The Humble Spare Tire is Set After the Car Rolls Over

Chapter 7

Chapter 6:

You become immortal, I will not stay in the world for you (6)

His face and figure are still familiar to Chao Ci, but the momentum around him has changed greatly, and even his eyes have changed from brown to golden.

He stood behind Chao Ci, his back was as tall and straight as mountains and seas, the person who was seriously ill and had difficulty getting up in Chao Ci’s memory never existed.

Chao Ci tried to ignore the strange feeling in his heart at the moment, and forced a smile: “Ayao, why did your eyes suddenly turn golden?”

Chao Ci looked at him and was about to speak.

But at this moment, a person broke into the house in a hurry. This person seems to be in a hurry, and his clothes are a little messy, but he is dressed in fine clothes and looks unrefined.

“Si Ming.” Jin Yao saw the person coming and said, “Why are you here?”

“Your Highness, the demon realm is broken, the Emperor ordered me to invite you back to the realm of the gods immediately!” Immortal Lord Si Ming hurriedly said.

“I already know.” Jin Yao frowned, didn’t speak any more, just put his eyes on Chao Ci, who looked a little dumbfounded.

Following Jin Yao’s eyes, Immortal Si Ming also noticed the words of the dynasty, and suddenly realized, and hurriedly said: “Your Majesty, don’t worry, although your love calamity is not complete, but it’s over, you can go back at this time. It doesn’t matter. That’s why the Heavenly Emperor sent me to inform you.”

Chao Ci listened to the conversation between them, and seemed to understand something vaguely.

“Respect”, “Demon Realm”, “God Realm”, “Heavenly Emperor”, “Love Tribulation”… Combined with Jin Yao’s sudden appearance and self-proclaimed amnesia, and the current changes…

“Ah, Ayao…” He didn’t believe what he was thinking, he stepped forward in a panic, and grabbed Jin Yao’s sleeve.

“It’s just as you think.” Jin Yao looked down at him, “I’m not an extraordinary person, I’m looking for you because Heaven has arranged a love calamity for me. But now that the demon realm is broken, and the six realms are at stake, I must gone.”

His voice didn’t even carry much emotion, as if the people who had been with Chao Ci before and had been in love with each other were just fantasies of Chao Ci.

“Then… Then what should I do?” Seeing Jin Yao’s direct confession, Chao Ci’s mind was empty, he clutched Jin Yao’s sleeve tightly, and he had no masters.

All his relatives are unknown in the war, and his only hope in life is Ayao. He thought that he must take good care of Ayao. In the past, the doctor told him that as long as Jin Yao’s illness was carefully cared for and nursed back to health, it was possible to recover to a level where he could move without hindrance.

So no matter how hard and difficult the days are, he still has hope and does not feel bitter.

But what if Ayao left?

So what’s the point of his ups and downs in this troubled world? It’s better to go to accompany father and brother earlier.

Jin Yao stared at him for a while, and suddenly asked Immortal Si Ming: “How about his numerology…?”

Immortal Si Ming glanced at Chao Ci and said: “He has survived the love calamity for the honor, which is also a great merit. Since then, he has been helped by noble people, and he has been rich and honored for a lifetime.”

“However, Your Majesty, you are not reincarnated this time, but descended to the mortal world with your true body. He is a mortal and has a deep entanglement with you… According to the rules, it is best to erase his memory related to you.” Si Ming Xianjun looked at Jin Yao and said carefully.

Jin Yao used his real body to go down to the mortal world to overcome the calamity, but it was actually not in line with the rules. Now erasing the memory of Chao Ci can be regarded as making some corrections for this mistake.

“Erase memory?!” When Chao Ci heard the words, his eyes widened suddenly, “No way!”

After Jin Yao thought for a moment, he nodded.

He wasn’t trying to correct anything, but since Chao Ci would have a good life in the future, he didn’t need to read him anymore, and he would only be troubled.

He thought it was a good speech for the dynasty.

Seeing Jin Yao nod, Chao Ci’s eyes suddenly turned red, but he said hurriedly: “No, I can’t erase my memory!”

“This is my memory, why do you erase it?!”

But Jin Yao and Si Ming Xianjun were unmoved. Even Immortal Si Ming has raised his hand and is about to cast a spell on Chao Ci.

“Ayao, Ayao… Please don’t erase my memory… You have your responsibility, even if you return to the realm of God, I will never see you again I don’t blame you… Just please don’t erase mine Memories…” He clutched Jin Yao’s sleeves, tears fell uncontrollably, and he nearly lost his voice in the back.

Immortal Si Ming’s hand was still in the air, but he didn’t cast a spell, just looked at Jin Yao in embarrassment.

Although Chao Ci is only a mortal, he is the object of Jin Yao’s love calamity after all. No matter what, Jin Yao must have some feelings for the court speech, so without Jin Yao’s consent, Si Ming Xianjun did not dare to do the court speech without authorization.

Jin Yao did not waver, he gave Immortal Si Ming a deep look, and said, “Go ahead.”

