The Humble Spare Tire is Set After the Car Rolls Over

Chapter 191

Chapter 195: Extra (Complete)

For Chao Ci, life is unbelievably happy and relaxed every day. He didn’t feel how depressed and sad he was before, but when he was really happy and relaxed, when he looked back, he was afraid for a while that he was about to come to an end.

But for Tan Lie, the days were sweet and painful, and they endured until the end of the college entrance examination.

However, he said that on the day of Chaoci’s college entrance examination, Tan Lie was much more nervous than he was, and kept reciting all kinds of college entrance examination matters in Chaoci’s ear. Chaoci told him not to be nervous, he wiped his face and smiled and said that he was not nervous, and his hands were still sweating.

Chao Ci really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. It is reasonable to say that Tan Lie is from country D, and it is normal not to pay attention to the college entrance examination. As a result, he is even more nervous than the party involved in Chao Ci.

Chaojia originally wanted to send someone over, but was sent away by Chaoci. There is no point in sending a housekeeper secretary to wait outside the examination room.

Chao Ci was really not nervous at all, his mentality was surprisingly good, and he played well in a few games.

When it was all over, the two originally planned to have a good time, but it was only the next day after the college entrance examination, and the two of them decided where to play. The next day, Tan Lie was urgently recalled to country D by a phone call.

Of course, Tan Lie is not a vegetarian. He manages Shuhua in an orderly manner on the surface, and secretly develops a lot of power in country Z. Not only that, but most of the power of the family headquarters in country D is in his hands. . Neither of Tanlie’s parents is someone who loves power. Since Tanlie wants to be in power and has the ability, of course they won’t be stingy.

So the Davis family has ushered in a period of rapid development in the past year or so. It’s just that the market is always so big, and the industry that Tanlie entered some time ago still moved some people’s cakes. Now something has changed. Of course, as the principal, Tanlie can’t stay in a remote office all the time.

It was only seven o’clock in the morning when he received the notice, and it was rare for him to get up early. He hurriedly woke up Chao Ci, put a few kisses on the other party’s confused and sleepy eyes, asked Chao Ci a few words, and let the people around him stay to take care of Chao Ci, and then set foot on the plane.

Although the incident came suddenly, it did not cause much panic to Chao Ci. Because Tanlie sent a video to Chaoci not long after he arrived in country D at night, and then the two basically maintained two videos a day, a total of more than an hour. The further back, the longer the time, Tan Lie told Chao Ci that he should be able to rush back when Chao Ci filled out his wishes.

In fact, things are not so difficult. Tanlie thought of the possible risks and coping consequences when he formulated the plan. It’s just that in such a large industry, a little turbulence cannot be separated from the decision makers.

Although Chao Ci is out of class now, there are still some follow-up procedures in the school, and there is something going on at Chao’s house. In addition, Tan Lie is so busy going to D country that he will definitely not be able to take care of Chao Ci. Chao Ci stayed in a more familiar country. It’s only a matter of ten days.

In order to rush back before Chao Ci fills in his volunteers, Tan Lie packed his schedule. It’s just that when he finally finished his work, the night before he was going to go back, his mother called him, saying that Chao Ci was at home and asked him to go back quickly.

Tan Lie was surprised and delighted in his heart, and rushed home in a confused way, only to see Chao Ci sitting next to his mother, eating a mango cake made by his mother. His cheeks were stuffed up, and there was still a little bit of cream on his nose, while Tan Lie’s mother was sitting next to her with an expression overflowing with maternal love.

Tan Lie: “…”

Seeing him enter the door, his mother greeted him casually, and then looked down at Chaoci to eat cake. Chao Ci also wanted to say hello to Tan Lie, but there was too much cake in his mouth, so he couldn’t open his mouth for a while, so he could only swallow hard.

Tanlie strode over, took a few tissues from the table, walked over to Chao Ci, and wiped off the cream on his nose and lips.

“Why are you here? Didn’t I say I would go tomorrow?” He pinched Chaoci’s face, a little helpless and strange.

Chao Ci finally swallowed the cake. Tan Lie was afraid that he would choke and patted him on the back softly. Chao Ci grabbed his big hand and held it in his own.

“I’ll live here in the future, it’s useless for you to go back.” Chao Ci looked up at Tan Lie and said.

Tan Lie was obviously taken aback: “What do you mean?”

Chao Ci took out a stack of documents from behind him like a magic trick and handed it to Tan Lie, raised his face and said, “I applied for D and B University, and I have passed!”

Tan Lie turned over the information in his hand and was a little stunned.

You have to apply for B University at least one year in advance, and you have to prepare for the TestDaF exam. How long has this kid Chaoci been hiding from him?

He was surprised and happy for a while, and he was a little flustered for a while. He couldn’t help but pinched Chaoci’s face again: “When did you start doing this? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Chao Ci stuck out his tongue, but didn’t speak.

