The Hero of the Zerg is Not Easy To Be

Chapter 129

Chapter 129: Extra Story: Love Stories About Cubs (4)

With such a guess, everyone thinks that Jue’s IQ is very suitable for use. But the male worm should stay away from him. Jue does not seem to be polite to the male worm. With a punch, the male worm will probably die on the spot.

Don’t even think about the female worms with poor physique. As soon as Jue swung it down, she lay in the hospital for one night, and the other female worms who were almost in the same state might not have gone to the crematorium directly.

In the end, after thinking about it, everyone felt that Jue was a good target to use. It was obvious to all that the worm emperor favored his cubs. Even female worms were given the same preferential treatment as male worms, but the fourth was because of personality problems. , was punished very much.

Then if their male sons can marry Jue back home, wouldn’t they be able to use Jue to seek benefits from the Insect Emperor? As for Jue’s bad brains and too strong strength, it’s fine, and if he doesn’t need him, he will be sent to the army. Department.

Although the Insect Emperor forbade the existence of female slaves, he did not prohibit the existence of female servants. Wouldn’t it be better to let their male insects marry a few more female servants?

Therefore, after Jue was released, there were more banquets to attend. Jue was taught by the father and the father and the brothers in turn, and finally knew what the banquet was about.

Jue doesn’t feel much about getting married, and he doesn’t hate laying eggs, and even if he gets married, he’s still the son of one father and one father, and they won’t leave him alone.

So Jue happily went to the appointment, attended many banquets, and was brought to meet many male insects. Although his brain is not good, his intuition is still very accurate. He did not feel the love of those males for him, but was full of disgust.

Although he is also disliked at home, the house bugs will tell him where there is a problem with him, and add, “Forget it at home, be careful when you are outside.”

The introduced females and males would not say that. Although they despised him, on the surface they praised him, and the males also promised to treat him well.

But Jue thought about the difference between them, and deeply felt that he should treat the male worm well. After all, except when he was pregnant, where would he need a male worm? However, when he remembered the life of the house bug, he silently endured it.

Knowing that the males and the forces behind them were in a hurry, he said, “I think they are all good, don’t let me choose, let’s go together.” The audience was quiet for a moment, and the other insects didn’t say anything. .

Then, the next day, Chen Junhua was flooded with a bunch of complaints. He found a few bugs to come over to understand the situation. After listening to it, he promised with a smile that he would definitely punish Jue, and then sent them all away.

After An came back in the evening, he saw Chen Junhua sitting in the living room touching a weapon. An and Chen Junhua had spent decades together. Although Chen Junhua didn’t speak, he could clearly feel Chen Junhua’s displeasure.

He walked over, hugged Chen Junhua, and kissed, “Master, what’s wrong with you?”

Chen Junhua was silent for a while, then told what happened that day, and then said, “They said that the fourth child was too much, but we spoiled him too much and wanted to make a marriage contract for the fourth child, and let the fourth child go to their male son. Develop feelings.”

Ann’s face is also not good-looking, “If Jue gets married like this, he will definitely be frustrated.”

Chen Junhua sneered, “They said that their male son likes the fourth child very much and doesn’t mind the fourth child’s temper. It’s ridiculous, what does it mean to not mind? Even if my female son can’t marry in his entire life, it will not be their turn to point fingers.”

As long as Chen Junhua thought of how disgusting worms looked when the other party said the fourth child, his blood pressure was high. It’s like the fourth child of his family is a burden, so bad that he needs to beg them to accept it.

He admits that the fourth child’s brain is not very good, and the other party will inevitably have to worry more about life, so his other requirements for the fourth child’s partner have been reduced a lot. After all, marriage is a matter that needs to be considered comprehensively. .

He can’t force the male who is excellent everywhere to marry his female son, otherwise, it will be a lose-lose when the trouble arises.

However, the male son in the family of the guys who came today is going to marry the fourth child, and that is also going to marry back on his knees. Anything that doesn’t work, picks and chooses against the fourth, are they worthy?

If it weren’t for the fact that the forces behind them were not weak, Chen Junhua couldn’t clean up all of them in one breath, otherwise, none of the **** who dared to use that tone to beg the fourth child would even want to go out alive.

An calmed Chen Junhua well, and the two bugs were sticking to each other for a long time before Chen Junhua calmed down. At this time, An was also very tired, but he was still thinking about it, so he asked Chen Junhua what he planned to do?

Chen Junhua sneered and said, “Since they feel that the fourth child is not good, I will not force them. The Zerg has a vast territory, and I don’t believe that I can’t find a male who is witty and sensible and likes the fourth child.

Even if it really doesn’t, then I will end my life for four years. In short, I won’t let him marry the noble males of the Capital Star and be bullied and frustrated by them.

Don’t stay in the capital star for the time being, the fourth child will not be angry. I will privately spread the word tomorrow, saying that I have exiled the fourth child to the chaotic area.

At that time, you will take the fourth child to the chaotic area where the Miye tribe and the orc tribe meet. I cleaned it up during the war, and within a few years, they couldn’t find any big waves.

At that time, I will prepare what I should have for the fourth child, and then send some subordinates to watch to ensure his safety.

There are all kinds of things there, just let him go to experience and learn about the dangers of the world, so that he can live a heartless day by day.

Just like this time, he can think about it if he wants to, and he can do it if he is really capable. The problem is that he is just being hilarious, and it ended up like this. He really needs to learn how to deal with things.

