The Humble Spare Tire is Set After the Car Rolls Over

Chapter 9

Chapter 8:

You become immortal, I will not stay in the world for you (8)

Jin Yao held the safety talisman and felt that the man was really stupid. The yellow paper for drawing the talisman was the worst, and the fool foolishly handed out half a month’s wages.

But in a blink of an eye, the man’s face was still covered with a little ashes, but he had a pair of peach blossom eyes. He handed the peace talisman to his eyes as if he had encountered some great deed, and carefully placed the talisman paper. Not on his waist.

His eyes were very different from others. Said to be peach blossom eyes, his eyes are indeed like peach blossoms, the tail of his eyes is pointed upwards, like a phoenix bird tail feather, and he also has a little natural blush, which makes people look at it and feel a little unconcealed. However, his eyes are not as slender as most peach blossom eyes, but rather large and round like almond eyes. The amber eyes are clear and translucent, revealing innocence and innocence.

As long as he is happy, his eyes will widen, like a cat, just as he had put a safety talisman on himself that day. There were stars in the amber eyes, and two swirls appeared on his cheeks.

He still remembered that when he tied the safety talisman to himself, the clothes around his waist were slightly pulled, and even through a layer of fabric, he could feel the warmth of the boy’s fingertips. And he put his head in his arms, the sweet and greasy heat in his breath.

The first time he saw the boy, the boy’s hands were still fair and tender, even the cyan blood vessels under the skin seemed to be hidden under the beautiful jade, the nails were trimmed round and neatly, and the fingertips were still slightly Red… At first glance, it is a pampered hand.

But when he tied this talisman to himself, his hands were still fair and slender, but no longer tender, so thin that the blood vessels were bulging slightly, there were still many traces of frostbite on his hands, and his nails were a little cracked.

Jin Yao thought of this, his golden eyes dimmed.

When someone in the hall suddenly came to inform him, he realized that he had been staring at the safety talisman for more than an hour.

His face was rather ugly, and he sandwiched the peace talisman between his two fingers, as if he wanted to burn the worn-out talisman without spiritual power.

However, he couldn’t ignite the divine power, and rather irritably stuffed the peace talisman back to his waist.

“Your Majesty, Lord Yancang has sent you an invitation, please gather at Qiongshan tomorrow.” His Royal Highness’s attendant reported respectfully.

Yan Cang is one of the very few gods that Jin Yao can give some face in the God Realm.

Yan Cang is a blue dragon, he picked up Jin Yao, a young dragon born in heaven, and later he took Jin Yao to practice, and he was regarded as Jin Yao’s enlightenment teacher.

However, the two did not officially apprentice, and the Dragon Clan did not care about the inheritance relationship between master and apprentice. Yan Cang was just teaching Jin Yao on a whim.

Yan Cang is the current leader of the Dragon Clan – because Jin Yao doesn’t care about these things, now that the Demon Realm has come to an end, Yan Cang’s gathering at this time is considered a celebration, and it can be considered to appease people’s hearts.

In the past, Jin Yao probably wouldn’t go there.

Yan Cang just informed him politely.

But this time, Jin Yao lowered his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, “Tell him that I will be on time for the appointment tomorrow.”

The waiter, who was ready to answer Jue Yancang, was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded hurriedly, “Yes.”

The gatherings of the dragon race are usually attended by inhuman gods.

There is no other reason, the gathering of the dragon family…the scale is relatively large.

The banquet itself had a lot of flamboyant scenes, such as the enchanting and hot dancers, and so on. It also has a feature that most of the dragons or other people who come here will bring their favorite pets – this “favorite” is generally time-sensitive, and basically every party will change a group of people. The dragons like to show off their little pets at banquets, and when the mood comes, they will exchange.

Basically, it is similar to the banquet in the Demon World and Demon World that Jin Yao went to in his early years. The dragon family itself is somewhat moody, and it is not a pure “right way”. In the past, many big demons and old demons, demon girls and witches, were also entertained at previous gatherings. But this time, it’s mainly to celebrate the work in the Demon Realm, so it’s not convenient to invite people from the Demon Realm and Demon Realm.

When Jin Yao arrived, almost all the people at the banquet had arrived.

Good wine and beauty, a debauched scene, the laughter and the soft laughter of the dancer continue.

As soon as Jin Yao entered the venue, his voice suddenly became quieter. Others who were concentrating on joking or flirting with others heard the sudden drop in their voices. They also looked up and found that it was Jin Yao, and instantly fell silent.

Even the dancers’ performances suddenly stopped.

In the realm of the gods, Jin Yao is not only a big man with a detached status, but also famous for his prestige of killing gods.

Of course, this name is actually secretly added by the gods in their hearts, and usually don’t talk about it with others, even thinking about it in my heart makes me feel terrified.

