The Hentai Protagonist System

Volume 2 – Chapter 56 – Walking to School

We walk calmly to school, having small talk about the most trivial matters that someone might think.


That was our usual routine, going to school all the three of us together.


It would be just business as usual if not for...


“H-Hey, Onii-chan”




“H-how long will you c-continue with this?” asked Rina.


“With what?” I said, sounding as innocent as I could.


“T-Taka-chan, y-y-you r-really s-should...” stammered Anna-nee.


“Hehehe, fine, fine, I give” I said, stopping from fondling theirs asses.


I was already missing the nice sensation, but I could not abuse too much of their patience. One must always know when they should retreat and when to advance.


I was in the middle of my sisters, both of which had their faces tinged with a shade of red. Rina was facing me with a lightly miffed look while Anna-nee had a nervous and troubled expression her face.


It’s been roughly ten minutes since we left our house and, whenever possible, I would caress their behinds. It wasn’t really much and someone might categorize that as harassment, but I knew the both of them enough to know that they weren’t really dissatisfied with my actions.


“Seriously, why did suddenly started to touch our butts?” asked Rina.


“Because I like it” I said, as if it were obvious.


“Y-you can’t just touch a girl like that Taka-chan?” said Anna-nee, still a little flustered.


“Why not?” I ask.


“This is not how brothers should treat their sisters” said Rina, trying to sound as the voice of reason.


‘It’s fun teasing both of them’


“Really?! Then who’s ass should I touch?!” I said, trying to sound surprised and disappointed.


“Nobody! I-I mean, maybe I girl that you like and-” Anna-nee tried to reason out, but I interrupted her.


“Then there’s no problem, since I like you both” I said like it was a matter of course.


“No no no no, that’s not what-” continued Rina.


And like that I continued to tease and bicker with the two of them, just having fun with their reactions to my actions.


I might have being a little more discreet or subtly with my interest in them in other conditions, but I could like that as a result to my current relationship with Yuria.


I originally intended to leave Yuria for last, working in first charming and eventually seducing Anna-nee and Rina, but due to underestimating how much she was affected by my semen, after having purchased [Pheromone Aura(Passive)], I manage to seduce her first, which allowed me to quickly escalate the aggressiveness in which I would show my interest to both of them.


Yuria had agreed to my desire to build a harem in the future and to include my sisters in it, with the condition that I didn’t just brought every pretty woman that I met. Thanks to that she would turn a blind eye to my ‘aggressive’ with my sisters and act like it was nothing for them to be concerned about in case they came to talk to her about it.


That make things for me significantly easier, since I would have to control myself as often as I needed before. I had recently take the habit of fondling their asses or breasts and kissing them as well with a certain frequency. I did not wanted them to feel a discomfort with my actions that I might create a fissure in our relationship, so I also made sure to pay attention in case they felt really uncomfortable or might dislike what I’m doing.


I was already expecting Rina to not be completely against my actions. In fact, despite the protest and trying to act like she was annoyed with me, she never really resisted any of my advances. I feel times I actually felt like she was trying to prolong them a little longer, instinctively following my head after a kiss or trying to make my hand stay on her body a little longer.


She really was a tsundere little sister.


The real surprise was Anna-nee.


She really acted like I expected at first, reprehending me and trying to lecture me in what was appropriate or not but that quickly fade. She quickly became much quieter, almost like she was just enjoying what I was doing, only occasionally acting like a responsible older sister and trying to lecture me.


I knew that my [Pheromone Aura(Passive)] might affect them and make them a little more willing to accept my advances, but I thought that Rina would be the first one to accept me, but it looked like Anna-nee would beat her to the punch.


As we continued to banter with each other...




...a voice called for us.


We looked to our back, and there was Yurika running at our direction.




I looked at both of my sisters, surprised that they would that disappointed and annoyed sound.


It seemed that they were enjoying to have only my company more than then I initially thought.


Yurika arrived in front of us in just a few seconds. She stopped a little to catch her breath, panting heavily from the running she was making.


Just like me and Anna-nee she was wearing the uniform of the our school, a blazer and a knee-length skirt, with her blonde hair tied in a ponytail.


She still had a lot to grow until the original timeline of her story, but she already looked a lot like the image I had of her from my past life.


She finally caught her breath and adjust herself, her posture and uniform, to be more presentable. She now gave a certain refined and delicate air, like a frail solitary flower found in a vast meadow.


I found myself a little mesmerized with the image. Somehow I felt that such atmosphere should be preserved with all my strength.


‘I’m still not completely sure, but damn if this doesn’t make my decision lean more in helping her’


Before she was much more relaxed, not giving much effort in making herself look more ‘princess’ like, but right now she had a much more refined and ‘ladylike’ air around her.


“S-orry for coming like that guys” said Yurika.


“No problem. But why did you came after us like that? It’s almost like you were desperate or something?” asked Rina, with just a little bit of spite in her voice.


“W-well, it’s just that, I might get lost so I wanted to all of us to go together” said Yurika, looking downwards in embarrassment.


“Lost? But didn’t your parents hired someone to drive you to school?” Asked Anna-nee.


“They did, but apparently it was unavailable for today” said Yurika.


“Well, that’s unfortunate, but it isn’t difficult to arrive at school. It’s just a quick and we get there” said Rina.


“W-well, I’m kind bad with directions so I might get lost, hahaha” said Yurika, scratching the back of her head while laughing a little awkwardly.


Rina and Anna-nee had an expression of someone that couldn’t really understand what was just said. I mean, I get that. The path to school wasn’t that difficult, but I wasn’t going to say anything about that.


It was best to take advantage of this opportunity.


“Well, since you are already here we might all of us go together” I said.


I lift my hand and move towards her, like I was going to take her hand and lead her to us. Yurika had a slight nervous expression when she noticed my movements, but there was also a hint of anticipation in her eyes as well.


Just as I get close to her, I move a little faster and grab her butt.




Her face get red so fast that I could hear the comic puff coming out of her head.


Like that I lead her in the school’s direction.




Both of my sisters came back from the shock my action cause, her faces red from embarrassment and a little anger as well.


“What did we just said Taka-chan?!” asked Anna-nee.


“That I can’t touch I girl like that unless I like her? But I like Yurika so there’s no problem” I said, twisting their words as best as I could.


“” whispered Yurika, her face still red and her eyes darting around like they didn’t knew were to look.


“That’s not what we meant and ou know that!” said Rina.


Like that we continued in our way to school, discussing and bantering with each other in a relatively(?) peaceful manner.


All in all, it looked like the start of a good day.

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