The Heroine’s Force Value Explodes

Chapter 90

Chapter 85:

The corners of Director Liu’s mouth twitched slightly, but his heart seemed to have ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping.

How to say?

He is in a very conflicted mood now.

The show needs gimmicks and contradictions, so as to attract more audiences and topics. However, if the invited guests are like personal plug-ins, the difficult points carefully set up by the program team will be easily broken in her hands, which is also very shocking.

Especially for him as a director, the blow was the worst.

Every time the show is filmed and filmed, it can be brought by Su Ruo in the end, causing the theme of the show to be completely deviated. At this time, Director Liu regretted that he had invited such a giant plug-in. However, the ratings and topicality are indeed rising.

So, this makes Director Liu even more contradictory.

a few words.

The two were very close and their voices were low. However, Su Ruo’s hand holding the vegetable still paused for a while. Immediately, he raised his chopsticks and continued to eat.

After listening to the staff’s report, Director Liu hurriedly followed the staff back to another room without a camera, and saw not long ago , a video suddenly appeared on the Internet.

The title is [Chu Jingci landslide was smashed, turned out to be man-made? 】

In the video, a man with a blue forehead is sitting in front of the camera and confessing to the public.

He said he received a task a few days ago. Someone hired him and asked him to follow the show team all the way, looking for opportunities to attack Chu Jingci.

Landslides are not accidental, but man-made.

The program “The World on the Bicycle” has been very popular since its launch. In the show, the most talked about, except for Su Ruo, is Chu Jingci.

In the show, Chu Jingci changed his previous image of a male **** and fully exposed his funny attributes to the live broadcast camera. It also attracted the attention of many viewers.

In addition to the previous scene where Chu Jingci encountered a landslide while riding a bicycle and was almost hit by a stone, it has already caused a lot of heat on the Internet. But at that time, everyone took it as an accident. And Chu Jingci was lucky, except for a little scratch on his waist, he didn’t suffer too much injury.

Although the audience also felt sorry for Chu Jingci, and in the barrage, they also routinely cursed him as a director and the program group, and this matter was slowly put down. Unexpectedly, in the evening, such a video suddenly appeared.

In the video, in addition to repenting, the man also stated his plan exactly. At the same time, the chat records of the person who hired him and him were also leaked.

From the chat records, you can see that when Chu Jingci set out to buy goods in the town, the men had already arrived on the hillside where they must pass, and started to create this incident. Accident.

Everyone: …

Damn, it’s not an accident, it’s man-made!

The audience can’t help but be afraid when they think about the scene they saw in the live broadcast! Fortunately, Chu Jingci responded quickly enough, otherwise if the stone really hit him in the stomach…

The netizens were completely stunned!

The fans of Chu Jingci were even more angry!

– God, it was man-made that Chu Jingci was smashed!

—How did the program team do it? Isn’t it that the entire itinerary is strictly confidential in order not to affect the shooting? Before, everyone was chasing the program group to ask for the address, but the program group never gave it. I thought the secrecy work of this program group was well done! As a result, it was not obtained by someone!

—Poor Chu Jingci, if his response were a little slower… I can’t imagine it!

Online incidents fermented very quickly, and this incident quickly became a hot search. And in an extremely short period of time, it quickly climbed to the top of the hot search list and the topic list. Behind it, a big explosion was added.

Chu Jingci’s assistant naturally saw this Weibo. After the shock meeting, he didn’t care that Chu Jingci was still in the live broadcast, so he immediately called him.

Chu Jingci, who was eating, was stunned for a while when he received a call from his assistant. He made an excuse and avoided the camera before connecting the call.

The first reaction was, is that man sick?

This kind of thing is done, as long as there is no evidence left at the time, who doesn’t hide it! This was the first time he had seen him do such a thing, but he actually ran out to record a video and confessed.

You must know that once you admit it, it is an attempted murder! That’s right, I’m going to be invited to the police station for dinner.

Faced with so much worry on the other side, she had already booked a flight ticket overnight, making a fuss about the assistant who must come over today. Chu Jingci calmed him down for a long time before he calmed down his emotions.

Chu Jingci calmly told the assistant, don’t worry, he is fine now. As for the latter, it still depends on how the program team arranges it.

As for the online video, let the assistant leave it alone. Don’t make any remarks until things are completely clear. There is only one thing to do, and that is to call the police.

