The Humble Spare Tire is Set After the Car Rolls Over

Chapter 188

Chapter 192: Extra (Three)

Things went much smoother than Tanlie imagined.

He didn’t expect that Chao Ci would really agree, because he understood Chao Ci’s heart defense better than anyone else. It was a high wall that others couldn’t cross, and Chao Ci himself couldn’t get out of it.

No one can get unimpeded in front of this wall, including Zhao Yi.

In his previous life, Tan Lie made such a mistake. He thought that Zhao Yi was the only person who could walk into the heart of Chao Ci, and the only person who could cure Chao Ci. Therefore, even though his heart was full of jealousy and reluctance, he still chose to leave, taking it for granted that this would make Chao Ci happy. Later, he stood in the yard, squatting on the ground and staring at the tombstone surrounded by wisteria, as if he finally wanted to pass.

No one can be his salvation for granted.

Zhao Yi took him out of the situation where he was bullied by others and had problems with food and clothing. But despite this, Chao Ci’s childhood is still far from being a good one. His mother gave birth to him and died of dystocia. His extremely selfish father and mean stepmother would not bring him any kind of affection, only harshness and chills. Zhao Yi is Chaoci’s only friend, but when facing this friend, even if he looks very comfortable, he is actually cautious, lest Zhao Yi leave him. As for the friends around Zhao Yi, their relationship with Chao Ci is only the result of Chao Ci’s painstaking efforts.

The insecurities suffered in childhood can affect a person’s life, and it takes a lifetime to make up for it. And Chaoci is even more so, because his childhood never gave him any sense of security, and it was the same when he met Zhao Yi and after meeting him.

Zhao Yi may be really important to him, but not everything can be cured by getting Zhao Yi. Even his love for Zhao Yi may be just a twisted sustenance, not necessarily true love for Zhao Yi. So when he was with Zhao Yi, he was always in self-doubt and denial—he might never have thought that he could really be with Zhao Yi before.

His crisis was never because Zhao Yi didn’t love him, but because of his never-ending insecurity and self-denial.

Therefore, if you want to really help him and heal him, you can only really care about him and keep putting in care and patience. This kind of investment is not even endless, it is a very stupid and stupid way, but it is the only way, and Tan Lie is also very happy.

Therefore, Tan Lie had already prepared for a long-term battle. He found that the attitude of Chao Ci had loosened a lot, and he was very happy about it. Not only for the change of Chao Ci’s attitude towards him, but also for the Chao Ci itself. As long as he can walk out of the haze with Chao Ci, it doesn’t matter if Chao Ci can’t see that the hands supporting him are from Tanlie.

Tan Lie confessed to Chao Ci, but he never thought that Chao Ci would really agree. He just wanted to make a statement, and then he could change the way he got along with Chao Ci. After all, if Chao Ci has always regarded him as a friend, this dull child may never realize his emotions.

But Chao Ci agreed.

Even if he raised his face stinky, he said to Tan Lie arrogantly: “Let’s talk about it first, just give it a try. You are not allowed to control me, and you have to make me happy!”

Tan Lie laughed: “Are you giving me an internship? I have to work without a salary, and I have to fulfill my boyfriend’s obligations without a boyfriend.”

“Then do you like it or not.” Chao Ci was displeased by what he said and turned his face away.

“Why don’t you dare?” Tan Lie smiled and walked over, holding his shoulders and turning his face, “I don’t know how to take such a big benefit on my head, I’m a fool?”

Everyone could hear the meaning behind this, and Chao Ci couldn’t help but let out a smile.

Even if it is such an unreasonable condition, in Tan Lie’s view, it is a big advantage.

Thus began the “trial period” of Tan Lie and his little boyfriend.

Let’s talk about Zhao Yi.

It’s been a rough few months for him. In the past, Chao Ci got along with him day and night, inseparable, but not long after Tan Lie came, Chao Ci did not say anything, and he was inseparable. Apart from the time in the dormitory, he didn’t even have time to talk to him.

He could feel that Chao Ci was avoiding him vaguely, and this feeling had a faint omen after he and Nan Xiaojin were together, but Zhao Yi didn’t notice it at the time. When such a situation became extremely obvious, he carefully traced it before realizing it.

Even if Zhao Yi went to get along with Chao Ci interestingly, Chao Ci avoided him by himself, and that **** Tan Lie clinged to him every day and ran with him everywhere. Getting along is a matter of two people. One person doesn’t mean it, and no matter how deliberate the other person is, it will be difficult for them to get along.

Zhao Yi was in a panic several times in his heart, and he almost couldn’t help but want to go directly to Chao Ci to make it clear. But there’s always a bit of **** sanity that stops him: make it clear? what to say?

Could it be that Chao Ci stays with Tan Lie every day, is he jealous?

