The Hero of the Zerg is Not Easy To Be

Chapter 125

Chapter 125: Insect Emperor

After Chen Junhua came to power, he thoroughly cleaned up the previous extremist forces and Yamoan’s bugs, and then punished them according to the regulations.

Then the first order was to ban all female slaves. Those with disabilities should be sent for treatment, and those with no major problems should be sent to join the army after treatment.

The reason Chen Junhua uses is that the Zerg field is too large now, and in order to avoid errors at the border, it is necessary to replenish the source of troops.

When the males wanted to make trouble, he asked to let go of the restrictions on the males’ education, so that the males could freely choose the courses they wanted to take.

The reason is that males have the qualifications not to be discriminated against by education, and each male has the qualifications to realize his dreams. For a while, the education of male insects caused a heated discussion.

An was picked up after Chen Junhua ascended the throne. Chen Junhua was too busy to get away, hugged An for several kisses, and said apologetically, “I really can’t get away recently, can you pick up the cub yourself?”

An knows that the entire Zerg has been messed up by the hero recently, and the hero needs to stay here to control the overall situation. The hero is now the emperor, and he needs to take care of the entire Zerg, so he can’t be so willful.

So he hugged the uneasy Chen Junhua, “Okay, I promise to bring the cubs back.”

Chen Junhua breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid of troubles, after all, he was a bit unqualified as a father, but he was really busy now, and he really didn’t have time to pick up the cubs.

An went to pick up the cubs, Chen Junhua finally felt guilty, and specially arranged rooms for An and the cubs in his newly moved Insect Emperor’s residence.

Then the cubs, who had been waiting for almost a year, welcomed their female father. The fourth child was the first to notice that An was coming. He rushed over, hugged An and rubbed hard, and An was almost hugged. Not standing still.

An hugged the fourth child, “Cubs, what about your brothers?” The fourth child took Ann to find the other cubs, and it was at this time that the females who took in the cubs knew that the cubs were The son of the Insect Emperor.

An looked at the good-looking cubs with great satisfaction, and touched them again and again. As for the females who had brought their cubs for a year, he also had a very good attitude. He carefully explained why they sent the cubs here, and then gave the females who raised the cubs a lot of money.

Seeing the female worm who was reluctant to part with the cubs, An asked the cubs for their opinions, and let the cubs recognize him as a godfather.

Then I stayed in this place where the cubs stayed for almost a year, and stayed for a few more days to experience it well.

When the cubs followed An Gang back to the Capital Star, they saw Chen Junhua who came to greet him. Chen Junhua hugged An, and then gave the cubs a kiss, “Welcome home and show you guys your new room. ,How about it?”

The cubs cheered, and then Chen Junhua took them to visit the rooms where they lived one by one. After he finished showing the cubs, he hugged An and returned to his room.

An looked at Chen Junhua who had lost a lot of weight and felt a little distressed, “The hero has worked hard.”

Chen Junhua kissed An An, “Fortunately, the preparations made before are not useless, the death and injury of the female slave is too great, we can only hurry up and cancel it. The rest is okay, take your time, but don’t worry too much.”

An kissed Chen Junhua, and his expression was a little surprised, “We have been married for less than ten years, and you have become an insect emperor. This… This is simply incredible.”

Chen Junhua chuckled, “The times make heroes, the Zerg has had problems for thousands of years, and it’s time for bugs to come out and solve them. In this millennium, many bugs must have failed. I’m lucky, I just happened to be born to solve the problem. It’s just a coincidence, nothing special, but I can’t say I’m unhappy or unhappy to be so admired by my female monarch.”

An leaning on Chen Junhua’s arms, “You are already the Insect Emperor, so will you still love me?”

Chen Junhua put his arms around An’s waist and put a sticker on himself, “I should ask this question. After I am the Insect Emperor, I definitely don’t have so much time to spend with you and the cub, you will not abandon me. Go? Cubs can’t be without a mother!”