Leave everything to the police uncle.

Anyway, according to what the man recorded in the video, the conditions have indeed reached the police.

Comfort the assistant, and after hanging up the phone, Chu Jingci was about to go back to the house. As a result, the assistant’s phone called again.

On the phone, the assistant said, “The suspect, went to the police station and turned himself in.”

Chu Jingci, “…”


How can he not understand the criminals now!

Director Liu also saw the hot search about the man surrendering himself, and he was also confused at the moment.

Don’t talk about him, even the audience who have been eating melons, can’t see clearly the direction of this matter.


Because of the accident at night, everyone in the entire program team ended the day’s shooting early. The staff of the program team went back to the house to discuss the next itinerary, while the guests went back to their respective rooms.

In the room, Yan Li sat on the bed and swiped the information on the Internet, sighing, “I never thought that Jing Ji’s accident today was actually man-made.”

“Yeah, it’s terrible.” Qi Yue’s face was also full of worry, “You said, what is that person doing, to harm Jing Ji? Is it an enemy, or a black fan?”

Yan Li shook her head, “I don’t know. But he said he was hired. It seems that he is not the mastermind. I just don’t know what the mastermind was like. ”

“Didn’t you say surrender?” Qi Yue sighed, “I was finally relieved when I saw the surrender. I really wish the police would find out who was behind the scenes sooner, what kind of vicious person was he? , actually hired someone to kill you.”

“Hope it.” Yan Li said, took off her coat, put it on the bedside table, and said, “Don’t think about it so much, just wait and see the arrangement of the program group tomorrow.”

Such a big thing happened, and I don’t know if the shooting for the next two days can continue.

Soon, the lights in the room went out.

The night in the countryside is different from that in the city. After eight or nine o’clock in the evening, it basically becomes extraordinarily quiet. Except for the occasional dog bark or two, it was quiet everywhere.

Wait for a while, and after Su Ruo was sure that Yan Li and Qi Yue were asleep, she sat up from the bed and began to practice cross-legged. Divine consciousness also slowly entered the sea of consciousness.

In the sea of knowledge, those light yellow or golden light clusters are still squatting there like stars sprinkled all over the sky.

At this time, all the light groups conveyed by her were joy and cheers.

This feeling can also make Su Ruo happy both physically and mentally.

After stroking, the practice of the night will begin… However, when Su Ruo wanted to take back her consciousness, she suddenly paused.

At this time, the consciousness felt a warm warmth. Su Ruo “looked” at it and couldn’t help being stunned.

Huh? The feeling just now was actually passed to her by a golden light group.

For a long time, no matter how Su Ruo cultivated or felt, those golden light groups were just quiet, squatting in her sea of consciousness.

“Do you feel it?” Su Ruo asked in surprise.

She tried to attach her divine sense to the golden light ball again… As soon as she attached it, she heard a slight “ding” sound. A golden light flew out from between Su Ruo’s eyebrows, and with a flash of consciousness, Su Ruo’s body softened, and the whole person fell on the bed.

The eyes are tightly closed, and the person has passed out.

Su Ruo at this meeting only felt that her consciousness was being forcibly pulled by someone. The huge pain in her soul caused her to twitch, and she even felt dizzy.

Come on! She shouldn’t have acted so recklessly.

However, it will be too late to regret. In this extreme pain, Su Ruo only feels that her consciousness is divided into two. Half of it belonged to him, and the other half was uncontrollably, quickly drifting to another place.

In a flash, the scene changed again.

What you can see is a piece of darkness. He heard the sound of snoring one after another.

But for Su Ruo, this darkness does not affect her vision. After looking around the surroundings, she was extremely surprised the moment she saw the face of the person lying on the bed.

I saw three people lying on the bed, from inside to outside, Feng Yu, Chen Ke, and Chu Jingci.


Is she possessed? Or out of mind? Why does Su Ruo always feel that these two situations are not right.

Feng Yu and Chen Ke were obviously asleep. But Chu Jingci, it was probably what happened during the day that really scared him, although he fell asleep like the two of them. But apparently, he didn’t sleep soundly.

Chu Jingci was in a daze, and was in a state that looked like a dream instead of a dream.

In the dream, he was happily riding a bicycle as he passed that hillside. Suddenly, a large piece of stone rolled down from the side.

