The Heroine’s Force Value Explodes

Chapter 78

Chapter 74:

Director Xie called his assistant as soon as he knew that Chu Jing resigned in a car accident. First, he asked about Chu Jingci’s condition with concern, and then said that he should let Chu Jingci recuperate from his injuries. As for the shooting progress, he will make arrangements here.

Surprisingly, Chu Jingci returned to the crew the next day.

Director Xie was so impressed by Chu Jingci’s “dedicated work” that he edited a paragraph that night and posted it under the crew’s official WeChat account.

—@chujingci, the most dedicated actor.

The accompanying pictures are several photos of Chu Jingci’s return to the crew.

The moment fans saw the photos and Weibo, they were stunned for a while before they reacted. Immediately following Qi Shushua, he ran to Chu Jingci’s Weibo, and left a message in distress.

Some netizens who eat melons will have a much better view of Chu Jingci. You must know that when Chu Jingci had a car accident, there were quite a lot of people watching. And the photo of Su Ruo pulling the car door open and holding the blood-covered Chu Jingci out of the car is still on the hot search list!


Really very dedicated!

Chen Xiaoguo looked at the information on the Internet and turned towards Chu Jingci who was filming with Su Ruo, her face full of admiration.

When Director Xie shouted “card”, this scene was successfully filmed. During the intermission, Chen Xiaoguo hurried over with two cups of hot water.

One cup is for Ruoruo, and another cup is for Chu Jingci.

Chu Jingci took the hot water, said “thank you” to Chen Xiaoguo with a smile, and then motioned for his assistant to move the chair to Su Ruo’s side.


After the chair was moved, Chu Jingci sat down next to Su Ruo.

But after sitting down, it was like having a needle in the buttocks, twisting back and forth, and blinking at Su Ruo from time to time? Or, wink?

The assistant next to her almost covered her eyes.


As for Su Ruo, she sat upright and stared straight ahead, as steady as Mount Tai, still so calm and indifferent. He didn’t even plan to take another look at Chu Jingci.

In fact, at this time, Su Ruo was thinking very seriously about where she was, had smelled that smell, and had seen the so-called energy monitor.

For some reason, she always felt that these things were unusually familiar.

Thinking about things is a bit fascinated, so she really didn’t pay much attention to what happened next to her. So much so that Chu Jingci’s ‘scratching his head and making his posture” is considered to be blind.

It was Chen Xiaoguo, who kept moving when she saw Chu Jingci sitting in the chair. From time to time, he would change his posture or something, and when his injury was not fully healed, he would run away and then run back again. Then she saw that she handed a pillow to Chu Jingci and said to him, “Mr. Chu, this is for you.”

Looking at the throw pillow that was handed over, Chu Jingci asked suspiciously, “Why are you giving me this?”

Chen Xiaoguo pointed to his butt, and said with a blushing face, “I see that you are very uncomfortable sitting there, if you sit on the chair, it will not be so uncomfortable. .”

“Puchi”, the assistant burst out laughing.

Chu Jingci, “???”

Who, whose **** is uncomfortable?

The assistant over there held back a smile and said to Chen Xiaoguo, “Xiaoguo, thank you! But my family Jingci is not a big deal, so I don’t need this.”

Chen Xiaoguo waved her hands again and again, “No thanks, no thanks! I didn’t help Teacher Chu!” Then she said admiringly to Chu Jingci, “Mr. Chu has suffered so much. Injured, bleeding so much, and being able to return to the crew the next day, I really admire him so much!”

Well, there is a lot of blood, after all, it hurt my nose!

The assistant was listening next to him, and the laughter in his stomach was about to burst out of internal injuries, and he had to say with a straight face, “It should be, it should be. It can’t be because of our family background. Quit one person and delay the filming progress of the entire crew!”

“Severely injured” patient Chu Jingci, “…”

Can’t wait!

What is even more depressing is that Su Ruo turned a blind eye to his charm?

One day, two days, three days…

Two days,

For several days, Chu Jingci circled around Su Ruo, and even the others in the crew noticed something, but Su Ruo said nothing at all! This made Chu Jingci have to agree with frustration. The assistant said to him, “People really don’t like you!”

Who expected that at this time, Su Ruo suddenly spoke to him.

She said, “You don’t need that.”

