The Humble Spare Tire is Set After the Car Rolls Over

Chapter 225

Chapter 229: End (Seven)

After the windy season passed, Chao Ci and Nie were the first to leave the market town. They found two dying people on the wasteland.

They appear to have been dumped on the moor during the last month of the windy season. You must know that in the last month of the strong wind period, the wind is enough to rip people to pieces, and ordinary people will be completely killed in less than two days. These two people can live until the end of the gale period, they should have something to save their lives. Nonetheless, after the windy period ended, both of them were seriously injured.

When Chao Ci and Nie met them, they were buried under the yellow sand, leaving half of their heads exposed to breathe.

Nie rarely saves people with kindness. Although he looked soft and cute when he was a child, he is actually terribly hard-hearted and has no empathy, but this time he saved these two people for the first time, and he also spent a lot of effort. saved the two of them.

These two people don’t look the same as ordinary survivors. The contrast between educated and uneducated people in a world that can be called wild is quite obvious. These two people should have been nobles, and they were nobles of high status. .

After they were rescued by Nie, they were very grateful to Nie, but they also said that they had tasks that they had to complete, so they couldn’t stay by Nie’s side to repay him.

Nie asked them if they were going to kill the city lord of Samuel City.

The two were shocked, wondering how Nie knew their purpose.

“It’s also very simple. When they entered the market town before, they suddenly had to check the arms of the people who entered the city, which was unusual. After spending a little money to investigate, I found that it was Samuel City who ordered the nearby market town to search for two roses on their hands. The person with the mark. Follow this clue to trace back, the mark of the rose is an important symbol of the members of the Junius family, and the Junius family, a first-class family in Samuel City, rebelled in the wind before the festival, and the entire family was killed. Cleaned, but it seems that two heirs have escaped… Is this obvious?” Nie said.

It was the first time that Chao Ci had heard Nie say so much in one breath.

The two people who were rescued were also stunned. The identity they wanted to hide was so easily revealed.

Their eyes are full of vigilance, it seems that they will suddenly burst into flames if Nie moves. They are very grateful to Nie, but if Nie wants to arrest them to take credit, they will not sit still.

But Nie waved his hand and said, “I’m not interested in catching you for a reward, I’m just interested in attacking Samuel City—and maybe five more.”

The two looked at each other, and both saw horror in the other’s eyes. They originally thought that they were rebellious enough, but now they feel that they are insignificant.

They talked more carefully and finally confirmed the purpose of both parties.

The two were named Luce and Hall, the eldest and second son of the Junius family. They said that their family did not rebel, but because the city lord of Samuel City was afraid of their family, they let hundreds of their family die tragically.

Nie said he could help them, provided they all obeyed his orders.

Luce and Hall were reluctant at first, until Nie disemboweled a beast capable of destroying a market town in one breath in front of them, and they were dazedly convinced.

Since then, Nie has had the first batch of younger brothers, although there are only two.

But Luce and Hall are indeed two very useful little brothers, and even their subordinates actually have some nails and Anbu, and soon developed a group of early forces for Nie.

In fact, it is not that the achievements of scientific and technological civilization have not been preserved in Huangshang, but these are only used by the high-level officials of the six cities, and they are also using some basic technologies, which can be applied to daily life. They are basically military weapons. It can only be said that no matter when, the technology tree that humans climb on weapons is always bug-level.

Chao Ci went to excavate a batch of ruins. Since the city of Asmodeus was destroyed by himself, he has been wandering in the wilderness. After hundreds of thousands of years, he also found a lot of good things. I even found a few laboratories that were not so scrapped. According to the recognized seventh-level civilization of the universe, it seems that the level of technology should have reached about the third-level civilization, which means that their civilization level is enough to fully utilize galaxy resources. This has actually reached the knowledge blind area of Chaoci, but the laboratory of the third-level civilization, even some fur, is enough for them.

The power of Nie’s men was growing like a snowball. Not only that, but what was even more terrifying was the progress of Nie’s own strength. There is no other beast in the wild that is his opponent, and even his ability is not limited to the body, and even the spiritual power can be externalized and can carry out large-scale murder.

Two years later, Nie’s warships attacked the city of Samuel, and he handed over the city lord of Samuel to Hall and Lucy.

At this time, Nie was seventeen years old.

After he captured Samuel City, he piled up all the treasures in the city beside Chao Ci, and asked him sideways: Do you like it?