Those stones hit him and hit his bike. Chu Jingci was slammed to the ground, followed by a succession of stones, which smashed towards him again.

Some of them hit his arms, legs…but more, they hit his stomach. It hurts him so bad, it hurts so badly.

The ten pieces that finally fell down gradually disappeared… He heard the voices of many people, talking to him. The stones on his body were also removed piece by piece. The body loosened immediately, but the consciousness also fell into a daze.

Drowsy, Chu Jingci felt someone lift him up… He also heard the screeching of an ambulance, and then he was taken to the hospital.

He was lying on the operating table, surrounded by a white environment, and smelled the pungent smell of disinfectant from the tip of his nose.

Chu Jingci didn’t feel much pain, more, but a sense of powerlessness. He was clearly conscious, but when he remembered it, he found that he couldn’t move.

A doctor in a white coat and a mask came over. Chu Jingci looked at him with his eyes open, thinking to himself, could it be that my injury is so serious that I need surgery?

Then he is so weak now, is that the reason why he was given anesthesia?

Chu Jingci grew up so big that he was admitted to the hospital only a handful of times. Likewise, he has never seen what the real patient should be like after being pushed into the operating room. However, there was no reason for it in my heart, just a feeling that something was wrong.

Really, something is wrong!

At this moment, a nurse handed a syringe glowing with black metal to the doctor.

The doctor took it and opened Chu Jingci’s clothes.

The moment the clothes were lifted, a chill flooded Chu Jingci’s dantian. A lot of pictures flashed through his mind, and they finally settled on the syringe that glowed with black metal.

Chu Jingci froze on the hospital bed.


He began to struggle violently, but no matter how much he struggled, he only felt powerless, unable to move at all.

Seeing that the needle tip was about to plunge into his dantian, Chu Jingci couldn’t help shouting, “Ruoruo, save me!”

With this shout, Chu Jingci felt a warm force that rushed to his limbs from his sea of consciousness. Wherever this heat flowed, he instantly regained his strength.

As soon as his strength recovered, Chu Jingci sat up from the hospital bed. With a thought, his fingers unconsciously pinched a mysterious hand formula that he could not understand.

Every movement of the hand brings a golden light. The rays of light gradually converged into a pattern as the hand tricks were pinched out. The moment the pattern appeared, Chu Jingci aimed the spell at the doctor and nurse and hit him.

The doctor and the nurse were hit by the air wave brought by this trick, and they suddenly slammed backwards vigorously. Only a muffled “pop” sound was heard, and the two of them both fell to the ground and no longer had the strength to get up.

Chu Jingci quickly got up from the hospital bed and ran away. As a result, the moment he opened the door of the ward, a sharp alarm sounded.

In the hospital, everyone heard the siren.

Suddenly, a group of uniformed hospital security guards rushed out of the corridor, each with batons in their hands, chasing Chu Jingci fiercely.

After getting close to Chu Jingci, he held up his baton and smashed it directly at him.

The patients or their family members who were watching the lively around were shocked when they saw this scene. There are those who are timid, and even cover their eyes one by one, not daring to continue to look down, for fear of seeing some scenes that are too scary and bloody.

But there are also people who are bold and watch around.

Completely different from what everyone expected, Chu Jingci roamed among the group of security guards with batons and shot quickly and accurately. Or boxing, or kicking… Every shot will inevitably bring down a security guard. The security guards who were brought down to the ground by him all curled up on the ground and moaned in pain, and no longer had the strength to get up.

The whole fight took less than five minutes, and the group of security guards were cleaned up by Chu Jingci. Looking at the security guards who fell to the ground, Chu Jingci looked at his hands in surprise.

He didn’t know how he was so powerful?

When bystanders watch, they can only see how neat and tidy his skills are. But Chu Jingci himself, but when he was beating people, he could feel the strength he fell on those security guards every time, and it was bound to be a sound of bone cracking that people could hear, and they felt that the scalp was numb.

A golden pattern appeared again.

Following, Chu Jingci slapped the ground fiercely, only to hear a loud “bang”, and he slapped a hole in the ground.

Then, Chu Jingci tried to pat his head again, and after a few “clicks”, he even penetrated the hospital floor.

A large piece of lime, shards… fell from the roof to the ground and hit the security guards.

At this moment, one of the security guards watched all this dumbly, and after a while, he shouted, “My God, what happened?”

