The Hidden World

Chapter 329 – Dense

“The first thing we need to do is find the exit for this place,” Yuki said as she walked down the hall. 

“Did you look at a map?” Akira asked.

“Nope. I forgot,” she replied without missing a step. 

“Ah. I guess we’ll just walk down here and see where it takes us then.”

“I’m looking around as well, Aki,” Yuki laughed. “Have some faith.”

She touched the earth around her and followed the tunnels that spread out in it like the roots of a tree. She found the massive caverns that were the entrance room and the room where she met with the Dragons of Gaea. There were also other caverns which held things that she knew nothing about. 

‘I’ll need to check them out another time,’ she thought. 

Locking onto the two caverns she knew, she traced back her steps and made a mental map that she referred back to every so often as she walked side by side with Akira. They made it back to the cavern where Yuki had fought and retraced their way to the demon shrine. From there, they walked up the hall until they found the cavern they came in from.

“How are we going up?” Akira asked, looking up. “The platform isn’t down here anymore.”

“There’s probably a lever or something like that to call it back down,” Yuki replied. “At least, I would hope so. Otherwise, I’ll just have to find someone to ask.”

She walked around the cavern, examining the walls for any signs of a button or switch that would activate the elevator mechanism. She alighted upon a smooth button that blended itself neatly into the wall. When she pressed it, a small red light shined next to it.

The platform didn’t move. It was still up, acting as a floor for the building above them. Yuki frowned slightly, wondering whether or not she was supposed to press the button. 

“Time to look for another way?” Akira asked.

“Let’s give it a moment and see what happens. Then we look for another way.”

“Alright. I’ll look around again to see if you missed anything.”

“Go for it. That could happen.”

Akira began slowly walking around the cavern, examining every inch of it while Yuki looked up at the platform for any signs of movement. Then, from the corner of her eye, the red light switched green and the platform began to descend down.

“Akira,” she said to get her attention.

“Oh, the button worked then,” Akira said.

“I think it was a request button,” Yuki mused. “The receptionist up top is the one that lowers the platform. Maybe she was waiting for people to clear off of the area.”

“That would make sense,” Akira nodded. 

They stepped onto the platform once it touched the ground and waited for it to bring them back up to the surface. Yuki nodded to the receptionist when she came into sight who gave a practiced smile in return.

“Leaving for the day?” the receptionist asked.

“I am. I’ll be back soon,” Yuki replied. 

She stepped off of the elevator and left the building with Akira beside her. Outside, she transformed back into her dragon form once there was enough space. Akira climbed on top and they flew back to the council meeting site.

‘What did you tell them?’ Yuki asked as they sliced through the air.

[Erica? I just told them that we’re fine and that we’re going to be doing some things before heading back,] Akira said. [Why do you ask?]

‘Just thinking about what I need to say. How much I need to elaborate and explain.’

[Ah, I see. Mind telling me some of that now? If you don’t want to, then I can wait until we gather with the others.]

‘I can tell you some things,’ Yuki said. ‘There was a notebook in that room. It was an interesting one to say the least.’

[What was it about?]

‘It was where Sophie wrote in her observations and studies for a few topics,’ Yuki said. She didn’t bother trying to explain the first. Her oaths wouldn’t allow it. ‘One of those topics was about the Demon Wars about two hundreds years ago.’

[She was there at the start of them, wasn’t she.]

‘Yep. She also saw patterns in the first attacks that she found worrying. She was in charge of scattering a few powerful objects and she noted that the first towns getting attacked were those where people she gave those objects to lived.’

[That’s not good.]

‘That’s most definitely not good.’ Yuki paused. Then she sighed. ‘One of those towns was where my parents lived.’

[Your dragon ones,] Akira said softly.

‘Yes. They were holding on to one of those objects. That necklace. Sophie has been hitting herself over that for years on end. She even shoved the notebook away and labeled it with “Get over it”.’

[Did she ever look into it?]

‘Yeah. She did an investigation into the attacks to find who was behind them.’

[Any fruit?]

‘Actually, yes. She looked into it and found out there was a group that was aiming for the objects. Guess what group it is. They have a snake logo.’

[Of course. Shikaku,] Akira growled. [So that’s why you were talking about revenge. We’re going forward then, aren’t we.]

‘Yep. We delayed long enough. We’re back together now and there isn’t any other existential threat that would take precedence, so I think it would be the perfect time.’

[You know we don’t have the location of their base right?] Akira said.

‘I do. But I think the dragons have the information. I would seriously doubt that they don’t.’

[The question is if they’ll tell you.]

‘That really is the question.’

[Well, I guess we’ll talk about this more with the others so let’s switch topics really quickly,] Akira said. [Yuna. Updates. How are things going?]

‘With Yuna?’ Yuki frowned. ‘Not much since you last asked. We’ve talked of course, but she’s just focusing on her magic for now. I help her out here and there.’

[Might want to stop hitting around the bush then,] Akira said. [I’m afraid that girl might be denser than we thought.]

‘You might be onto something,’ Yuki laughed. ‘Maybe she’s just distracted. She did just go through quite a bit with the angels and all that.’

[Yeah, but she was quite dense even before with Erica. And Erica isn’t the most subtle, if you know what I mean. And you’re actually subtle.]

‘Are you trying to tell me to just barge into her tent and smooch her on the lips?’

[Well no, but I’m not going to say that it’s a bad idea.]

Yuki giggled, her body shuddering in the air as she flew. She felt Akira laughing as well on her back.

‘I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe before we do the big fight.’

[I’ll be around if you need me,] Akira said.

They arrived back at the meeting site, Yuki having to readjust her course a bit along the way since she was basing the path on her memory. They entered the cave and saw Erica and Yuna talking with Kilik and a few of the council members. Ember was at the entrance of the meeting room keeping watch.

“You’re back,” Ember said as she greeted them. “How was it?”

“Pretty easy,” Yuki smiled. “Are you busy?”

“I still have to keep watch since it is my job,” she replied. “Why? Need to talk?”

“I do. With everyone and that includes you. Maybe we can talk out here in the meeting room later once I’ve caught the others up. You’ll probably be able to piece together everything.”

“Alright then. Some of the council members left by the way,” she said. “In case you wanted to meet them or anything.”

“That’s fine. I’ll see you in a bit.”

Yuki waved at Erica to catch her attention. She looked over at them and grinned, waving back. 

“Hey you two. That took you awhile.”

“Yeah, but it was a good trip. Come on, we need to chat for a bit,” Yuki said, giving her a meaningful look. “Yuna too. Unless of course I’m intruding on your conversation.”

Yuki looked over at the council members they were speaking to. Kilik was among them and gave Yuki a small wave of the hand.

“It’s fine. We were chatting about meaningless topics,” he said. “You can have them. I’ll be here until the end of the day if you want to speak to me, but the other council members will most likely be gone before then.”

“I understand,” Yuki nodded. “Thank you for staying so long. Come on you guys. We need to make some plans.”

The next chapter will have more in the terms of plot movement. This was just to transition to that. Cheers~

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