The Hentai Protagonist System

Chapter 40 – In Space {Edited}

(Anteros POV)


As the mortal left the space, I felt a strong sense of regret.


‘I wish I could give him more information’


As the divine entity responsible for relationships I was very well aware of how much secrets and deceptions could be harmful to them, which naturally only made me to want even more to reveal everything.


Sadly there was nothing else that I could do for the moment.


The current circumstances wouldn’t allow it.


The worst of it was that the mortal it was favoring was already vaguely aware that the kindness it received wasn’t without a certain price, and that just made me feel much worse.


I really hope that he can live up to the expectations’


Just as that thought crossed my head, I felt a presence behind me. A presence so overwhelmingly bigger than myself that mortals wouldn’t be able to recognize me as a god if we were beside each other.


“Ara am I late?” said the presence.


Its voice was clearly feminine, filled with many deep feelings behind. The sound of that voice would make any mortal instantly fall in love with that presence, making it desire to worship and hear for the rest of eternity.


Which only makes me relieved that she was late.


“Yes, you are late. But honestly, that’s a good thing. He’s definitely not ready to be facing you right now” I said, not trying to hide the genuine relief I was feeling.


“Moooo, that’s not fair. I was really looking forward to meeting our little protege” said the presence in a pouting tone.


I knew that figure for so long that it wasn’t difficult for me to picture her current face, probably pouting in a cute manner for having arrived after the mortal had left.


She also wasn’t offended by me not even turning around to face her. The proximity between us had long ago far exceeded such troublesome manners.


“And where is that troublemaker sibling of yours?” asked the presence.


“You know how he is, not being able to control its desires for more than a few minutes” I said.


“I know, I know. I wish he could control his urges a little more, but that would be a foolish wish, wouldn’t?” asked the presence.


“It’s just it’s nature” I responded.


“Hehehe, indeed. Still, despite the trouble it causes sometimes it’s part of its charm, isn’t it?” said the presence, in a very pleased tone.


“...if you say so” I said, knowing that trying to convince otherwise would be useless.


I had already had many discussions in regards to Eros's behavior with that presence over millenniums, but it never bore any fruit. Even now it only commented on that behavior in nothing more than a lighthearted tone, like it really was no big deal.


‘I really can’t understand this thinking. I sometimes cannot even believe that I and Eros are twins’


“But leaving the pleasantries aside, have you corrected the system of the poor boy?” asked the presence.


“I did”


“Splendid. Have you also added the little feature that I asked for?”




“Oh, that’s wonderful! I can't wait to see if our little bet will pay out” said the presence, overjoyed.


I honestly couldn’t understand why it was doing all of this. It certainly would be much easier and quicker if we could just be honest with the young mortal from the beginning, but I knew that it wasn’t my place to make that question.


“I was really surprised by that request. Is this why you insisted on having Eros to configure the system?” I asked.


“That’s correct. The only way for those old coots to don’t suspect anything was for your sibling to be responsible for the most obvious touches” said the presence.


“Yeah, I can imagine” I said, completely unamused by the situation.


Eros was known for its lack of seriousness and being completely unreliable with anything outside of its own nature. So it wasn’t a big jump of a conclusion imagining that I, the responsible for the both of us, would have to clean up its mess.


...that doesn’t mean that I have to like it.


“Look, I don’t know what you are thinking but try to be careful. I doubt that there aren’t one or two gods that don’t suspect that you are doing something” I warned.


“Oh relax. It’s not like I’m doing something horrible. I just thought that things were boring lately and this would be a little breath of fresh air” said the entity, completely disregarding my warning.


“I just want you-” I said.


“Now if you excuse me, I need to have a word with your sibling. It needs to learn how to take the job I gave more seriously” said the presence, and then vanishing before I could finish my sentence.


I was left alone in the void of space.


‘I never learn, do I?’


That presence was generous and kind, but it could also be very selfish and fly sometimes. When I thought that I had its attention it could just suddenly, out of the blue, be interested in something else.


...and somehow it still manage to maintain a friendly relationship with almost all other gods that existed.


It was really a real miracle that it hadn’t been declared a chaotic existence already.


I could only sigh with a helpless and resigned smile on my face.


‘Even I can’t find in myself a reason to dislike her’


As that thought came to mind, I started to think about the little modification that it requested to implement on the system.


Considering its capabilities, there was only one reason why it asked me to put that there.


Thinking in what that could mean, I found in myself wanting to observe the actions of that mortal with even more fervor than before.


“I really hope that you know what you are doing Mother”

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