The Humble Spare Tire is Set After the Car Rolls Over

Chapter 35

Chapter 34: Who Is Old Is Worse Than Old (7)

Stepping Star Sect was completely rebuilt and moved to the original extreme realm.

That Extreme Realm was also the original site of the Star Stepping Sect. It was later taken by the gang.

Although the power of the Star Stepping Sect has reached its peak, Lu Yan has no intention of expanding the scale. It turns out that the thousand or so people in the sect are enough. He doesn’t need a bloated and huge force to support the Star Stepping Sect. On the one hand, he is scruples about the past feelings, and on the other hand, he also wants to use it to manage some things on his behalf.

After the arrangement of the stepping star sect was almost, it was only two months before he came out from the end of the sky, and Lu Yan was a little busy. The more leisure, the more upset he became.

He couldn’t tell what his mentality was, but when he reacted, he had returned to the cave where he once lived with Chao Ci.

He walked into Chao Ci’s bedroom. Although Chao Ci left, he also left the waiters behind. Those waiters still performed their duties, so now this bedroom has not been occupied for several months, and it is considered clean.

They said it was a five-year appointment, but in the past five years, Lu Yan has been practicing adventures everywhere. Wherever there is danger, he will go wherever he is. The real time with Chao Ci is probably not half a year.

More than half of them are recovering from injuries or avoiding the limelight.

Lu Yan was pacing in the huge bedroom, he thought, if that person doesn’t come to him again, it’s not impossible for him to find that person himself.

Strictly speaking, this five-year agreement is far from enough, isn’t it?

After that, he talked soft words to the man, and after another four and a half years passed, he didn’t believe that the man had to leave.

There is a small study next to the bedroom, where the sun is very good. The man said that he was a cultivator, and he looked like a bright moon, but in fact he liked to bask in the sun like a cat. He often stayed in the study, and specially made the chair over there extremely comfortable, just like to lean on the rattan chair and close his eyes to rest.

Lu Yan walked into the study, went around the back of the rattan chair, and put his hand on the back of the rattan chair. In front of him, the monk in white was leaning on the chair to rest, and the black hair on his temples was passed through the window. The breeze blew a little messily, resting on the bridge of his tall nose or the edge of his red lips.

Lu Yan couldn’t help but evoke a smile.

He thought, wait for him for three more days, if he doesn’t come again, he will go to find him by himself.

As if he had figured out something, the disturbed mood of the past few days was relieved a lot. He walked to the front of the rattan chair and sat down quite comfortably.

He glanced across the desk, a little funny.

This man likes to stay in the study, but his pen and ink are clean and neatly arranged on the desk.

The most funny thing that he turned over was a notebook. This man always held it in his hand and read it, but he didn’t turn a few pages, and he hadn’t seen him put it down for five years. I don’t know if I watched it several times or not at all.

Thinking like this, he found that the notebook was on the bookshelf next to it, and he took it out.

It’s hard to believe that the person didn’t take it away.

But as soon as the note started, his expression changed slightly.

At first glance, this note was an annotation of some kind of exercise, but it was banned.

In the past, he seldom paid attention to what books men were reading, and even if he did, he didn’t notice anything because of his low strength, but now he suddenly discovered something was wrong.

At least it’s a ban under the tribulation period.

Lu Yan released his divine sense to kill the ban, and the original appearance of the note suddenly appeared in front of him.

It’s a small image.

All are painted by the same person.

At first glance, the man looked very similar to Lu Yan himself. At first, Lu Yan thought that the painting was himself, but he always felt something was wrong. After a closer look, he finally found the difference.

This man Huashang is extravagant in his brows, his eyes and his feet. It is the compatibility of the humility that floats on the surface and the arrogance that is carved into the bone marrow. He is like a son of a noble family who was born extraordinary and talented.

