The Humble Family’s Daughter Has A Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Chapter 10, Meeting Obstacles_1

Translator: 549690339 

Two days later, Daohua and her group entered the territory of Zhongzhou Prefecture.

Daohua had originally thought that, upon entering Zhongzhou Prefecture, the journey would become smoother. However, to her surprise, the number of refugees on the road only seemed to be increasing.

“Why are there more and more refugees?”

Xiao Yeyang snorted coldly, “What other reason could there be? It’s definitely because the local officials are neglecting their duties, merely warming their seats without doing any work.”

Daohua glanced at him and didn’t speak, but she largely agreed with him in her heart.

The common folk were suffering; if not due to the officials’ inaction, then what?

However, Yan Wentao wasn’t pleased, “You can’t tar everyone with the same brush, many officials are actually quite good.”

Old Madam Yan nodded in agreement, “That’s right, young Xiao, you haven’t conducted any field investigations. You shouldn’t speak so carelessly without knowing the facts.”

Daohua knew that her grandmother and third brother were speaking up for her father, who was a Seventh-rank County Magistrate. After some thought, she diverted the topic, “Brother Xiaoliu came by earlier and told me that upon entering the city, the Escort Bureau intends to part ways with us.”

Old Madam Yan frowned slightly, “There’s still a considerable distance from Zhongzhou Prefecture to Linyi County…” With their group comprising both old and young, traveling alone could prove to be unsafe.

Daohua, too, was worried about safety on the road and thus suggested, “Grandmother, how about this, once we enter the city, we don’t leave right away. Instead, we can write to Linyi County and ask Father to send someone to pick us up.”

All along the way, robberies and even murders committed by the refugees were not unheard of. For the sake of safety, it was best to remain cautious.

Old Madam Yan nodded, “That’s a good idea, let’s do it this way.”

Daohua then turned to Xiao Yeyang and Zhao Ergou, “We will be reaching the city soon. Do you two have any plans?”

Upon hearing this, both men pursed their lips in silence.

Xiao Yeyang had a way out. He could go directly to the Governor’s Office. If the people there knew of his identity, they would certainly send him back to Beijing respectfully.

But by doing so, his story of being trafficked by slave traders would be impossible to conceal. If those in Beijing found out, he would be hugely embarrassed.

As for Zhao Ergou, he simply didn’t know what to do. He had been sold by his family and even if he returned, he was destined to be sent off as a child groom.

Seeing them like this, Old Madam Yan’s heart softened, and she sighed deeply, “Let’s get into the city first, then we can figure things out.”

With grandmother having spoken, Daohua didn’t ask any further questions.

As noon approached, Qin Xiaoliu of the Escort Bureau suddenly arrived at the Daohua family’s carriage in a rush.

“Brother Xiaoliu, why have you come? Are we about to enter the city?” Daohua asked with a smile.

During this journey away from home, Old Madam Yan had prepared a lot of food, and they had been taking some over to the Escort Bureau. This gave them the chance to become quickly acquainted with Qin Xiaoliu.

Qin Xiaoliu shook his head, his expression somewhat serious, “I’m afraid we won’t be able to enter the city today.”

Daohua was taken aback, “Has something happened again?”

Qin Xiaoliu shared the news he had gathered from the Escort Bureau, “Last year, several provinces in the north suffered from severe drought. Zhongzhou Prefecture, being close to the Dayuan River, was not as badly affected. This led to a huge influx of refugees moving this way.”

“With the increase in refugees, trouble was inevitable. The road leading to the city, a crucial passageway, has been occupied by a group of refugees for the past few days. The Government Office is trying to find a solution, but no one knows when the issue will be resolved.”

Old Madam Yan grew anxious and slapped her thigh sharply, “What in the world is going on!”

Daohua, holding Old Madam Yan’s arm, tried to console her while looking at Qin Xiaoliu, “Brother Xiaoliu, what does the Escort Bureau plan to do?”

Her question led Old Madam Yan and everyone else to turn their attention to Qin Xiaoliu.

Qin Xiaoliu’s face bore a look of apology, “We have a timeline to deliver the escorted goods, and the foreman said we might take a detour through the city, due to a length of mountain road we’ll have to take. This might mean… we can’t continue to escort you any further.”

