The Holy Maiden of Light Wants To Change Jobs

Chapter 33

King Jones’ words successfully attracted everyone’s attention to Sylvia, but she was only slightly surprised, not eager to refute nor too rude.

“Your Majesty Jones, I need proof.”

The Pope at the top was also calm, and did not seem to believe Jones’ words, so King Jones hurried out of the crowd, and his face flushed a little more excitedly.

“Sir Pope, you also know that we have the power of prophets in our Jones bloodline. Fortunately, my little daughter has awakened this power.”

King Jones’s words made the eyes of many kings brighten up. The youngest daughter of King Jones heard that she was a beautiful child, and now she has awakened the power of the prophet. If… it’s just that the kingdom of Jones values ​​the children who have awakened the power of the prophet. There is almost no possibility of out-married.

Seeing the nods of approval from everyone, King Jones felt a little proud, and his back straightened a bit, “Before I set off, my little daughter just happened to have a precognition dream.”

“In the dream, it was her!”

King Jones looked at Sylvia and stretched out her finger, “She stood in the air and said to the Pope, you and the archbishops.”

“The Church of Light should also disappear!”

Countless eyes moved back and forth between Jones and Sylvia in amazement, and some looked at the Pope, wondering what his reaction was.

Foreknowledge this kind of thing, after so many years, many people have discovered its “coincidence”, and sometimes, some things happen precisely because of foreknowledge.

This is one of the reasons why the Jones Kingdom has been getting worse year by year over the years. People have questioned the prophecy, but this time the facts are too big.

Destroy the Church of Light?

Several long-lived archbishops glanced at each other. In fact, the Church of Light has gone through several periods of life and death. Among them, there are several special saints who are the important reasons for this.

There was a saint in the Church of Light who fell in love with the hostile Pope of Darkness, and told him some secrets of the Holy Land, which caused heavy losses to the Church of Light at that time. In the end, the Pope at that time, the saint who knew wrong, and hundreds of people sacrificed. Only after begging for God’s condescension did he defeat the Church of Darkness.

But because of this, the Church of Light was weak for nearly a few hundred years, until a stunning and brilliant saint appeared. Unfortunately, that saint died not very honorably.

Sylvia’s talent is higher than that of any saintess in the records. If done properly, it may lead the Church of Light to a new height, but everything has two sides, in case she is also… The blow is even greater.

“Silvia, what do you want to say?”

The Pope didn’t say anything, and the Holy Maiden looked at Sylvia first, but her attitude was very gentle, as if she didn’t care what King Jones said like the Pope.

“My Lady, I think.”

Sylvia faced the **** of light next to the saint and bowed her head respectfully, “The great **** of light has his own decision. I believe that my lord will clear this misunderstanding for me.”

She even threw the problem to the God of Light, is she really confident?

The Pope’s lips moved slightly when he heard the words, and he glanced at the faces of everyone below. His long eyelashes moved suddenly, “How about you? What do you want to say?”

The bottom fell into silence, and the Pope spoke again, “It’s okay, you can say anything, this is for the better future of our religion.”

After this sentence, the expressions of several people changed slightly.

After three breaths of silence, a bishop came out, “Sir Pope, Lady Saint, I think it’s too hasty to judge a saint candidate by prophecy. It’s better to investigate first and then make a decision.”

“Investigate? How to investigate this matter? How do you know if what she said is true about the precognitive dream that she had?”

Another bishop “murmured” dissatisfiedly, but his voice was so loud that he could hear it clearly around him.

“Then what do you say?”

The solemn and solemn bishops who are usually in front of the believers will be jealous and loud when they quarrel, and those kings with “dignified” status are now more like snapping up in seasons, and their gorgeous clothes can’t hide the sudden change of temperament. Sylvia really opened her eyes.

Looking at the archbishops next to them, they all lowered their eyes and kept their mouths shut, but there may be some things that require the bishops to be thugs in front. In short, no one who can stand here is easy.

Sylvia also glanced at Carroll next to her from the corner of her eye. It stands to reason that if Sylvia was confirmed to have fulfilled this prophecy, she would be the only candidate for the saintess.

But Carol didn’t see any joy on her face, she just stared at the statue of the **** of light intently, as if she only had the **** of light in her eyes, and these messes had nothing to do with her.

If so, it is indeed a good seedling.

Seeing that the cathedral is getting more and more “lively”, the Pope, who has been watching from the sidelines, finally took action.

I saw the Pope’s exclusive staff flashing in his hand, and when he tapped lightly on the ground, a golden halo spread from under his feet to the surroundings.

The few people who were arguing just now, including King Jones, and one or two bystanders who were silent from beginning to end, were suddenly imprisoned by the aperture.

This time, the entire church finally quieted down, and those who were not imprisoned by the aperture suddenly seemed to smell some danger, and hurriedly lowered their heads in a quail-like shape.

