugged.

“I guess so…” Mom nodded. “Katherine, how big is this?”

“Roughly 953 meters tall,” I answered. “It is almost a kilometer in height. Unfortunately, I was unable to make it larger. Or it would have messed with its balance and speed; the Formations that keep it afloat can’t take too much weight.”

“I-I see…” Mom nodded, still trying to comprehend what I just said.

“Anyways! The bathrooms are over there,” I said, pointing in the distance. “I’ll give everyone a special ring to see where you are currently and not get lost. Eventually, you’ll memorize the place, I hope. This ring will also help you teleport inside the Pagoda at any time, as long as you’re within Earth.”

“Amazing, you really thought about everything, Bing Xue…” said Yanisse. “Thank you.” she took the ring and wore it immediately. “It’s a pretty ring…” she blushed.

“Glad you like it,” I nodded. “Dears, yours too.” I gave some to Urbosa and Merkite.

“Such a glittering accessory! It will go well with the other rings you’ve gifted us, honey,” Urbosa happily said, wearing the ring.

“Yeah, I love it,” Merkite nodded.

Both kissed my cheeks as I caressed their heads and kissed their little snouts.

“Now that we’re done distributing the goods, Let’s keep the tour going! There’s a lot more to explore,” I smiled.

As Juan went to take a shower in the enormous bathroom on the first floor, we continued exploring the Pagoda. Eventually, the rest of my disciples arrived, using the rings I sent to them using my Doppelgangers.

And naturally, their reaction was similar to Yanisse…

I decided to take the rest of the day off, everyone was tired, and I wasn’t going to force anybody to move or train for the moment.

However, once the morning of the next day finally arrived, I decided to start the classes with all my disciples, including my whole family, yes, even Hekita.

“I plan to spend the rest of the week teaching you many things, but first, let’s begin with questions!” I said. “I am sure many of you are curious about what Cultivation truly is, and about Murim, the world I was sent to for eleven thousand years. So, to start with, you’re free to ask me as many questions as you want.”


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