The Hentai Protagonist System

Chapter 52 – Little Sister Thoughts

(Rina’s POV)


Onii-chan has being acting different lately.


I already knew that Onii-chan was different from most brother’s. Most of my friends just complain about their brother’s, with only rarely saying something that was similar to a compliment.


But Onii-chan has always being nice to me. He liked a lot of the same things as me and almost never got angry at me. He teased me sometimes. But even if I complained to him it still was fun hanging out with him.


But things changed a few days ago.


I lost a bet with Onii-chan and he had asked to touch my chest as a reward. I was very embarrassed with the idea, I wanted to just say no but I couldn’t. I had lost and every time that Onii-chan lost to me he would always do what I asked, no matter what.


It would be unfair of me to simple say no, so I decided to bear with it.


I thought that it would be unpleasant, that Onii-chan would just do whatever he wanted and I would just have to deal with it, but it was much more pleasant than I thought. So pleasant that it was almost painful.


During the entire time my heart was beating fast and strong, like it was going to come out of my mouth. I felt a shiver pass through me during the entire time. I wanted it to end, but I also wanted to continue forever.


At the end of it he kissed me. I was so embarrassed that I just drove him out of my room, but after that I could do nothing else but to revive that moment over and over on my head.


I had thought about Onii-chan like that before. Those thoughts were always a source of shame to me. I thought that Onii-chan wouldn’t think of me like that.


But them he touched me, and kissed me.


...and I liked.


But them on the next day Yurika moved next door, and Onii-chan started to look at her with great interest. I was jealous at first, but after talking a little with Yurika I immediately liked her. She was very nice and also liked the things that I liked.


The only thing that I still didn’t liked was her interest in Onii-chan. She looked at him with too much interest, always making questions about him when he wasn’t around. I knew that Onii-chan was nice looking, but it bugged me when other girls looked at him like that.


And I was certain that Onii-chan knew the interest of Yurika in him. He pretended that he wasn’t, but it was obvious he was trying to find every possible chance to flirt with Yurika, complimenting her clothes, her looks and all of that.


Just that would be enough to make things different, but there was also how mom has being weirdly happy lately


At first sight it looked like everything was the same as usual, but there was something different between them. I can’t put into words, but it looked like the way they were looking at each other was somehow different.


When I was with them I somehow felt left out, like there was something going on the I didn’t knew.


I didn’t liked that.


And the last thing that changed was how Onii-cha has being acting so uninhibited the last two weeks.


Ever since he and Onee-chan corrected my homework he has being acting bold, grabbing my butt, touching my chest, giving me a little kiss on the cheeks or my mouth without concern about who was watching.


He would act like that whether we were alone or with Onee-chan and mom.


He would do the same thing with Onee-chan as well. She protested a lot more than me, but she also never got really mad at him just like me.


The weird thing is that mom never made any comment on any of that. She almost seemed to find amusing our interactions, like she was seeing a good show on TV or something like that.


As Onii-chan continued to act like that I stopped to protest his actions, only accepting they as part of our every day life. His hands were always gentle, touching me only with enough strength for me to feel good.


I wanted him to stop.


I didn’t wanted him to stop.


I wanted him to not kiss me.


I wanted him to kiss me.


I felt conflicted and excited with our new dynamic. I was afraid that something might happen that would destroy our days, but also looking forward for every interaction that we would have with each other.


I knew why a part of me wanted for this days to continue like that. I knew why, despite the embarrassment, I felt happy when Onii-chan touched me like that. I knew why it bugged me when Onii-chan was looking at other girls.


I had ready enough manga to figure out why I felt those feelings.


I liked Onii-chan.


I really liked Onii-chan.


I’ve liked him for some time already, and I was already aware of that.


First I thought that I shouldn’t think those things, that I should just pretend that I hadn’t those feelings. I was afraid that Onii-chan think I’m weird, that he would be disgusted with me. I was afraid that he would hate me.


But after the bet I knew that he wouldn’t hate me.


I knew that he also liked me.


After the embarrassment pass I couldn’t be more happier.


...but I still had a lot to figure out.


Onii-chan seemed to like more girls than just me. It looked like he might like Onee-chan and Yurika as well. I don’t know what to feel about that.


Is there a way for Onii-chan to look just at me?


If he can’t just look at me, then is possible for me to accept that?


Is mom going to be okay with this?


Is she already okay with this?


I had all of this questions in my mind and much more. The real problem was that tomorrow school will start again. Onii-chan never was much interested in the girls from our school, but he is acting different now so he might go after another girl as well.


I was so confused. So filled with questions that I could not answer.


Thinking about tomorrow a strong feeling of anxiety and anticipation filled me. I wanted to enjoy my days with Onii-chan more and I was afraid that they might suddenly end as well.


I could only hope that things would somehow workout.

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