The Incubus System

Chapter 144 - A Secret Interview

Chapter 144: A Secret Interview

The Incubus System Chapter 144. A Secret Interview

I let out a sigh.

'Ha ... Never mind.' Ever since I turned into an incubus, my life had been full of unexpected things like this. As if problems always followed me wherever I went, though I had tried to avoid it. I released Larry's hand from my shoulder and turned to him.

"I'm bored here. Do you want to go to the Cafeteria?" I asked.

Larry frowned.

"That fast? I still want to watch her," he said.

"Then I'll go alone." Since Larry didn't want to go to the Cafeteria, instead of staying here, I decided to take what Diamond left with her assistant.

"Are you that hungry?" Larry tried to stop me.

"Nah. I'll go somewhere else first. See ya. " Then I turned around and walked down the corridor. As I walked, I knew that the slime girl was following me. I let out a silent chuckle.

'Seriously? She's following me just because Diamond smiled at me? ' It was the only guess that crossed in my head. As nonsense as it may sound, she was a reporter, of course, she had high curiosity. That's why I decided to take care of her.

My feet continued to move to the college's yard and turned into the west corner. My steps stopped and I pressed my back against the wall to wait for her.

She peeked over the wall.

"May I know why you followed me?" I asked suddenly. My question startled her.

She came out of her hiding place and smiled awkwardly since she was caught red-handed.

"Ah! Pardon my rudeness." She nodded politely.

"My name is Elenna. I'm a Ravenetwork's reporter. May I ask you a few questions?"

I swept my gaze around me.

"After you followed me, weren't you too late to ask that?" I said calmly.

"Well, I will take that as a yes," she said.

She just opened her mouth and was just about to ask but I interrupted her.

"3 questions. I'll only answer 3 questions."

"Why?" She frowned in objection.

"I'm just a student, all my answers are based on my opinion. At least you need a credible source to answer your questions. Not an opinion from a random student like me."

She smiled.

"It's okay. I trust my reporter's instincts."

"Fine. What do you want to ask?" I asked in a casual tone.

"Do you have a special relationship with Miss Diamond?"

"No, our relationship is just an ordinary relationship between a student and a chairwoman."

She looked at me suspiciously.

"Really? I don't think her reaction was an ordinary reaction between a student and a chairwoman."

"You suspect me for something as simple as that?" I asked with a frown.

"Yes. There's no way she smiled at you for nothing."

"I helped her project and she was satisfied with my performance, of course, she smiled at me."

"Only that?"

"Yes," I answered without hesitation.

"Then were you with her during yesterday's incident?"

"Huh?" I didn't expect that question since I thought she only wanted to find out about my relationship with Diamond, but it seemed her purpose was this question.

"Demons are very cruel. If Miss Diamond used her power without anyone protecting her, she wouldn't survive the attack. She must have someone protecting her. And I want to find out about this person." She narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously.

"And I think I saw you yesterday."

I had to admit she was sharp. But instead of panicking, I chuckled.

"Miss Ellena, are you trying to say that I can fight demons?" I frowned again.

"I don't know, are you trying to make fun of me or think too highly of me? "

"What do you mean?" From her face, I could tell she was disappointed by my reaction.

"If I can fight demons, why should I hide it from the others? If I can become a hero why should I hide it?"

She was silent since she couldn't deny what I said. She knew she shouldn't be careless because if she published wrongly, her company's credibility could be ruined.

"Are you a ---" Before she finished her sentence she pressed her lips again. But I knew what she wanted to say. 'Are you a demon hunter? 'But exposing a demon hunter's identity was a violation, therefore she could not say it directly. Besides, even if I really was a demon hunter I would deny it.

"I'm not one of them." Then I sighed.

"I'll end our conversation here. I'll excuse myself." My feet stepped past her.


I stopped my steps.

She turned to me and smiled.

"May I know what's your name?"

I smirked without turning my gaze at her.

"You have asked more than 3 times. I have no obligation to answer you again." Without further ado, I walked away from her.


Elenna's PoV

Elenna stared at him out of her sight.

"What an interesting man ... Should I seduce him to make him tell me everything?" She had seen him with Diamond on yesterday's incident and was about to interview him after she finished with Diamond but he was gone before she could do it.

Like she said before, Diamond shouldn't be able to survive if she was alone so she guessed he was the one who was fighting the demons. In other words, he was a demon hunter. As a reporter and a network company's owner, she was very interested in the demon hunter's life, though she knew it was a violation. Before, she had submitted a proposal so her company could interview a demon hunter. But of course, it was rejected by the government. Therefore what she could do was find out anything related to demon attacks. But that couldn't satisfy her curiosity. She wanted a story, an information from a real demon hunter's mouth. How did they learn their skills? How did they train to become a demon hunter? Though she would keep their secrets, of course, it was very difficult to find out about that, especially with her profession as a reporter. She had also applied herself as a demon hunter to investigate this and was also rejected because the association knew her real identity while none of her subordinates dared to find out that far.

Therefore, after she saw Ethan yesterday, she was sure he was one of them. Unfortunately, though she was quite confident in her guess, she couldn't force him to admit it because of that annoying rule.

"It's fine. I'll approach him slowly until he tells me everything he knows about the demon hunters," she muttered with a smirk.


Ethan's PoV

* Knock * * Knock * * Knock *

I knocked on Diamond's assistant's room.

"Come in," a voice came from inside the room.

I opened the door, a man in a neat suit sat behind the desk in the middle of the large room.

"Ah! Ethan, I've been waiting for you," the assistant greeted me politely.

I walked over to him and he gave me a key card.

"This is Miss Diamond's office's key. She asked you to wait there first until the interview is over."

"Okay, thank you." Then I nodded my head politely.

"I'll excuse myself." And he answered me by giving me a gesture to invite me out.

I walked out of his room and headed for Diamond's office. After confirming no one was following me, I swiped the key card in my hand to the scanner in front of the door and opened it slowly.

My eyes quickly shifted on the CCTVs to make sure they were off. My feet moved towards the sofa.

"Haaaa!" A long sigh escaped my mouth as I plopped myself into it.

"That was close ..." I muttered. I deliberately faced Elenna head-on so that she would no longer be curious about me. Well, at least that was what I hoped. She was a reporter, the more curious she was, the more she would try to find out about me. I already had a stalker and didn't want to add more.

'I hope with this she is no longer curious about me.' Unlike Ruby, I only found curious in Elenna's status, which meant she only saw me as her source of information. And as long as that curious status didn't change to interested, it should be no problem. But to be honest, that incident was quite funny for me. I was a demon yet she thought of me as a demon hunter.

I leaned my head on the sofa, my eyes stared at the office's high ceiling.

'What should I do now?' I did not know when Diamond finished her interview.

'I think I will spend my time checking my system.' Just as that thought crossed my head, my gaze shifted to a large mirror on the side of the room and it gave me an idea.

'I think I know what to do with Diamond later.'

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