The Heroine’s Force Value Explodes

Chapter 69

Chapter 66: (1)

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Su Ruo frowned and shouted, “Go back!”

The earthquake is not over yet!

However, when people heard it, instead of stopping, the footsteps accelerated.

He ran to the bank of the river in three or two steps, then bent down and picked up something that had been splashed from the mountain by the earthquake.

As soon as the item was picked up, it was obvious that the worker’s eyes lit up instantly, and the hand holding the item also trembled.

“Jade pendant! In this earthquake, a jade pendant actually shook!” Even if the voice was deliberately suppressed, Su Ruo, who had sensitive five senses, could still hear it clearly. And from that trembling voice, one could hear the extreme excitement.

Rarely, Su Ruo’s eyes flashed a trace of anger.

She has always been clear that the greed of human nature is engraved in her bones, and she has never underestimated it. In this world, many tragedies often stem from a greedy word. But she didn’t expect that some people get greedy and can even ignore the danger around them.

“Court death.” She spit out two words coldly.

At this time, there was another loud “bang” from the mountain not far away, and the ground shook again, the mountain began to collapse, and countless fragments began to splash.

Su Ruo hurriedly used the spiritual power to protect her body, so that the splashing stones and so on did not hit her.

The staff who stood on the bank and picked up a jade pendant began to stand unsteadily. Before he could react and escape in time, his body slanted, and the whole person fell into the river.

This frightened him and began to cry for help.

The people on the program group heard it, too, some stood there watching in horror, some hesitated for a while, then ran over to rescue of.

He was eager to save people, so he ran very fast.

When he ran to the bank of the river, the person who called for help just hugged a big tree on the bank tightly, so he didn’t pick it off completely, so that he was caught by the river below. flush away.

The person who came to rescue didn’t have time to think about it, and hurriedly lay down on the shore, stretched out his hand and grabbed the hand of the person calling for help.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to pull the person up, the earth trembled violently again… Moreover, just after this tremor was over, another tremor came again…

The big tree he was holding also began to shake violently. Then the roots of the tree loosened, and the man was smashed into the river together with the tree…

By the way, even the people who came to rescue were thrown into the river together.

“Help, help…”

However, the still shaking earth made the water flow faster. As soon as the two fell into the water, they were immediately washed several meters away by the rushing river water.

Several splashes came over, making the two even more frightened.

At this moment, a figure jumped over.

Su Ruo held a person’s collar in one hand and threw it out.

One was thrown back into a straw pile on the field, and the other was smashed by her on the yellow earth.

It was the staff who went to pick up the jade pendant who was smashed into the yellow earth. With this smash, his life was saved, but he smashed his face towards the ground. Not to mention eating a mouthful of loess, the nose is even more sour, and a stream of heat flows out.

Then I touched it, and my hands were full of blood.

At almost the same time, some people started to flee down the mountain in a panic. As soon as the group ran out, they ran straight to the open field at the foot of the mountain.

Su Ruo can clearly see that this group of people are those who rode motorcycles before.

This group of people didn’t pay much attention because they ran for their lives in a hurry, but when they rushed to the open field and saw the large group of people in the program group, they were first shocked, followed closely, and the bottom of their eyes Be vigilant. All the muscles in his body began to tighten.

This change is too obvious, so even the people on the show team feel something is wrong.

They watched this group of people who suddenly escaped from the mountain, with some kind of indescribable breath all over their bodies, and for some reason, they subconsciously began to swallow their saliva nervously.

At this time, the aftershocks of the earthquake have not completely passed. Although it is not as violent as it was at the beginning, it still shakes a few times from time to time.

But in this field, the air is inexplicably quiet.

He shouted angrily to everyone, “Quick, give me a tissue.”

This shout drew everyone’s attention.

The program team didn’t think much about it, seeing him running over with such a **** face, I just felt frightened. Someone with quick hands quickly took out a tissue from his bag and handed it to him.

“Thank you, thank you!” The man raised his head and said to his colleague who helped deliver a tissue to wipe the blood.

There are too many bloodstains on the face, and the current conditions do not allow it. So it will be a while, and it will not be wiped clean. However, after tilting his head for a while, the bleeding nose was plugged with two large tissues, and the blood finally stopped flowing.

He gently touched his still aching nose, then turned his head and met a group of murderous eyes.

