The Humble Spare Tire is Set After the Car Rolls Over

Chapter 27

Chapter 26:

You become immortal, I will not stay in the world for you (26)

[Because it seems that some little angels don’t see it or don’t understand it, I’ll stress it again, the last chapter and this chapter are extras after doing the mission before Chao Ci, and they’re not linked to the text of the previous chapter. The next chapter is the end of the text of this chapter]


“You say it again, what’s wrong with him?” Jin Yao looked at Si Ming and said word by word.

“The Great Moon War, famine, and drought all hit one place. There were only ten rooms and nine empty spaces. Then the court… got sick and left.” Si Ming said cautiously.

Jin Yao has never felt so cold before.

That kid… will die?

He never thought…

how so.

Si Ming stood in front of him, bowed his head, trembling a little.

But Jin Yao did not entangle with him anymore, but turned around and left the Siming Pavilion.

He went to the underworld.

The underworld is actually a special world, because after the death of the creatures in the other five worlds, unless their souls are dissipated, they will come to the underworld. Of course, for some extremely powerful gods, there is no concept of going to the underworld after death. If they still have a wisp of soul left, they can rebuild it by themselves. If they don’t have a wisp of soul left, then there is nothing left, let alone the underworld.

But this is also a very isolated example, which does not hinder the detached status of the underworld. They are in the true sense of doing things for heaven. Generally speaking, their affairs cannot be interfered by any realm, and the news of the underworld is not related to the other five realms. Interoperable.

When Jin Yao came, he alarmed the underworld master.

“Master Jin Yao is a rare visitor. But I don’t know what is going on in my underworld?”

At this time, Jin Yao was stepping into the gate of the underworld, and there was a somewhat illusory figure in front of him.

It is the primordial spirit of the Underworld Lord.

At this time, the Lord of the Underworld greeted him with a smile, but his vigilance was also very obvious.

“Come to Lord Ming, you want one person.” Jin Yao said.

“Oh? Then why don’t you come in and talk.” The Lord of the Underworld said, Yuanshen retreated very quickly, and Jin Yao followed.

The surrounding scene quickly retreated, shattered and frozen into some bizarre pictures, and finally stayed in a grand and dark hall.

At this time, the primordial spirit of the Underworld Lord also belongs to the body on the high seat of the hall.

The Lord of the Underworld sat on the high seat with a golden sword and smiled: “Who is your honor looking for?”

“Challenge speech.” Jin Yao said calmly, “The youngest son of the former Jinyunzhou Chao family in the world.”

Lord Ming waved his left hand, and a long scroll appeared in front of him, suspended in mid-air, and his right hand also showed a yin and yang pen.

“This person’s longevity has expired, and it stands to reason that he has been reincarnated for a while.” Lord Ming said with a smile, and then looked at Jin Yao with a playful expression, “But I don’t know what your lord wants?”

“Call him back, the soul will be handed over to me, and I will reshape the body for him.” Jin Yao said lightly.

“Calling back the soul that has been reincarnated and handing it over to you, I’m afraid this is not in line with the rules of our underworld.” The lord of the underworld said, the smile in his eyes had dissipated.

A faint dangerous aura spread around the two of them.

The guards on both sides of the hall, including the Twelve Hades, were completely silent at this time, and they lowered their heads and did not dare to make a sound.

The main hall of the underworld is hundreds of feet high, and the dark blue fire can only provide some dim light here. The whole hall is intertwined with dark gold and dark blue, and the people of the underworld are all dressed in red and black robes, and Jin Yao is dressed in snow-colored brocade. It seems to be the complete opposite here.

Jin Yao held on to the sword and pulled out half of the sword with one hand.

Before the sword came out, the sound of dragon roar echoed in the hall.

Xuanlong’s figure coiled around behind Jin Yao, looming.

Everyone is facing the enemy, and they have no doubt that if this sword is drawn, the underworld is afraid that it will not be able to withstand his blow.

“Why do you need to be so angry.” The Lord of the Underworld did not panic at all, but his tone was no longer as dangerous as before, and his tone brought a smile.