Chu Jingci is smiling, he is smiling proudly!

But Su Ruo wanted to slap him!

I thought so, Su Ruo’s slap was really aimed at Chu Jingci. After a crisp slap, Chu Jingci completely woke up from the dream.

When I woke up, I felt the coldness of the bare skin seeping into the bone marrow when it touched the cold floor. It was so cold that Chu Jingci couldn’t help but shivered.

“What, what’s going on?” Chu Jingci opened his eyes and looked at everything around him in surprise.

Frightened, there were also Chen Ke and Feng Yu who slept on the same bed as Chu Jingci. The two still haven’t figured out what’s going on! After hearing a loud “bang”, the bed was gone.

The two fell to the ground and woke them up from their sweet sleep.

And then, a hole was suddenly broken in the roof. A large piece of tile, broken wood, smashed down all at once, and smashed on the two of them.

The two who smashed were in pain and panic. Suddenly, I heard Chu Jingci burst into laughter of “hahaha” from the side.

In the big night, after experiencing such a series of events one after another, it is impossible for people to think too much.

The lights in the room were quickly turned on.

When the others heard the movement, they rushed over and saw three big men sitting in a pile of rubble, with blank and panic expressions on their faces.

Director Liu looked at the collapsed bed and at the roof with a hole in it. Looking at it again, the hands of the clock hanging on the wall pointed to twelve o’clock in the morning.

The cold wind blows again, making people numb.

Director Liu tried his best to keep calm, and while hurriedly asked the staff to get the clothes, he also called for someone to help Chu Jingci and the three of them out of the ruins.

He helped him to his room and asked what happened.

But what happened at night did come suddenly and inexplicably. Both Feng Yu and Chen Ke were awakened from their sleep, and they are still covered! As for Chu Jingci, he doesn’t know either!

If he has to get to the bottom of the question, can he say that he had a dream? In the dream, I hit the ground with a dozen, and the bed is gone. Swipe at the roof and the roof breaks?

“Director, do you think there are still people staring at Chu Jingci?” At this time, a staff member whispered in Liu Dao’s ear.

Director Liu, “…”

Don’t say, combined with what happened before, it is very possible!

When Liu Dao thought of this, he felt that Chu Jingci was not at ease now. So he decided to let Chen Ke and Feng Yu find another room to sleep in. As for Chu Jingci, sleep with him!

Chu Jingci, “…”

Come on, can’t you, sleep in the same bed with Liu Dapa?

Chen Ke and Feng Yu over there had been made by Chu Jingci’s smile for a long time, and they felt panicked. As soon as he heard Director Liu’s arrangement, he immediately disappeared. Chu Jingci was left alone to sit there with a face full of unwillingness.


Su Ruo on the other side, unable to bear it, slapped Chu Jingci with a slap. With this pumping, a tingling sensation came from the consciousness again. But at the same time, the Divine Consciousness, which was originally divided into two, finally came together again.

The huge movement from the next room also awakened Yan Li and Qi Yue. The two woke up from their sleep, turned on the lights, picked up the jackets next to them and put them on, then ran over to check on the situation.

As for Su Ruo, she wanted to get up, but as soon as she moved, she felt a sharp pain in her mind. The pain was so severe that Su Ruo couldn’t help holding her head and curled up on the bed, sweating profusely.

As a practitioner, Su Ruo has experienced countless pains. Her body is strong enough, and the pain of ordinary people is nothing to her. But there is no kind of pain like now, so painful that life is worse than death.

It is a kind of pain that comes from the soul being pulled and divided.

But the more pain, the more sober Su Ruo’s mind becomes.

I didn’t have time to think about a lot of things just now, but now I want to understand everything in an instant.

The difference in belief between the pale yellow light group and the golden light group is actually not big. The biggest difference between them is that the golden light groups are all qualified and can be cultivated. This means that Yang Manman’s light yellow light group can only attract Su Ruo’s possession, while Chu Jingci’s golden light group can borrow ‘spiritual power” from Su Ruo.

Before the divine consciousness was divided into two, half stood outside watching, and half followed Chu Jingci into his dream. Su Ruo also experienced the dream that Chu Jingci had.

The content of the dream doesn’t really matter.

There is a saying that you think about the day and dream at night. Many times, the formation of dreams really comes like this. Chu Jingci didn’t look calm on the surface, but he was stared at by such a pair of eyes behind him, and if Su Ruo wasn’t there, if he discovered in time that the medicine given to him by the doctor was not right, I’m afraid he would continue to use it.

