The Hentai Protagonist System

Volume 2 – Chapter 72 – Back and Forth

(Takashi’s POV)


I have to say, Anna-nee was much more perverted than I thought.


Right after I started to suspect that Anna-nee might be spying on us I asked Yuria to give me a copy of her room. Anna-nee was doing her best to be alone with either me, Yuria, or the both of us, so I had to create a situation that she wouldn’t anticipate.


Anna-nee had a strong sense of self-consciousness, giving great importance to how other people saw her, so simply confronting her wouldn’t yield anything. I had to confront her in a form that was impossible for her to hide what was happening.


And catching her while masturbating right after seeing Yuria and me having sex fulfilled those two conditions.


The only thing I didn’t predict was how much she was into this.


I watched her masturbate for fifteen minutes, and she didn’t even register that the door had opened.


Her clothes were scattered over the floor like she couldn’t wait to simply be free from them and pleasure herself as fast as possible.


She rubbed and pinched her sensitive spots so roughly that I feared for a few seconds that she might hurt herself, but the way she was moaning in pleasure made that worry leave my mind quickly.


Only after I responded to her words did she finally realize that I was here.


“Taka-chan!” exclaimed Anna-nee, completed shocked.


All the vestiges of the pleasure she was feeling were gone from her. Her face showed both shock and dread, like a deer caught in the headlight.


Her shock lasted only for a few seconds until finally, she tried to cover herself in panic.


“W-W-W-W-What are you doing here?!” she asked, still clearly shaken by the development of the situation.


I didn’t want to lie if possible, so I decided to try asking a question myself.


“Is this really what should we be talking about?” I asked.


She simply looked back at me, red to the ears, unable to muster a single word of reply. She must have realized that there is no way she would be able to change the subject or deflect any kind of blame.


I tried to get a little closer to her, and she retreated like prey would from a predator.


‘She really is scared’


I might have underestimated a little how much being seen like this would make her feel vulnerable. Still, I couldn’t just stop now. If I were to take a step back in this situation then everything would come to a crash.


I had to press forward, even if more softly.


“Calm down.” I said in the best soothing voice I could create, raising my hands like I was showing that I wasn’t armed “I won't do anything that you don’t want, I promise.”


With my hands raised, I tried to approach her again, slower than before. She didn’t say anything but also didn’t flee like before either. She simply stared at me, cautious of whatever I was about to do.


I finally arrived at her bed and sat in there, with enough distance between us that I wouldn’t be able to reach her by simply raising my arms.


I breathed deeply, trying to calm myself a little. I intentionally created this situation but from here on out it would be very different from how I handled things with Yuria. Anna-nee wasn’t as mature like her mother to deal with this situation alone, so I would have to be very careful with what I was going to say.


“So, how long have you known?” I asked.


“...f-f-for some time.” she said in a small barely audible voice, still stammering a little from nervousness.


“...and that would be?” I asked, trying to draw out of her what I already suspected.


“...three months.” she finally admitted.


‘Thought as much’


It was around three months ago that her behavior started to be more erratic, so this information wasn’t really surprising. I only asked so that we could start to talk.


I gave her a little nod, and Anna-nee tightened her lips a little bit. It was a very vague gesture, but Anna-nee was more than intelligent enough to understand what I meant by doing it.


I was signaling that she could make a question if she wanted.


“...h-how long is t-that happening?” she asked.


“Around four months.” I answered.


She didn’t say anything else, just continued to stare at me. It looked like she manage to figure out how we were going to do this little of ours. One question for each.


“You spy on us every time?” I asked.




She stayed quiet, obviously too embarrassed to answer that question. But I wasn’t going to make another until she answered. I simply looked at her, waiting until she could say it out loud.


She finally showed me a defeated and helpless look, having figured it out that I wasn’t going to back down.


“...yes.” she relented.


‘...she really takes after her mother, doesn’t she?’


In her original story, she found her way to some kind of sex club as a way to vent her stress. If things had gone like the original story then I would find that out and use it to make her a sex friend. I used the [Plot Detector] skill to see again her scenes when I suspected that she was aware of my relationship with Yuria and that she might be spying on us. Most of her solo scenes involved being some kind of exhibitionism, the danger of her being found having sex with me, her little brother, and now she looked to have some kind of peeping fetish as well.


‘She might like to be on both sides of this situations’


I would have to figure that out later. Right now I had to handle the current situation.


I gave her a nod again, to which she followed up with a question immediately.


“How did it start?” she asked, with a little more strength in her voice.


“I confessed to her, and she accepted my feelings” I answered instantly.


Her eyes widened a little from surprise.


That was to be expected. No one would imagine that a woman in her earlier thirties would accept the romantic feelings of a boy that was practically a third her age.


‘That’s hentai logic for you.’


She was about to make another question but I signalized to her that she should wait. It was my turn to make a question. She looked at me like I had just taken her favorite toy away.


‘What is look that?’


I would think about that later. Now I should continue with our little back and forth.


“Do you masturbate like that every time you see us?” I asked.




She looked at me in shock, completely surprised at my question. Someone in their right state of mind would have figured out that this question was inevitable, but Anna-nee seemed to still be a little rattled.


‘She did seem a little calmer. I guess I was wrong’


Despite her surprise, she didn’t take as much time to answer as with the previous question.


“Yes” she said, without hesitation this time.


I was a little surprised that she answered that questions so readily. I was glad by it but thought that she would struggle a little to say it out loud.


The way she was looking at me was becoming a little strange as well. It was almost like she was trying to gather her resolve for something.


‘I guess her next question is going to be a more bold one.’


I was expecting a question a little more daring, but not as much as it actually was.


“Can you do that to me too?”

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