Chu Jingci was horrified and embarrassed, isn’t it, the little Jiujiu in his heart has been seen through by others?

Not quite, but not far from it.

At least Su Ruo knew that Chu Jingci was exuding so-called “charm” to her recently? Although it is not clear why, Su Ruo did not feel the white light of joy from Chu Jingci.

That’s why she said this to Chu Jingci.

Chu Jingci, who was exposed, blushed, “No, I’m sorry! I’m just…” Too scared.

He is afraid of death, and he wants to continue to live.

After praising Su Ruo’s strength, he said, “I just feel that being with you will give you a special sense of security.”

If this dialogue is placed in the play, it will be a proper idol drama plot!

Unfortunately, this is the reality, and Su Ruo is the kind of person who is cold-hearted. After listening to Chu Jingci’s slanderous words, she gave him a strange look and said, “You are not bad now, you don’t need my protection.”

It may not be very good for high-level cultivators, but mortals and so on are still fine.

After saying this, the director over there shouted. When Su Ruo was going to film, she left Chu Jingci with a blank face and stood there.

Chu Jingci, “???”

No idea at all!

until the last scene.

The first man played by Chu Jingci got the information, but when he wanted to pass the information out, his identity was discovered. The special team soon began to round up the male protagonist in the whole city…

Although it is a spy war drama, but the male protagonist is surrounded, it is still necessary to arrange a fight.

Before the shooting, the martial arts instructor taught the male protagonist a lot of handsome and beautiful moves. Of course, most of these movements are pretentious, and even if they hit someone, they don’t feel any pain.

After Chu Jingci has memorized all these actions, the filming will officially start.

In the alley, a group of people surrounded the male protagonist with a wooden warehouse, but the wooden warehouse in the male protagonist’s hand at the moment was out of bullets. I saw him with a cold face, he threw the wooden warehouse in his hand very neatly, and then set his eyes on a long bamboo pole not far from the alley.

Chu Jingci rolled quickly on the ground and rolled from one end of the alley to the other. Then, the bamboo pole was successfully obtained.

According to the plan, Chu Jingci took the bamboo pole and tried to pick a group of agents holding the wooden warehouse. After a good fight, he was hit by the wooden warehouse in the end. The hand holding the bamboo pole…

However, what I didn’t expect was that Chu Jingci just waved the bamboo pole, and directly hit a group performance.

The group performer who was hit only felt a pain in the stomach, and then his body vacated, and he fell back, hitting several group performers who were huddled together.

Then a group of performers fell to the ground and groaned.

“What’s the matter?” Director Xie on the other side of the camera asked in surprise when he saw this. He shouted loudly to the group of performers, “Isn’t it time for you to fall? Why did they all fall down ahead of time for me?”

It was the martial arts instructor who saw the situation and ran over to pick up a group of performers who fell on the ground and asked a few questions. Looking at Chu Jingci again, his face was full of surprise, “Jingji, I didn’t expect you to be so powerful!”

At the moment, Chu Jingji was holding a long bamboo pole, and looked at Su Ruo who was sitting at the camera end, waiting for the next scene.

When did he get so much strength?

In fact, something is wrong during this time, and it is not completely unaware.

For example, a sudden increase in appetite.

That really is a huge change! If you don’t eat, you’re really hungry, the kind that feels like you’re catching your heart and lungs when you’re hungry! But if I really want to let go of eating, I eat so much every meal, and his assistant looks at Tian Tian sighing next to him, which makes him worry.

There is no artist who doesn’t care about weight.

From the initial 170 to 175, and then to 179… Although after 179, it basically did not rise any more. However, Chu Jingci was really satisfied.

This is one centimeter higher than his official height!

But Chu Jingci didn’t really pay much attention to strength. After all, he is an entertainer, and he has been filming in the crew every day during this time. There are assistants around, helping to do chores before and after, there is really nothing that needs his hands.

This also caused Chu Jingci to be slow, and it was only at this moment that he realized that he had become a strong man!

The one that you can choose from!

After the filming of this scene, Chu Jingci wanted to go to Su Ruo and ask for clarification. As soon as he lifted his foot, his assistant grabbed him, “What the **** is going on with you?”

Chu Jingci spread his hands, “I haven’t figured it out yet, I’m just looking for someone to ask!”

Assistant, “Ask who?”

Chu Jingci pointed at Su Ruo not far away, “Ask her!”

