The Hero That Was Body Swapped With A Lewd Succubus!

7. Are you certain?

"Forbidden Crest of Lust.” Leila repeated the name. Just the name of the book was powerful enough. However, she didn’t remember ever hearing about forbidden crests.

All the demon crests she had heard about were related to one of the lust curses; for example, books that held the lust curse of slavery were named the Demon Crests of Slavery. For Libido, there was the book, Demon Crests of Libido. If the book before her was actually one of the twelve lust curses, it should’ve been called one of the twelve lust crests.

As far as she could remember, there was no forbidden curse. Or was there? Even she doubted the knowledge she had at this point. There was a demon crest on her stomach, which didn’t match the other crests she had seen in the other books. There should’ve been a book that was one of the twelve lust crests, yet it had a name she had never heard before.

She turned to the next page, which had a brief description of the Forbidden Demon Curse in an ancient demon language. Strangely enough, even though it was her first time seeing this language, she didn’t have any problems understanding it.

It felt as if the language were natural to her, as if she had been naturally born into it.

As she read through the description of the curse, her face turned pale, and her expression twisted in fear.

"The original lust crest of demons? This doesn’t sound so good. If it’s exactly what I think it is; it wouldn’t be long before I became his woman, both in mind and body. Could this be the reason why Zain isn’t keeping a tight leash around my neck?"

"He’s aware of this forbidden crest as well as the limited time I have before my escape becomes impossible. Since he seems to know everything, why is he so carefree? Shouldn’t he be a little worried that I could escape?"

Initially, Leila was worried that she would have one of the worst lust crests out of the twelve, but only now did she understand that the crest she had was even worse than the twlelve. The twelve crests of lust were already considered evil curses. But the origin of the devil's crest, which is composed of all twelve lust crests, can only be called nefarious.

Leila turned the page and started going through it to understand her crest better. No matter what she thought of the Forbidden Lust crest, she knew that it was important for her to memorize the crest’s curses. Having knowledge of the effects and weaknesses of the curses would give her a better chance in the end after all.

She wouldn’t give up something that could hinder her goals, even if it left a bad feeling inside her.

As she turned the pages, she didn’t let herself turn to the next page without fully understanding it.

On the page, there were four of the twelve curses. Each with their own lust crest, name, and description.


• Crest: Primal Demon Crest of Slavery

• Description: As a slave, it’s your rightful duty to serve and obey your master. If one chooses to disobey their master’s orders, one will be punished with extreme discomfort and pain. If one chooses to attack their master, one will serve their master until he’s satisfied, even if this goes against the slave's will. The more one disobeys their master, the more loyal and devoted one will feel towards their master.

• Crest: Primal Demon Crests of Vibrancy

• Description: The more aroused one becomes, the closer one’s body will become to matching one’s pleasure. This will gradually increase one’s sensitivity as one’s body grows; the longer one experiences pleasure.

• Crest: Primal Demon Crest of Libido

• Description: As one experiences the pleasures of their intercourse or any sexual act, their libido will grow to such a profound level that one wouldn’t be able to keep their hands from touching themselves, and begging their partner or a man to violate them will become more frequent in one’s life, eventually reaching a point where it’s on a daily basis.

• Crest: Primal Demon Crest of Brutality

• Description: Over time, one will lose their sense of pain as their body becomes turned on by abuse, no longer caring about the pain but the pleasure that comes with it. Pain will disappear, being replaced by a pleasure that’ll be too overwhelming for one to endure.


Reading the descriptions, Leila couldn’t help but sigh. There were so many things that her crest possessed that even seeing four of them brought her fear and frustration.

She didn’t understand why the crest had to have curses that had little to no weakness to them. Was it because it was the original crest? Or was something else the case?

What she knew was that whoever created this crest wasn’t someone who could be taken lightly. She could only guess that this crest was created by one of the predecessors of the demon queens, who held unimaginable power compared to today.

"According to this book, even the one who placed this crest on me doesn’t have the capabilities to erase it. Only the creator of the crest and the book can. Finding that person would be impossible after so many years. The chances that she is still alive are near impossible… Without her or someone with extensive knowledge of this curse, there’s no way for me to remove it." 

"Since the creator must’ve died, that leaves me with the second option, but finding someone with this knowledge wouldn’t be easy. I have no idea where I should even start." Leila realized that finding someone with such expertise was very difficult. 

Not only would they have to know the ancient demon language but also the method of removing the crest. She knew it was rare for her to find anyone who knew one of those, but both she considered impossible.

"It-" She wondered, but before she could finish her sentence, a loud ring echoed throughout the academy. The bell had rung, marking the end of her break.

"For now, I’ll worry about this later. I’ll have to think of something when the time comes." She closed the book and returned to the middle of the third floor. She decided to borrow the book from the library, which she would use in the future.

Since she remembered the path she had taken to get here, she swiftly reached the middle of the third floor, noticing the librarian standing at her desk, reading a book. 

"Are you here to borrow a book?" The librarian asked, noticing her presence as she closed her book and placed it on the desk.

"Yeah, I’ve hardly made any progress into reading this book, and I’d like to take it with me to finish." She handed the book over to the librarian.

The librarian placed her hand on the book and closed her eyes, appearing to have done this a number of times before. However, a frown quickly spread across her face. Something wasn’t right.

She opened her eyes, looking at the book, "This book doesn’t have any of my mana. As a precaution to prevent books from being stolen, we infuse a small amount of our mana into every book, but this book doesn’t have any!"

"Are you certain you didn’t find this outside of the library? That’s the only thing that would make sense." She inquired, slightly intrigued. This was the first time something like this had happened.

The students weren’t at the level where they could remove her mana imprint yet, so this was the only reasonable thing she could think of, but Leila’s answer left her in confusion.

"I’m certain. There’s no reason for me to lie to you. This book was on one of the shelves in the section where the book on demon crests was located."

"You’re right. I don’t see the point in you lying about this, but that leaves no answer." She fell into thought, thinking of a solution. "As there is no mana imprint, it doesn’t belong in the library. Instead of borrowing, I think it would be best for you to just keep it."

The librarian knew that if she kept her here for too long, she would be late to class. She wanted the answer as to why this book was here, but she didn’t let her curiosity lead to someone else having problems.

"Thank you." Leila grabbed the book, quickly placed it in her inventory, and left.

Passing through the hallways, it didn’t take long for her to reach her second and last class of the day: Combat Class.

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