An shook his head and said firmly, “As long as I’m alive, as long as you still want me, it’s impossible for me to leave you. I love you more than anything.”

Chen Junhua was furious and kissed An fiercely, “Okay, I really married a good female monarch. Female monarch, you are now the worm lord of the Zerg, remember to fulfill the obligations of the worm lord!”

An was a little confused, “Does the worm have any obligations?” Why hasn’t he heard of it?

Chen Junhua laughed and trembled, “Of course there is. Serve the Insect Emperor well.” He thought that his female monarch was so cute.

An suddenly realized, “Okay, Your Majesty the Insect Emperor, please allow me to serve you well.”

Chen Junhua picked An up and threw it on the bed in the bedroom. Then he put it on An’s body. “Of course it’s allowed. You give me your duty as a worm.”

An’s lips were attached to Chen Junhua’s lips: “As per your order, my hero, my majesty the insect emperor.”

Fifteen years later, at the entrance of the parliament, Chen Yanyu stood at the entrance of the parliament and waited for the results to come out. Chen Yansi sat in a wheelchair and smiled slightly, “Don’t worry, the male father will still be the Insect Emperor.”

Chen Yanyu shook his head, “I’m not worried about this, I’m worried about whether the bill to cancel female slaves can be passed? Just because the male father pushed this matter, there have been several rebellions. If it doesn’t pass, it will be a big loss.”

Chen Yansi said casually, “Isn’t it all calmed down? The male father knows it. He has spent more than ten years planning to improve the status of female insects, and he must be well prepared.”

Other bugs don’t know, but Chen Yansi still knows that his male father has worked hard in the nobles, the military, and the government, especially among the nobles, the male father can be said to be a slow knife to cut the flesh, the knife to the bone, and the The shady industries have been cleaned up one by one.

Rebellion is the last counter-attack these nobles can do, and it was foreseen by his male father, who directly leveraged his strength to fight, and took the opportunity to pull out a large number of families that rely on their noble status to do things.

Whether the male father is well prepared or not, there will be no problem. Chen Yansi has long since taken hold of those worms in private.

Chen Yansi thought that there was an idiot among them who wanted to replace his male father and marry his female father as a female slave. His smile became sweeter and sweeter. It was really a big field, and there were all kinds of idiots.

Thinking about the position of Insect Emperor, his male father would not mind. His father’s original words were, if you have the ability, come and get it. But thinking about his female father, his male father is not so easy to talk about.

After Chen Yansi told the male father the evidence and the whole story, the male father just nodded, and then the next day he sent the guy’s family to the most barren marginal star to open up wasteland. not coming.

When his male father used his methods, he never avoided them, except for the fourth child. The fourth child had no idea what his brain was used for. If he told him about some things, it would be completely useless to keep it secret. After his male father suffered two losses, He never said his plans in front of the fourth child again.

But he still did not avoid them. For example, he once discovered that the male father wanted to send him away when he was an adult, and everything was almost ready.

But he didn’t want to leave, he wanted to stay in the capital star, but he knew that he couldn’t fight his male father now, and he didn’t give up that effort, so he told male father directly.

Xiongfu expressed concern about his health, so he told him, “I would rather shine in the capital until I am 30 years old, and I don’t want to be raised as a waste until I am 300 years old. The sea can be filled and the mountains can be moved, and the ambition of a man should be this. This sentence is the origin of my name and my ambition, I don’t need to be protected, male father, even if you send me away, I will find a way to come back.”

Father Xiong was silent for a while, then walked over, squatted down, hugged him, and said, “As you wish.”

Chen Yansi pretended not to notice the wetness on his shoulders. He was not a vassal of male and female fathers. He had his own life and he would not compromise.

Just when the two worms had their own thoughts, they saw their female father walking quickly in the uniform of the army commander. Ann walked up to them, looked at the closed parliament door, and asked, “How long have you been in?”

Chen Yanyu said, “It’s almost over, don’t worry about the female father, the male father is fine.”

An Xin nodded absently.

