The host, she is becoming beautiful every day

Chapter 22 Overbearing President's Substitute Ex-wife (22)

Chapter 22 Overbearing President's Substitute Ex-wife (22)

Borrowing a slap into a real slap? !

Shen Xi'er's public revenge is too obvious, isn't it?

As soon as she finished speaking, the atmosphere in the studio suddenly became tense.


The director frowned. In fact, among the dedicated old actors, there are not a few who are willing to slap in the face, but the common problem of young actors is that they love beauty and are coquettish. What's more, Su Qinghuan and Shen Xier have old grievances, Su Qinghuan may not be able to willing.

"Qing Huan, what do you think?"

Director Zhao simply threw this hot potato to Su Qinghuan himself, hoping to see how the actress would respond.

The staff made a boring cut, expecting that Su Qinghuan would definitely not agree.

However, at this moment, a female voice blew past everyone's ears.

"Okay, for the drama to be exciting and beautiful, it is inevitable for the actors to make some sacrifices, and I have no objection."

Everyone looked at Su Qinghuan dumbfounded, and they saw Su Qinghuan standing beside the director in a dignified manner, with a much calmer expression than the melon-eating crowd like them.

There are still people in this world who take the initiative to slap their enemies?
Is Su Qinghuan crazy?

Even Shen Xi'er didn't expect Su Qinghuan to agree so readily, she snorted coldly.

"If Miss Su agrees, don't regret it. As an actor, you have to be cruel to yourself."

"You're right. I believe Miss Shen also has this spirit of sacrifice."

Su Qinghuan looked at her lightly with a smile, and nodded in agreement, but Shen Xi'er choked on all the lines she had prepared.

Shen Xi'er looked embarrassed and could only nod stiffly.


All the camera positions are ready, and the filming of the scene where Empress Nangong is thrown into limbo officially begins.

With a creak, the thick wooden door of the cold palace was pushed open, and layers of dust fell.

The heroine has been conferred the title of Concubine Wan, and she is staring at the slender figure by the window sill with extreme arrogance.

"Queen, you never thought you would have today, right? Your Majesty has issued an order to confiscate your Nangong family!"

The woman in the white prison uniform in the corner turned around in a daze, with a stunned expression, as if she had been stimulated too much and had become a lunatic.

"What did you say?"

The woman in white stared blankly at the air, a line of tears slipped down the corner of her lips, even in such a mess, she was still shockingly beautiful.

Seeing Su Qinghuan's pretty face, Shen Xi'er, jealous, grabbed the chin that was more delicate than Baiyu.

"Don't you understand? The once noble Nangong family will live worse than a dog in the future!"

She was already very angry, so she slapped Su Qinghuan's face suddenly with the help of the script. The crisp sound of the slap almost made people wonder whether Shen Xi'er had used ten percent of her strength.

Soon, a clear slap print appeared on one side of Su Qinghuan's face, causing burning pain.


Su Qinghuan scolded Shen Xi'er ten thousand times in her heart, but she still kept an expression on her face, covering her face in disbelief, tears streaming down her face, but her voice was insane.

"No, I don't believe it, I want to see His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty personally promised that I would give the Nangong family a lifetime of honor and favor. I am his favorite queen, His Majesty's ninety-five-year honor. I will not lie to me, he will not..."

"Oh, I thought you were the queen appointed by His Majesty?"

"Nangong Ruoxue, let me tell you, you have already lost completely! This three-foot white silk is given to you by His Majesty!"

Shen Xi'er felt good after that slap, and suddenly slapped Su Qinghuan left and right, taking advantage of the angle that the main camera couldn't capture, and each slapped again!

The palm prints on Su Qinghuan's face became more and more bright red, and Shen Xier's attack was shocking.

Now even the staff who watched the play were outraged, the original script only slapped once, Shen Xi'er came here one after another, isn't it too much? !
A staff member nuzzled at the director uneasily and whispered.

"Director, isn't this a bit too much? Shen Xi'er added the scene without authorization, why don't you call the card first?"

Director Zhao is a maverick, he only cares about the effect of the dramatic performance. He saw that Su Qinghuan was doing well, so he shook his head and gave Shen Xi'er a gesture to continue.

With the support of the director, Shen Xi'er was even more unscrupulous, using the script to vent her resentment.

"Let me tell you, you have followed His Majesty for so many years without a son or a daughter, do you know why?"

"Since you were the concubine of the palace, your first child was aborted. It was His Majesty's handwriting. Who made you the daughter of the Nangong family?! His Majesty guarded you and put red flowers in your diet. You It is impossible to have children in this life!"

"Your proud father and elder brother died or were exiled into the army, and the female relatives were directly sold into official prostitutes. How do you think your fate will be better?!"

Before the words were finished, Shen Xi'er slapped Su Qinghuan's face again, and many staff couldn't bear to watch.

And the filming continued.

Su Qinghuan's face was almost in pain, her dark pupils stared straight at Shen Xi'er, there was hatred, despair, and numbness in those eyes, which made Shen Xi'er inexplicably terrified.

But in the end, Su Qinghuan laughed.

The woman in a plain white prison uniform staggered back two steps, it was an extremely sad smile, like a cuckoo crying blood, piercing the heart.

"Brother Hong, you have deceived Jiaojiao so miserably."

The voice changed from strong to weak, and in the end, it was almost like a spring.

The sadness in it, anyone who hears it will cry...

During the spring tour that year, apricot blossoms were blowing all over her head. The boy in bright yellow clothes picked an apricot flower and put it on the girl's hair bun. jiaoer.

——In my life, I don't want to rule the world, I just want to be a happy prince, and Jiaojiao will be a couple for the rest of my life, and I will never look at the women next to me.

But who knew that the young man lied to her, just to coax the prime minister to side with him, the unfavored seventh prince, and play around with the young prime minister's concubine daughter.

The young man's heart was as cold as iron. After seeking the throne, he took in one concubine after another. How could he remember the promise he made to the young girl to be a couple for a lifetime?


Su Qinghuan's smile was so amazing and sad that even Shen Xi'er was shocked in place.

It wasn't until Su Qinghuan threw the plate containing the white silk beside her that Shen Xi'er came back to her senses. She fell to the ground with a total loss of posture, a large piece of skin was broken on her knee, and she grinned in pain.

"what are you doing?"

This is a plot that is not in the script.

Su Qinghuan glanced at her indifferently, even though she was dressed in plain white prison uniform, it seemed that the queen who was the mother of the world had returned, and Shen Xi'er unconsciously took half a step back.

"How can the Nangong family's daughter admit defeat so easily?"

Su Qinghuan burst into tears and bumped his head against the red pillar.

The blood, like a flower, stung everyone's eyes.

There was no sound, and it was a deathly silence for a long time.

That kind of shock made everyone breathless...

(End of this chapter)

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