The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 110: Trail

One of the other parts of the part of the forest similar scene was occurring right now, currently one young man was similarly killing people ruthlessly while people beside him watched and enjoyed the scene. Currently a lone figure was standing on the corpse of 7-8 people as he was catching some breath. The young man didn’t seem bothered by the blood that was all around him, if one looked closely, they would be shocked by the grin the young man had in his face right now.

If Kang-Ho was here at the moment he would surely recognize the young man with a single glance. It was none other than the conceited young man that belonged to mid sized guild from Busan called the burning sword, his name was Min Chae. Someone wearing the burning sword uniform quickly came forward with a cloth in his hand and passed the cloth to Min Chae with respect.

Min Chae took the cloth from the man’s hand, as he slowly sat down on the pile of corpses on the ground. The corpses were stacked upon each other so Min Chae sat upon them as he started to clean his sword with the help of the cloth that was given to him by the man earlier. People around Min Chae stayed quite while he continued to clean his sword, it seemed as if they were all scared of making any noise.

“Sir…..” suddenly someone out of nowhere stepped forward, and was about to say something but then was suddenly interrupted by Min Chae’s gesture. Min Chae just waved his hand and the man went quiet, he quickly moved back fearing of Mon Chae’s wrath. He was one of the experienced bodyguard f Min Chae and he had been with him since a long time even before the world became a mess, so he of all the people present here knew just how ruthless this young man was. That was the reason why he didn’t dare be impudent in front of this young man. He with his own eyes had seen Min Chae kill his own bodyguards just because he didn’t like them.

“I Know what you are trying to say uncle red, I feel it too, I will move there after I am done cleaning this sword. it seems my luck isn’t half bad, my not levelling up for 2 months paid off tremendously. With the help of the trail I might even be able to advance way further than my brother….HAHAHAHAHA” said the young man as his focus never left his sword even when talking to the man he referred to ass Uncle red.

If one were to describe the scene of Min Chae laughing maniacally while he sat on a pile of corpses people would think it was a scene straight out of horror movie. The scene was just too scary. There were some new bodyguards that had never travelled with Min Chae, obviously they were just too low level to protect in Chae, this was the first time they were seeing such disturbing scene so all of them were shivering from fear of the young man. They were afraid of becoming one of the corpses laying on the ground lifeless.

“Of course, sir even the eldest young master never got the chance to enter a trail before, someone encountering a trail inside a mass dungeon, chances of that happening that was not even 1 percent. Your luck is just too good sir” said one of the bodyguards as he was trying to kiss Min Chae’s but. This bodyguard was one of the new people following Min Chae, he had no prior experience of working for Min Chae, so he wanted to fall under Min Chae’s good graces.

“Kill him.” Said Moon Chae, he didn’t even turn towards the man as he gave the man a death sentence. As soon as the man hear the word that Min Chae said his face became pale instantly, he never imagined that Min Chae would order his men to kill him just for speaking.

The man tried to open his mouth trying to ask what he did wrong but even before he could utter a word, he felt sharp pain on his stomach as he turned his head down, he saw a sword penetrating his abdomen. With difficulty he turned his head back and he finally saw the man who had killed him, it was none other than the man whom Min Chae called uncle red earlier was standing there holding the sword that pierced him. soon the man lost all the power in his body and fell to the ground helplessly and laid their lifelessly.

“Sorry sir I didn’t teach them well.” said uncle red while he moved back to his previous location where he was standing earlier. “Never speak until its extremely necessary.” Warned Uncle red looking towards the other bodyguards, as if warning them it might be them laying on the ground next time. Seeing the scene all the bodyguards present on the scene gulped, as cold sweat filled their back.

Soon everyone from Min Chae’s group started to move towards the direction of the centre of the earthquake. Similar scenes were taking place all around the forest, everyone was moving towards the same location as they had wide grin on their faces.


On the side of Moon Jung, all of the assassins were killed already, and the bodyguards moved towards Moon Jung and started to heal their own wounds. Even after Kang-Ho had helped them they were still looking towards Kang-Ho with suspicion, they were still on guard against Kang-Ho. Kang-Ho on the other hand didn’t have any care in the world as they he saw the bodyguards being vigilant towards him.

‘Even saving your life won’t help settle the debt I owe you. But I will try as much as I can to repay the favour you did to me’ thought Kang-Ho as he looked towards the direction of Moon Jung. As Moon Jung had saved his family in times of need Kang-Ho’s heart was burdened with the huge debt that he owed Moon Jung and even saving wouldn’t be enough for Kang-Ho to settle that debt. His family was everything for Kang-Ho.

As Kang-Ho’s work was over Kang-Ho turned around towards the direction of the earthquake as he started walking, but suddenly he was stopped by the voice of Moon Jung.

“WAIT!” said Moon Jung as he stretched his hands as if trying to catch air.

“Can I have the honour of knowing the name of the benefactor?” even if I can’t repay the favour of today right now, but I would like to repay it in the future.” Asked Moon Jung as he still didn’t know the identity of the masked man who just now saved his life from the unknown threat.

“There is no need.” Said Kang-Ho as he altered his voice which made his voice sound like an old man. After saying those words Kang-Ho didn’t dally any longer as he moved towards the location he wanted to go for a while now.

“But….” Moon Jung tried to say something but he stopped in the middle as he saw that Kang-Ho was in no mood of talking, and on top of that he finally realizes where Kang-Ho was going.

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