The Hero of the Zerg is Not Easy To Be

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Three Years

Three years later, in the capital star, Chen Junhua stepped off the warship in pure black military boots, dressed in a luxurious and elegant military dress, and the meritorious service on his shoulders was already an admiral.

The three-year military career has sharpened his fierce aura, and his facial features have not changed much, but it seems that the insects are more afraid to look directly, which gradually coincides with the image of Chen Junhua’s former iron-blooded marshal.

Chen Junhua hasn’t returned to the capital star for three years. After all, An is also floating on the battlefield. He has nothing to do when he comes back except to see the cubs and organize his own forces.

In addition, the physical problem has not been resolved, which also prevents him from staying in the capital star too much. He comes back about once every six months, staying for about five or six days each time, and then he will leave immediately.

However, the purpose of coming back this time is not to watch the cubs and organize the forces, but to participate in the military meeting and… join the parliament. The Zerg’s parliament is mainly composed of the military, government, and nobles each accounting for one-third, and is the real authority of the Zerg.

He is now the only general of the special legion, and Lu Chen is the legion commander. Naturally, when he returns to the capital star, he cannot go home directly, but needs to go to the military headquarters to report his work.

The Zerg has a marshal who controls ten legion commanders. Each legion commander has more than a dozen generals. Now the only ones who can listen to his report are the marshals, generals and legion commanders, except for the generals who are participating in the battle. And the legion commanders, there are actually less than thirty insects.

After Chen Junhua reported the work for the past six months to them in detail, he concluded, “In short, the Miye clan has now been solved, and the orc clan has almost finished, and they have already discussed with them to compensate us for our problems. Next, the government will send the insects to go. Just sign an agreement. Next, I will listen to the arrangement of the military, where should I go next.”

The marshal coughed, “Admiral Chen has done a good job, um, you have fought for so long, it’s time to take a break, you will rest at home for the next month, and then get in touch with your old friends. We will discuss other things slowly, don’t worry.”

The marshal is an old female soldier, and he had always thought that his style of work was fierce, but this male was even more insane. In half a year, the Miye tribe, except the Zerg tribe, were driven out of their domain, and half of the orc tribe’s domain was conquered in two and a half years. Finally, Chen Junhua said that he was willing to compromise.

Then they stepped back, occupying one-third of the land of the orcs, and let the orcs compensate the Zerg. The orcs looked at Chen Junhua’s cold expression and resolute attitude, and swallowed the consequences of infringing on the Zerg.

Now let alone these two races, other races have stopped a lot, and they are testing the attitude of the Zerg towards them. The government is arguing, and in all likelihood there will be a fight in the end, but it is estimated that the fight will not start for a while.

Chen Junhua has now completely made his reputation, whether it is Zerg or other races, whether it is noble or commoner, there is no one who does not know him.

The marshal also has a headache. If nothing else, the Male Protection Association has called him a lot in the past few days, both inside and out. The battle is endless, but the life of the male is limited.

You left the worms with us. It’s time for him to continue laying eggs. After more than three years of beating, he didn’t have a single egg. What do military females in your army eat? It is a crime to leave such a good gene without many offspring.

There are also nobles and government officials who have mentioned it to him several times. The male insect belongs to everyone, not your army. Don’t hide it so dead, and don’t keep it on the battlefield!

Even the marshal can’t keep the worms out all the time. Anyway, he’s given a fake right now. Whether or not he can hook the male worms is up to those guys.

Chen Junhua knows this well, he is still thinking about how to deal with these things, he has been procrastinating for three years, other worms will not let a male worm go on like this, and will definitely give him a female worm.

While thinking about it, he nodded and said, “Thank you for the thoughtfulness of the marshal. It just so happened that the cubs in the family have not seen me for a long time. If they don’t go back, they will forget what the male father looks like.”

The military females present echoed and said, “No, no, the face of their male father always appears in the video, so I won’t forget it.” Who knows?

In the afternoon, Chen Junhua went to the female insect college of the military to pick up the eldest and the fourth. The eldest was obviously older than the fourth, but the fourth was half a head taller than the eldest.

Chen Junhua touched the heads of the two cubs, the eldest looked a little shy, and the fourth was much more indifferent, frowning, and seemed to be trying his best not to resist his touch.

