The Humble Spare Tire is Set After the Car Rolls Over

Chapter 24

Chapter 23:

You become immortal, I will not stay in the world for you (23)

Chao Jue wrote him many, many letters.

Maybe he knew that this lie might not last long, but he still held on to hope and dragged his sick body to write as much as possible.

Chao Ci didn’t go anywhere these days, just read these letters over and over again in the bedroom.

He didn’t read them all at once, but read one letter over and over again, carefully reading the next one.

There were only so many words left for him by his brother, and before he finished reading, he always felt that he still had a little thought.

He refused any waiter to disturb him, did not eat or drink, and just sat at the table like this.

Although the female dragon’s inner alchemy made him transcend the boundaries of mortals and no longer need to eat, his strangeness still aroused the concern of the stewards in the Kunlun Palace.

They know how much your honor cares about this partner, and before leaving, he solemnly instructed them that if there is anything unusual or dangerous in the court speech, they must inform him immediately.

At this time, they did not dare to be sloppy, and immediately passed the communication talisman to Zun Shang.

These communication talismans are also specially left by Zun Shang. After all, it is too chaotic outside, and ordinary communication talismans are likely to be intercepted. These communication talismans are made by Zun Shang with his own blood essence, and it is almost impossible for anyone to stop them.

When Jin Yao received the letter, he felt a little uneasy, but he was at a critical moment and couldn’t get out.

He is in the spirit world at this time. The spirit world is surrounded by a demon called a blood scorpion—this kind of creature is difficult to define whether it is a demon or a demon. It is a kind of natural and natural monster, and the number is very small.

Because this kind of creature has a characteristic that it is very “stubborn” and likes to find a lively place to dig itself into the ground, and maybe no one will find them for years or decades. Like trees, they slowly spread their “root system” underground, but the scale of the “root system” spread by blood scorpions is much larger than that of trees, and the speed is not as fast as the growth rate of trees.

Once they have grown enough, they will emerge from the ground, entangling living creatures that live on their “roots” and absorbing their life.

In the face of such a situation, it is impossible to rescue directly, otherwise the blood scorpion will **** the anger of these living creatures in one breath. The only way to deal with the blood monster is to find its main body and attack and destroy it in a short period of time.

But now this blood scorpion in the spiritual world covers almost half of the spiritual world. If Jin Yao withdraws at this moment, within five days, half of the souls in the spiritual world will be drained of their anger.

The blood scorpion is too hidden, even if Jin Yao’s consciousness can see the world, it is difficult to find the blood scorpion. I only searched inch by inch, and I kept searching for five days and nights, and it was also said whether I could find it in the end. If he went back to Kunlun at this moment, it would be too late.

Chao Ci’s mood was a bit wrong, but he just locked himself in the bedroom, and the steward said that he was just sitting at the table day and night, and these few days… should be fine.

Jin Yao frowned, and once again unfolded his consciousness to penetrate into the ground.

A lot of haste.

No matter how reluctant he was, he finally read the last one.

This is the letter that Chao Jue wrote four years later to the thirty-year-old.

“I specifically asked the messenger earlier, and he said that the time when you receive a letter every month is the 27th day of the end of the month. Your birthday is the 22nd day. After all, the time when you sent the letter was already the sixth day of your birthday. The appearance of you crying and making fun of you more than ten years ago is still in front of you, and in a blink of an eye you are standing. Before my mother died, my father and I asked me to take good care of you, and my father also left before us. I don’t know if I have completed their relationship. My entrustment, I am ashamed of you for my brother, and I only hope that you are well.”

Chao Ci read word by word in his heart, these timeless handwritings were like knives, stabbing his heart into a **** mess.

He couldn’t hold it any longer, covering his mouth and crying softly.

Carefully, with some whimpering, like a child.

He remembered being beaten with a bamboo whip by his father when he was naughty when he was young. He was in great pain at night, and he was hiding under the covers and crying secretly.

He was only six years old at the time, crying and hiccups. Halfway through crying, he was pulled out of the bed, only to see Chao Jue standing beside his bed with medicine and delicious preserved fruit.

Not anymore.

A tear fell on the letter paper, and the handwriting suddenly became blurred.

Seeing this, Chao Ci immediately wiped away his tears, for fear that the tears would ruin these letters.

But he suddenly caught a glimpse of red.

He moved for a while, and put his hand in front of his eyes, his palm was stained with blood.

Only later did he realize that there was also a strong smell of blood in his mouth.

When he realized this, as if some switch had been turned on, he suddenly spit to the side!

There was a puddle of blood on the ground.

【? what’s the situation? I got too deep into the play and tortured myself out of a heart attack? This is all vomiting blood, is it possible to die? 】 Chao Ci’s face was solemn, but he was suddenly puzzled in his heart.

[How is it possible, no matter how deep into the play, it won’t be like this… You see it as an emergency. 】The system said.

