The Heavens: Sign in from Pirates

Chapter 630 Zela

"Hey, Fairy Tail sounds too fantastic," Yuri asked with a strange expression.

Volod next to him also said: "Yeah, and the goblin doesn't seem to exist."

But Long Tian asked back: "Who told you that goblins don't exist anymore?"

Hearing Long Tian's words, everyone looked at him one after another, their eyes full of curiosity.

Mebis asked even more excitedly: "Long Tian Long Tian, ​​have you ever seen goblins? What do they look like? Do they have tails?"

Looking at the expectant eyes of Mebis, Long Tian thought for a while and replied: "How should I put it, there are many kinds of fairies, some fairies have tails, and there are also fairies without tails."

"Is that so, can I meet them then?" Mebis asked again.

Long Tian shook his head slightly and said: "You can't see it now, but you will have a chance in the future."

There is no way, Long Tian can't take people across the plane at present, otherwise he only needs to take Mebis to the fox demon plane, after all, there are not too many goblins there.

Hearing from Long Tian that he couldn't see the goblin, Mebis was still a little bit disappointed.

But soon Mebis calmed down, and said in a serious tone: "Since fairies exist, we should continue to practice hard and take risks for the purpose of meeting fairies. This is another explanation for the guild name Fairy Tail. "

After hearing what Mebis said, Yuri and the others expressed their agreement.

Naturally, Longtian and Zela had no objections.

In this way, the Fairy Tail guild was established under the watchful eyes of the people of Magnolia.

At this time, the thin old man said: "Okay, there are still many damaged houses in the city, let's take action."

Mebis on the side immediately said: "We are also here to help!"

"Okay, then let's go together," the thin old man said kindly, and the crowd around him also smiled.

But when everyone was about to move bricks, Long Tian suddenly stopped everyone.

"Hey, help people to the end, send the Buddha to the west, let me clean up the mess, everyone stand still," Long Tian waved his Piao Piao ability after finishing speaking.

Immediately afterwards, the rubble in the entire city, as well as the collapsed houses, all floated up at this moment.

The eyes of the people who saw this scene couldn't help but widen a little, and they felt very shocked in their hearts.

Yuri sneaked up to Long Tian, ​​and said in a very low voice: "Long Tian, ​​what kind of magic is this, can you teach me when the time comes, I also want to experience the feeling of flying by myself"

Long Tian thought for a while and said: "Yes, but it depends on your performance."

Although Longtian can't teach Yuri the fluttering ability, as long as Yuri eats the chakra fruit, he can learn the technique of ultra-light and heavy rocks, and he can also fly and make objects float in the air.

Seeing that Longtian agreed to his request, Yuri felt very excited, and secretly said in his heart: "Hahaha, the first time I can fly, I will go to find Volod and Precht, and then let them Just look at it below, it’s cool to think about it.”

Soon the whole city's rubble and collapsed ruins were sent to the sky by Long Tian with fluttering ability.

The street, which was full of huge gravels, became much cleaner in an instant, but the houses were still dilapidated, but it didn't matter, after all, it could be redecorated later.

This made the thin old man couldn't help being grateful and said: "Thank you so much, young man"

Other people around also expressed their gratitude.

Long Tian just waved his hand and didn't say anything.

But Mebis and Zela looked at Long Tian with sweet smiles.


at dusk.

In a hotel in Magnolia, the three of Yuri were sitting on the bed, meditating quietly with their eyes closed.

As for Long Tian, ​​he brought Zela and Mebis through the portal to the lake that he passed by before.

Under the reflection of the setting sun, the water surface looks very beautiful.

"Wow, this scenery is too beautiful." Mebis said with a surprised face.

Zela also said: "Yeah, it feels very beautiful."

"By the way, Long Tian, ​​our guild's residence should be built here." Mebis said with a smile.

Long Tian smiled and said: "Well, this is of course no problem, but I brought you here, there is actually another thing"

This made both Mebis and Zela look at Long Tian, ​​their eyes full of curiosity.

Seeing this, Long Tian said directly: "Mebis, remember what I told you before, illusion is not just about creating illusions, it can also directly create hallucinations."

Mebis nodded and said: "Well, I know this, and I also have a research direction"

This surprised Long Tian and said: "Oh? You have a research direction, Mebis, you are really smart."

Being praised by Long Tian like this, Mebis felt flattered in his heart.

But Long Tian continued: "But it may take a long time until you research it, so I'm going to teach you how to use illusion directly"

"Mana is really great," Mavis said excitedly.

Zela, who was standing next to her, hesitated to speak.

But Long Tian suddenly said: "Mebis, I have something to tell you before that, it's about Zela"

This made Zela lower her head involuntarily, and secretly said in her heart: "This day is still here."

Zela's abnormal behavior made Mebis ask with some doubts: "Long Tian, ​​what's the matter with Zela?"

Long Tian sighed and said: "Actually, except for you and me, Yuri and the others can't see Zela, because she is a phantom created by you."

After listening to Long Tian's words, Mebis was stunned for a moment, then took Zela's little hand and said: "Long, Longtian, what are you talking about, how could Zela be a phantom, I can even catch it!" live her"

Before Longtian could speak, Zela raised her head and said: "Mebis, I have never dared to tell you, I am really sorry, in fact, I died on Sirius Island seven years ago, and you at that time , just learned phantom magic, and entered the peak state, so under the influence of your subconscious, my phantom was created by you."

Mebis said in disbelief: "This, this is impossible, Zela, don't lie to me"

"Because I am a phantom created by your subconscious mind, so you don't even realize it, but you see, as long as you realize that I am a phantom, the truth will appear." Zela said and raised her hand, and she The raised hand immediately began to appear transparent.

Seeing this scene, Mebis couldn't bear to close her eyes, and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

"That's not the case, I don't think Zela is a phantom at all," Mebis said painfully.

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