The Incubus System

Chapter 279 - The Exam Week III

Chapter 279: The Exam Week III

The Incubus System Chapter 279. The Exam Week III

"Ethan, Larry, how's your test?" Olivia's voice coming from our side cut off our useless scene.

We turned to the origin of the voice and saw her approaching us with Emma in casual steps. Her face looked much more relaxed since her burden was much lighter now, either because the exams week had just ended or because all the affairs had been handled well. Or maybe... Because the traces of trauma from what happened two weeks ago had faded in her heart and she had been able to accept her new life. Likewise with Emma, but I knew it was for something else. My Ritual. She had joined me a couple of times and was blown away by that crazy skill. Who knew Incubus could turn sex into a lethal weapon? Not only it could kill demons, but it also could increase my sex partners' strength and level quickly. Unfortunately, she couldn't join me every day since she still had to patrol.

As soon as Emma and Olivia stopped near us, I could feel piercing glares from the male students around me filled with envy and jealousy. But none of them dared to confront me directly because they were afraid of Olivia. The reason? It was because Emma started to distance herself from some of the male students and rejected them by saying she already had someone she liked. That's why the crowd that used to follow her, now disappeared. And it didn't need to be a genius to guess who Emma was referring to even though we never showed our intimacy in college. To make it worse, they assumed Olivia had agreed to our relationship and became our bodyguard. Even though it was not like that, we decided to keep our mouths shut since they'd be surprised if they found out that I dated both of them.

"I'm pretty confident that I can get another scholarship next semester. How about you guys?" I answered confidently. Even though I already had enough money, my skills, my special connection with Diamond and my current status as a Demon Prince, as stupid and simple as it sounded, I wanted to achieve this with my own hard work.

"Not bad. My grade should be fine this semester," said Emma.

"My only doubt is my answer to question number 31," Olivia said with a pout. She seemed dissatisfied with it.

"Yeah. That was the hardest question. I spent a lot of time answering that," Emma admitted.

But Larry's strange laugh interrupted them and made us turn to him.

"Khu Khu Khu Khu..." His expression made it look like a great villain had just made his first appearance.

"What a noob. I'm very confident with all my answers. I'm even sure I can beat Ethan's grade this time," Larry replied in an annoying confident tone as if he was a bastard noble from a medieval fantasy story. A triumphant smile on his lips.

"Are you serious?" said Emma in disbelief. Emma and Olivia had also noticed how Larry had been studying diligently lately. So maybe what he said was true. While I was not sure he could beat my grade since he skipped a couple of his assignments at the beginning of this semester. But looking at his struggles, his exams' scores could have been better than mine.

Larry widened his smile of victory.

"Of course."

"He's been studying hard for this exam. He could have gotten a better score than me," I admitted his hard work. I had never seen Larry study that hard before, so it could happen.

His smile turned into a grin.

"Did you hear---" His words stopped as his smile disappeared and he turned to me.

"Are you okay?" His concern was evident in his voice. Since we rarely compliment each other, I bet he thought maybe there was something wrong with me.

"As you can see, I'm fine," I answered in a puzzled expression.

He narrowed his eyes in disbelief.

"Are you sure?" he confirmed once again.


He glanced at Olivia and Emma who were looking at us with the same expression as mine before bringing his face closer.

"Has my men-- I mean my 'Ex-girlfriend' has done anything to you lately?" He meant Ruby. I quickly caught why he was worried about me and just wanted to make sure I was okay.

"She texted me lately and I also met her several times. But she didn't do anything bad to me," I reassured him.

"You're not lying, right?" he made sure.

"Why should I lie?"

He observed me for a moment. With Ruby's nature and the fact that she was infatuated with me, it was something unusual for her. So maybe he thought Ruby had threatened me to shut my mouth. But what he didn't know, I had Mrs Clea on my side. Since what Ruby did under Mrs Clea's tutelage, I didn't think she would dare to do anything bad to me. As for why Mrs. Clea let Ruby approach me, it was because Ruby promised her to help her protect me and Celia secretly.

A breath of surrender escaped his mouth.

"Fine. Just remember what I said before. Running can be the best option," he reminded me.

"Don't worry. I will remember it," I replied. Then our conversation stopped since it was our turn to order our lunch.

As usual, we spent our lunch accompanied by small chats. But instead of discussing our study like yesterday, we were so excited to discuss how we could spend our break.

"I think the beach is much better than a mountain villa," Olivia said as her hand placed her cup of tea. The plates in front of us were empty. What was left were our drinks.

"Oh, C'mon! Have some mercy on Ethan. He doesn't have any muscles, I think a mountain villa is much better," complained Larry, begging for mercy for me. His thumb pointed at me who was sitting next to him. Then he turned to me.

"It's okay, buddy. I will save your dignity," he added with a reassuring gaze.

I replied with a flat stare.

"What makes you think I don't have any muscle?" I said in annoyance. Well, my human body indeed didn't have it since this was just my temporary form. But after I went through dozens of battles and killed thousands of demons, somehow his words irritated me.

"Did you forget he's been training lately? Or did you forget what happened at the hospital a few weeks ago?" said Emma. I quickly caught Emma reminding him how I fought the demon in the hospital's parking lot.

"Ah, you're right!" Larry immediately realized his mistake. Then he returned his gaze to me and looked at me with a frown.

"I wonder if you're getting popular because of that."

I gave him a smug smirk.

"Yeah. Did you just notice it?" I said in a joking tone, folding my arms across my chest, raising my chin a bit and leaning my back against the back of my chair.

"I see..." He suddenly fell silent, deep in thought.

Somehow it worried me. I was afraid he misunderstood my joke. Although what Emma said was the truth, my answer was totally a joke. Well, not really though... Since my power indeed led me to some of my partners.

I was about to open my mouth to say I was joking, but he opened his voice again.

"Does that mean... If I show my true strength, I also can get a girlfriend easily?" he muttered. His eyes stared at his palms in a daze.

I held my tongue and restrained myself to face-palm. Although I was sure his status as a top demon hunter would make him popular among women, his profession was not allowed to do so.

"Larry," Emma gave him a sharp stare.

Larry gave her an awkward grin and tried to divert our conversation.

"Anyway, I still think a mountain villa is better than a beach. It's a perfect place for me and 'nana-chan' to spend our honeymoon. I mean--- She can't swim and doesn't like getting wet. So...Yeah."

Yep, this time I facepalmed myself. Before, I even planned to refrain myself from having sex with my partners if he came with us. Well, maybe I still did it in secret or in an emergency case. Yet he thought of this as his own honeymoon.

"You're kidding, right?" Olivia said with a cringe.

"Of course not," he said with confidence. Then a tired breath escaped from his mouth as his expression turned sour.

"Unfortunately, I don't think I can get a few days off for that. My workplace just got some new recruits and I have to help the higher ups to train them." I believed what he meant was the new demon hunters.

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