Accurately speaking, this line of sight should be directed at the hand holding the jade pendant.

Subconsciously, he couldn’t help shrinking the hand that was holding the jade pendant tightly!

This contraction is like sending a signal.

I saw that group of people immediately surrounded by the people from the program group.

This change came so quickly and suddenly, that the director and the rest of the show team were not even stunned! In the face of so many people, the director stood up. He looked at the group of people strangely and asked, “What is this?”

The leader on the opposite side said in a cold and hoarse voice, “Hand over things.”

The director did not understand the meaning of the other party’s words at all, and still asked with a blank face, “What are you paying?”

a few points. Someone walked up to the leader, leaned into his ear and whispered, “It looks like I picked it up by mistake, so I shouldn’t know anything about it. It’s better not to make trouble, and leave first.”

He said these words in a very low voice close to the ear, but helpless, Su Ruowu is sensitive to ordinary people, so naturally he can hear these words clearly.

After the group of people on the opposite side exchanged a few words with each other, they took another deep look at the program group. Then the siege was removed, and a group of people planned to leave like this.

Su Ruo suddenly said to the back of this group of people, “Yesterday, was it you who bombed the mountain?”

The back of the group suddenly stopped. Then he turned around and stared at Su Ruo with a gloomy face.

As if they didn’t notice this look at all, everyone only heard Su Ruo in a very flat tone and continued, “You guys are tomb robbers.”

When she said this, Su Ruo used declarative sentences, not interrogative sentences.

And all the people in the program group who suddenly heard this sentence, immediately watched in horror: …

House grass!

Fried Mountain!

Tomb Raiders!

They heard right?

Isn’t it just a live show, it’s just an earthquake, and it’s a tomb robber! The most important thing is that Su Ruo was so bright, in front of other people’s tomb robbers, and poked this matter away.

Poke it open! ! !

The director turned his head in shock and stared at the staff member, “That jade pendant…” Is it a funeral item?

The staff holding the jade pendant shook all over, and looked over with a look of horror, shocked to the extreme.

The two sides began to confront each other silently, no one dared to speak lightly, and no one dared to act rashly.

At this time, even the most confused people realized the seriousness of this matter. Even if one gets it wrong, none of them may even want to get out of it today.

Gu Kai and Feng Yu suddenly stood up at this time, without saying a word, they stood in front of Su Ruo, and the two of them worked together to block the sight of the other party. .

At this time, I don’t know who is looking for death, and said in a trembling voice, “Should we call the police?”

Not too loud, but not too small!

The people on this side of the program group heard it, and the people on the opposite side also heard it!

This sentence is like a signal that is emitted, and the fire of war is detonated in an instant!

I saw the group of people on the opposite look at each other, and then they started to move in an instant. Su Ruo responded quickly, but just as she was about to jump out of Gu Kai and Feng Yu’s protection, a pair of hands dragged her over.

The person who dragged her was Yan Li.

After the others dragged over, Chen Ke pushed it with his hand…

Su Ruo was just stunned for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, she was already deeply surrounded by the crowd.

Suddenly, Su Ruo didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but her heart was warm.

At this time, Gu Kai, Feng Yu and the others in front of them, as well as others in the program group, had already fought with those people.

In the field, there was chaos.

However, the two of them alone can only last for a while. The most important thing is that the group of tomb robbers actually took out the shiny knives from their waists.

As soon as the knife came out, the battlefield turned around immediately.

Some of the staff who were able to fight with others immediately had a lot of scruples, and even Gu Kai and Feng Yu had a lot of inconvenience.

Seeing this, Su Ruo’s eyes flashed. Immediately after, in the blink of an eye, she disappeared under the eyes of Yan Li and Chen Ke.

At this time, a tomb robber raised the knife in his hand and slashed directly at Gu Kai’s back…

But the knife failed to land on Gu Kai’s back, the hand holding it was in the air, don’t hold the other slender hand tightly. Then, the palm was turned over with force.

And because of the fold of the palm, the man let out a shrill scream in pain.

The man was sweating profusely in pain, and half-knelt on the ground with his palm in his arms, looking like he wanted to roll.

This scene naturally attracted the attention of many people.

In an instant, several people with murderous expressions on their faces, raised their knives and slashed towards Su Ruo.

