The Humble Spare Tire is Set After the Car Rolls Over

Chapter 22

Chapter 21:

You become immortal, I will not stay in the world for you (21)

With the sound of congratulations, the two entered the red-lined bedroom—for the first time in thousands of years, the Kunlun Palace, which was as cold as snow, was occupied by such warm colors.

After rejecting the waiter, Jin Yao carried Chao Ci to the bed and sat down. Standing in front of Chao Ci, he bent down and pinched Chao Ci’s ankle.

“Does it hurt?” Although his voice was cold, he could still distinguish the concern in his tone.

Two days of rest is still too short for Chao Ci, and his current physique is not suitable for long walks. In the main hall just now, he had been secretly supporting Jin Yao all the time.

Chao Ci lowered his eyes, looked at his legs and said, “It’s okay.”

He is no longer as fresh as he used to be, just perfunctory Jin Yao lukewarm. Even without the initial anger, he seemed to accept it and no longer resisted, but he also lost his anger.

Jin Yao looked at him and was silent for a while.

After a long time, he lowered his head, kissed Chao Ci’s eyes, and asked him, “Do you hate me?”

Chao Ci did not answer.

Just after being silent for a while, he opened his mouth and said, “After I left… how is it? Is my brother okay?”

In fact, he also wanted to ask how Qiao Pei was, but it was impossible for him to ask the man in front of him, and it was impossible for the man to answer him.

He was worried that Chao Jue thought he was dead. Chao Jue had always been in poor health and might not be able to bear this blow. I was also worried about Qiao Pei. He and Qiao Pei were married, but he was taken away by Jin Yao. Qiao Pei should worry about him more. Their previous marriage was organized by Qiao Pei against all opinions. On the day of the wedding, the queen disappeared, and the court did not know what would happen.

Jin Yao saw that Chaoci did not answer his original question directly, his eyes darkened. Then he replied, “He’s fine.”

“I left a letter at the court, telling him that I took you away. At this time, he sent a lot of people to search for you in Ye and other countries.”

Of course, the dispatch of these people also depends on Qiao Pei, but Jin Yao naturally won’t mention this person.

Seeing that the young man’s eyes lit up after hearing that his brother was okay, Jin Yao couldn’t help but feel a little soft-hearted.

He touched the young man’s soft hair and said, “If you want, I can send someone to the mortal world, and you can communicate with your brother in the future.”

Chao Ci’s eyes lit up, but he complained in his heart.

What a scum, he was kidnapped and locked up, and now he can send a letter to his family like a gift to him.

“Then can I go back and see him?” Chao Ci asked cautiously.

Jin Yao didn’t answer immediately, but looking at the youth’s expectation, he still said, “Look at your performance.”

Chao Ci is in the Kunlun Hall, and the time turns around, it is five years.

Time seems to be distorted, every moment and every day is difficult, but looking back, five years have passed so quickly.

In the undisturbed estrus period, the uninteresting Kunlun Palace.

And he will stay here for countless five years, a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years…

Sometimes Chao Ci doesn’t want to think about it.

The thing he looks forward to most is the monthly letter to the family. Chao Jue is very angry when he knows that his younger brother has been brought to the realm of the gods by Jin Yao, but he knows that it is useless to be angry, and this monthly letter to the family is His last contact with his brother.

He was angry and worried, but he was unwilling to bring these emotions to his younger brother. He just told him some happy things. Chao Ci is the same, the two carefully maintain the surface harmony, hoping that the other party can be happy.

Two years ago, it seemed that a major event had occurred in a certain race in the God Realm, and Jin Yao had to leave Kunlun. Chao Ci took this opportunity to escape. At that time, because of his well-behaved attitude, Jin Yao’s restrictions on him have become much less.

Many waiters in the Kunlun Hall sympathized with Chao Ci, but they dared not help Chao Ci, because they were found by the honorable, and there was only one way to die, and even if they helped Chao Ci escape, where could they escape? Where can you hide from your honor?

Chao Ci also did not want to implicate others. After Jin Yao left, he came to the place where the sacred beast was kept in Kunlun Hall. He found a golden-winged Dapeng, cut his wrist and fed the blood to Jinpeng.

The female dragon has no fighting power, the constitution is weaker than that of mortals, and there is an inextricable estrus period. Such a race simply makes people doubt the meaning of its existence. Perhaps it only exists to become an appendage of the male dragon.

But few people know that the blood of a female dragon can temporarily tame the soul.

He sat on the back of Dapeng and flew away from Kunlun. He didn’t know where he was going, and he didn’t want to go back to the mortal world to hurt his brother and Qiao Pei. He only knew to leave first, the farther away the better.

He flew on Jinpeng day after day, and if Jinpeng showed signs of breaking free from domestication, he would cut his wrist again to feed him blood. The surrounding scenery seems to be repeated, there is no sound, only some faint noises can be heard, like tinnitus. Such an environment may drive people crazy, but Chao Ci would rather do this than go back.

Occasionally, he lowered his head and looked at the sky below, and thought that if he just jumped down like this, he should be able to fall to his death.

But he thought of what that person once said, even if he died, that person would go to the underworld to bring back his soul, and he felt boring.

He continued to flee aimlessly in one direction. After sunrise one day, he saw a familiar figure in snow clothes standing high in the sky ahead.

Still… failed.

At that moment, Chao Ci couldn’t tell what he was feeling. He only felt that his heart jumped, and it seemed that all hope was sucked away in an instant, but in fact, looking back, the possibility that he could escape from the man was very small.

The ten-foot-long Dapeng was split into two by the blade, blood spurted out, and the two corpses fell straight into the sky.

At the same moment, Chao Ci was pulled into his arms by the man.

His face seemed to be spattered with golden blood.

After the man took him back that time, no matter how obedient and submissive he pretended to be, the man never reduced his restrictions on him.

Five years later, the realm of the gods is in chaos again.

Jin Yao left the Kunlun Hall again, but this time he had no chance to escape, because his hands and feet were chained, and even the sea of knowledge was banned by men.

The last time he escaped, although the servants of Kunlun Hall did not help him, they also let him leave. Under the begging of Chao Ci, Jin Yao did not execute them all, but they were all kicked out of Kunlun. The new waiters did not dare to touch the bad luck again, so they all looked at Chao Ci closely.

But Jin Yao was afraid that the court speech would be boring, so he also allowed the waiter to talk to him. According to the waiters, the chaos this time is actually a scourge left over from the last demon realm.

In other words, the last time the demon realm was broken, it was actually just a conspiracy planned by the demon inside.

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