The fourth son is called Jue, and he takes the name of Jue, which is a high-ranking person, and is not a name in the name of honor. I hope that the old four is of noble character and can make a difference in his career.

He is used to it, the fourth child has always treated him badly, but it is said that he is very close to Ann. He had never seen this before. He and Ann always went home at different times. It had been a long time since we parted three years ago.

This time he will spend more time at home. He has time to slowly understand what the fourth child is doing to him. On their way to the Male Academy in their flying machine, he asked the eldest and fourth child if they had anything interesting.

The boss took the initiative to say it, and the fourth echoed from time to time, but he didn’t seem to reject him so much. When they arrived at the male worm college, Chen Junhua asked them to wait on the aircraft to pick up the second, third and fifth.

The fourth child watched him walk away, and asked the boss, “Brother, don’t you really think he hates him?” The boss also wondered why the fourth child hated the male father so much. “No, the male father was fighting before. Come back to see us in time and bring us gifts.

He will also take us home, cook for us, and protect us. We had a good time in the military because the male father and the female father fought on the battlefield. Why don’t you like the male father? ”

The fourth pouted, “How do I know?” The fourth thought it was probably because the female brother was the male’s son, but he wasn’t. He gets scared every time the male is as nice to him as the other cubs.

I’m afraid that if one day, the fact that he is not the male worm’s son is found out by the male worm, then he, the female father and the male brother will be miserable, right? The fourth child couldn’t help becoming a little anxious when he thought of this.

If only he was the male’s own son, he could justly enjoy what the male had done to him. How did the female father find other males?

No, the female father was very good to him, she must have loved him, something must have gone wrong to be with other males, and then give birth to him and the male brother.

Chen Junhua didn’t know anything about this. He stood at the door of the teaching building of the male insect college and waited for the boys to leave school. Soon after, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Soon a worm found him, and after a scream, many small furry heads emerged from each floor, and they were all excited.

“Admiral Chen Junhua” “Admiral Chen Junhua look over here”…Chen Junhua thought that these cubs were probably his little fans, so he took off his military cap, bowed slightly, performed aristocratic etiquette, and spoke softly Said, “Greetings to all the male worms.”

This time it was even more lively, and all the little males looked at Chen Junhua with their eyes shining. Admiral Chen Junhua is the only male general of the current Zerg. He is invincible and invincible. He is the hero in the hearts of all the little males.

At this moment, a particularly loud “male father” broke through all the voices, and the second child rushed over in two steps, jumped on him, put his arms around his neck and kissed him “bahaha”. In particular, he said loudly, “Father, I miss you so much!”

Chen Junhua hugged him firmly, without exposing the little male worm’s thoughts, “The male father misses you too, what about the male brothers?” The second child said, “Behind.” The fifth body is weak and cannot stand for a long time, and often sits on a chair.

Chen Junhua put the second child down and kissed the third child on the face, “It’s hard work.” Then he picked up the fifth child. “Father is here to pick you up.” The fifth child shyly kissed him, “Hello, father. ”

Chen Junhua’s expression was gentle, “Yan Si is good, you look much better.” When Chen Junhua first saw the fifth, he was lying on the bed with a dead look on his face.

He didn’t want to eat, he didn’t want to go to the academy, he just wanted to lie down and wait to die. Chen Junhua called him to get up, and he kept crying, asking why only his body was like this among the five cubs, and why his body was like this.

Chen Junhua coaxed him in a good voice for several days, but as a result, there was urgent news from the front line, and he delayed it for two more days. Lu Chen called him directly and told him, “If you make trouble again, you don’t have to come back.”

He had no choice but to leave. When he was leaving, he looked at the sick fifth child, inexplicably angry, and said to the third child, “The ocean can fill the mountains and the mountains can be moved. The man’s ambition should be like this. If he is alive, his name will be called Chen Yansi, if he didn’t hold back and died, he didn’t need to leave his name.

Just when there are only four cubs in our family, don’t tell your mother about his birth, lest your mother be unnecessarily sad because of a cub who doesn’t want to live. ”

He left angrily, and was severely punished by Lu Chen when he went back, but he was thinking about the fifth, and when he went home the next time he saw that the fifth was still alive, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Chen Junhua stepped forward and hugged him, “My Chen Yansi is awesome, you are the pride of the male father.” Chen Yansi also showed him a shy smile.

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