Su Ruo was much faster than these people, and with a flash, she rushed in front of one of them. He grabbed the man’s arm and folded it so hard that he broke another man’s hand.

And the knife that the man was holding began to loosen and fall down because of this.

At the same time, she took the knife and slapped the face of the person who was rushing towards him with the blade. After the person howled, the whole person flew into the air and fell to the ground. When he raised his head again, he saw a bright red knife mark on that face, which was red and swollen.

However, Su Ruo’s movements have not stopped, and she is almost shooting one by one. She patted everyone’s face in the same way.

After a while, there was a mourning tomb robber on the ground.

At this time, the only few left were looking bad, they turned around and spread their legs desperately trying to escape.

Su Ruo didn’t chase them at all, but picked up a tomb robber who was still howling on the ground. As soon as he lifted it up, he smashed it towards a person who was running away in the distance.

It was hit in an instant.

I want to get up, not to mention that there is still a heavy man on his back, just talking about the pain all over his body makes him more than enough.

The second, the third…

The whole process really needs to be calculated carefully, and it takes less than ten minutes in total. Originally, a melee that might involve life and death was simply solved by Su Ruo alone.

Everyone:  …

Director, “?????”

Gu Kai&Feng Yu&Yan Li&Chen Ke: How stupid were they before that they felt that Su Ruo needed someone to protect her?

In the end, everyone’s eyes swept around Su Ruo’s face, and they could only sigh helplessly.

With such a face, such a deceptive face will always make people subconsciously forget Su Ruo’s terrible force value when the real incident occurs. Even if they had been together for a few days before this, everyone knew how powerful she was.

Sure enough, people can’t look at their appearance, the old saying is really true.

After seeing the exact same expressions on each other’s faces, everyone sighed in unison. Next, the director took out his mobile phone and started making calls.

“Hey, hello! I am here at XXXXXXX… Yes, yes, it is the earthquake area… No, I am not here to ask for help, I am here to report the case. I just had a tomb robbery here… ”

After realizing in a trance what the thing on his back might be, the director trembled suddenly, and the hand holding the phone was released, and the phone slid down and clicked Suddenly fell to the ground.

This is not just the director, almost everyone is too shocked to move.

How come, there is a wooden warehouse?

At this moment, Su Ruo suddenly let out a chuckle. Then his cold eyes were aimed at the man holding the wooden warehouse, and his tone was cold, “I count three times. If you don’t put down your gun, then I will use my method to make you put it down.”

Su Ruo said this suddenly, and the meaning in the words made people feel inexplicable.

Even if the people on the program team are on Su Ruo’s side, they will still feel that the tomb robber from the wooden warehouse is impossible and should not listen to Su Ruo If yes.

You know, this is the only way he can escape.

Su Ruo stood on the spot and didn’t move, just raised her head slightly, facing the tomb robber holding the wooden warehouse, lightly opened her lips and said, “One, two…”

The tomb robber holding the wooden warehouse panicked when he heard it, and suddenly couldn’t help shouting at Su Ruo, “Shut up, if you talk again, I will open if you are careful…”


As soon as she finished speaking, Su Ruo moved.

This kind of force was twisted, showing a strange twisted posture.

In this case, it is of course impossible to hold the wooden warehouse.

The wooden warehouse slid down and was caught by Su Ruo’s hand in midair.

The surroundings were quiet until the man let out a scream, and he rolled around in the field with his arms folded. Everyone woke up, except for Su Ruo’s terrifying strength, even the speed was dazzling.

The director who survived the catastrophe was so frightened that his legs and feet went weak, and he also fell to the ground. Big drops of sweat fell, and after a long time, he barely stood up with the help of the staff.

I don’t know when, the shaking of the earth also stopped. Then a large group of people gathered around, looking at the group of howling tomb robbers in front of them, still in shock.

At this time, a siren sounded in the distance.

“It’s the police, the police are here!” Someone heard the voice and immediately cheered with surprise.

The spirits of the others were also lifted.

Su Ruo seemed very calm, but after the police came, she handed over the jade bowl she had picked up earlier.

When she met, everyone seemed to remember something, and then they all looked at the staff member who picked up the jade pendant before.

And along with the police car came the ambulance.

However, no one was actually injured. The real trouble was those tomb robbers.