What Qin Wu actually said was: Their group, with its elderly and children, traveled too slow. The mountain roads were difficult, and by bringing them along, they probably wouldn’t be able to deliver the goods on time. If an accident occurred en route, they would also have to allocate manpower to protect them, significantly increasing everyone’s burden.

Upon hearing this, Madam Yan and the elders’ looks immediately darkened.

Daohua and Xiao Yeyang also lowered their heads.

Wentao and Zhao Ergou exchanged glances.

Everyone was heavily burdened, knowing that without the protection of the Escort Bureau, they would not get far on their own before likely being robbed.

Losing money was still acceptable, but if they encountered someone ruthless, it might cost them their lives.

Seeing them like this, Xiaoliu’s expression of apology deepened, “Madam, I am sorry.”

Madam Yan managed a faint smile, “There’s no need to apologize. You’ve escorted us this far, and for that, I am already grateful. The Escort Bureau relies on escorting and delivering goods to make a living, and you cannot afford to delay. What you have done is only right.”

As she spoke, she glanced at the elder.

Understanding the cue, the elder immediately took out a packet of dried meat from the carriage.

Madam Yan handed the dried meat to Xiaoliu, “It’s a small token of appreciation from an old woman. Thank you for taking care of us during this time.”

Xiaoliu repeatedly waved his hands, feeling increasingly uncomfortable, “There’s no need, we’ve already eaten plenty.”

Madam Yan feigned displeasure, “What, you look down on what an old woman has to offer?” And with that, she stuffed the dried meat into Xiaoliu’s hands.

Grasping the dried meat, Xiaoliu left with frequent backward glances.

No sooner had he left than Madam Yan fiercely pounded her thigh, “It’s all this old woman’s fault for acting rashly without a cause, insisting on traveling alone. Now look what’s happened, we’ve been trapped on the road.”

“Grandmother, what are you doing!” Daohua and Wentao rushed over simultaneously, one on each side, holding Madam Yan’s hands.

With a face filled with remorse, Madam Yan looked at her granddaughter and grandson, “If it weren’t for your grandmother’s insistence on separating from your third uncle, we wouldn’t have encountered such trouble.”

Daohua took Madam Yan’s hand, “Blame me if you must, grandmother. If I hadn’t wished for us to gain some experience, you would never need to suffer like this.”

Wentao didn’t know what to say and could only nod along, “That’s right, that’s right.”

Madam Yan sighed, “What shall we do now?”

Daohua furrowed her brows and looked around. The Escort Bureau’s people were still packing up and had not left yet. The nearby refugees didn’t dare to come closer, but once the Escort Bureau’s people were gone, who knew what would await them.

After thinking for a while, Daohua quickly jumped down from the carriage, “Grandmother, wait here for me.” And with that, she ran off towards Xiaoliu.

“Brother Xiaoliu!”

Seeing Daohua approaching, Xiaoliu immediately set down what he was holding, “Daohua, what is it?”

Daohua took hold of Xiaoliu and whispered, “Brother Xiaoliu, could you help us get a few sets of clothes that refugees wear?”

Xiaoliu glanced at Xiao Wu, who was currently watching them.

Knowing that Xiao Wu was the one in charge of the Escort Bureau, Daohua immediately brought out a bottle of hemostatic medicine, “I’ll pay you.”

Xiao Wu glanced at Daohua, “Keep it. It’s just some clothes. Xiaoliu will bring them to you later.”

Hearing this, Daohua’s face lit up with joy, “Thank you, Uncle Xiao Wu.” Saying so, she placed the hemostatic medicine in Xiaoliu’s hand and then ran off.

As Xiaoliu held the hemostatic medicine, he looked at Xiao Wu, “Brother Wu, what should we do?”

Xiao Wu glared at him, “What are you waiting for? Go get the clothes, and remember, they need to be so dirty and tattered that even a thief wouldn’t want to bother with them.”


Xiaoliu ran off, and Xiao Wu frowned, touching his face while muttering to himself, “Xiaoliu is the brother, so why do I suddenly become Uncle Xiao Wu in their eyes?” It seemed he had been promoted a generation just like that.

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