Chao Ci shook the scepter in his hand and said, “I like it, but there is one thing missing.”

“What Samuel left me.” Chao Ci said.

In the end, they found something like a red crystal in the most hidden place in the city lord’s private vault.

It was placed in a formation, and it is still suspended in mid-air, emitting a reddish light.

After Chao Ci walked there, the red crystal automatically fell into his hands.

Chao Ci said that this is Samuel’s mark, and those nobles rely on such things to maintain the inheritance of special abilities.

Speaking of this, he turned to look at Nie, who was already much taller than him, and said that this was the last thing Samuel left, and he had to take it away.

Of course Nie has no objection, he has no interest in the so-called inheritance of the nobles.

“There are five other cities… Their imprints must also remain, I want them all.” Chao Ci said.

“Of course.” Nie lightly curled the corners of his lips, his emerald green eyes stared at Chao Ci, as if chanting a hymn and making an oath.

Chao Ci took the red crystal, while Nie approached him, hugged him tightly from the back, and nibbled at Chao Ci’s ear.

“There’s still a year…it’s really hard to wait.” Nie said with a sigh.

Those two years were the longest he thought he had ever spent, not because of his rebellious intentions, but because of those three years.

It took two years to endure it.

But thinking that there is still a whole year to come, he feels that life is like a year.

“Let’s live to a year before we talk.” Chao Ci rolled his eyes.

Nie captured Samuel City, which angered the other five cities. Although the relationship between the six cities is usually not a good one, everyone is guarding me and I guarding you, but they essentially represent the same class and group, and they are one. They can fight infighting, but if someone else tries to challenge them, they will never tolerate it.

Wucheng has assembled an army and is ready to storm Nie’s side.

Nie’s opponent suddenly changed from attacking a city to defending a city under the joint efforts of five cities. Suddenly, the difficulty was more than five times more difficult.

Nie didn’t seem to be reconciled. He whispered in Chao Ci’s ear: “I’ll recognize it when I die, if not…”

Chao Ci tilted his head and bit his lips, and smiled softly: “If not, I will also abide by the agreement.”

His active kiss seemed to open some gate or restriction, and Nie instantly pushed him against the wall, plundering him like a beast.

His breathing became louder and louder, and he couldn’t help grabbing Chao Ci’s hand and leaning towards himself:

“Chao Ci, Chao Ci…” He panted, “Help me.”

Chao Ci looked at him in the breathless space of being kissed, a little speechless.

How can someone have eyes that are wet with desire like a dog, and full of aggression and determination like a beast.

Forget it, before becoming an adult…it’s time to give it some sweetness.

Nie is too strong. No one knows where his power comes from, but his power is beyond question.

During the siege of the five cities, Nie’s army retreated steadily, but in the end, Nie’s extremely strong mental power swept everything violently like a hurricane, and they won.

The defeat of the five cities does not mean that the five cities were defeated, but the five cities that were defeated by the coalition forces were indeed severely damaged. After that, Nie spent a year attacking the five cities. In the previous section, he was crowned as the only ruler of the wasteland at the same time.

At night, he took off his crown and put it on the hair of the devil.

“I kept my promise, it’s your turn to keep yours,” he said.

Chao Ci did not intend to breach the contract.

After a crazy night, Nie thought that he would be greeted by a quiet and indulgent life, but the reality hit him in the head.

The huge bedroom was filled with formations.

Six red crystals are suspended in the six corners.

And he was chained to the center of the formation, and in front of him was a smiley speech.

Chao Ci held a large sword in his hand.

“Chao Ci?” He was completely stunned.

“Sorry, Xiao Nie.”

As Chao Ci said, he raised his hand and stabbed the big sword into Nie’s heart.

It did not penetrate, but pierced three points into the heart, and the blood condensed into a thin line along the great sword. After the great sword was pulled out, the blood dripped on the ground.

The array is lit up little by little.

The wound on the heart was not big. According to Nie’s self-healing ability, it should have healed immediately, but instead of healing, it was dripping blood regularly.

It’s an anomaly, but there are so many anomalies today. Like, how did he get **** here? You must know that he has always been vigilant, how can he be unaware.

And Chao Ci… why would Chao Ci… want to kill him?

Nie didn’t have the heart to care about other things, he just stared at Chao Ci with wide eyes: “Why?”

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