Chen Yanyu and Chen Yansi looked at each other and decided to change the subject, “Father, how is Qing and Jue recently?”

Speaking of his two female worms, An couldn’t help but smile, “The boss is doing well, but… Jue’s temper is still not very good. Your male father ordered him to go to the chaos zone to experience life.”

Chen Yansi and Chen Yanyu twitched the corners of their mouths and sent them to the chaotic area to experience life? As far as the matter is concerned, it is not necessarily who will suffer.

Although he said that, Chen Yansi thought that he still had to send his men to watch over there, so that Jue’s IQ was sold and he was still helping to count the money.

Chen Yanyu said, “Brother Xiong has been doing well in the research institute recently. Ren said he is very talented.”

Not only is he talented, but tenacity is like a treasure. He tried his best to turn the second child into his male son, but An and Chen Junhua have always been unwilling.

An thought that his lively male son actually went to the research institute to do research, and he was a little puzzled. He always thought that the second child’s character should be able to do art, but who would have thought that he would go to the research institute to work.

However, the eldest and the fourth went to the military as expected. The eldest’s performance was not bad, but the fourth… It was hard to say, and Ann wanted to laugh whenever she thought of the fourth.

Because even the hero who was omnipotent in his eyes was very angry with the fourth child, so he could only stab his head and say helplessly, God is fair, given the fourth child a strong physique, he will give it to him With a bad brain.

The third and fifth are in politics. The two of them are really a black belly. When they were young, An tried to control them. Since he found that he could not play with them at all, he let it go, and they still handed over to them. Lord, he’s gone.

At this moment, the door of the parliament opened, and Chen Junhua came out first. Looking at the lady and the cub at the door, he smiled, “I’m back, is it going well?” Ann specifically asked Ann to take a look.

Regarding the gentle attitude of the insect emperor, other insects are not surprised, and everyone is not stupid. If they don’t see that their insect emperor is really a lover for more than ten years, it will be in vain.

So they all left with interest, and Chen Yanyu and Chen Yansi also looked at each other and left together. They don’t want to go back and be cared for by the male father.

Since their second metamorphosis at the age of 20, the male father’s care for them has become less and less, and his attitude has become more severe. The reason is that they are not cubs and need to learn to take the responsibility of males. .

An waited for the insects to leave, and then walked over and hugged Chen Junhua, “I’m going well, and the Maple Leafs don’t seem to be doing anything. Where’s the hero?”

Chen Junhua smiled and touched An’s face, “It went well, after all, it took me more than ten years to change the male-to-male birth ratio to about 1:1, plus the increased fertility rate, this is the first time in a thousand years. Who would think I was wrong?”

An rubbed Chen Junhua, “The hero is really the best insect emperor in the world. He has the ability to do things and rules, cares about the people and is considerate and gentle. You are really a gift from God to the Zerg.”

Chen Junhua kissed An, “My lady is really good at talking, let me taste it, did you touch honey on your mouth?” The admired worm boasted so much, even he felt a little airy.

After kissing An until she was out of breath, An asked, “Master? Is my mouth sweet?” An knew that his master was too much for this.

Chen Junhua’s eyes darkened, “sweet.” It’s really terrible. It’s been 20 years since they were married, and Ann still has the ability to hold him down, and this ability is getting bigger and bigger.

An hugged Chen Junhua’s neck, jumped up and wrapped his legs around his waist, “I’m sweeter elsewhere, don’t you want to try it?” It’s too late, it’s time to enter night mode.

Chen Junhua wrapped his arms around An’s waist and patted his butt. “Okay, let me have a good taste of where my female gentleman is the sweetest.” They still have hundreds of years. It’s time to slowly make the Zerg better.

The decline of the Zerg is not caused by a day, and no one can quickly revive the Zerg, but under the leadership of Chen Junhua, everything is developing in a positive direction.

Just like a piece of land that has been severely injured, when spring comes, this piece of land will still sprout green shoots and gradually regain its vitality. There is enough time and the future is still long. Everything is the best arrangement.

– End of this article.

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