The Hero of the Zerg is Not Easy To Be

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Scum

Chen Junhua has been very annoying recently. I don’t know what’s going on. The Male Insect Protection Association has been putting pressure on him, expressing that the cubs are not too small, and your female monarch is not here. Why don’t you find a female to have some cubs.

Chen Junhua… Really think he is a fertility machine? He was a little puzzled. He had discussed with An before, and deliberately blurred who the third child’s female father was. Let Ge live in the garden, which also has the meaning of paving the way for this.

He and Ann kept saying that they were pregnant with two eggs, and that was what they said when they reported. A normal worm would never have imagined that An would lay three eggs in a row. After the birth, An’s stomach was indeed smaller.

Under the obvious contrast, it is difficult for a worm to think that there is another egg in An’s belly. After a period of time, an egg suddenly appeared in the house, but An could not get pregnant and lay an egg again.

Then it is interesting how this egg came from. Chen Junhua has no other females in name, that is, he secretly got other females pregnant, and he is not responsible for the females after giving birth to eggs.

And the egg production date is so close, the female was conceived shortly after Admiral An got married, doesn’t that mean that Chen Junhua must be An An?

Although Chen Junhua will bear the reputation of being a scumbag, An will not be targeted so obviously. Although there will be some rumors, the two worms can take a breather before Chen Junhua gets his rights.

This is Chen Junhua’s inspiration from the story told by Luchen. Compared with being forced to marry a female, the scandal is still within the tolerance range. Therefore, although Chen Junhua will refuse to approach his female, he will never stop him from being romantic. The spread of rhyme.

Now he is already a big scumbag in the rumors, so he deliberately avoided the question of the Male Insect Protection Association a few times. Then today I was blocked by the male insect protection association for questioning.

After pretending to dodge a few times, he said, “Although I didn’t marry a female, I have never stopped breeding with females, but I just never got pregnant.”

Male Insect Protection Association… They said, “You can take them home and use them slowly.” Chen Junhua pouted, “There is already one in the family, and there is no feeling for another one.

What’s the point of a female worm marrying him back home, she won’t resist, she won’t cry, and she won’t be careful to ask if she wants to marry him, it will be a lot less fun.

By the way, you don’t know how maddened the mother looked when she lay in my arms after giving birth to the third child and said she would never regret it until she died.

By the way, you reminded me, next time I want him to lay another egg for me, he will definitely cry better. When he laid eggs for me on the bed, he was so good-looking, his brows were furrowed, It feels like I’m going to cry.

Oh, and the other one is also great. After I used it for the first time, he stood by my bedside and got dressed the next morning. He also said that it was a blessing for him to spend the night with me. He also advised me not to. Marry him, tsk tsk, so cute.

The military female is also very cute, especially when he is wearing a military uniform, he is serious and serious. If you hold something in his arms and feed him, his face will turn red, and every time he will remind me carefully that he has to go to work tomorrow, which is really abstinence. Cute again.

What is your expression, are you dissatisfied with me? “The worm of the Male Insect Protection Association shook his head again and again.” No, no, no, we don’t mean that, it’s just… Chen Junhua Xiongzi, you really don’t want to marry a female worm back home? ”

Chen Junhua smiled and licked his teeth, “Yes! It’s a pity that he is determined to be his hero. The last time I kissed him was when he was pregnant.

No, no, don’t go home. It’s better to be in front of his hero. If you use him next to his hero, he will definitely cry. What do you think? ”

Male Conservation Society… what did they hear? Today they are obviously here to persuade males to marry females, why should they go through all this? Fortunately, although most of the worms in the Male Insect Protection Association were a little stunned, some worms were awake.

“Chen Junhua Xiongzi, you’re wrong, you should marry them back home, that’s a good male.” Chen Junhua looked disinterested “Forget it, it’s almost enough to marry An, there is a female anyway. Support the scene at home.

And the status of the hero of the general is really easy to use. I see that the females in the family really have no desire to reproduce. It doesn’t matter if they marry or not, they are decorations anyway, or they are outside…cough.

Forget it, I tell you what to do with this, so I promise, as long as a female worm is pregnant and laying eggs, I will definitely raise eggs. “A worm said weakly, “The female worm…”

Chen Junhua waved his hand, “It’s alright, didn’t they live well before they met me, even if they didn’t live well after they met me… that’s also fate, you can’t blame me, I gave birth to the eggs, they No, don’t you think so?”

