The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 126: Struggle

Kang-Ho figured along with the speed and power boost the bat king’s ability also provided them with extreme regenerative abilities, this development stressed Kang-Ho a little but he didn’t faulter for even a moment. This fight was so dangerous that he couldn’t afford to lose focus for even a second. If he lost focus Kang-Ho knew he would be in a world of pain and regret, one small mistake and Kang-Ho could risk keeping himself open for a sneak attack, which might certainly prove fatal in moments like this.

It was not like, it was the first time Kang-Ho was fighting opponents with extreme regenerative properties, Kang-Ho had fought these kinds of opponents’ countless times when he was in the ‘Hell’, so Kang-Ho was not intimidated by these kinds of small things.

‘This is a little troublesome, if only I had that skill, I could have finished these pests with one swing of my sword. It does not matter anyway I can still kill them without a problem, although in a bit bothersome way. I need to level up as fast as I can so that I can start using the skills that is learnt quicker, you can never predict what I am going to be needing next. Having most of my really important skills are very important.’ Contemplated Kang-Ho as he thought of, he perfect skill he could have used right now to get out of this kind of sticky situation.

Kang-Ho right now had only limited amount of mana, so he figured that he couldn’t even activate the skill that was required to take care of the regen ability opponents. With limited mana Kang-Ho could only fight up to certain extent. Even without the help of the skill Kang-Ho knew that he could easily take care of these pesky bugs so he pushed aside all of his worries off of his head.

As Kang-Ho was contemplating on things the bats once tried to attack from all sides. They circled around Kang-Ho and attacked at once. It seemed as if they had stopped caring about anything else, their only target was to kill Kang-Ho and that was all that they were seeing right now.


With help of his very fast movement speed Kang-Ho jumped out of the way of a Bat’s projectile, but he wasn’t fast enough to dodge 2 of the bats that was rushing towards him while bearing their fangs.

Kang-Ho didn’t have any other options but to face those two bats head on, Kang-Ho swung his short sword horizontally trying to strike both the bats on the same line, but soon Kang-Ho’s plan went up the smoke when he noticed both the bats trying to dodge in a different direction while still moving closer to him this made Kang-Ho surprised as he wasn’t really prepared for this.

Kang-Ho took a step back while still moving his sword at the same speed, as soon as his feet hit the ground, he moved the direction of his sword a little with all his power, it was easier said than done while swinging a sword it is very difficult to move the aim of the sword mid slash, but with years and years of experience Kang-Ho made it seem like piece of cake.

Unfortunately for the bat that Kang-Ho decided to follow through didn’t have that good of an ending as it was cut in half as soon as its body hit the edge of the sword. Kang-Ho knew even if he had successfully cut the bat in half it could reattach itself with extreme regeneration in just a few minutes, even though Kang-Ho had not seen it happening here right this instant, he was assuming it was a high possibility of happening as he had faced these kinds of enemies many times and he knew just how pesky they can really be, Kang-Ho didn’t want to take any chances.

Kang-Ho swung his short sword while the butchered bat was still mid-air, using his back leg to support himself, Kang-Ho was trying to attack the bat again to as many cuts as possible. this was to ensure that Kang-Ho could buy enough time to fight the Bat King, without having to worry about these bats attacking from the back. Kang-Ho’s plan was to butcher these bats and kill the skill caster so that everything come to an end.

Everything was easier said than done though, while Kang-Ho’s short sword moved towards the half-cut bat, another bat the one Kang-Ho had unfortunately missed before, closed the gap between itself and Kang-Ho and bore its fangs against Kang-Ho, with no other options left Kang-Ho had to face the bat head on.


The bat didn’t let this opportunity off its claws, with a sharp and annoying screech which almost sounded as if the bat’s war cry the bat launched a attack on Kang-Ho’s abdomen area. Kang-Ho with all of his strength moved his abdomen a little to avoid the damage but, his attempt was to no avail. The bat managed to dig its claw into Kang-Ho’s abdomen.


With a sound of something cutting through the air the bat escaped from the proximity of Kang-Ho. Kang-Ho looked towards the bat and he could still see a chunk of flesh on its claws as it escaped. Kang-Ho looked down towards the area where the bat attacked to assess the situation. At first Kang-Ho was worried as he saw the bat carrying his flesh, he had still not felt the pain yet so he couldn’t imagine the damage that the bat caused, but as soon as he saw the wound, he was somewhat relieved and in a lot of pain. Relieved because the wound was on the side of the abdomen and it didn’t seem like any internal organ was harmed, Kang-Ho could still see an inner layer of muscle protecting all the inner organs, that gave Kang-Ho somewhat of a relief.

“UGH” Kang-Ho couldn’t bear the pain that the wound caused, it was out of the world. Ass soon as Kang-Ho looked at the wound, the pain suddenly hit him the pain was so sharp that Kang-Ho could feel his entire body becoming numb because of that pain. It seemed like whatever the skill the Bat king was using also boosted the effectiveness of the poison that the bats carried. The pain that Kang-Ho was under right now could have easily induced a heart attack on a normal person.

It seemed like the wound was bleeding too much, so Kang-Ho used one of his hands to cover the wound so to prevent any excessive blood loss. While doing all of this Kang-Ho never once stopped his attack on the bat that was already cut into too many pieces.

Kang-Ho moved back a little after he was done butchering the bat, he took out one of his shirts from his storage ring and tore it to make a rag which he used to cover the wounded area. Kang-Ho drank a health potion to recover some of his health and partially heal the wound.


Meanwhile, inside a dark cave like looking place, which exactly looked like the place Kang-Ho was fighting bats corpses littered the ground with 3-4 human corpses along with them. A young man was seated over the corpse of one of the bulky man, he was surrounded by a lot of other men who were heavily wounded and catching their breaths catching their breath as they tended their wound.


The young man looked towards the face of the dead man upon whom he was seated and spit on the corpse with a disgusted expression.

“Weak F**ker”

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