After he finished speaking, he dragged the bewildered assistant towards Su Ruo.

Su Ruo was wearing a drama costume and was talking to Chen Xiaoguo about the upcoming mid-term and final exam, she needed to go back to school to take the exam.

Su Ruo only knew the time of the exam when she just received the message from Yi Fangmei.

After Chen Xiaoguo finished listening, she took out the notebook in her bag and quickly wrote it down. While remembering, he said to Su Ruo, “Ruoruo, do you want to hire a tutor to teach you? I watched our itinerary. After the drama is finished, you just have some free time.”

Su Ruo thought about it for a while, then shook her head and said, “No need for now.”

She has a strong memory and has memorized all the textbooks in high school. Although I have been out of class for so long, it is impossible to easily win the first place in the next middle school. However, it is still no problem to cope with the high school exams.

In this case, instead of wasting time on supplementary lessons, she would like to ponder carefully, what is the special difference between those pale yellow or golden light groups in the sea of knowledge and the white light groups.

Su Ruo has a kind of directness, the light clusters of these two colors must have a very special meaning in themselves.

Or, something she hasn’t discovered yet.



Make-up lessons?

Chu Jingci, who had just pulled his assistant closer, was stunned when he heard this. Then he remembered that Su Ruo was only sixteen years old, and she was indeed still studying. It’s just that Su Ruo usually acts too mature and calm, which always makes people subconsciously ignore her own age.

Chu Jingci only felt his face red when he thought that he was planning to seduce others some time ago. I didn’t feel that much when I did it before, but now when I think about it, I feel ashamed inexplicably.

Su Ruo looked at Chu Jingci with a blushing face and asked herself, how could he suddenly become so strong.

As slow as Chu Jingci, he finally realized that something was wrong with him.

On the set right now, not the right place to talk about these things. Su Ruo thought for a while and said to Chu Jingci, “Let’s have a good chat after today’s scene is finished.”

Actually, why Chu Jingci was suddenly able to draw qi into the body, Su Ruo didn’t care. From her point of view, there are so many people of all shapes and sizes in this world, each with their own predestined dharma. If Chu Jingci was destined to embark on the path of cultivation, then he would just go. It really has nothing to do with her.

However, Su Ruo must find out the group of people who were secretly eyeing Chu Jingci.

It is obviously not the first time for those people to attack, and when they do, they directly extract the spiritual roots from the human dantian… Putting it in the world of immortals is definitely an evil that everyone shouts and beats. repair means.

Deng Xiaoyun’s spiritual roots were taken away like this, but it was Chu Jingci’s, and now it still exists in his body. But if the protection is not uniform, the person staring behind him may attack him at any time.

To know the spiritual roots of Chu Jingci is a rare and excellent qualification.

If those people want to use these spiritual roots for great use, it will never be so easy, so they let go of Chu Jingci.

Therefore, some things must be known to him.


In the evening, Chu Jingci brought his assistant and knocked on Su Ruo’s door.

Because Su Ruo explained it early in the morning, as soon as Chen Xiaoguo opened the door and found it was Chu Jingci, she immediately let the two in.

After coming in, Su Ruo led Chu Jing out of the room.

Assistant Chu Jingci and Chen Xiaoguo in the living room began to look at each other.

In the room, after Su Ruo waited for Chu Jingci to come in, she used aura to draw a boundary around the surroundings to ensure that their conversation would not be heard by others. Only then did he look at him and asked, “Do you know how to draw Qi into your body?”

“Ah?” Chu Jingci shook his head blankly. After a while, he seemed to remember something, then nodded with wide eyes, and then asked cautiously, “Is it the one I thought?”

Finally, she spat out two words with trembling lips, “Xianxian?”

“En.” Su Ruo’s tone was as flat as usual.

In an instant, Chu Jingci trembled with excitement. There is both excitement and fear and hesitation about the unknown.

“So my appetite suddenly increased greatly, my stature grew sharply, and my strength also increased…Is that what you said, it is related to the introduction of Qi into the body?” Chu Jingci asked.

Su Ruo, “Yeah.”

Then he looked at Su Ruo and asked, “Then you too?”

Su Ruo said, “It’s about the same as you.” It’s all the same.

He would have a lot of questions in his heart, and he wanted to ask Su Ruo, but he heard Su Ruo say to him, “Those who are staring at you, the ones who look at you are your spiritual roots.”

