The Holy Maiden of Light Wants To Change Jobs

Chapter 42

After becoming a saint, life seems to be the same as before. His Holiness the Pope’s plan is still in preparation, and because the ceremony is too successful, the entire Church of Light is in a state of high passion.

The Pope has received many visits from kings and patriarchs in the past few days.

Sylvia, who was temporarily the “mascot”, was left empty. First, to continue to improve her mystery, and secondly, after the ceremony, Sylvia said that she had “a little loss of strength” and needed to rest for a few days.

This reason is very valid. After all, the power of light required for blessing that day is indeed a terrifying figure. If Sylvia can persevere completely, it must have spent most of her energy.

As for the real facts, probably only Sylvia herself knows.

But Sylvia was worrying about another thing now.

After she became a saint, she had greater rights and could read more information books, but… the first rule in the quality of life: eating, declined in a straight line.

After watching the delivery maid leave, Sylvia instantly turned into a bitter look and stared at her breakfast in front of her.

Colorless and odorless, the water in this small bottle was collected by ten maids collecting the first drop of dew on the petals in the morning.

There is also a pure white and holy snow lotus cultivated from holy water.

That’s right, this is Sylvia’s breakfast, exclusive to the Holy Maiden, and ordinary people are not qualified to touch it.

This seems to be a very healthy meal. If it was just breakfast, Sylvia would endure it, but, unfortunately, lunch is a copy and paste of this meal.

As for dinner, oh, sorry, the Holy Maiden didn’t have dinner, so don’t even think about snacks and afternoon tea.

It is said that all the saints eat these, and the reason is very high-sounding, in order to keep the pure mind and body of the saints.

Sylvia: “…hehe.”

If it weren’t for the powerful power of light in the saint’s body, and her body was strengthened, you can only get a pure corpse with this feeding method!

I really think that everyone is a dragon girl, and they don’t eat human fireworks.

And there is another thing that is very difficult for Sylvia to accept, she has lost the qualification to sleep in!

It is required that the saint be the first to pray in the day, that is, when the first ray of sunlight rises and shines on the statue in the morning, Sylvia has to kneel there and pray sincerely before that.

This time, because of the particularity of the Holy Land’s environment, is relatively constant throughout the year, almost at around five o’clock.

Five o’clock!

When Sylvia thought about how long it would take to live like this, she felt hopeless in her life.

“So you have to hurry up and clear the game!”

Rainey’s demonic voice resounded in Sylvia’s ears again, “But your recent progress has been good, and the sand can barely cover the bottom.”

After waking up in An An two days ago and having the ability to enter and leave the Holy Land freely, Sylvia asked him to go out and send a few messages.

Some things buried before that can slowly emerge, such as the name of God of Technology, which has been spread among the poor and the common people in a small range.

This **** with a strange name advocates making people live a happier life, and some of the things flowing out of his followers have indeed brought them a lot of help, and the price is also cheap.

Therefore, in just a few days, there were many more believers, but unfortunately it was only at the bottom of a bottle.

But this is just the beginning, Sylvia has enough patience for this protracted battle, just facing a certain god… Her patience has obviously dropped by several grades.

I saw that Sylvia didn’t pay attention to Lan Yinlai first, but drank the dew in one gulp, then picked up two snow lotus petals and put it in her mouth and started chewing, as if chewing Lan Yinlai, “Thank you for the compliment.”

It was a perfunctory answer, which caused Lan Yinlai, who was sitting on the throne, to raise his eyebrows slightly, “Since the Holy Maiden of Light is so miserable, you can consider becoming the Holy Maiden of the Church of Darkness.”

“Their saintess have no taboos, just be happy.”

Swallowing the petals with a faint fragrance, Sylvia replied blankly, “Then why don’t you consider becoming a participant in the game instead of a bystander, it’s more fun, isn’t it?”

Sylvia now doesn’t believe that Lan Yinlai is trapped in a certain place or has amnesia about his situation. He has exposed too much, and he probably didn’t want to hide it at all.

Combining some things, Sylvia’s guess about Lan Yinlai was due to some reasons, such as being too bad in character and being excluded from other gods, so he could only be alone and try his best to find fun as a poor stay-at-home god.

Lan Yinlai didn’t answer Sylvia immediately, and fell into a strange silence. She didn’t mind. After eating all the petals with difficulty, Sylvia was going to read some books.

Her free time is also limited, at least she must familiarize herself with some necessary things first, so as not to make jokes at that time.

In an empty temple.

Lan Yinlai sat on the throne in a sloppy posture, with one hand supporting his slightly tilted head, his eyes were ethereal, and when he saw his thoughts, he didn’t know where he went.

In front of Lan Yinlai, there are dozens of “projection screens” showing “interesting” stories from all corners of the continent.

Rinley relied on these to pass the time on weekdays.

But since Sylvia’s appearance, she’s made up a significant percentage of those screens, and Rainle finds Sylvia a lot more interesting than those repetitive and boring stories.

So he also likes to chat with Sylvia, doesn’t mind giving her some rewards at the right time, and even reads less of that “book”.