Male Insect Protection Association… This is the first time they have heard the behavior of scumbags being said so confidently and soberly. And the breeding preference is bizarre and startling, but he doesn’t care about it.

The worm of the Male Insect Protection Association struggled for the last time, “Even if it’s a decoration, you can marry one and take your cubs back.” Chen Junhua hooked his lips, “Do you know how favorable female worms are towards male worms who bring their children? Do you know how many excuses the cubs can come up with to knock on the female’s door.”

Looking at the completely frozen face of the worms of the Male Insect Protection Association, Chen Junhua smiled and said mysteriously, “I can make the female worms hug me many times because of this, you don’t want to block my peach blossoms. And they are not small now. Now, there is more that can be done.”

You Woo of the Male Insect Protection Association took out his brain and said tremblingly, “It is against the law to move underage insects.” Chen Junhua rolled his eyes, “Where did you think, how could I be so scum? It’s just a help, like cooking or something.”

The Male Insect Protection Association breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Chen Junhua is not too outrageous… No, why not go out to hunt wild food and let your cubs play support? This worm looks so good, why is it like this?

Chen Junhua quickly took the worms of the Male Insect Protection Association away with an expression like the door to the new world was open, and they should be able to settle down for a while now.

What Chen Junhua didn’t know was that the effect was a little too good. A group of worms from the Male Insect Protection Association returned to the headquarters and talked a lot, and the worms present were shocked… How could it still be like this?

After all, the worm took the lead to find Chen Junhua’s female worm and asked his boss, “Do you still want to find Chen Junhua’s male son?” His boss glanced at him, “What do you want to do with him? Listen to his description of how to reproduce and satisfy your humble desire?

It’s good that the male worm knows to reproduce. What do you care about how he reproduces? Hasn’t he already made an egg whose father is unknown?

How long has it been since he was an adult, he has already had three cubs, and he is still in a hurry, what are you worried about? You quickly follow the names on the list to find those males who haven’t married many females, haven’t laid eggs, and haven’t known how hard they work.

Seriously, those who have just grown up are fighting so hard. These males who have been grown up for a long time don’t know how to hurry up. It’s really useless. “Speaking of which, Chen Junhua’s name was crossed out from the list.

He also said, “He works so hard, we don’t want to put too much pressure on him, so as not to turn things around. Let’s look at his performance in the past three years. If there are really constant bugs, don’t worry about it. Focus on breaking through these. Eggless male.”

The female tried to persuade her boss, “However, his hobbies are a bit strange.” His boss sneered, “Don’t you think it’s strange that he likes to be curious? We are the male insect protection association, not the female insect protection association, and the physiques of female insects and male insects are different. You know how old you are, can he still force it?

And I don’t think he is so strange. Those males who refuse to reproduce are strange. Are they going to be the sinners of the Zerg? The reproduction rate and male-to-male ratio of the Zerg are so bad, I don’t know how to pay attention.

By the way, your mouths are all locked up for me. If this matter is revealed, it will affect reproduction. You can’t escape even if you count one, do you hear? ”

The female worm stopped talking, and withdrew with the list. The boss took another look at Chen Junhua’s name and information, and muttered, “It’s so strange, how could I associate him with that Shen Jingbing?

Really, they are too far apart, and… he has three eggs, and one of them is not born by the female, so it should not be a group. I really like to think more when I get older. ”

Chen Junhua doesn’t know about this. Today is the third time to issue a settlement report. Chen Junhua’s military merit has now reached the level of a colonel, but in addition to more complicated work, he has attended more meetings. Other than that, there is no difference.

Chen Junhua sighed. He felt that he was a bit like a bug in the base camp who was in charge of overall planning. He couldn’t say it was not important, and he couldn’t say that he had little power, but… this was not the kind of power he wanted.

He does not need the rights that will be lost with the dismissal of the position, but the real rights that he can hold in his hands. That is to say, he wants to play the chess worm, not the big card held by the chess worm.

The recent actions of the Male Conservation Society have furthered his idea. Just when Chen Junhua was dealing with work and trying to increase his rights, there was a sudden knock on the door of his office.

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