After taking the medicine?

Will he be caught on the operating table and watch his spiritual roots be extracted?

And Chu Jingci may not have realized that at some point, he already had a blind trust in Su Ruo. Even subconsciously, he felt that only Su Ruo could give him enough security.

His faith and the power of Su Ruo.

So even in a dream, this belief was always brought in by him. It happened that at this time, Su Ruo put his divine sense on the golden light group that belonged to him.

In the dream, Chu Jingci thought of Su Ruo for the first time when his life was in danger… Then, he “borrowed” his spiritual power from Su Ruo.

The word “borrowing” here can also be changed, perhaps it should be called common.

Alternatively, it should be called a gift.

It’s just that Su Ruo’s cultivation hasn’t reached that level yet, and her godhead has not yet formed. Forcibly borrowed spiritual power, the consciousness is divided into two for the first time, the pain can be imagined.

But this kind of splitting of consciousness cannot be done until the monks ascend?

But Su Ruo’s current cultivation level has not even reached the foundation building. It’s just like this, in the unconscious, successfully divided the consciousness? Moreover, it has not caused much impact on the soul?

This is the first time for Su Ruo to experience the division of consciousness. Looking back on it now, I just feel very strange that at that time, whether it was the half of the consciousness left in Chu Jingci’s dream, or the other half of the consciousness left outside, at that moment, they were like two Independent individuals are generally indistinguishable.

Although it is still controlled by Su Ruo, she can have her own independent thinking at the same time.

Su Ruo couldn’t help taking a breath when she thought of this. This breath shook his head. The consciousness that had just merged into one swayed in her mind, and Su Ruo couldn’t help groaning in pain.

Until Qi Yue and Yan Li came back after watching the situation, they were shocked when they saw Su Ruo’s face pale in pain and sweating all over. Big jump.

Thinking that Su Ruo was suffering from an emergency, she immediately ran out and knocked on Director Liu’s door.

Director Liu came over to take a look, and was also startled. He quickly told the staff to drive. As for Su Ruo’s words “I’m fine,” they were all ignored by everyone.

It hurts to the point of pain, how can it be called nothing?

This is clearly a big deal!

Because of the accident of Chu Jingci during the day, Director Liu has a special distrust of the clinic in the town. A group of people drove their cars in a hurry and went straight to the nearby county seat.

When I arrived at the county hospital, I immediately went to the emergency room.

Take pictures to see the doctor… After a series of examinations, Su Ruo has fallen into a deep sleep. This is the first time she has divided her consciousness. Although her consciousness has not been damaged, she has spent a lot of energy. Now she just wants to lie there quietly and let her consciousness go into deep sleep.

The doctor took the film and looked at it for a long time, then checked Su Ruo again, and finally told everyone with certainty that the patient was fine.

Liu Dao was dubious, mainly because Su Ruo was so painful before, she couldn’t pretend. Worrying in my heart, I also muttered that this county is small, I’m afraid it won’t be too accurate.

Thinking about it, Director Liu couldn’t help yawning! Looking tired, he walked towards the bathroom.

Tonight, it is really enough to toss Director Liu.

After entering the bathroom, Director Liu splashed some cold water on his face, making people sober after the meeting. He took out another pack of cigarettes from his clothes, lit it, took two puffs, and finally felt much better.

I’m planning to wait until dawn to see Su Ruo’s condition. If the person does not see improvement, immediately arrange for the person to be transferred!

Go to the nearest municipal hospital!

At this time, the phone rang.

Director Liu glanced at the caller ID and answered the call, “Tell me, what bad things happened tonight?”

Then only heard the other side, “Director, the house collapsed.”

“What?” Director Liu was taken aback, “Did you hit anyone?”

“No, no…” The other side said quickly, “It was the room where Teacher Chu and the others slept, and suddenly half of it collapsed.”

Speaking of which, this is the result of Chu Jingci’s slap. In rural houses, the beams are all made of wood. Chu Jingci broke the roof and at the same time broke two beams.

The house was able to hold up until it collapsed. In fact, it was already very powerful. Otherwise, it would be smashed like this at that time, I am afraid that none of the three of them will be able to please.

At the moment, Director Liu just feels so tired!

