The Impregnation Theory

Chapter 37 – Oaths

“Let’s divide your female fans into two categories,” Jenna dipped the quill in ink and drew a single line across the paper. “The women you’ve impregnated and the women you are about to impregnate. Let’s first discuss this group,” she tapped on the right side, where Gray’s future impregnations resided. “Now that you know what trap you’re about to fall into you can be smart with them.”

“That’s easy,” Gray grumbled. “Before I…do it, I ask them to swear an oath. All this time I used to ask them to swear about handing over their property but now I can ask them to swear about this child support case too. I impregnate them, they forget I’m the father, and they live their life and I live mine.”

“But that has a big hole. A hole bigger than…” she tapped her chin.

“The one between your legs?” Gray offered.

“Oh yes, that’s nice. Women can swear oaths, but when you are in the royal court those oaths falter because you are appearing before her majesty the bitch. So then your beautiful wives will use it for their advantage and remove all oaths and tell that you impregnated them.”

“You women are a sneaky kind.”

“You men are too,” she patted his thigh. “But us women need to always tell you how to be smart. The solution for this is pretty simple. Just a more…evolved step. You swear an oath, but instead, change it to who you swear it to. The highest authority possible.”

“The highest authority in law is the queen. And to swear an oath by her name she needs to be physically present in that location. I don’t think her majesty would be so kind to watch me impregnate women,” Gray chuckled. “Unless I impregnate her myself.”

There was a silence. Gray was expecting a similar retort, but when he looked at Jenna, she was smiling.

“Oh fuck no!” Gray backed away from her. “You are too crazy woman! I’m in all of this mess because I fucked some local girls. If I impregnate the highest authority I’d have to pay child support to the fucking prince that is born! And he’ll be worth the entire fucking kingdom!”

“Except you’ll have a royal oath. When the queen swears it herself she cannot revert it. But that’s a little later in the impregnation ladder,” she dipped the quill in ink, and at the very bottom of the right side wrote in big letters ‘FUCK QUEEN’.

Gray liked how direct she was with her words.

“Right now, you can swear an oath with someone of some royal status. Better than personal oaths.”

“And I’m assuming this royal person is you?”

“Exactly,” she beamed. “If they decide to defy that rule I can speak in your defense. And if the queen asks for it…well, she won’t ask anything when she sees me.”

“What? You’ve blackmailed the queen?”

Gray was expecting another retort, but when he checked, Jenna was smiling again.

This woman is mad. And I love it.

“Doesn’t that make things easy for the other side too?” Gray tapped the left side of the paper, where his already-impregnated gang was waiting. “If they ask for support, you go blackmail the queen for me.”

“What the queen and I have is an oath. And the queen and I aren’t friends, we are bitter enemies. We’d rather suck the dick of the dirtiest man in the kingdom rather than be friends. So the oath only applies after you join under me.”

“Wait, what do you mean under you? The only thing I’m interested in under you is what is under your clothes.”

“And you’ll never be able to get that,” Jenna extended her hand. “Kiss it, and swear your allegiance to House Herriton under my name, and every woman you’ve impregnated so far who comes to you asking for child support will be paid by me.”

Gray looked at her soft hand, then the glint in her eyes, then her smile…it all didn’t add up. There was something else to this.

He grabbed her hand, and instead of kissing it, licked it. “You know I could spit on your face and see if that perfect smile of yours is going to break. Or I could pull out my dick and tell you to suck it.”

She kept smiling. “And in both cases, my butler downstairs will come and fling you out of the window. If you’re alive he’ll castrate you and ask my father to hang you. Do you want that?”

So she is with a guard.

Of course, why would the duke be dumb enough to send his daughter alone?

“If I swear my allegiance I will be bound to you. If I am bound to you, I’ll have to follow every order you say,” Gray looked at the carpets. The place where he fucked Atena. “I did the same to someone today, and she didn’t leave off with a smile. A long time allegiance would make me your slave. And I’d rather pay child support than be a slave to you.”

“You could try,” Jenna stood up and stepped close to him. “And I might want to add that some women you impregnated are already serving under me or my father. All I have to do is to send them one letter, and they’ll come running over to you asking for payment.”

So blackmail then? If the woman blackmailed the queen, then blackmailing Gray wasn’t a hard thing for her. And she knew more about law than Gray ever did.

I only need to turn the tables…

“I’ll swear an allegiance as long as you go to bed with me.”

“That’s not happening Gray,” Jenna trailed a finger on his chest. “I’m not one of the whores in this city who wants a child. And I’m not someone who is without men either. Every day my father gets at least twice a dozen marriage proposals for me. There are other men in this city who drool about the duke’s beautiful daughter and rub their pathetic cocks to me every night. But I don’t want any of that. Marriage divides priorities and children take up your time, life is much better when you can spend it in your own way. And I want something,” her eyes glistened, and her voice grew thin. “Something big. I won’t stop until I get it. So either accept my contract or watch yourself crumble down.”

“I have something too sweetheart,” Gray came close to her, almost enough to kiss her. “Come up with a better contract or get the fuck out of my house!”

There was a flash in Jenna’s expression. Gray couldn’t catch it. Her brows furrowed and she pursed her lips, but it was over in an instant. She was back to her usual smiling, beaming self. “Tomorrow a letter will arrive at your house, and you’ll read it. Line by line. That will include the rules that you should follow if you are to swear allegiance to me. Make a decision by then, because I’m coming here the next day, and you’ll have an answer.”

She turned, ready to walk.

“Didn’t wet yourself today, my lady?” Gray smirked.

Jenna turned, eyes twinkling. “No, but last time made me realize women go to bed not because you are good, but because you have fairy magic. But that’s a conversation for another time.”

Gray watched her leave, then rubbed his temples. Somehow a life of impregnating women wasn’t as easy as he thought.

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