But Lu Yan was different. Lu Yan doesn’t have any extravagance. He was not born with such a noble birth. Instead, he grew up surrounded by wolves and became a king in the sea of corpses and blood. In the past, the fierceness and ill-will that lingered between his brows, called him. People get chills when they see it. Now that he is in a high position, he is not so hostile, but the alienation and indifference fill his eyes.

It’s hard to draw any conclusions from this kind of unnecessary temperament, but when he saw the seal in the lower left corner, Lu Yan’s eyes suddenly turned cold.

“In the autumn of Gengmao, I drank with Zeyi under the moon and drew together.”

Then Yi? …Lu Zeyi?

Lu Yan naturally remembered the person who once pushed the Star Stepping Sect to the top and then brought the Star Stepping Sect into the abyss.

Of course, the Star Stepping faction never complained about Lu Zeyi. He was their most respected ancestor, and the Star Stepping Sect declined because of him, but it was not his fault, but the victim of a traitor. Each generation of descendants of the Lu family has the mission of seeking justice and rectifying Lu Zeyi’s name.

Even though Lu Yan had never met Lu Zeyi, at least he respected the ancestor of the Lu family.

He Lu Yan climbed to the top, and the Star Stepping Sect rose again. The first thing was to rectify the name of Lu Zeyi and the former Star Stepping Sect. He didn’t die because of cultivating evil powers, and Stepping Star Sect was not punished because it was a cult, but the conspiracy of those greedy people. This matter has already spread all over the world of comprehension, so almost no one condemns Lu Yan for killing those in the extreme realm.

But… he never knew that Lu Zeyi was so similar to himself.

Pretty much the same.

This small portrait may not be able to see anything, Lu Yan subconsciously put it back and turned it.

One by one, they were all portraits of Lu Zeyi.

Lu Zeyi in the painting is either smiling or frowning, holding a sword or playing chess. Anyone can see the warmth of the painter in the outline of the painting.

Lu Yan didn’t want to read more, just glanced at the captions in the lower corner and hurriedly turned over.

He turned to the back, and the portraits were finally gone.

Text appeared.

He recognized the handwriting, it was the speech.

“I originally thought that the saddest thing in my life would be to see you marrying a wife and giving birth to a child. Who would have guessed that in the end, I heard the news of your death from someone else.”

“They can’t tolerate you, and they covet your chance… My father also colluded with them without telling me, blaming me for my low strength and inability to protect you.”

After reading this short number of lines, if Lu Yan still doesn’t understand, then he is a fool.

In an instant, Lu Yan’s cold star-like phoenix eyes were full of bloodshots.

But there was obviously a paragraph behind it, he held on, and turned back again.

“They still don’t give up and believe that you are hiding something in the Star Stepping Sect. But you don’t need to worry, I will definitely protect the Star Stepping Sect for you.”

It turns out that for hundreds of years, Chao Ci has been protecting the Star Step Sect. It is no wonder that the Step Star Sect can barely survive despite being excluded everywhere.

After all, over the past few hundred years, a group of calamity-transcending powers have been coveted by the Star Stepping Sect.

Knowing that Chao Ci is not the same raccoon dog of those people he once thought, on the contrary, he has been helping Stepping Star Sect, but Lu Yan did not have a trace of happiness, but made his mood on the verge of eruption.

He protects Stepping Star Sect for another person!

For Lu Zeyi!

Then what is Lu Yan?

Lu Yan’s eyes were red, and he turned to the next page roughly again.

This seems to be the last page.

“Today I received news that they are going to completely cut off the way of life of the Star Stepping Sect. I rushed there and saw someone.”

“His name is Lu Yan. If I hadn’t known that you had already died out hundreds of years ago, I would have thought that you were standing in front of me again… It’s too similar.”

“I didn’t dare to tell your thoughts about you before, but now I can’t help but shamelessly take advantage of your descendants. It doesn’t matter if you’re angry. If you really want to punch me, I’m happy.”

“And don’t worry, keep your Lu family incense. After five years, I will let this kid go free.”

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