Yan Cang saw Jin Yao, although he had already received the news that he was coming, but when he came in, he felt a little scalp tingling when the audience didn’t dare to let out the atmosphere.

He didn’t understand why he had to politely inform Jin Yao yesterday.

However, at the moment, he could only bite the bullet and said to Jin Yao with a forced smile: “Jin Yao, it’s rare to see you here. This time the demon realm is in chaos, but it’s all thanks to you.”

“It’s my business.” Jin Yao replied in a flat tone, walking straight to his seat and sitting down.

Then he raised his eyes again, looked at the silent crowd, and said, “Don’t worry about the deity, you continue.”

Everyone looked at each other and forced a smile.

There were sparse laughter and voices in the seats, but anyone could hear the dryness and reluctance.

“Do I need to say it again?” Jin Yao held the wine glass on the table, his voice cold as water.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, realizing that this was an ultimatum given to them by the killing god, and immediately, regardless of whether they were afraid or not, everyone bit the bullet and continued what happened before Jin Yao came.

The dancers were also blessed and continued to dance.

If he offends Jin Yao with his words or actions, it will be a matter of the future. If he doesn’t follow his wishes now, it will be a big disaster now.

So the banquet resumed the harmony before Jin Yao came, but everyone had a string in their hearts.

Jin Yao’s seat was right next to Yan Cang. At this time, Yan Cang couldn’t help twitching the corners of his eyes when he saw that he had finally held a banquet and was turned into this.

Why did he invite Jin Yao yesterday? !

At this time, Jin Yao turned his attention to Yan Cang.

Seeing that Jin Yao was looking straight at him, Yancang couldn’t help but feel furious, this kid wouldn’t even want to kill himself, would he?

But after a while, Yancang felt something was wrong. Jin Yao didn’t seem to be looking at himself, but at… the little pet in his arms.

This is Yan Cang’s new favorite, a fox youth, from the Tianhu family, not a monster.

This new favorite has an extremely gorgeous appearance and a youthful demeanor. The most important thing is that as a fox clan, he also fits in well on the bed, so Yancang is very satisfied.

It’s just that most of the dragons have no special feelings to speak of. Seeing Jin Yao staring at his new favorite, Yancang couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

“You just stared at my little pet right now, won’t you finally wake up?” Yan Cang joked.

Jin Yao shifted his gaze to Yan Cang, noncommittal.

Yancang felt that he understood, so he pushed away the fox boy who was leaning on his arms and said, “Go to Jin Yao and take good care of him.”

The fox boy was a little timid at first, but he thought that Jin Yaozun had hardly had any ambiguous relationship with anyone in the God Realm for thousands of years. , could it be…

Immediately, there was faint excitement and joy in my heart, but I was still a little apprehensive.

He got up, walked carefully in front of Jin Yao, leaned on Jin Yao’s knee, raised a pair of peach blossom eyes and looked at Jin Yao.

When the fox clan boy was lying on his knees, Jin Yao’s thin lips pursed slightly, instinctively repulsive. But when the fox boy raised his head to look at him, Jin Yao was stunned for a second.

Most of the fox clan have peach eyes, just like that fool.

Seeing that Jin Yao didn’t refuse immediately, the fox youth felt that the hope in his heart had increased by 100 million (not a typo).

He tentatively stretched out his hand, wrapped it around Jin Yao’s shoulder, and brought his face to Jin Yao’s neck.

Jin Yao still did not move.

There is still a red mole under the eyes of the fox clan boy, and he is full of coquettishness when he raises his eyes.

Not like, not like at all.

That fool has peach eyes, but his pupils are very large. When he is happy or surprised, he likes to open his eyes round like a kitten.

He doesn’t have a mole, but there are pear eddies on his cheeks, which make people want to poke them when they see them. If they are cruel, they’d better bite.

See if it looks like a milk cake, soft and glutinous, with a little heat and milky flavor.

What Jin Yao was thinking, the fox boy naturally didn’t know. Seeing that Jin Yao did not refuse, he boldly put his hand into Jin Yao’s shirt.

Teasing between his broad and smooth chest.

Not like, still not like.

He still remembered the night when he married that fool.

The little fool was looking forward to that night, but he cared about his body and didn’t dare to do anything. He dared to say that he wanted to touch him, but he also asked where to touch him. In the end, the boy only touched his abdominal muscles and hid in the quilt in shame.

He still remembered how it felt then.

He was stroking around his belly, and there was no skill or flirting at all, just a random touch. But Jin Yao’s throat was tightened by him at that time.

The little fool’s hands are like cat pads, soft and tender, but unlike thick cat pads, his hands are thin and slender. There was a warm and slightly itchy touch between his waist and abdomen.

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