Spiritual roots?

The group staring at him?

Man, isn’t he eyeing his “beauty”?

“But my assistant told me that the first time in the bar, after they drugged me, they directly lifted my clothes… Even when Zhou Tao kidnapped me later, he also said… “As soon as Chu Jingci recalled those things, the corners of his mouth felt bitter.

Su Ruo didn’t speak, just put two things like a syringe and an energy monitor in front of Chu Jingci.

“What are these?” Chu Jingci asked.

After this period of research, Su Ruo already knows how to operate the energy monitor. So she picked it up and pressed the button in the middle, and a soft but dazzling white light suddenly appeared. It took about two or three seconds before disappearing.

Su Ruo handed the thing to Chu Jingci, “Try it.”

When the energy monitor arrived in Chu Jingji’s hands, the light it emitted was dazzling red.

“This is the instrument they use to detect a person’s qualifications.” Su Ruo said, and then pointed to the metal syringe, “This should be the instrument used to extract spiritual roots. It’s just that I did some research and found that only the instrument can’t extract the spiritual roots of people. It also needs to be supplemented with traditional Chinese medicine… Oh, it’s the kind of cream that claims to make people’s skin suddenly better.”

Therefore, the use of creams is so strange. It is not used on the face, but smeared on the dantian.

Su Ruo guessed that the medicinal power penetrated from the dantian by smearing, and touched a certain potential of the spiritual root. And as soon as the spiritual root is touched, the physical state of a person can indeed be quickly adjusted to the best period. It’s not a difficult task to make skin so simple. Just like the first step in orthodox cultivation, the qi is drawn into the body.

It’s just that there is a fundamental difference between the effect of medicine and the introduction of Qi into the body.

The most important thing is that the touch of the former is used to cooperate with the people behind the scenes to facilitate the extraction of spiritual roots.

Even before his immortal cultivation officially started, he was already being watched.

Is it so scary?

This made Chu Jingci feel extremely uneasy. He walked back and forth in the room and suddenly looked at Su Ruo, “What about you? Are you not afraid?”

Su Ruo looked at Chu Jingci, “What are you afraid of?”

“Afraid of those people!” Chu Jing said.

You must know that Su Ruo is the same as him!

Since those people are eyeing him, they may not be eyeing Su Ruo.

Su Ruo looked at Chu Jingci and said sternly, “Cultivation is to go against the sky, and in the long years, you will inevitably encounter countless dangers. If you want to reach the final point, be firm. Dao heart is essential. At the same time, there must be a fearless heart.”

“The danger is coming, just face it directly. If you don’t even have the courage to face it, what about chasing the road!”

Let’s put aside those man-made dangers, just talking about the thunder calamity when each big realm is promoted is dangerous enough. So if you don’t even have the confidence to face the thunder calamity, how can you successfully overcome the calamity?

Su Ruo continued to Chu Jingci, “I think you need to think about it, whether you want to go down this road.” Because in addition to danger, he has to face What’s more, maybe after many years, the relatives, friends, lovers… one by one he is familiar with gradually grow old and die in front of him. By that time, he was the only one who was still young and alive. Can he endure this loneliness?

This is why Su Ruo has been emphasizing the firmness of the Tao.

When Chu Jingci came out of Su Ruo’s room, it was like a lightning strike. Seeing that something was wrong with his artist, the assistant hurried over and asked with concern, “Jing Ji, what’s wrong?”

“I’m fine.” When speaking, his tone became extremely weak because of his lack of energy.

It’s obvious from this look. The assistant can’t help but feel distressed when he looks like he was rejected when his confession was unsuccessful. Quickly support Chu Jingci and take him away from this ‘sad” place.


In the next few days, Chu Jingci’s state is indeed not as good as before. Except when filming, I usually just sit there alone in a daze.

Since she didn’t get close to Su Ruo, she also spoke a lot less, and the whole person began to become reticent.

Until the last scene was filmed and the “Dormant” crew was finished, Chu Jingci never said a word to Su Ruo in private.

Su Ruo doesn’t care about these.

The completion of the crew is a celebration feast, and after this meal, it means that the “Hibernate” crew will be disbanded.

Since that day, I have never asked Su Ruo to talk to Chu Jingci, but that night, I walked to Su Ruo with my mobile phone and asked her, “Su Ruo, can you add Shall I check WeChat?”