After entering the police station, everyone knew that there was an earthquake in the place where they recorded the program this time. The vibration level is actually not too big, but they are just in the center of the earthquake, which is so dangerous.

As for that wave of tomb robbers.

To tell the truth, judging from this matter, I really can’t tell whether it is they who are unlucky or the show team is unlucky.

According to the plan, the filming location set by the program team was just a small area of the small mountain village where everyone stayed before. It’s just that Su Ruo, a humanoid plug-in, has completely deviated from the theme of the program group. In order to pull back the theme of “remembering bitter and sweet”, the director had to start thinking of a way.

Because the show has already started, it must be difficult to consider the place too far. So the selection came and went, and the director chose the dam not far from Shishan for the first time.

It was also when she was fishing the day before that Su Ruo heard a blasting sound by the dam. It’s just that the live broadcast was still being recorded at that time, and Su Ruo didn’t see the blasting site with her own eyes, and she didn’t know what happened, so she just paused for a while, but didn’t put it on her body very much. .

Until the director’s plan to fish was broken by Su Ruo again, he had to think about other tasks overnight. And it just so happened that he chose Shishan for this mission.

Because it was temporarily changed overnight by the program team, the tomb robbers did not expect that there would be a program team running here to shoot. Coupled with the sudden earthquake, the tomb that had been loosened due to the blasting was directly shaken open. Some of the funerary objects inside were shaken, and even flew out directly.

The jade bowl smashed at Su Ruo is one of them, and the jade pendant picked up by the staff is also one of them.

Unfortunately, because of the earthquake, the two groups of people collided directly.

As for the cemetery, it is there. But not on the stone mountain, but on one of the peaks of the Jiulong Ding next to the stone mountain.

At this point, the whole thing is clear. The police have now sent people to surround and protect the area and notified the upper level.

The burial objects stolen by the tomb robbers were also confiscated. At the same time, the wooden warehouse was also confiscated.

The origin of the wooden warehouse is still under investigation, but judging from the nature of this matter, the group of tomb robbers are afraid that they will have to eat for a long time in prison.

The police said that they will issue a reward to Su Ruo.

This time is different from the previous case of human traffickers. For the previous human traffickers, the police can also reward Su Ruo, but for the principle of protecting her, it cannot be disclosed to the public.

But this time, rewards and praise are all public.

So that night, almost all the netizens who followed “That Year” knew that Su Ruo had made a contribution to this incident.

Moreover, the police directly named @我是SU Ruo on Weibo and praised her.

– God, it was already thrilling enough to encounter an earthquake, but I even encountered a tomb robber! It is said that there is a wooden warehouse on one of them! Just thinking about it is terrifying.

—It really deserves to be my Su woman, she really answers that sentence. There is no good person who has been beaten by her. And any bad person who encounters her will only be beaten.

—Ahhh! ! I love Ruoruo like this, she is so arrogant! mighty! It’s a pity that the earthquake caused the live broadcast to be interrupted. Otherwise, you can see the video of Ruoruo taking a lesson from the group of tomb robbers in the live broadcast room.

Su Ruo is on fire again.

This kind of fire is something that no sunspot can find a dead spot to spray. Throughout the Internet, a large number of praises for her.

Because of this accident, Zhou Yi, who received a call to pick Su Ruo back, said excitedly to Su Ruo, “Your current popularity, You can catch up with the first-line stars.”

Even if there are many front-line fans now, even if the fan base is strong, the popularity is also high. But in terms of the popularity of the recent period, there are really few people who can compete with Su Ruo.

It’s just that Su Ruo’s popularity is different from first-line stars.

Zhou Yi feels that Su Ruo does not lack fans or popularity, but a masterpiece. With a representative work, after that, in this circle, I am afraid that there will be few places where she can’t get along.

Thinking of the masterpiece, Zhou Yi couldn’t help thinking of Yan Dao and “The Legend of the Fallen City”.

Before Su Ruo went to the recording of “That Year”, Zhou Yi was of course very willing for her to take up the role.

The script is supported by strong fans and is a big production. Director Yan is also a well-known director in the circle, and the role given to Su Ruo is the female lead in the main female lead!

For a newcomer like Su Ruo, a newcomer who has not taken over any drama yet. Taking on such a role, the starting point is really not low.

But now, Zhou Yi began to hesitate.