There was no other way, and Director Liu had to rush back to the village with a few staff members in the middle of the night. This house has collapsed for people to live in, and I don’t know how to explain it to the owner of the house!

He’ll have to go and see what’s going on.


As soon as Director Liu left, they also left Su Ruo’s ward because they were worried about Su Ruo’s Chu Jingci. Following behind the staff, I went to a nearby hotel to stay temporarily. Yan Li and Qi Yue stayed in the ward and slept on the bed next to them, in case something happened to Su Ruo in the middle of the night, so they could take care of them easily.

Su Ruo in the ward, who was lying there with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes and sat up. With a flick of his finger, two spiritual powers penetrated into the bodies of Yan Li and Qi Yue on the bed next to them.

After finishing her spiritual power, Su Ruo began to practice cross-legged.

In this practice, countless white light groups swarmed towards her and entered Su Ruo’s body. After replacing it with a steady stream of spiritual power in his dantian, he roamed the whole body along the meridians. After such a few great weeks of cultivation, the fatigue and mental effort caused by the division of the consciousness has finally been repaired.

At the same time, her sleepy spirit also energized.

Su Ruo stopped cultivating when her soul recovered almost. Then again, he looked into his own sea of consciousness.

From this look, she found that the light yellow or golden light groups in the sea of consciousness were entrenched in her sea of consciousness in a disorderly manner. However, now in Su Ruo’s sea of consciousness, the arrangement of these light groups has begun to change.

The light yellow light groups surround the golden light groups in an encircling posture. At the same time, those golden light groups were faintly arranged in a shape.

Glittering, shining like stars.

Su Ruo stared at the shape for a long time, and vaguely felt that it looked like a human figure. Just because the power of belief is not enough, this is just a simplified version of the humanoid. No nose, no eyes, not even limbs.

If you are not careful, it is likely to be ignored. But Su Ruo looked carefully, and there was a faint voice in her mind telling her that this human figure was actually herself.

But here comes the problem, she has only heard that immortal cultivators will cultivate into a miniature version of Nascent Soul in their dantian after successfully experiencing the Nascent Soul Transcendence Tribulation. But I have never heard of it, there are people who can use the power of faith to shape a person and a person of faith in their own sea of consciousness.

Su Ruo thought about it for a long time, but couldn’t figure it out, so she could only put it down for the time being.

On the second day, Director Liu tiredly resolved the broken house incident from the village, and announced to everyone that he had decided to end the filming of the program ahead of schedule.

On the one hand, it was because of Chu Jingci’s accident, and on the other hand, because of the hot search of yesterday’s video, the shooting address of the show was completely exposed.

Director Liu determined that Su Ruo’s physical condition was indeed fine, so he immediately took everyone on the bus and rushed to the nearest airport.

After a three-hour flight, Su Ruo finally returned to S City.

Chen Xiaoguo got the news in advance and was already waiting outside to pick up the plane. As soon as he saw Su Ruo, he ran over and asked, “Ruoruo, are you okay?”

Su Ruo’s hospitalization in the middle of the night has not been announced to the public, but as an artist assistant, she still knew in advance from Director Liu. If Director Liu hadn’t said it, he would be back today, I’m afraid Chen Xiaoguo would have to fly over to check the situation.

Su Ruo smiled at Chen Xiaoguo and said, “I’m fine.”

Not only is it okay, it may even be a blessing in disguise.

Chen Xiaoguo looked at Su Ruo who was in high spirits, and it really didn’t seem like something was wrong, so she finally felt relieved. As he walked, he said, “This time the recording is ended early, so I can give you a two-day rest. My grandmother was asking me two days ago, when will you be back.”

Seeing Chen Xiaoguo mentioning her grandmother, Su Ruo’s eyebrows softened a little. Just as he was about to tell Chen Xiaoguo, when he was going back to Grandma Su’s room, a message came from Chen Xiaoguo’s cell phone.

After reading the information, Chen Xiaoguo said to Su Ruo, “Ruoruo, Sister Zhou just told me that she has an endorsement for cosmetics and wants to sign you.”

Su Ruo was moved and asked, “Which brand?”

“It’s a new brand, it’s called Huanyan.” Chen Xiaoguo replied.

Su Ruo’s footsteps stopped immediately.

She is planning to find each other when she comes back! As a result, people came to the door first.

What is this?

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