He smiled and said: “This is not the rule we set, but the way of heaven, we are just the executors.”

He said this with some playfulness: “But you are a little special.”

Jin Yao was a creature created by Heavenly Dao who couldn’t suppress the evil, but now it seems that Heavenly Dao has completely lost control of him.

Maybe this is the meaning of Heavenly Dao arranging love calamity for him.

So far it seems to be very effective. People like Jin Yao actually fall in love one day.

“Bring him.” Jin Yao didn’t answer the Lord’s words, but just repeated his request.

“Forget it, I’ll break some rules for you today.” The Lord of the Underworld said.

Anyway, he can’t afford to fight with Jin Yao, let Tiandao have a headache.

As he spoke, he sketched it in the book of life and death, and ordered a ghost to go to the mortal world to find someone immediately.

The ghost messenger hurried out, and then the atmosphere in the hall completely sank.

No one spoke.

After half an hour, the ghost came in a hurry.

“What about him?” Jin Yao frowned as he watched him come alone.

At the same time, my heart was panicking for no reason.

Ever since he learned of Chao Ci’s death, he has been flustered, but this feeling has reached the extreme at this moment.

“This…” The ghost boy looked extremely embarrassed, his forehead covered with sweat.

“It’s okay, let’s talk.” The Underworld Lord said.

“After Xiao went to the mortal world…there was no such person.” The ghost said stumblingly, “That Chao Ci would have joined a merchant’s family and was the eldest son. But Xiao checked, and the main room was in March. The previous dystocia, only gave birth to a stillbirth!”

The Lord of the Underworld looked stunned.

However, Jin Yao’s face was instantly ugly and terrifying, and his voice was extremely cold: “What does this mean?”

After Master Ming reacted, he also hurriedly flipped through the spectrum in his hand.

His face became even more ugly.

Guicha said this, which means that Chao Ci did not reincarnate as originally arranged. But even if he didn’t go to reincarnation, there should always be a place, and he should be able to find where his soul is now.

But he couldn’t find it!

The Lord of the Underworld hurriedly summoned the ghost messenger who was on duty on the day that Chao Ci died. After the ghost messenger came, he said that he had not found the soul of the Chao Ci at all.

Some souls want the ghosts to hook up, but some souls will go to the underworld by themselves, so the ghosts are not surprised that they have not found the court speech.

The Lord of the Underworld was sullen, and found the ghost who was on duty at Samsara again.

Also said no.

A good soul is lost!

The Lord of the Underworld was originally shocked and angry, but then it seemed that something came first, and he was shocked again.

Perhaps, it is the hands and feet of Heaven.

He looked at His Highness Jin Yao, whose face was already gloomy, and suddenly felt that he was in trouble.

“What’s the matter, Lord Ming?” Jin Yao raised his head and looked at Lord Ming word by word.

“Chao Ci’s soul is gone.” Lord Ming was flustered, but his face was calm, “It should be that the soul has disappeared.”

Jin Yao’s golden eyes seemed to be completely frozen, and suddenly there were some extremely noisy roars in his ears, and the whole person was terribly cold.

…how is this possible?

“Are you lying to me?” He looked up at the Underworld Lord, his expression extremely cold.

The Lord of the Underworld sighed: “If I really don’t want to help Zun, then I won’t help. Why should I tell such a lie that can be easily exposed? If Zun doesn’t believe it, you can see the world as soon as you show your consciousness, and you can explore it. If you find Chao Ci, then you will tear down my underworld, and I will have nothing to say.”

Jin Yao glanced at Lord Ming and turned to leave.

He searched the Six Realms for months.

Nothing was found.

In the end, he returned to Dayue, the log cabin where Chao Ci took him to live for more than a year.

It’s been almost a year, and it’s already in ruins.

Weeds were overgrown in front of the door, giving off a musty smell that had been covered in dust for a long time. Pushing open the creaking door, all the small rooms inside fell into view.

There is only one bed, one table and two stools, and there are piles of debris beside it.

In such a place, Chao Ci lived with him for more than a year.

That pampered little son, for his sake, went to carry water and set fire to people, and poured swill.