She really wants to hold Su Ruo up. After all, Su Ruohong can not only bring a lot of benefits to the company. At the same time, it can also bring other artists from the fire company.

I didn’t see “Rainbow Girl”, because of Su Ruo, was Zeng the one who was brought on fire? In addition to Zeng Ke, Peng Lu and Lin Qingyin, and because the company properly released the information on the Internet, and Su Ruo shared a dormitory, the popularity of the two has skyrocketed recently.

The fans who quit because of Su Ruo invariably cast their votes for these three people.

In this case, Zhou Yi also began to re-examine this role in “Allure”.

Although the character is good, it really doesn’t match Su Ruo’s temperament.

If I usually take it, I will take it, but as Su Ruo’s first show in the entertainment industry, Zhou Yi thinks that she can take a look. Anyway, Su Ruo’s popularity is soaring now, and the company has received many announcements and script invitations. They can choose slowly, choose slowly, they really don’t have to hang on that tree.

Of course, there is also Su Ruo who is unwilling to act, which accounts for part of the reason.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi said to Su Ruo, “You have a good rest these few days, and when the program over there has set the date for the reopening, I will send you there.”

Because of this incident, the live broadcast will definitely not be able to continue immediately.

First of all, this site, firstly because of the earthquake, and then because of the discovery of tombs, directly led to the entire mountain range of the Nine Dragons Cauldron being fenced off.

In addition to the earthquake and tomb robbers, the staff and the guests of the show were more or less injured and frightened. So the program team finally decided to take a few days off to give everyone a time to adjust and rest.

Zhou Yi also felt that Su Ruo should rest for a day or two before returning to the company to do her work. Plus, “Ruoruo, your father came to the company a few days ago.”

Hearing this, Su Ruo frowned.


In the end, Su Ruo agreed to let Zhou Yi drive her back to Su’s house.

Su Ruo really didn’t want to go back. From the night she came back from the recording of the XXX variety show, when she found out that her house was occupied, she seemed to wake up.

They were just buried in the depths of their hearts and sealed in dust.

But that night, Su Ruo returned to fifteen years old again, looking at the Su family, looking at Su Xuewen, Xie Meihua, and Shen Jing. What she thought in her mind was not how to expect Su Xuewen’s fatherly love, how to expose Xie Meihua’s disguise, nor how to suppress Shen Jing, to calm her unwillingness and resentment over the years.

In fact, all those emotions are gone, some are just indifferent and indifferent.

She really doesn’t care.

But just now, Zhou Yi said to her, “Your father called you to turn off the phone, but he couldn’t find anyone, so he found the company. He asked me to tell you that your grandmother came over, If you finish recording the show, go home.”

Grandma Su!

Thinking of her, Su Ruoyou sighed.

Su Ruo doesn’t really have much of Grandma Su’s memory. There was a time when she was a child when she lived on Grandma Su’s back.

At that time, Grandma Su really loved her, she was five or six years old, and she was reluctant to let her walk.

Mother Su said she spoiled her child, and Su Xuewen also said her.

Mother Su died later, and Grandma Su scolded Su Xuewen badly in front of all her relatives and friends. It was precisely because of this scolding that Su Xuewen began to resent Grandma Su.

Afterwards, Su Xuewen forbade Su Ruo to contact Grandma Su again.

Until Su Ruo started to enter the entertainment circle because of the quiet fire. Grandma Su never came over… Until she died, she never saw Grandma Su again.

Su Ruo didn’t know why Grandma Su, who she had never seen in her previous life since Mother Su’s death, came to her at this time, and she also lived in Su Xuewen, who was most disgusted by her. . However, Su Ruo decided to go over to see the situation.


Zhou Yi drove the car to a distance from the gate of the villa area, and had to stop.

I saw a new car wash shop opened not far from the villa area, and I didn’t know what happened at the door of the shop, which attracted a large wave of people to block it.

The good, super spacious road was blocked.

The car was difficult to drive in for a while, so Su Ruo said to Zhou Yi, “Sister Zhou, let me get off here.”

Zhou Yi hesitated for a while, “I’ll take you in! You can’t compare with before.” It’s really incomparable, and the company has already begun to give Su Ruo Recruitment of assistants has been initiated.

Su Ruo glanced outside, “It’s fine, I’ll just wear a mask. In case someone recognizes me, most people won’t be able to run away from me.”