After a few years of practice and learning, I will come back to serve in the military department. At that time, I will arrange for him to go out to the field and deal with Zerg things every day. I don’t believe that he can’t find one of the Zerg that he likes. ”

An raised his head and kissed Chen Junhua, “It’s so good to be a hero, everything is considered for the cubs.”

Chen Junhua also kissed An An, “They are the cubs you gave me, of course I have to take good care of them. By the way, after you have sent the nobles, remember to visit the Maple Leaf Clan. I feel that something is wrong with them recently.”

An nodded, and rubbed Chen Junhua again, “Well, I see, Lord, I’m so tired, let’s sleep.” Chen Junhua smiled and kissed An, “Okay.”

Soon Jue was sent away, and Chen Junhua also began to quietly prepare to attack the nobles of Capital Star and weaken their power. Now that a few years have passed, this has begun to bear fruit.

The past reappeared in his mind, but it softened some of Chen Junhua’s dissatisfaction. He thought about Jue and Chichi being together, it really didn’t look like the one who suffered, but he was still a little unhappy. “We should get married anyway, they are too hasty.”

An decided not to remind the hero that the fourth child of their family was doing quite well in the chaotic area. Whether or not I want to get pregnant is definitely not what Chichi said. Jue said that I want to be pregnant, Chichi dare not agree?

He put his arms around Chen Junhua’s neck, “Master, don’t worry about them, the cubs should live on their own when they are adults, you still care about me, my body has been raised long ago, look… we have a few more eggs. Bar.”

Chen Junhua was helpless, “Don’t make trouble, my physical problems haven’t been resolved yet, what should I do if I go back to the house? We have enough cubs, you… No, why are you crying?”

An Yi looked extremely aggrieved, “I gave birth to four eggs, and one of them saw how they were born. I’m not reconciled. Lord, let’s have another one, and doesn’t the medical report say that your physique has stabilized? Instead, my physique has been on the rise, no problem.”

An hugged Chen Junhua and continued to act coquettishly. Chen Junhua couldn’t help An’s coquettish dawdling, and could only apologize, “In this way, let Ren judge whether it is feasible or not. If it is possible, we will give birth, if not, forget it.”

Ren has always been stubborn about Chen Junhua. After he delivered An’s delivery, his opinion on Chen Junhua was even greater. Not to mention that he couldn’t get pregnant. Even if he could, he would say that he couldn’t conceive.

Chen Junhua knows this, and An also knows it, so this is the meaning of rejection. An unwilling, tossed Chen Junhua for a long time, Chen Junhua did not let go in the end, An was not happy, turned around and ignored Chen Junhua.

Chen Junhua put his arms around An, “Don’t make trouble, if you want to see the cubs born, I’ll keep the eggs for you to take with you when the prince is born, okay?”

An muttered, “What should I bring for him? I want to bring my own eggs.” Chen Junhua could only coax him repeatedly, and then he turned on the night mode.

When it was over, An’s eyes were confused, with dry tears on her face, and she fell asleep in Chen Junhua’s arms. Chen Junhua breathed a sigh of relief, kissed An, and fell asleep in his arms.

The next day, Chen Junhua and Jue met alone, “Do you have any plans in the future? Live in Capital Star with Chichi?”

Jue shook his head, “No, the Capital Star is too complicated. I can’t do it, neither can he. And those guys in the Capital Star won’t give up on stuffing the female worms in the Chichi, let’s forget it, I’ll take him back to the chaos area, it’s the safest. .”

Chen Junhua frowned, “Do you want to live in a chaotic area in the future?”

Jue nodded, “Well, I lived there for a few years, and it has been built well by me. There is a direction in the chaotic area that is close to the barren star, and I plan to develop there.”

Chen Junhua was silent for a moment and said, “You can do whatever you want. As long as your mother and I are alive, the Zerg will always be your backing. Don’t worry.”

Jue smiled and nodded, “Don’t worry, male father, I will take care of myself. You don’t have to worry about me being bullied. I am different from other female insects. The chaos zone lacks everything, even death, and no one can bully me. , Chichi also.”

Chen Junhua nodded with satisfaction, “Your idea is good, but don’t be too extreme. It’s normal for both parties to be noisy after marriage. Don’t do anything to each other and affect the relationship.”

Jue nodded obediently, and then asked, “Father, did my brother tell you about my situation? Have you asked the doctor about my body?”

Chen Junhua frowned, “Well, I’ve asked, it’s a bit similar to mine. I thought I was going to shed my skin at first, but after so many years, this feeling has become less and less severe, and my physique has stabilized. It is estimated that It won’t shed its skin.

You… I don’t know very well, your physique has surpassed mine now, Zerg… There is no record of this situation. At the beginning, my teacher speculated that it may be a throwback, or it may be with the bloodline of that race.

However, based on my experience and observations over the years, this situation is more inclined to atavistic. Unfortunately, many things were lost between the Zerg’s original ten-year war, so… it is still uncertain. ”

Sir has a headache, what is this all about? Then he thought of one more thing, “Father, what’s the result of Chichi’s physical examination?”

Chen Junhua replied, “It’s okay, after testing, his elytra should be of the same clan as us, but it was separated later, and there was no reproductive isolation. Strictly speaking, he is also a zerg. Without this terrifying physique, there should be no problem.”

Jue… Well, I circled around again, and finally Jue could only leave with suspicion.

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