The infinite base of the heavens

Chapter 4 Alien Architecture

Chapter 4 Alien Architecture
4. Alien buildings

Chunyuyan walked around the base again. Although the elevator here was intact, it had no power supply and could not be started.But Chunyu Yan didn't feel suffocated, which meant that the air circulation system in this place was still working.

Turning around a bit, there are more than ten rooms here, but there is no energy supply device.Looking at a large collapsed area, Chun Yuyan judged that the energy supply should be behind.

After thinking for a while, he began to look under those lighting lamps. He used some iron rods and screwdrivers he found to disassemble a lighting lamp, then dug out the pipeline inside, and followed the direction of the pipeline to find the power source.He dug and searched, and the wires stretched forward, until... where the base had collapsed.

"As expected..." Chunyu Yan looked at the piles of concrete and rubble scattered in front of him, and was speechless for a while, "So I'm going to dig the mud now?" He muttered, but his hands kept grabbing A block of concrete was lifted violently. Although he clearly felt that his body was much stronger than before, he tried his best to move the large stone, which was at least several hundred kilograms, only slightly.

Looking around, Chunyu Yan finally found that there was a room next to him that seemed to be the other side of the collapsed part. This was good news. It would be better to dig through a wall than to dig through the mud.He picked up a fire ax he found earlier and walked forward.

boom! !boom! !boom! !Chunyu Yan swung the ax and chopped on the wall one by one. Every time the ax was struck, the stones were scattered everywhere, but he enjoyed it.Because he felt that as he chopped down with all his strength, his control over this body was also improving little by little, and it seemed that he had endless power!
He guessed that this should be the result of the primary physique enhancement rewarded by the system before. This kind of enhancement is not like adding an attribute point in the game, but requires continuous training and development.

Thinking of this in his heart, Chunyu Yan became more motivated. He simply took off his dirty white coat, bare his upper body, and sweated freely.

boom! !boom! !Wow~~~~~
Finally, Chunyu Yan went down with an axe, and a hole was finally cut through the wall, and he hurriedly began to clean up the loose bricks around him, 哗啦~~~哗啦~~~~~ As the bricks were pulled down, behind him appeared A dark room.

Walking through the room, most of the corridor at the back had collapsed, and Chunyuyan managed to find a way out of the scattered ruins and found a broken elevator shaft.

This elevator shaft is obviously independent from the elevator he saw before, and it is cylindrical. The elevator car has already fallen down, and there are only a few dangling steel cables.A large number of cables are gathered around, extending all the way down the elevator shaft.

"Well, it looks like the energy supply is down below. Chunyuyan took a deep breath and looked at the elevator shaft. There was still a glimmer of light coming from below. He gritted his teeth and tore a few strips of cloth from the bones next to him to wrap them around. In your hand, grab the wire rope and climb down.

After climbing down for about ten meters, Chunyuyan was stunned when he saw the surrounding environment clearly!
Here is a vast space of at least several hundred square meters, with a huge transparent sphere in the center, and what supports the sphere is a very complicated architectural structure similar to insect carapaces!

Undoubtedly, compared with the solid structural mechanics commonly used in human architecture, this kind of architecture uses biomechanics!
Around the sphere, a large number of instruments and equipment are connected, which are obviously the construction style of human beings.Apparently the people who were originally stationed at the base were working on this device and had made some progress connecting their equipment to this strange device.

So, what is the sphere in the middle?Thinking in his heart, Chunyu Yan stepped forward to touch this object.It's slightly cool to touch, but it's obviously not metal, it's more like a...biological carapace?He frowned and thought for a while, then said, "System, start scanning!"

A ray of light swept across the device, and soon, the system voice came, [The scan has been completed, the infinite base has entered an unknown building, the experimenter is asked to check it in the building list. 】

"What's the situation of the unknown building?" Chunyu Yan asked.

[This building cannot be understood at the current level of the experimenter. It can only be built when the level of the manufacturing center of the infinite base is raised to level 10. 】

"Open the building list." With a thought in Chunyu Yan's mind, the interface of the infinite base appeared in his mind.Sure enough, two branches appeared under the building interface, one of which was civil technology, and inside it was the level 1 culture tank he scanned just now.But at this time, there is another branch, unknown alien technology, and this building is in it.

unknown building—

Function 1: Tiberium crystals can be refined into a liquid state, the purity can reach 99%, but the amount that can be accommodated is limited.

Function 2: To provide energy, it will consume liquid Tiberium crystals.

The other functions of the building are unknown, and will be open for construction after the manufacturing center is upgraded to level 10.