Zhou Yi thought about the last time she and Su Ruo were surrounded by Yang Feng fans at the door of the hotel, don’t say, this is really the case.

So he said, “Okay, then you pay attention. Oh, by the way, remember to come to the company tomorrow afternoon.”


Su Ruo responded, opened the door and walked out.

Because she was worried, Zhou Yi sat in the car and did not drive away directly. Instead, he watched Su Ruo walk for a while, making sure that the group of people didn’t notice her, and when she was about to walk into the villa area, Zhou Yi started the car, turned the front of the car and drove away.

Su Ruo walks very fast, striding like the wind.

The group of noisy people were attracted by the matter again, and no one really noticed that there were pedestrians passing by. It’s even less likely to notice who the person is passing by.

After listening carefully for a while, he turned around and strode towards the crowd.

In the crowd, there is an old lady who looks in her fifties or sixties, wearing a dark red Tang suit, is pulling a man who looks about thirty or forty years old, wearing a black suit The man is scolding indignantly.

Beside them, there was an honest elderly uncle squatting.

He stared at his smashed electronic scale and smashed eggs. Then every now and then, I stretch out my hand and touch a tear.

Su Ruo only listened to it for a while, and then listened to the whole thing.

The uncle who wiped his tears carried two baskets of eggs and ran to the road here to sell them, telling people that they were soil eggs from his hometown. The surrounding aunties liked this kind of eggs, so they gathered around.

Just as everyone was picking eggs, the owner of the car wash suddenly rushed over and kicked the uncle. It’s not enough to kick people, but they also broke their electronic scales and smashed their eggs.

This kick and smash directly caused public anger.

A large group of old ladies gathered around and began to scold the owner of the car wash.

Don’t underestimate the fighting power of these old ladies.

When they get on the bus or take the subway, they are like “I am an old man, I am old and weak, and I need the care of people from all over the world”. But once the strings in their minds are plucked, each of them can be so sturdy in an instant. With a single mouth, you can tear them apart so that you can’t wait to cry at her, repent of your mistakes, and just ask her to raise your hand and let go. You’re a horse.

That’s it, it depends on whether they are in a good mood or not.

Okay, then this can be good. If it still makes them feel that there is something difficult or uneasy, it is useless to beg for mercy and call the ancestors!

Like now, this group of old ladies is obviously tearing people.

Among this group of old ladies, the one who ripped the most was the old lady in the dark red Tang suit.

She tore up people, and sprayed saliva foam on their faces, and the car wash owner had no power to resist. Just keep wiping your face. While wiping, I had to hurriedly explain to everyone, “I kicked him! I kicked him because it’s not the first time he’s done this with me! I’ve actually said it to him several times, but he always does it. Don’t listen! What can I do? If I don’t drive him away, the city management will have to trouble me and ask me to lose money…”

Before the words were finished, the old lady sprayed them again, “Fuck! You think I haven’t seen the chengguan! When the chengguan asks for trouble, they always look for it face to face. This, that city management officer came and stole all the things! I haven’t heard of it, the city management officer doesn’t look for people when they are there, and then he goes to the shopkeeper next to him to trouble him!”

The owner of the car wash looked stiff and wanted to say something. In the end, the old lady wasn’t finished yet, “You said that your land was taken by others, but where did they take your land? Isn’t your land the same shop you rented? They were carrying a basket and they didn’t come to you. When I went to sell in the store, I didn’t squat on the steps of your door. People stood on the side of the road with them, and they couldn’t co-author it? When did this road start to have your surname! Eh, even if this road is real With your surname, you can smash things when you say you smash things, and you can beat people when you say you hit people! I tell you, at most, people block your store entrance. He did something wrong, but that’s also true. It’s morally wrong. And yours is wrong, it’s against the law and can be detained by the police! This is not over, I have to call the police!”

Speaking, the old lady really took out her mobile phone to call the police.

The owner of the car wash was in a hurry and reached out to grab the mobile phone in the old lady’s hand. This grab, the force makes it bigger. The old lady didn’t pay attention for a while, the phone was robbed, and the person also leaned back, and was about to fall to the ground. At this time, her waist was supported by a pair of hands.

The old lady was so scared that she quickly patted her chest and followed her breath. The eldest brother immediately shouted out in surprise, “Ruoruo! Ah, you are Ruoruo.

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