Copy books for him at night until the third watch.

At this time, another figure appeared beside him, still the Lord of the Underworld.

“He really left.” Lord Ming sighed and persuaded.

“Did it do it?” Jin Yao looked at Lord Ming.

“…” The Lord of the Underworld was silent for a long time, and said, “It’s hard to say.”

not necessarily. It is not uncommon for the soul to suddenly disappear. Perhaps the soul itself is too weak, or the soul voluntarily dissipates… both.

But very little.

Too much coincidence this time.

“You’d better not be impulsive.” The Lord of the Underworld said.

Although Jin Yao can be said to be the first person in the Six Realms, it is almost impossible to win against Tiandao.

Tiandao is afraid of him, just because Jin Yao is beyond its control.

Jin Yao did not speak.

Seeing this, Lord Ming also flashed and left.

The current situation is no longer in his hands.

The chaos in the Demon Realm was pacified. It stands to reason that Jin Yao is the first to do it. Even if he doesn’t care about these, he should always attend some of the more important occasions and walk through the scene.

But what makes the immortals strange is that Jin Yao has been in the mortal realm since he visited the six realms in the first few months.

Jin Yao cleaned the small room and settled down.

Before the big moon, there was a severe drought and famine, and there was war, and this small town was no longer inhabited.

But he has lived here for hundreds of years.

The entire small town was enveloped by his divine power, and no one could enter.

Gradually, some people appeared there.

The Lord of the Underworld came over once, took a look, and shuddered.

These are not living people, but illusions, showing the scene of more than a year. This illusion resets every year and three months.

And that cabin is the center of the illusion.

When he saw a young man walk into the wooden house, he confidently said to Jin Yao in the house, “The restaurant work is too tiring, I’m quitting it.”

“Yeah.” Jin Yao nodded and said to him, “My injury is healed, I’ll have fun at home in the future, I’ll take care of you.”

Said so, but Jin Yao didn’t seem to want to go out to work at all, but just accompanied the teenager every day. The young man is just a sanity-free illusion, and with Jin Yao’s mind swinging, it is naturally impossible to notice that something is wrong.

The Lord of the Underworld felt a chill down his spine.

This guy Jin Yao is completely crazy.

A few years later, the hidden dangers of the previous Demon Realm were exposed, and the Six Realms fell into chaos again, comparable to the ancient battlefield.

Many parties asked Jin Yao to pacify the chaos, but they couldn’t even step in the gate of the small town.

Another few years of stalemate.

Tiandao knew what Jin Yao wanted, but it couldn’t take action.

Because there is a certain number of good and evil, the Tao of heaven cannot intervene. If it intervenes, its own power will be greatly reduced, then it will be completely unable to help Jin Yao. But it didn’t take action, and the situation could only continue to deteriorate.

Finally, it compromised.

It said to Jin Yao, “Whether you believe it or not, the court speech was not written by me.”

“It’s not important.” Jin Yao said, “I only want him to come back.”

“If you go back to cause and effect, it’s a field that I don’t dare to touch. You will most likely be trapped in a world without time. Life is better than death, and you can’t even ask for death… So are you willing?”

Looking back in time, no one has tried it. There will be a transition point between the time point and the jump of the time point, and the initiator will retrace the world at the transition point. But there was no time for that transfer point, and no one could tell exactly how it would be. At present, it is inferred that the most likely result is that the initiator will stay in a six realms without time passing, and the rest are frozen, only their own time passes.

Thousands of years… no one knows when it will end. However, for people other than the initiator, it was only a short moment.

No living creature can withstand this.

Jin Yao’s golden eyes were calm, and he nodded lightly.

Tiandao’s inference is correct, Jin Yao is really trapped in a timeless six realms.

He can’t even maintain the illusion, because the illusion itself has the passage of time.

In this deformed space, the only carrier that can carry time is Jin Yao himself.

In Jin Yao’s memory, he passed 90,000 years.

When the sun and the moon turned again, Jin Yao stood alone in the desolate town, welcoming the disappearance of consciousness.

I really want to beg myself.

Beg him to treat you well.

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