Even if these hidden feelings are put into the friendship of girls, it is difficult to tell them, let alone boys who are always self-proclaimed carefree. Everyone gets along with each other, and no one will care about these things like him.

So he couldn’t speak. I can only see that the relationship between Chao Ci and Tan Lie is getting closer and closer, and even Chao Ci followed Tan Lie back to Country D during the holidays. You must know that Chao Ci’s previous vacations followed Zhao Yi.

When the semester started, and when he found out that the math teacher was not Tan Lie, Zhao Yi was almost uncontrollably relaxed and happy.

He has also investigated Tan Lie in the past few months. In fact, there is no need to investigate much. It is not a trivial matter for the successor of the Davis family to come to China. You can find out by asking a little.

How could such a rich boy suddenly come to their school to be a teacher? Thinking that Chao Ci said that he and Tan Lie had known each other for a few years on the Internet, then this guy was only here for Chao Ci. He still has such a big company, how long can he really stay here?

Sure enough, he left.

Zhao Yi couldn’t help but be overjoyed, and even Nan Xiaojin and Lin Yanchen sent him a message saying that it was rare for everyone to get together at the beginning of the school, and they were thrown into his ears. After school, he went to Chaoci’s seat and asked him, “Can you stay at my house for one night tonight? You haven’t been here for a whole vacation, and my mother is still talking about you.”

“Today, Auntie Lin also made your favorite fish head tofu soup.”

He stood beside the seat of Chao Ci, tall and big, and even if the sun was not dim before the evening, he was instantly blocked for most of it.

He didn’t even bring many questions when he asked this sentence, because he hardly thought that the court speech would refuse.

But Chaoci frowned and said embarrassingly, “I’m sorry, I already made an appointment with someone tonight…”

He was with Tan Lie only yesterday, and as a newly released “trial period” couple, of course it was impossible to be left out in the first place. Tan Lie is no longer a teacher at their school, so he pays more attention to brushing his face in front of Chao Ci, and he has to take Chao Ci to visit the aquarium at night.

Chao Ci has never visited the aquarium.

This kind of sticky place is not within the scope of choice for boys to travel. When I was a child, I was taken by my parents to play a few times. When I grow up and can choose where to play, I will not go there again. Talk about boring places – unless you have a girlfriend.

Chao Ci didn’t think this place was boring. In fact, when he was a child, he saw that all the classmates around him were taken to the aquarium by his parents. He still had some extremely hidden yearning for the aquarium in his heart. But he has always been accustomed to closing himself up. Even if he goes to the aquarium alone, it is not troublesome and will not have any bad effects, but he has never gone.

And this morning, when Tanlie sent a message to tell him that he had bought the tickets for the aquarium built in City B two months ago, he said with disgust, “Why do you always like to go to places like this for little girls”. On the other hand, I couldn’t help but be excited.

Hearing Chao Ci’s rejection, Zhao Yi’s expression turned cold almost instantly.

“With whom? Tanlie?” he asked.

“Yeah.” Chao Ci didn’t feel anything, and nodded naturally.

Zhao Yi was about to say something, but the last words came to his mouth, but were swallowed.

Chao Ci was unaware of Zhao Yi’s thoughts. With a straight face and a smile at the end of his eyes, he went to the aquarium with Tan Lie for one night. Tan Lie also brought out a DSLR. He has always been a master in photography. Even if Chao Ci didn’t come out to play, he still likes to take pictures, so he took a lot of pictures tonight.

Taking pictures with chubby penguins, looking at the camera in a long tunnel, dodging overwhelmed with a cone… these are all captured on film.

It was a little late, and Chao Ci simply slept in a residence that Chao’s family had bought for him.

When Chao Ci fell asleep that night, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. When he went to school in the morning, he saw Tan Lie’s car waiting at the door early.

Chao Ci was wondering why this guy came again early in the morning, when he saw a small kraft paper bag in his hand. Chao Ci shuddered, and opened a pair of peach blossom eyes: “What?”

“The photo I took yesterday has been washed out.” Tan Lie said, patted the steering wheel, “Sit up, I’ll take you there, just to give your driver a rest.”

Chao Ci didn’t hesitate too much, greeted the driver and sat in the co-pilot. When the car was driving, he couldn’t help but take apart the paper bag, took out the photos inside, and put them on his knees one by one.

Really nice looking.

Background, light and shadow, composition, and the smiles of the two.

If it is not necessary, Chao Ci will rarely post in the circle of friends. Come to think of it, a person like him who is used to closing himself up, how could he like to use his circle of friends to share the joy of his life.

But today he couldn’t help but post these photos to his circle of friends.

There is no accompanying text, but for Chaoci’s rigid circle of friends, it is already unprecedented.

Zhao Yi posted to this circle of friends, staring at Chao Ci and Tan Lie with bright smiles, and his heart ached in an instant.

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