The Holy Maiden of Light Wants To Change Jobs

Chapter 40

“The new saint, Sylvia…”

After Sylvia appeared, Archbishop Rocco began to recite a large section of praise aloud, probably meaning how excellent Sylvia was and how she was welcomed by God.

That cadenced tone made Sylvia, who had heard it several times, still couldn’t stand it, and it was difficult for Archbishop Roko to memorize it smoothly at such an old age.

After this long paragraph of praise was finished, it was time for the Pope to appear to grant Sylvia the unique status symbol of the Holy Maiden of Light, the god-given scepter and the crown of light.

These two things were the artifacts that the God of Light bestowed on the first-generation saintess back then. Each of them was unique and had certain thoughts of its own. If it wasn’t for the saintess, it would be impossible to use them.

Just like Beatrice once joined the Church of Darkness, these two artifacts would automatically return to the seat of the God of Light, and then only Sylvia could use them.

Slowly taking two steps forward, Sylvia lowered her head slightly and stretched out her hands at the same time. The crown and staff that had been lying quietly on the shelf radiated white light and automatically fell on Sylvia’s head and hands.

The Pope, who had just stretched out his hand to take the divine weapon, paused, but he did not panic, and a smile immediately appeared on his serious face.

The artifact is so spiritual, and if Sylvia is selected, the fit between the two must be very high, which is a good thing.

The opposite of Pope Bright’s face was Darnell. He originally wanted to bring Aurora and Beatrice this time, but they all rejected him.

With Darnell’s temper, he could not allow anyone to resist him, but these two guys actually joined forces, and he could only give up this plan for the next arrangement.

It’s ridiculous, she has clearly abandoned her beliefs, especially Beatrice, who has a grudge against Sylvia strictly speaking, is unwilling to appear at such a moment.

The people who came from the Church of Light really still have hypocrisy in their bones.

“Tsk, this little girl is not bad, it would be better if she were a little fatter, but it’s still a bit unattractive now.”

With the strength of the three people, other people can’t hear the speech, so the Dragon Emperor looks serious from the outside, but he is actually looking at Sylvia with “appreciative” eyes.


The elf king’s faint voice can clearly feel the disgust. As an elf who admires only one person in his life, and has a cleanliness in both body and mind, facing a stallion man like the Dragon King is naturally all kinds of disgust.

“I X, you are a sissy, you can’t fight if you want to.” Dragon Emperor is a violent temper, plus he can’t stand the pretentious appearance of the Elf King, and the export is provocation.

As the third person present, the Pope of Darkness wished that they would make a noise, so naturally he would not discourage them, and he was even looking forward to it.

However, the Elf King ignored this naive provocation, just tilted his head slightly and glanced at the Dragon Emperor with his beautiful blue eyes, then turned his head and continued to look at Sylvia.

The Dragon Sovereign, who was still grumpy just now, froze, that look, how could it be so terrifying.

The Dragon King is good at fire, but the elf king is good at wood. Logically, both of them are the kings of the family, and their strengths are on the same level.

How can you be…

The Dragon Emperor didn’t want to admit that he was frightened, but the residual stiffness in his body told him that it was not an illusion.

His mind turned back and forth in an instant, and he was not in the mood to quarrel with the Elf King. He also looked at Sylvia, but there was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Darnell, who was looking forward to it: “…” Che, it’s boring!

On the other side, Sylvia had sworn an oath to the God of Light and immediately proceeded to the last step of blessing.

The Pope and Archbishop Rocco all withdrew at the moment, leaving all the huge open space to Sylvia.

Next, is her exclusive time.

I saw Sylvia flying up a few meters, just enough to be seen by everyone without any cover.

Originally, there were some slight chatter sounds underneath, but with Sylvia’s action, the whole land instantly became silent.

Everyone knows that the Holy Maiden will be blessed.

However, with so many people here, is this young saint really okay?

Or did the Holy Maiden only bless those people in the mid-air above? In this case, although everyone can understand, it will inevitably be a little disappointed.

Sylvia blinked, and the scepter in her hand automatically detached from her hand and stood in front of her.

On the other hand, her robe moved slightly, and her whole body knelt in front of the huge bright **** statue like a blooming lotus, just flush with the **** statue’s eyes.

Yingying’s light appeared on Sylvia and the staff at the same time, followed by a layer of the same light on the statue of light, so that Sylvia didn’t even close her eyes to pray.

Does the God of Light like this saint so much?

As the Statue of Light responded, countless beams of light were also cast in the blue sky, just shrouding everyone who came to the ceremony in the beam of light.

The Pope on the side moved his fingers slightly, and finally returned to calm. Although Sylvia assured that she was fine, he also made second-hand preparations. If the time came, the Pope would activate this hand.

Just looking at it now, the corner of the Pope’s mouth rose slightly, and he probably still underestimated Sylvia.

Seeing the beam of light descending smoothly, Sylvia also closed her eyes, “Believer Sylvia, thank my lord for the divine brilliance, and may the light shine on my heart.”

“May the light shine on my heart.”

What kind of shock it is to have more than 100,000 voices shouting together, at least Sylvia’s mood is a little more excited, but she has not forgotten her mission.