If he didn’t say it, Tan Lie could guess something. Chao Ci, this poor kid, has always been arrogant and arrogant, and it is normal to refuse to say it. Moreover, in his situation, studying abroad may not be a good choice, but to come to country D. If he told Tanlie in advance, Tanlie might not agree.

“You went here to study, what should you do at Chao’s house?” Tan Lie asked him.

After all, Chao Ci is not the righteous eldest young master of the Chao family. He went abroad to study for four years, did not brush his face and did not participate in the business of the Chao family. After four years, the Chao family may not be the Chao family. If nothing else, at least Zhang Yunru was absolutely reluctant to teach the Chao family to Chao Ci.

“Don’t go home.” Chao Ci said without any hesitation.

In fact, he did not come back with Tan Lie at the first time, but stayed in the country for a few days, just for this matter.

Hearing this, Tan Lie was silent for a long time before he said hoarsely: “Do you know what it means to inherit the Chao family?”

“I don’t know, money… A lot of money? It doesn’t matter.” Chao Ci shrugged, “This kind of thing is enough to spend. I want to be lazy and be a little white face. I’ll let you support me in the future.”

The young man looked up at Tan Lie, with pure trust and nostalgia in his clear eyes.

Tan Lie couldn’t hold back, and with red eyes he hugged Chao Ci into his arms: “Fool.”

Chao Ci just smiled and rubbed his shoulder.

Home, is it important?

In fact, Chao’s family, Zhao Yi, those people, those places… they were all very bright and beautiful, but they trapped Chao Ci in the same place, letting the torrent flow through his body little by little.

If he didn’t catch them, Chao Ci would be washed away by the torrent, but even if he was caught, he would just drink poison to quench his thirst and wait a little bit for the torrent to flow over his head.

Fortunately, before the desperate situation, someone pulled him onto the boat.

Tanlie’s mother loves to cook, but she rarely has the opportunity to do it.

But Chao Ci was really favored at Tan Lie’s house. As soon as Chao Ci came over, Tan Lie’s mother cooked a lot of dishes, and also made many new Chinese dishes. The family didn’t finish eating until 7 pm.

Chao Ci had been here before, and Tan Lie’s mother had packed a room for him. But today, Chao Ci didn’t plan to go to that room at all, and directly followed Tan Lie into Tan Lie’s room.

Tan Lie was also not surprised, and even helped Chao Ci pull out pajamas and toiletries from his suitcase. After Chao Ci finished washing, he also went in to wash it himself.

It’s just that he didn’t expect him to come out of the bathroom, and a fragrant and soft creature fell on his body, and he couldn’t get it off after sticking to him.

Tan Lie looked down and wanted to rip Chao Ci off of him: “Didn’t you have to wear socks and shoes when you go to the ground, why are you barefoot again?”

It’s just that Chao Ci didn’t listen to his ramble at all, and directly blocked his lips.

This is a rare intimacy between the two in this life. Before, they had kissed their cheeks and foreheads, and it was rare to have such a direct kiss.

Tan Lie’s expression was startled, and then the color of his green eyes gradually deepened. He pressed the back of Chao Ci’s head and deepened the kiss.

The two kissed unforgettable, and finally Chao Ci was pressed by Tan Lie on the bed and kissed on the shoulder. Chao Ci was a little breathless, but his hand reached into Tan Lie’s chest.

Seeing Tan Lie’s astonished look, he blinked: “Didn’t you say you want to look good after the college entrance examination?”


… This **** is not a man!

After a night of lingering death, at the dawn of dawn, Chao Ci approached Tan Lie’s ear and said:

“I’ll only be with you for twenty years, would you like it?”

After a long silence, the man on him sighed softly.

“I knew it.”

The inexplicable panic since rebirth was finally confirmed at this moment.

“It’s already fine, Chao Ci.”

“Thank you,”

Thank you still willing to give me a chance, thank you still willing to love me.

Twenty years…enough.

After Chao Ci finished the summer vacation of his freshman year, Zhao Yi also came to D country.

He broke up with Nan Xiaojin, and it took him a year to truly see his heart.

After so long, he was shocked to realize that not only did he love Chao Ci, but Chao Ci also loved him.

He came to country D to fight for a long time, and even applied for a leave of absence from the university he studied. After all, Chao Ci had loved him for so many years, and the feelings would not disappear so easily.

It’s just that when he left a year later, he finally understood that people’s hearts are not objects. In hopeless waiting, not only patience and love are consumed, but hurt and disappointment are not added.

Chaoci did not graduate from university, and married Tan Lie when he was a junior. Zhao Yilai attended his wedding.

Zhao Yi has been waiting. There is no couple’s relationship that can’t bear ups and downs in a lifetime, and he may still have a chance.

Only in the past ten years, Chao Ci and Tan Lie have not blushed once, and Tan Lie has pampered Chao Ci to the extreme. Zhao Yi did not wait for the day when their feelings diverged, but waited for the sudden death of Chao Ci.

And Tan Lie.

Chao Ci died suddenly without warning, but Tan Lie took sleeping pills beside him as expected. When the two died, they still embraced each other.

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