[What’s the matter, I have a terminal illness? 】

[You have melted the inner core of the female dragon. Although the female dragon is a war five scum, it is also a top bloodline, and it will not get the lesions of mortals. Unless it was injured by someone, or encountered some external force, such as casting a spell. 】The system said this and suggested, 【Go to your sea of consciousness to see if there is anything unclean. 】

[Consciousness sea…I will try. 】

Melting the female dragon’s inner elixir, Chao Ci can also look inside, including exploring the sea of knowledge. However, he has not used this function very much over the years. If he didn’t go, he didn’t know if he was shocked. There was a place in his sea of knowledge that seemed to be… locked?

[There is indeed something. ] The system said, [It should be sealed, try to unlock it. 】

Chao Ci has also been to the world of self-cultivation before, and is not unfamiliar with unlocking the seal. He tried several methods to unblock it, but none of them seemed to work. In the end, he was unhappy and directly attacked his sea of consciousness with his divine sense.

Immediately, the sea of consciousness shook, Chao Ci’s head felt like hundreds of needles, and a lot of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. But after he was only briefly dizzy, he concentrated on checking his sea of consciousness, and saw that the seal seemed to have diminished a lot.

When he saw that it was effective, he became energetic, and frantically used his divine sense to attack the sea of consciousness.

【You take it easy! Get rid of yourself and it’s gone! 】The system couldn’t help but reminded him aloud when he saw that he was so desperate.

[Don’t worry, I have a plan. 】

Chao Ci’s face became paler and blood was constantly bleeding from his mouth, but he still did not stop attacking.

I don’t know how long it took, and suddenly a sharp roar was heard in my mind: “Enough, stop now! Are you dying?!”

Seeing this “dirty thing” coming out, Chao Ci also temporarily stopped attacking.

“What are you, why are you in my sea of consciousness?” he said coldly.

“…” The “dirty thing” didn’t answer.

Seeing that it didn’t answer, Chao Ci didn’t talk nonsense with it, and started attacking the sea of consciousness again.

“Enough is enough!” The voice screamed again, but this time the court speech did not stop.

“I’m a soul-eating shadow!” It compromised.

What is hidden in the sea of consciousness is his main body. Generally, he will be fine if he hides in the sea of consciousness of the host, because the host does not dare to put such a heavy hand on his sea of consciousness. I didn’t expect it to encounter a lunatic now.

“Soul-Eating Shadow?” Chao Ci narrowed his eyes.

After the system searched for information, it said to Chao Ci: [Literally, it eats souls, but it also eats blood and essence. It is estimated that he also escaped with the demon realm. It should have been possessed by Jin Yao some time ago while he left. Still the same sentence, although the female dragon is a scumbag, its whole body is a treasure, and the anger in the blood is too abundant. For these monsters, the taste is very good, and it is normal for you to be targeted. 】

[Jin Yao set up a lot of killing formations in the Kunlun Palace, and also left a lot of great powers, but the soul-eating shadow is silent, and according to the data, it has been extinct since the ancient war. It is estimated that Jin Yao does not know about demons. There is also a soul-eating shadow in the environment. Neglecting this aspect allows this guy to take advantage of the loopholes. 】

【Soul swallowing? 】Chao Ci repeated, and said with a smile: 【That is very interesting. 】

[I can’t get it out, unless you directly attack your own sea of consciousness like you just did. But at that time, you can only fish to death and the net breaks. Do you want to tell Jin Yao directly? He should have a way. 】The system said.

【Need not. When drowsiness comes, someone brings pillows. I am too happy for such a good thing, how can I drive away. ] Chao Ci smiled and said: [I need its help. 】

【? ? ? 】The system is a little confusing.

Chao Ci did not give the system an answer, and asked again: [But Brother Tong, can you think of a way to replace my soul? I can’t really let him swallow my soul. 】

After thinking about it, the system replied: [This is fine, but the cost will be deducted from your bonus. 】

【How many? 】

【Thirty thousand. 】

[No, fifteen thousand. 】 Chao Ci said.

【? ? 30,000 is not even one-tenth of your bonus, so you have to pay for it? 】The system was shocked.

[There is no shadow of my return this time. This is the first world. If I have to ask you for help in the future, I will deduct a little bit from the east and the west, and my bonus will be hollowed out! 】Chao Ci said confidently.

The two bargained for a long time, and finally settled at a price of 19,200.

The system will replace the soul absorbed by Soul Eater Shadow with another substance, that is to say, Soul Eater Shadow thinks that it absorbs Chao Ci’s soul, but it is actually something else.

The system itself has a set of functions to shield the aborigines, which can be seen in the Chao Ci’s knowledge sea but still unable to detect the existence of the system and the dialogue between the Chao Ci and the system. Therefore, this is not difficult for the system, even if it is 19,000, the system will make some money.

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