Su Ruo nodded and added WeChat.

After adding WeChat, Chu Jingci did not leave immediately. Instead, he stood there, lowered his head and was silent for a while before saying, “I don’t know if I should go that way…”

Su Ruo also understands this point.

Because even in the immortal world, not everyone aspires to soar. What’s more, here is a technological society where spiritual energy is extremely deficient, and immortality is basically hopeless.

This road alone is too dangerous, too long, and too lonely.

Because of understanding, Su Ruo thought about it very seriously, and then said, “If you don’t want to cultivate, although I can’t make you go back to before, I will make you forget this period. Everything that happened, there is still no problem. But, not yet.”

Because there are still people staring at Chu Jingci from behind, in order to find out who is behind the scenes, and for the safety of Chu Jingci, Su Ruo can’t erase Chu Jingci’s memory now. But in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Su Ruo still placed a mental restraint on Chu Jingci.

If someone wants to make a formula from Chu Jingci’s mouth, not only can they not come out. And once she touches the restrictions of Su Ruoxi, she can feel the location of Chu Jingci for the first time.

And the reason why she did it was to guard against the people behind the scenes.

After doing all this, Su Ruo said to Chu Jingci, “You can also think about it during this time, whether you want to go this way. When things are over, Tell me your decision again.”


A few days after the celebration banquet was over, it was time for the final exam of No.1 Middle School.

Su Ruo returned to school the day before the exam.

For Su Ruo, who suddenly returned, the students in the class were both curious and alienated. Of course, other than Su Ruo, what gave the students this feeling was quietness.

Although they are still classmates, but these two, one after another, made a variety show and a TV series, and it became a big hit. Another participated in the selection of the girl group of “Rainbow Girls”, and finally won the tenth place, and was able to make a smooth debut.

For them, Su Ruo and Shen Jing are not just a simple classmate relationship.

Shen Jing went back to school a few days earlier than Su Ruo.

The “Rainbow Girl” ended as early as the weekend a week ago.

Su Ruo did not post a message on Weibo for a long time, but also posted one that day.

—@”Dormant”, Qin Qing, goodbye.

All Su Ruo’s friends or people who have worked with him have liked this Weibo of Su Ruo.

Naturally, Lin Qingyin, Peng Lu, and Zeng Ke from a company who once lived in a dormitory also liked and commented.

As a courtesy, Su Ruo replied to the three of them, “Thank you, come on!”

Although she was filming in the crew, Su Ruo had heard about the upcoming final election of “Rainbow Girl”.

However, what Su Ruo did not expect was that such a simple sentence, “Thank you, come on”, actually attracted a large number of her fans, ran to the three people’s Weibo, cheered them on and voted went.

In the words of Su Ruo’s fans, her idol’s words are surprisingly few, and her Weibo is even less so that it makes people feel desolate. It’s rare to post a Weibo once in ten thousand years, and if you don’t forget to leave a message to each other, the relationship between each other must be very deep!

Then their idols support, of course their fans must support them too!

It’s just a vote, simple!

This led to the fact that in the final night, the votes of the three people climbed like a rocket. Especially the number of votes in Zeng Ke, the fastest and most amazing rise! Because not only did she live in the same dormitory with Su Ruo, but she also participated in the competition with Su Ruo from the very beginning!

If you really want to talk about seniority, Zeng Ke is the original wife, the princess of the palace! The others are just concubines and beauties.

For this, Su Ruo fans can clearly distinguish in their hearts!

Yang Zheng, who has been following the final votes, turned blue when he saw Zeng Ke’s rising votes, gritted his teeth and said, “Xingyi, what are you doing? Brush votes. Is it so obvious?”

You must know that in order to prepare this show, you will be popular with your own artists. Anmei invested a lot in the early planning. Even before the finals, in order to stabilize the artist’s number one spot, they did not hesitate to use the means of swiping tickets.

Of course, it’s not just one of their companies who swipe tickets.

Everyone has the capital to brush, and the artist they want to support makes their debut.

But everything has to have a degree!

Yang Zheng immediately reported the matter to the company’s executives, and immediately followed suit. Then the program team, while recording the previous program, hurriedly sent technicians to check the bills of Zeng Ke and the three of them.