“No…” Chao Ci stepped back subconsciously.

Jin Yao grabbed his shoulder and said to him in a deep voice, “Chao Ci, this is for your own good. You will have a smooth life in the future, why bother thinking about me.”

He won’t be coming back.

Immortal Si Ming no longer procrastinated, his hands formed a seal, and a divine power flew towards Chao Ci’s eyebrows.

Chao Ci’s consciousness seemed to begin to blur with his memory. Before the last trace of consciousness disappeared, he looked at Jin Yao who was holding him, his eyes almost bleeding.

Who are you, where are you from, you hide it from me, I don’t blame you.

You approached me just by borrowing me to save the calamity, and I don’t blame you.

It’s my business that I love you, it’s your business that you don’t love me…but why do you erase my memory? Are my feelings a joke in your eyes? !

“Jin Yao, I hate you,” he said.

The next moment, the person in his arms completely lost consciousness.

Jin Yao’s expression sank.

In the small room, the air seemed to be stagnant.

Seeing that Jin Yao hadn’t moved for a long time, Xianjun Si Ming tentatively said, “Your Highness, we should go.”

The demon realm is broken, and there is a risk of going back a moment later.

Jin Yaoheng picked up Chaoci, walked to the bed, and gently put him on the bed.

The golden eyes, who have been calm for thousands of years, seem to see nothing out of the ordinary at this moment.

“Let’s go.”

He told Xianjun Si Ming that he also strode out of the house.

Immortal Si Ming chased after him, and the two turned into two streams of light, flying towards the sky where the demonic aura covered the sun.

Chao Ci went through a chaotic time and space transmission. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in an ancient Chinese-style house. Looking at the furnishings, the owner of the house was either rich or expensive.

Chao Ci sat up from the bed, shook his head, and called out his system.

【what’s the situation? ! 】he asks.

He had done a lot of tasks in one go, and had saved an astronomical amount of money. His own rankings were in the top five in the main face, and he ranked fourth… It was the peak of his life.

He bought a manor for himself on the main plane, played all the fun places, enjoyed the eyes of his colleagues who admired the boss, and planned to go to other planes for vacation. I was lying on the big bed of my manor and leisurely booking tickets, how did I get pulled here in a blink of an eye?

He was stunned.

This seems to be… a mission world?

[Crazy, I have been working for hundreds of years in a row, and I haven’t spent a few days on vacation yet, so you just pulled me here? ! Is there still humanity? You are breaking the rules, right? We signed a contract. I am going to complain! 】 Chao Ci said angrily.

Because the time flow of each world is different, it cannot be measured by a unified time, so the fast runners use “relative years” or “relative days” to describe the time they have read in the mission world.

[I’m very sorry, my friend. It’s not our operation, in fact, it is not under our control to be pulled back into the mission world now. ] said his system A1111.

Strictly speaking, the system is not his subordinate, but a colleague who works with him.

The codes of the system are randomly assigned. During the years of working with A1111, A1111 has expressed its satisfaction with its code to Chaoci more than once.

“I heard that your **** circle is scattered all over the place, but I have an A and a 1, and I am the number one commander of all the main planes.” These are the original words of the system.

Regardless of how shocked the Chao Ci was when he heard these remarks for the first time, the Chao Ci when he heard the system’s words at this time was completely stunned.

[You were also pulled over? what the hell? 】

[The main system just sent me a message. It says that it is the world you have conquered, and the object is abnormal. Their shared obsession distorts world consciousness and pulls you back forcibly. 】A1111 said.

[How can this distort the consciousness of the world and pull me back? So how do I get back? 】

【do not know. 】The system said honestly.

【Do you still know this? ! Are those guys crazy! 】

If you’re crazy, you’re going crazy, why bother me? !

It caused him to be pulled back in a good way, fuck!

Chao Ci is about to go crazy.

[This time is also our mistake. We are very sorry for this, and have unanimously decided that when you go back, you will be compensated with the highest bonus. 】The system said.

Hearing this, Chao Ci’s eyes lit up, but he pretended to be reserved and said: [Okay, let’s just force it. 】

The highest bonus released by the main plane is an astronomical amount in an astronomical amount. No one has won it for so many years.

In the future, he will buy three in the manor, one to live in, one for cats, and one for dogs! I also have to buy a plane without a quest line to play around with!

Although it was a little refreshing to think about it, but after returning to reason, thinking that I didn’t even know how to go back, I became depressed again.

Thinking of those stupid task objects, he began to be full of resentment again.

Previously, he had done so many tasks in one breath, and it took hundreds of years in the task world. This is something that other fast wearers have never done. Most people can’t last for so long. In fact, most of the fast wearers have to do emotional blurring every time they end a world, and then take a good vacation before they can reluctantly adjust.

Although Chao Ci didn’t feel any emotional pressure, but doing so long tasks in one breath was really tiring. If it weren’t for the hope ahead, counting on the bonus and the vacation that followed, he wouldn’t be able to hold on. Now that he has been on vacation for a few days, he has been pulled over, who can stand it!

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