“Participate in the game…”

Lan Yinlai murmured, he participated, just like the Elf Orchid, but he understood that it was not the same as the participation in Sylvia’s mouth. He participated in the game with the mentality of God, and there would definitely not be many comprehension.

As Lan Yinlai knows, the goddess of love likes to seal herself and then go to the mortal world to experience all kinds of joys and sorrows. For this reason, many books have been published and sold in the mortal world.

But his words…

Lan Yinlai changed his hands and turned his head to the other side. He didn’t realize that he was paying more and more attention to some of Sylvia’s casual remarks, so… he didn’t know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Sylvia, who had been left alone for a few days, finally waited for the time when the Pope was free. She did not hesitate to put down her work and came to the tower where the Pope was.

“Are you going to Chaos City?”

The Pope, who heard Sylvia’s intention, was obviously a little surprised, “Give me a reason.”

Sylvia was very calm, “If we take the City of Chaos, we can launch an attack on the Church of Darkness almost immediately.”

The Pope was silent for a moment, and Sylvia’s words were of course true. If the people of Chaos City could fall into the arms of the God of Light, then they would instantly have the strength to fight.

However, as a force that has stood for nearly three thousand years, how can it disappear with a single word from Sylvia.

“You are in a hurry.”

The Pope disapproved of saying this sentence, “It’s easy to fall into misunderstandings in a hurry to succeed.”

In his opinion, Sylvia wanted to show it after she became a saint, and she was still a child, with some naive and naive thoughts.

“For the future plan, I already have an arrangement in my mind. You will still focus on improving your strength in the past two years.”

Because of Beatrice’s sudden betrayal and Sylvia’s sudden rise to power, the Pope’s original plan was bound to be disrupted, but it was also beneficial. These days, after he made some revisions, he found that the time could still be moved forward.

If the plan goes smoothly, within a hundred years, the Church of Light will definitely annex the Church of Darkness and become the No. 1 religion in the mainland.

When it falls, everyone can live in the light of happiness.

That’s why he told Sylvia not to worry, she, the saintess, accounted for a large proportion of the plan.

Unexpectedly, Sylvia, who was rejected, shook her head and said seriously, “Why don’t you listen to my thoughts first.”

“I know my own strength. I have recently reached a bottleneck period, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to improve much if I stay in the Holy Land.”

“And my various experiences are quite lacking to be honest. There are some things that you can’t understand just by talking and seeing, don’t you think?”

The Pope nodded, which made some sense.

“The reason why I chose Chaos City is because it’s chaotic enough, and I didn’t want to recover it all at once.”

“I just want to get to know it myself first, and I also have a plan later.”

Sylvia’s thinking is very clear, and it can be seen that it is not a whim or an impulsive act. The Pope feels that he has just been too arbitrary, so he did not interrupt, but continued to listen to Sylvia tell her thoughts.

The City of Chaos, as the name suggests, is a place where three religions and nine streams and various races gather.

It is even more chaotic than the dark church. After all, the people of the dark church at least have faith and are bound by the church.

But most of the guys in Chaos City are lawless and unbelieving people. Even if there are a small number of them, they cannot live for various reasons and fled to Chaos City.

If it hadn’t been easy for them to leave the city, these people would definitely cause huge losses to this continent.

The city lord who restrained this group of people and gave them a place to live is unknown in appearance, age, race, etc., but his strength is recognized, otherwise he would not be able to keep such a small piece of land.

Sylvia’s plan was to go into the city incognito to investigate the situation first, and increase her strength and knowledge by the way.

On the other hand, the Church of Light said that she was in seclusion and practiced, and it was not a problem to practice for a year or two. Besides, the Pope was still there, so there was no major problem.

As Sylvia smoothly finished what she wanted to say, the room fell into silence.

The Pope looked at Sylvia without saying a word, observing her expression, Sylvia didn’t feel guilty, this was her true thought.

At most, they concealed some small “private matters”.

“You go back first, I will tell you after I think about it.”

The Pope did not immediately agree to Sylvia. After all, the saint’s departure from the Holy Land was actually a big deal. In addition to Sylvia’s own particularity, the Pope had to consider more.

Sylvia didn’t bother any more after hearing this, but went back to the room and looked at something she needed to know with peace of mind.

Three days later, she received a summons from the Pope.

“I can let you go and help you hide from the others, but, Sylvia.”

The Pope put his hands behind his back and looked into the distance, “You need to give me a promise.”

The specific promise, this is probably only known to Sylvia and the Pope, or to add a boring god.

In short, after coming out of the high tower where the Pope was that day, Sylvia silently began to pack up.

This time, she will go to the chaotic city with Ann, without anyone else, even Bennett, and both of them will do some disguise.

For a period of one year.

A year later, no matter what the reason, she must return to the Holy Land, and if there is an urgent call in the middle, Sylvia must also return.

Chaos City…

Sylvia puts in the last thing, which will also be an important part of her plan.

Hope, everything goes well next time!

[Get Faith Value +41065, which is automatically converted into Light Value +4106. 】

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