However, the result was, “No brushing!”

Yang Zheng couldn’t believe it, “How could it not be done?” If he really didn’t do it, how could the votes rise so quickly at the last moment. And seeing Zeng Ke’s rising votes, he was about to overtake Xu Chuxia, who was number one in their company.

Finally, after checking for a long time, I found Su Ruo’s Weibo.

Those fans are actually Su Ruo!

At the beginning, Anmei used Su Ruo to save people, and cooperated with other companies to put pressure on the “Rainbow Girl” program team to let them fire Su Ruo, which is to see the threat posed by Su Ruo.

Su Ruo’s physique is too powdery.

In addition, her own ability is strong and her appearance is high. With her around, the other players were suppressed. Therefore, Su Ruo must leave.

Being able to leave does not mean that Su Ruo’s influence is gone.

For those fans who once supported Su Ruo and voted for Su Ruo in “Rainbow Girl”, at the beginning of Su Ruo’s dismissal, they had a long time in their hearts tone. Even because of this incident, some fans said that they would never watch “Rainbow Girl” again.

But today, those fans who left because of Su Ruo came back with murderous intent because of one of her Weibo posts.

The number of fans owned by Su Ruo, who had hoped to be the first, should not be underestimated. Even if those fans didn’t all participate, but those fans who participated, plus the number of votes that Zeng Ke had already had before, was enough for her to overwhelm the other students in an instant.

The final result was that Zeng Ke recoiled from fifth to first, pulling Anmei’s Xu Chuxia down.

The high-level executives on Anmei’s side were all angry when they knew the result.

Q, what does it feel like when the fruit of the peach tree that has been planted so hard is picked by someone?

A, cannibalism.


Shen Jing was an artist signed by An Mei and led by Yang Zheng, so she knew the whole thing better than others.

After seeing Su Ruo walk into the classroom, she couldn’t help but keep looking in Su Ruo’s direction.

In this world, there is always such a kind of person who is born to be the favored one.

To be envious, but also to be envious.

Thinking of this, Shen Jing glanced at the mobile phone placed on the table, then picked up the mobile phone and sent a message back.

The next day is the final exam. On the podium, Yi Fangmei reiterated to everyone what needs to be paid attention to in the exam.

After reiterating, she called Su Ruo and Shen Jing to the office. After a serious education, “The teacher knows that you are all big stars now. You are famous, liked by many people, and you can earn a lot of money. However, the teacher still said that, you can do whatever you want. Don’t wait to regret what you should do in the future.”

“Reading more books is not a bad thing after all. The knowledge you learn is yours, and no one can steal it! In case you feel that you don’t want to stay in the entertainment industry in the future, you can change it to something else. things to do.”…

As a teacher, Yi Fangmei is worried enough.

However, whether facing Su Ruo or Shen Jing, in her opinion, these two students have good learning ability, and they belong to the kind of good students who can read.

However, these two students fell in love with the entertainment industry. As soon as they asked for leave one by one, they asked for so long, and the school didn’t come. How could Yi Fangmei not secretly feel regret and heartache!

“Okay, if there is more, the teacher won’t have much to say, you have to think about it yourself.”

The two walked out of the office door in tandem.

Su Ruo strode forward and walked quietly behind.

Suddenly, Shen Jing stopped her from behind, “Su Ruo, please wait!”

Su Ruo stopped and turned to look at her suspiciously, “What’s the matter?”

“I, I have something to tell you. It’s that mother Xie, she sent me a message and told me to persuade you to come back…” Shen Jing was looking at Su Ruo and talking , but after meeting Su Ruo’s eyes, he lowered his head unconsciously, avoiding Su Ruo’s eyes, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

Then I heard Su Ruo use a cool tone, “I remember I told you, I don’t care what you want to do. If you want to run in front of me and disgust me, it’s fine.”

Shen Jing was stunned for a while, then raised his head and looked at Su Ruo in astonishment, “I, I don’t have it!”

Su Ruo didn’t speak anymore, just looked at her indifferently.

It took a long time before she spoke.

“I don’t understand.” Su Ruo looked at her with a bit of coldness and impatience between her brows, “You obviously moved out of Su’s house and signed a contract with a company to do it. You are an artist. Although you are working hard now, you can rely on your own efforts and abilities to get what you want. Why do you want to follow Xie Meihua into these things? “

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