The Hentai Protagonist System

Volume 2 – Chapter 75 – Mother and Daughter

(Anna’s POV)


‘Guh, why did he have to say that?!’


I couldn’t take my head off what Taka-chan had just said. That confession had completely caught me off-guard.


‘Why did he say something like that?! How could he think that saying that would make things any easier?! I mean, he was really cool saying that but- wait, no! That’s not it! He can’t just spit nonsense like that, and, and, gaaaaahhh!’


My head was a vortex of emotions and thoughts. I never felt so confused and annoyed in my entire life.


Taka-chan had just said to me that he wanted to have a harem and that he wanted me as a member.


How could I possibly accept something like that?


Who could accept something as outrageous as that?!


A relationship was supposed to be between only two people. It was supposed to happen only between two people that loved each other. I know that there are a lot of works about relations involving multiple people, but that is just wish-fulfillment crap.


These crazy relationships aren’t supposed to happen in real life!


‘Okay, I guess that Taka-chan and mom’s relationship is already abnormal, but that can still be- wait, no! I can’t let myself be swayed by- ande t-there also what he made me f-f-f-feel la-last night. Maybe if I- stop thinking like that!’


I couldn’t stop my head from spiraling in every direction. I would go from the abnormality of this situation to the possibilities of what I could feel. From the many risks that I could take, to the chance of destroying our family.


It was impossible for me to make a decision. I couldn’t just accept to be one of many women. If I accepted then Taka-chan would only go after more women, and if I didn’t then he would never stop to try to convince me.


There was no right choice!


‘What the hell am I suppose to-’




“Anna, are you in there?” said someone from behind the door of my room.


I would never mistake who was the owner of that voice.


‘Mom! What she’s doing here?’


“Anna, if you are in there, can I come in?” she asked me.


My head was so confused with all of those emotions and thoughts that I felt like it would take me forever to reach a conclusion. At first, I wanted to just tell her to get out, feeling annoyed that she, of all people, would come at me right now, but then a thought crossed my mind.


‘Maybe I can ask her about her thoughts on this situation.’


I already had a talk with Taka-chan about this entire mess, and it only caused me to feel more conflicted.


Maybe if I talked with her I would reach some kind of conclusion.


I calmed myself down and readied my resolve to ask her what I needed to know.


“Sure mom, come in” I said.


The door opened and mom entered my room. She was wearing tight shorts and a slightly loose blouse. Her ashen blond hair was in the usual single braid, but this time it was thrown over one of her shoulders, making it visible for anyone in front of her.


Just looking at her was enough to bring back the images of what she has been doing with Taka-chan over the last few months. It has been difficult to look at her directly, but I was trying to do my best.


Even if I felt like my heart was about to leap through my mouth and my face would melt from the heat.


Mom sat at the bed beside me, like it was only natural, and looked at me directly into my eyes.


“So... did Takashi already make a move on you?” she asked, completely catching me off guard.


‘She really isn’t going to beat around the bush, will she?’


But I guess that I shouldn’t expect anything else. Mom never was to measure her words when confronting any of us.


“Y-yeah, he did.” I answered, still a little hesitant of discussing this awkward situation with her “H-how did you figure out?”


“Takashi looked like he was a little more tired than usual and you didn’t leave your room the entire morning, so I asked him and he told me what happened” she replied.


Her words startled me and I looked immediately to the window. Just by the light, I could see that she was right. I got so caught up in my thought that I didn’t notice the time passing.


‘No wonder I’m feeling a little hungry.’


Leaving these thoughts aside, I decided to deal with this situation head-on. No matter how much embarrassing or difficult it was, I needed to ask these questions.


“Mom, I have to ask, why did you just... accept this situation?” I asked.


“...what do you mean?” she asked.


Despite asking me to explain it to her, her expression showed that she already had an idea of what I was asking. She just wanted me to make it clear.


“Why did you accept Taka-chan confession? I mean, I know that things between you and father were never really romantic. I would have to be an idiot to not notice that, but why did you just accept to be in a relationship with Taka-chan?”


As soon as I started there was no more stop. The questions just came one after the other.


“Why did you enter a relationship with a boy twenty years younger? Why are you supporting this ridiculous idea of him having a harem? Why did you just accept him doing those things with both me and Rina? Why are you just indulging him in all of those things that clearly are not okay at all? Just, why?!”


“Why are you just accepting all of this?!”


By the end of the questions, I was almost shouting. I had to use every fiber of my being to raise my voice because I was afraid that if that were to happen the entire neighborhood would hear me screaming.


I got out of breath just voicing out some of the many questions I had, and I just waited for her to say something.


Mom stayed quiet during the entire time, just looking at me like she was waiting for me to finish.


She continued to stare at me for almost a minute, maybe waiting to make sure that I was finished with my questions, or maybe she was trying to figure out what she should say to me.


I couldn’t discern what she was thinking. Her face was like a mask, not showing any emotion whatsoever.


Just as I was starting to think that she wouldn’t say anything, she talked again.


“You certainly have a lot of questions Anna.” she said, her voice completely even.


“...well, can you blame me?” I asked.


“Not really” she sighed. almost looked like she was resigning herself to something.


‘What is she going to do?’


I was starting to get nervous about the situation. I small lump of fear was being formed inside of me. A part of me started to wonder if I went a little too far in confronting mom like that.


“It’s difficult for me to explain why I accepted Takashi’s little eccentricities.” she said.


‘...I wouldn’t call them ‘little eccentricities’.’


I was about to express my thoughts to her when she got up and started to head for the door.


“Words aren’t really enough to explain my reason Anna.” she said, not waiting for me at the door “Come with me. There’s something that I probably should show you”


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