Blessing is different from God’s descent. God’s descent is a request to use the power of the **** of light, while blessing is more based on the power of the blessing.

Therefore, the number of blessings and the quality of blessings depend entirely on the person who blessed them.

The junior priest can only bless one or two people at a time, but the saintess basically blesses about ten thousand people each time. As for Sylvia… she directly doubled it tenfold.

Of course, it’s not that she is trying to be brave, but that she has enough confidence in herself!

Groups of dazzling golden butterflies flew out of Sylvia’s body and those beams of light in groups, and then spread out around this center.

These butterflies fluttered their light wings and seemed to be flying casually. This beautiful and bizarre scene made everyone murmur.

“This, what is this?”

Seeing a golden butterfly resting on the tip of his nose, the eyes of a little noble instantly became cross-eyed.

But no one noticed the somewhat hilarious scene because they also had a butterfly on the tip of their nose.

Among them, there are many people who have received blessings above the bishop level, but they have never encountered such a scene.

Don’t you usually just put your hands on your head and just pray a few words?

Is the blessing of the Holy Maiden different?

As some people who have experienced the blessing of the Holy Mother said, no, it is the first time they have encountered this situation.

The Dark Pope played with the butterfly in his hand, “Cyril, I’m a little jealous of you.”

With such precise power control and enormous power of light, if he could devote himself to the darkness… Darnell even felt that he could offer himself a pillow for the great cause!

Cyril did not show a complacent look, but also responded to Darnell’s words, “God bless me bright.”

The implication is that God gave it, you should be envious and jealous.

The Dragon Emperor has no interest in this kind of gadget, so he grabbed the butterfly’s wings wickedly. The thing that was originally composed of pure light power seemed to have a substance at the moment, “Little girl’s stuff, boring.”

It seems like a random rant, but the Dragon Emperor has at least 50% of his attention on the Elf King, secretly observing his reaction, only to see that he is only looking at the butterfly on his fingertips, and has no other expressions.

The Dragon Emperor’s intuition told him that there was something tricky here, but he couldn’t say anything about it. First, no one would believe it. Second, if the Elf King really had that strength, it might not be difficult to overthrow the Dragon Clan. He could only tell himself. do not know anything.

The “elf king” who heard the Dragon Emperor’s thoughts clearly, laughed in his heart, he was really an old fox, but he was too lazy to do anything, so let that guy struggle.

He gently raised his right hand, the butterfly on his fingertip trembled slightly, and circled the jade-like fingertip twice, looking a little more spiritual than other butterflies.

Seeing this, the Elf King blinked quickly, and the butterfly disappeared from his fingertips.

At the same time, Sylvia also raised her hands, a ball of light appeared, and slowly detached from her hand, and it also grew a little bit larger as it rose.

And all the butterflies on the scene also trembled with their tentacles when everyone’s eyes were drawn away, and then flew up.



The butterfly quickly sank into everyone’s eyebrows.

The ball of light burst, and a colorful beam burst into the sky, dyeing the sky into beautiful colors.

This splendid spectacle was deeply imprinted in everyone’s heart at this moment, and I believe they will not forget it many years later.

“Me, my eyes?”

“God, I feel like I’ve never had the spirit before…”

“This… this, what’s going on?”

After recovering from the spectacle, people quickly discovered the changes in their bodies. For example, people who had blurred vision in the past suddenly saw their lover’s face clearly, and the waist that was uncomfortable because of long-term labor seemed to return to when they were young. .

This is the power of blessing.

Brightness is the best healing power, and each butterfly of Sylvia has the power equivalent to a single healing of an intermediate priest, which naturally has a significant effect on some minor problems.

Especially those commoners and poor people, they may never go to a junior pastor once in their life, and many minor illnesses depend on it.

This time, Sylvia really made her popularity peak in an instant.

“Look at the idol!”

The matter was not over, someone shouted, and the statue in front of Sylvia shrank rapidly until it changed into a normal human shape, and the statue moved.

He seemed to be infused with his soul. Although his face was still unclear, it did not hinder his movements. I saw him raise the staff in his hand, and a golden light descended from the sky.

When the golden light dissipated, a simple yet delicate necklace was revealed.

The necklace erupted with a strong golden light, and Sylvia and the others were defeated by the light, and they all closed their eyes tightly.

When the light dissipated and everyone slowly opened their eyes, the sharp-eyed found that there was a necklace around Sylvia’s neck, and the statue of the **** of light returned to its original appearance.

The breeze was blowing, and everything seemed to be an illusion.

“God bestows… a divine weapon.”

The rare tacit understanding between Cyril and Darnell made them say these four words almost simultaneously.

Like the Church of Light, the Church of Darkness also has several artifacts bestowed by the God of Darkness, but those are also things given to the first generation at the beginning of the church’s founding.

Since then, God has never given any artifact.

In the face of all kinds of admiration, shock, jealousy, etc., Sylvia touched her neck involuntarily.

When she just closed her eyes, she seemed to feel that someone helped her put on the necklace.

God of Light? Open, just kidding.

[Main quest: Become a saint, completion degree 100/200, reward artifact: Chain of Heart]

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