Even the saint next to the Pope glanced at the Pope in surprise, apparently she was unaware of the Pope’s sudden attack.

The corner of Adonis’ mouth raised slightly in the middle of it, these people, do you really think that their Pope is a good talker?

After imprisoning those people, the Pope’s eyes fell on King Jones, “Your Majesty Jones, are you sure this is what your little daughter predicted?”

Because of the occlusion of the lens and the calm tone, it was impossible to tell whether this sentence was a question or a question for a while.

King Jones’ eyes widened instantly, “His Holiness Pope, what do you mean?”

“Even you can’t insult me…”

King Jones’s words came to an abrupt end, like a rooster strangled by the neck, looking a bit ridiculous.

All this is just because of a girl who just appeared in the center of the cathedral, a girl who looks like a noble in her beauty.

The teleportation magic can still be used under the various strict guards of the cathedral, and only the Pope can do it.

After the appearance of the unknown woman, she bowed respectfully to the Pope and the Holy Maiden, but looked at the shocked King Jones with a warm smile, “Father, you don’t seem to want to see Linna?”

King Jones swallowed the sentence “Why are you here?” and smiled awkwardly, “How could it be, Lina.”

Then he looked around, “Everyone, this is my youngest daughter Lina, who is the one who awakened her prophetic talent.”

“Lina, you’re here just in time, you can tell the Pope and the others about your precognition dream.”

Several accents from King Jones made Linna laugh out loud, “My father, why are you still so naive?”

“Since I’ve already appeared here, it was sent by the Pope himself, and your little tricks should end.”

“Lina! Do you know what you’re talking about?!”

King Jones wanted to continue to quibble, but it was a pity that the Pope was obviously impatient.

I saw King Jones’ mouth wide open and closed, but no sound came out.

“Lina, tell everyone about your precognition dream.”

The Pope looked at Lina and gestured.

“As ordered.”

Linna turned around, “Everyone, I did awaken my ability to predict, and I also had a dream.”

“However, the woman who said those words in my dream had black hair and black eyes, and she definitely didn’t look like this Sylvia-sama.”

“The only thing that’s the same is the name, I heard someone call her Sylvia.”

With black hair and black eyes, it must be from the Church of Darkness, and the name Sylvia is really common. You can find dozens of people with this name in any city.

Everyone suddenly understood, I am afraid, this is another conspiracy.

Only Sylvia was startled. She originally thought it was a conspiracy against her, but now that Lina explained the details, her eyelashes moved slightly, covering the look in the bottom of her eyes.

Can’t show any abnormality, you are not Guan Ju now, it is Sylvia!

Seeing Linna finish speaking, the Pope finally delivered the final blow, “Under the brilliance of the God of Light, none of your tricks will succeed!”

After speaking, the staff moved without even an explanation, and those people disappeared in the cathedral, and someone would naturally deal with it later.

“I’m sorry, I wasted some time, let’s continue.” The Pope smiled gently.

Everyone: “…”

So, in this strange atmosphere, the selection of saintess continued.

The Holy Maiden once again proposed the decision method just now, and this time, no one objected.

Seeing this, the saint looked at Sylvia and Carol, “You, come forward.”

Sylvia and Carol obediently stepped forward and stood in front of the saint.

The saint turned to face the **** of light, staggered her hands on her chest, and slowly closed her eyes, “Great **** of light, Qi Lier asks you to bestow your radiance and guide us to the correct answer.”

Following the saint’s words, Sylvia and the Pope behind them all bowed their heads and said, “I beg you to bestow your divine brilliance.”

A faint light appeared on the statue, and many people were excited, God heard their prayers.

Countless rays of light poured into the statue of light from all directions, making him brighter and brighter, but the light was not dazzling, and everyone was staring at this rare scene, for fear of missing any detail.

Even Sylvia, who had been showing confidence all the time, couldn’t help but get nervous, and the hand on her chest couldn’t help but exert some force.


One of the kings could not help shouting.

Countless pure white butterflies slowly flew down from the top of the cathedral, and then flew straight towards Sylvia, without the slightest hesitation.

The butterfly that arrived first stopped lovingly at the tip of Sylvia’s nose, flapped its wings slightly, and then disappeared into Sylvia’s body as shavings of light.

Everyone watched as the butterflies rushed towards Sylvia, some circled around her, and some became a part of Sylvia’s body like the first butterfly.

This makes her whole person exude a dazzling light, and it complements the equally luminous **** statue on the side, and she has an inexplicable and xie.

With such a vision, the choice of the God of Light is already obvious.

The corners of the Pope, Adonis, and several archbishops could not help but raise their lips. They, the Church of Light, are about to welcome an amazing saint.

In their lifetime, they may be able to witness miracles with their own eyes!

[Main quest: Become a saint, completion degree: 90/200; gain Faith Point +56, which is automatically converted to Light Value +5. 】

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