"This is an unknown building? Unknown alien technology... In other words, this is an alien technology? It's amazing. However, the problem is solved now, this base is provided by this alien building Energy!" Chunyu Yan suddenly understood, he looked around, and sure enough, a large number of cables were connected to the middle sphere through the equipment that was obviously built by humans, so this is here!

He looked around, and sure enough, he saw a computer that was still working. He rushed to check it, and sure enough, he saw that the current energy stock was displayed on the interface as 0.2%!He looked carefully at the operation interface and saw a button to add ingredients, so he pressed it without hesitation.

There was only a sound of a motor, and a feed port was opened on a large machine connected to the sphere, and now this problem has been solved.But the most crucial question is...

"Tiberium crystal! What is Tiberium crystal!?" Chunyuyan looked around, but saw several large iron cans beside the machine, and there were symbols of dangerous chemicals on the iron cans, which made him dare not To touch it rashly, I could only tap lightly with an axe, making a hollow sound, and the inside was empty.

How to do? !

[The base's energy is about to run out. After 10 minutes, the life-support module will stop working, and the ventilation system will stop...] The system's voice sounded mercilessly.

Suddenly, Chunyuyan slammed the table and shouted loudly: "I understand!! Tiberium crystals are probably those crystals grown from corpses!!"

Time is running out!This kind of green crystal seemed to be harmful to the human body, and Chunyuyan couldn't care less about it. He found two more clothes and wrapped them in his hands, ran all the way, grabbed a skeleton and threw it into the feeding port next to the machine.

One, two, three... After he threw seven or eight skeletons in, he returned to the computer and pressed the confirm button on the button for adding ingredients!
Woo~~~~ With the sound of the motor, the feeding port is closed and the machine starts to run.At this time, I only saw a faint multicolored light emitting from the transparent sphere, just like soap bubbles in the sun.Immediately afterwards, some green viscous liquid flowed into the transparent sphere from the machine next to it, emitting bursts of fluorescence.

Looking at the computer again, I found that the energy storage on it had increased to 3%!There is a show!The green crystals on those corpses are indeed Tiberium crystals, which can be used as energy!

Chunyuyan pumped his fist excitedly, and then climbed up along the way without hesitation. He remembered that there was an elevator on the upper floor that seemed to lead to the outside, but it couldn't be started due to lack of energy.

To be honest, seeing the ruins and dilapidation here, Chunyu Yan felt a little uneasy, and he really wanted to see what the outside world was like.Where is he?What happened during this period of coma?

The elevator going out of the base is hidden in a huge structural column. Obviously, the construction of this secret underground base was considered at the beginning of the building's construction.

The elevator door opened silently, and with a crash, countless rubble and rubble collapsed, almost burying Chunyu Yan.He managed to crawl out in disgrace, cursing inwardly.But then, his expression froze.

What caught his eyes was a bleak scene, and it was somewhat familiar...

There are also some pointing signs looming on the wall, countless cars that have been burned and weathered into frames, and black skeletons... This is clearly the parking lot!

The building on the upper floor of the parking lot has collapsed, but the part near the elevator where Chunyuyan is located may be because the building structure has been reinforced, so the frame is basically maintained and has not collapsed, so that the elevator entering and exiting the base has not been damaged. Sun and rain.

Wisps of sunlight shone through the surrounding gaps, and the air seemed to be filled with light yellow smoke. After carefully checking the surrounding environment with the help of the sunlight, he finally confirmed that this was the underground third-floor parking lot of the hotel when he crossed over. !The appearance here is almost exactly the same as at that time, but after an unknown number of years, the corpse has turned into a skeleton, and the vehicle has also become a black frame.

Moreover, clusters of green crystals, Tiberium crystals, are scattered everywhere!From human skeletons, from car gas tanks, and even from cracked concrete crevices, the crystals are found almost everywhere.

Chunyuyan began to piece together some fragments in his mind... It seems that this hotel only has three underground floors on the surface, but in fact, there were four underground floors at the beginning of the hotel's construction. It was a secret research base. What is handwritten can only be the state machine.

And the meteor shower that almost destroyed the sky and the earth that he witnessed when he just crossed over did indeed destroy the city.When the disaster happened, an elevator fell from the upper floors, causing a partial collapse of the secret base, and he fell from the collapsed place.

Afterwards, he should have been taken in by the people in the base, and the base should have been operating for a period of time, and then due to some unknown reasons, the base was abandoned.Or rather... was destroyed...

The only question now is, how long has it been?Chunyuyan looked around, and his heart gradually began to sink.Judging from the surrounding situation, it may have been more than ten years... He raised his hands, more than ten years?Then why is my body still the same as when I traveled through time?
(End of this chapter)

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